public JsonResponse Register(User user) { var result = _userService.RegisterUser(user); if (result.Success) { Log.Activity(HttpContext, string.Format("New user registered - {0}", user.UserName)); } return(new JsonResponse(result)); }
public JsonResponse ConfirmRegistration(string userName, string confirmationSalt) { var result = _userService.ConfirmRegistration(userName, confirmationSalt); if (result.Success) { Log.Activity(HttpContext, string.Format("User {0} confirmed his registration", userName)); } return(new JsonResponse(result)); }
public JsonResponse UploadBuildOrder(string userName) { if (User == null || User.UserData.UserName != userName) { return(new JsonResponse(false, "Unauthorized build order upload is not allowed!")); } var fileContent = Request.Files[0]; if (fileContent == null || fileContent.ContentLength == 0) { return(new JsonResponse(false, "File was not added into request!")); } BuildOrderInfo uploadBuild = null; BuildOrder buildEntity = null; try { using (var inputStream = new StreamReader(fileContent.InputStream)) { var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(inputStream); var ser = new JsonSerializer(); uploadBuild = ser.Deserialize <BuildOrderInfo>(jsonReader); } buildEntity = ConvertBuildInfoToDomainModel(uploadBuild); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new JsonResponse(false, "File format is not valid!")); } var result = _service.AddBuildOrder(buildEntity); if (result.Success) { Log.Activity(HttpContext, string.Format("New build order [{0}] uploaded by {1}", buildEntity.Name, userName)); } return(new JsonResponse(result)); }
public void parseparameters() { Workflow.Serializable = true; Workflow.Parameters.Clear(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Workflow.Xaml)) { var parameters = GetParameters(); foreach (var prop in parameters) { var par = new workflowparameter() { name = prop.Name }; string baseTypeName = prop.Type.BaseType.FullName; if (!prop.Type.IsSerializable2()) { Log.Activity(string.Format("Name: {0}, Type: {1} is not serializable, therefor saving state will not be supported", prop.Name, prop.Type)); Workflow.Serializable = false; } if (baseTypeName == "System.Activities.InArgument") { par.direction = workflowparameterdirection.@in; } if (baseTypeName == "System.Activities.InOutArgument") { par.direction = workflowparameterdirection.inout; } if (baseTypeName == "System.Activities.OutArgument") { par.direction = workflowparameterdirection.@out; } par.type = prop.Type.GenericTypeArguments[0].FullName; Log.Activity(string.Format("Name: '{0}', Type: {1}", prop.Name, prop.Type)); Workflow.Parameters.Add(par); } } if (Workflow.Serializable == true) { ModelTreeManager mtm = wfDesigner.Context.Services.GetService <ModelTreeManager>(); bool canIdle = false; foreach (ModelItem item in this.GetWorkflowActivities(null)) { try { var a = item.GetCurrentValue(); var prop = a.GetType().GetProperty("CanInduceIdle", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); if (prop != null) { var CanInduceIdle = (bool)prop.GetValue(a); if (CanInduceIdle == true) { Log.Activity(string.Format("Activity: '{0}' Can induce idle, need to check if workflow is serializable", ToString())); canIdle = true; } } //var i = item.GetCurrentValue() as Activity; //var i2 = i; //ModelItemImpl i = item.instan as System.Activities.Presentation.Model.ModelItemImpl; //item.can } catch (Exception) { throw; } } if (canIdle == true) { foreach (ModelItem item in this.GetWorkflowActivities(null)) { var vars = item.Properties["Variables"]; if (vars != null && vars.Collection != null) { foreach (var v in vars.Collection) { try { string baseTypeName = v.ItemType.GenericTypeArguments[0].BaseType.FullName; if (!v.ItemType.GenericTypeArguments[0].IsSerializable2()) { var _v = v.GetCurrentValue(); var prop = _v.GetType().GetProperty("Name"); if (prop != null) { Log.Activity(string.Format("Variable name: '{0}', Type: {1} is not serializable", (string)prop.GetValue(_v), baseTypeName)); } else { Log.Activity(string.Format("TypeName: '{0}', Type: {1} is not serializable", v.ItemType.GenericTypeArguments[0].Name, baseTypeName)); } Workflow.Serializable = false; //throw new NotSerializable("All properties on a workflow needs to be serializable '" + prop.Name + "'"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Debug(ex.ToString()); } } } } } } }
protected override void Track(TrackingRecord trackRecord, TimeSpan timeStamp) { try { string State = "unknown"; Guid InstanceId = trackRecord.InstanceId; ActivityStateRecord activityStateRecord = trackRecord as ActivityStateRecord; ActivityScheduledRecord activityScheduledRecord = trackRecord as ActivityScheduledRecord; WorkflowInstanceRecord workflowInstanceRecord = trackRecord as WorkflowInstanceRecord; if (workflowInstanceRecord != null) { Log.Activity(workflowInstanceRecord.ActivityDefinitionId + " " + workflowInstanceRecord.State); var Instance = WorkflowInstance.Instances.Where(x => x.InstanceId == InstanceId.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); if (Instance == null) { return; } lock (Instance) { if (workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Started || workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Resumed) { lock (timerslock) timers.Add(InstanceId.ToString(), new Dictionary <string, Stopwatch>()); } else if (workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Aborted || workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Canceled || workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Completed || workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Deleted || workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Suspended || workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Terminated || workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.UnhandledException || workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.UpdateFailed) { if (timers.ContainsKey(InstanceId.ToString())) { lock (timerslock) timers.Remove(InstanceId.ToString()); } } } } if (activityStateRecord != null) { string ActivityId = null, name = null; var Instance = WorkflowInstance.Instances.Where(x => x.InstanceId == InstanceId.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); if (activityStateRecord.Activity != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(activityStateRecord.Activity.Id)) { ActivityId = activityStateRecord.Activity.Id; } if (activityStateRecord.Activity != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(activityStateRecord.Activity.Name)) { name = activityStateRecord.Activity.Name; } // var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); Log.Activity(name + " " + activityStateRecord.State); if (timers.ContainsKey(InstanceId.ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActivityId)) { var timer = timers[InstanceId.ToString()]; if (activityStateRecord.State == ActivityStates.Executing) { if (!timer.ContainsKey(ActivityId)) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); timer.Add(ActivityId, sw); var TypeName = activityStateRecord.Activity.TypeName; var Name = activityStateRecord.Activity.Name; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { Name = TypeName; } if (TypeName.IndexOf("`") > -1) { TypeName = TypeName.Substring(0, TypeName.IndexOf("`")); } } } if (activityStateRecord.State != ActivityStates.Executing) { if (timer.ContainsKey(ActivityId)) { Stopwatch sw = timer[ActivityId]; timer.Remove(ActivityId); var TypeName = activityStateRecord.Activity.TypeName; var Name = activityStateRecord.Activity.Name; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { Name = TypeName; } if (TypeName.IndexOf("`") > -1) { TypeName = TypeName.Substring(0, TypeName.IndexOf("`")); } } } } if (activityStateRecord.Activity != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(activityStateRecord.Activity.Name) && Instance != null && Instance.Workflow != null) { var TypeName = activityStateRecord.Activity.TypeName; if (TypeName.IndexOf("`") > -1) { TypeName = TypeName.Substring(0, TypeName.IndexOf("`")); } } foreach (var v in activityStateRecord.Variables) { if (Instance.Variables.ContainsKey(v.Key)) { Instance.Variables[v.Key].value = v.Value; } else { if (v.Value != null) { Instance.Variables.Add(v.Key, new WorkflowInstanceValueType(v.Value.GetType(), v.Value)); } } } } if (activityScheduledRecord != null) { var Instance = WorkflowInstance.Instances.Where(x => x.InstanceId == InstanceId.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); if (Instance == null || Instance.wfApp == null) { return; } var wfApp = Instance.wfApp; var executor = typeof(System.Activities.Hosting.WorkflowInstance).GetField("executor", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(wfApp); var scheduler = executor.GetType().GetField("scheduler", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(executor); string ActivityId = null; string ChildActivityId = null; if (activityStateRecord != null) { ActivityId = activityStateRecord.Activity.Id; State = activityStateRecord.State.ToLower(); } if (activityScheduledRecord != null) { State = "Scheduled"; if (activityScheduledRecord.Activity != null) { ActivityId = activityScheduledRecord.Activity.Id; } if (activityScheduledRecord.Child != null) { ChildActivityId = activityScheduledRecord.Child.Id; } } if (activityScheduledRecord.Activity == null && activityScheduledRecord.Child != null) { // this will make "1" be handles twice, but "1" is always sendt AFTER being scheduled, but we can catch it here ? ActivityId = activityScheduledRecord.Child.Id; ChildActivityId = activityScheduledRecord.Child.Id; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActivityId)) { return; } if (activityScheduledRecord.Child.Id == "1.11") { // scheduler.GetType().GetMethod("ClearAllWorkItems", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(scheduler, new object[] { executor }); // scheduler.GetType().GetMethod("ScheduleWork", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(scheduler, new object[] { false }); //var firstWorkItem = scheduler.GetType().GetField("firstWorkItem", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(scheduler); //firstWorkItem.GetType().GetMethod("Release", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(firstWorkItem, new object[] { executor }); //firstWorkItem.GetType().GetMethod("Dispose", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(firstWorkItem, new object[] { executor }); //scheduler.GetType().GetMethod("NotifyWorkCompletion", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(scheduler, new object[] { }); } if (Instance.Variables == null) { Instance.Variables = new Dictionary <string, WorkflowInstanceValueType>(); } if (activityStateRecord != null) { foreach (var v in Instance.Variables.ToList()) { if (!activityStateRecord.Variables.ContainsKey(v.Key)) { Instance.Variables.Remove(v.Key); } } foreach (var v in activityStateRecord.Variables) { if (Instance.Variables.ContainsKey(v.Key)) { Instance.Variables[v.Key].value = v.Value; } } } var instanceMapField = executor.GetType().GetField("instanceMap", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); // get SerializedProgramMapping to have InstanceMap get filled, needed by SerializedProgramMapping var SerializedProgramMapping = executor.GetType().GetProperty("SerializedProgramMapping", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(executor); ActivityInstance activityInstance = executor.GetType().GetField("rootInstance", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(executor) as ActivityInstance; // Sometimes we can find the ActivityInstance in rootInstance ActivityInstance result = findActivityInstance(executor, activityInstance, ActivityId); // But more often, we find it in InstanceMapping var instanceMap = instanceMapField.GetValue(executor); if (instanceMap != null && result == null) { var _list = SerializedProgramMapping.GetType().GetProperty("InstanceMapping", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(SerializedProgramMapping); foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry kvp in (System.Collections.IDictionary)_list) { var a = kvp.Key as System.Activities.Activity; if (a == null) { continue; } if (result == null && a.Id == ActivityId) { result = findActivityInstance(kvp.Value, ActivityId); } } } if (result != null) { WorkflowDataContext context = null; var cs = typeof(WorkflowDataContext).GetConstructors(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); ConstructorInfo c = cs.First(); try { object o = c.Invoke(new Object[] { executor, result, true }); context = o as WorkflowDataContext; var vars = context.GetProperties(); foreach (dynamic v in vars) { var value = v.GetValue(context); if (Instance.Variables.ContainsKey(v.DisplayName)) { Instance.Variables[v.DisplayName] = new WorkflowInstanceValueType(v.PropertyType, value); } else { Instance.Variables.Add(v.DisplayName, new WorkflowInstanceValueType(v.PropertyType, value)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Debug(ex.Message); } } OnVisualTracking?.Invoke(Instance, ActivityId, ChildActivityId, State); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex.ToString()); } }
protected override void Track(TrackingRecord trackRecord, TimeSpan timeStamp) { try { string State = "unknown"; Guid InstanceId = trackRecord.InstanceId; ActivityStateRecord activityStateRecord = trackRecord as ActivityStateRecord; ActivityScheduledRecord activityScheduledRecord = trackRecord as ActivityScheduledRecord; WorkflowInstanceRecord workflowInstanceRecord = trackRecord as WorkflowInstanceRecord; var Instance = WorkflowInstance.Instances.Where(x => x.InstanceId == InstanceId.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); if (Instance == null) { if (System.Threading.Monitor.TryEnter(WorkflowInstance.Instances, 1000)) { try { Instance = WorkflowInstance.Instances.Where(x => x.InstanceId == InstanceId.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); } finally { System.Threading.Monitor.Exit(WorkflowInstance.Instances); } } else { Log.Error("Failed getting WorkflowInstance in TrackingParticipant"); } } if (workflowInstanceRecord != null && Instance != null) { Log.Activity(workflowInstanceRecord.ActivityDefinitionId + " " + workflowInstanceRecord.State); if (Instance == null) { return; } if (workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Started || workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Resumed) { if (System.Threading.Monitor.TryEnter(timerslock, 1000)) { try { timers.Add(InstanceId.ToString(), new Dictionary <string, Stopwatch>()); } finally { System.Threading.Monitor.Exit(timerslock); } } System.Diagnostics.Activity.Current = null; try { Instance.RootActivity = Instance.source?.StartActivity(workflowInstanceRecord.State.ToString() + " " +, ActivityKind.Consumer, Instance.ParentSpanId); } catch (Exception) { Instance.source = null; } if (Instance.RootActivity != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Instance.ParentSpanId)) { Instance.RootActivity?.SetParentId(Instance.ParentSpanId); } Instance.SpanId = Instance.RootActivity.SpanId.ToHexString(); } Instance.RootActivity?.SetTag("status.code", 200); Instance.RootActivity?.SetTag("status.state", workflowInstanceRecord.State.ToString()); Instance.RootActivity?.SetTag("ofid", Config.local.openflow_uniqueid); try { if (global.webSocketClient != null && global.webSocketClient.user != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(global.webSocketClient.user.username)) { Instance.RootActivity?.SetTag("username", global.webSocketClient.user.username); } else { Instance.RootActivity?.SetTag("username", System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name); } } catch (Exception) { } try { if (hostname == null) { hostname = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName(); } Instance.RootActivity?.SetTag("hostname", hostname); } catch (Exception) { hostname = ""; } Instance.Activities.Push(Instance.RootActivity); } else if (workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Aborted || workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Canceled || workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Completed || workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Deleted || workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Suspended || workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Terminated || workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.UnhandledException || workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.UpdateFailed) { if (System.Threading.Monitor.TryEnter(timerslock, 1000)) { try { if (timers.ContainsKey(InstanceId.ToString())) { timers.Remove(InstanceId.ToString()); } } finally { System.Threading.Monitor.Exit(timerslock); } } if (workflowInstanceRecord.State != WorkflowInstanceStates.Completed) { Instance.RootActivity?.SetTag("status.state", 500); } if (workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.UnhandledException) { Instance.RootActivity?.SetTag("Exception", ((System.Activities.Tracking.WorkflowInstanceUnhandledExceptionRecord)workflowInstanceRecord).UnhandledException); } if (workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Aborted) { Instance.RootActivity?.SetTag("Reason", ((System.Activities.Tracking.WorkflowInstanceAbortedRecord)workflowInstanceRecord).Reason); } if (workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Suspended) { Instance.RootActivity?.SetTag("Reason", ((System.Activities.Tracking.WorkflowInstanceSuspendedRecord)workflowInstanceRecord).Reason); } if (workflowInstanceRecord.State == WorkflowInstanceStates.Terminated) { Instance.RootActivity?.SetTag("Reason", ((System.Activities.Tracking.WorkflowInstanceTerminatedRecord)workflowInstanceRecord).Reason); } Instance.RootActivity?.SetTag("status.state", workflowInstanceRecord.State.ToString()); if (Instance.source != null) { while (Instance.Activities.Count > 0) { var span = Instance.Activities.Pop(); span?.Dispose(); } if (Instance.RootActivity != null) { Instance.RootActivity.Dispose(); } Instance.RootActivity = null; } } } if (activityStateRecord != null && Instance != null) { string ActivityId = null, name = null; if (activityStateRecord.Activity != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(activityStateRecord.Activity.Id)) { ActivityId = activityStateRecord.Activity.Id; } if (activityStateRecord.Activity != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(activityStateRecord.Activity.Name)) { name = activityStateRecord.Activity.Name; } // var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); Log.Activity(name + " " + activityStateRecord.State); if (timers.ContainsKey(InstanceId.ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActivityId)) { var timer = timers[InstanceId.ToString()]; if (activityStateRecord.State == ActivityStates.Executing) { if (!timer.ContainsKey(ActivityId)) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); timer.Add(ActivityId, sw); var TypeName = activityStateRecord.Activity.TypeName; var Name = activityStateRecord.Activity.Name; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { Name = TypeName; } if (TypeName.IndexOf("`") > -1) { TypeName = TypeName.Substring(0, TypeName.IndexOf("`")); } System.Diagnostics.Activity.Current = Instance.RootActivity; try { var span = Instance.source?.StartActivity(Name, ActivityKind.Consumer); span?.AddTag("type", TypeName); span?.AddTag("ActivityId", ActivityId); if (Instance.source != null && span != null) { Instance.Activities.Push(span); } } catch (Exception) { Instance.source = null; } } } if (activityStateRecord.State != ActivityStates.Executing) { if (timer.ContainsKey(ActivityId)) { Stopwatch sw = timer[ActivityId]; timer.Remove(ActivityId); var TypeName = activityStateRecord.Activity.TypeName; var Name = activityStateRecord.Activity.Name; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { Name = TypeName; } if (TypeName.IndexOf("`") > -1) { TypeName = TypeName.Substring(0, TypeName.IndexOf("`")); } try { if (System.Threading.Monitor.TryEnter(Instance.Activities, 1000)) { try { if (Instance.Activities.Count > 0) { if (Instance.Activities.First()?.DisplayName == Name) { var span = Instance.Activities.Pop(); span?.Dispose(); } } } finally { System.Threading.Monitor.Exit(Instance.Activities); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex.ToString()); } } } } if (activityStateRecord.Activity != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(activityStateRecord.Activity.Name) && Instance != null && Instance.Workflow != null) { var TypeName = activityStateRecord.Activity.TypeName; if (TypeName.IndexOf("`") > -1) { TypeName = TypeName.Substring(0, TypeName.IndexOf("`")); } } foreach (var v in activityStateRecord.Variables) { if (Instance.Variables.ContainsKey(v.Key)) { Instance.Variables[v.Key].value = v.Value; } else { if (v.Value != null) { Instance.Variables.Add(v.Key, new WorkflowInstanceValueType(v.Value.GetType(), v.Value)); } } } } if (activityScheduledRecord != null && Instance != null && Instance.wfApp != null) { if (Instance.Activities.Count > 0) { var wfApp = Instance.wfApp; var executor = typeof(System.Activities.Hosting.WorkflowInstance).GetField("executor", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(wfApp); var scheduler = executor.GetType().GetField("scheduler", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(executor); string ActivityId = null; string ChildActivityId = null; if (activityStateRecord != null) { ActivityId = activityStateRecord.Activity.Id; State = activityStateRecord.State.ToLower(); } if (activityScheduledRecord != null) { State = "Scheduled"; if (activityScheduledRecord.Activity != null) { ActivityId = activityScheduledRecord.Activity.Id; } if (activityScheduledRecord.Child != null) { ChildActivityId = activityScheduledRecord.Child.Id; } } if (activityScheduledRecord.Activity == null && activityScheduledRecord.Child != null) { // this will make "1" be handles twice, but "1" is always sendt AFTER being scheduled, but we can catch it here ? ActivityId = activityScheduledRecord.Child.Id; ChildActivityId = activityScheduledRecord.Child.Id; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActivityId)) { return; } if (activityScheduledRecord.Child.Id == "1.11") { // scheduler.GetType().GetMethod("ClearAllWorkItems", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(scheduler, new object[] { executor }); // scheduler.GetType().GetMethod("ScheduleWork", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(scheduler, new object[] { false }); //var firstWorkItem = scheduler.GetType().GetField("firstWorkItem", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(scheduler); //firstWorkItem.GetType().GetMethod("Release", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(firstWorkItem, new object[] { executor }); //firstWorkItem.GetType().GetMethod("Dispose", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(firstWorkItem, new object[] { executor }); //scheduler.GetType().GetMethod("NotifyWorkCompletion", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(scheduler, new object[] { }); } if (Instance.Variables == null) { Instance.Variables = new Dictionary <string, WorkflowInstanceValueType>(); } if (activityStateRecord != null) { foreach (var v in Instance.Variables.ToList()) { if (!activityStateRecord.Variables.ContainsKey(v.Key)) { Instance.Variables.Remove(v.Key); } } foreach (var v in activityStateRecord.Variables) { if (Instance.Variables.ContainsKey(v.Key)) { Instance.Variables[v.Key].value = v.Value; } } } var instanceMapField = executor.GetType().GetField("instanceMap", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); // get SerializedProgramMapping to have InstanceMap get filled, needed by SerializedProgramMapping var SerializedProgramMapping = executor.GetType().GetProperty("SerializedProgramMapping", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(executor); ActivityInstance activityInstance = executor.GetType().GetField("rootInstance", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(executor) as ActivityInstance; // Sometimes we can find the ActivityInstance in rootInstance ActivityInstance result = findActivityInstance(executor, activityInstance, ActivityId); // But more often, we find it in InstanceMapping var instanceMap = instanceMapField.GetValue(executor); if (instanceMap != null && result == null) { var _list = SerializedProgramMapping.GetType().GetProperty("InstanceMapping", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(SerializedProgramMapping); foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry kvp in (System.Collections.IDictionary)_list) { var a = kvp.Key as System.Activities.Activity; if (a == null) { continue; } if (result == null && a.Id == ActivityId) { result = findActivityInstance(kvp.Value, ActivityId); } } } if (result != null) { WorkflowDataContext context = null; var cs = typeof(WorkflowDataContext).GetConstructors(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); ConstructorInfo c = cs.First(); try { object o = c.Invoke(new Object[] { executor, result, true }); context = o as WorkflowDataContext; var vars = context.GetProperties(); foreach (dynamic v in vars) { var value = v.GetValue(context); if (Instance.Variables.ContainsKey(v.DisplayName)) { Instance.Variables[v.DisplayName] = new WorkflowInstanceValueType(v.PropertyType, value); } else { Instance.Variables.Add(v.DisplayName, new WorkflowInstanceValueType(v.PropertyType, value)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Debug(ex.Message); } } OnVisualTracking?.Invoke(Instance, ActivityId, ChildActivityId, State); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex.ToString()); } }
public JsonResponse UploadBuildOrder(string userName, string password, string name, string versionId, string description, string race, string vsRace, string buildItems) { var credResponce = _authService.Login(HttpContext, userName, password, false); if (!credResponce.Success) { return(new JsonResponse(false, "Wrong username or password!")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(race) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(vsRace) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(buildItems)) { return(new JsonResponse(false, "Wrong upload parameters")); } BuildOrder buildEntity; try { buildEntity = new BuildOrder { AddedDate = DateTime.Now, Race = race, VsRace = vsRace, Description = description, Name = name, SC2VersionID = versionId, OwnerUserID = credResponce.Result.ID, OwnerUserName = userName, BuildItems = new List <string>() }; var decoded = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(buildItems); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(decoded)) { return(new JsonResponse(false, "Cant decode string " + buildItems)); } var splitted = decoded.Split(',').ToList(); var boe = new BuildOrderEncoder(race); foreach (var item in splitted) { var value = boe.getValue(item); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { buildEntity.BuildItems.Add(value); } } } catch (Exception ex) { return(new JsonResponse(false, "Build data is not in valid format! Exception: " + ex.Message)); } GeneralResponse saveResponse; var response = _service.GetBuildByName(buildEntity.Name); if (response.Result != null && response.Result.OwnerUserName != userName) { return(new JsonResponse(false, "Build order with name " + buildEntity.Name + " already exists and was added by " + userName + "! Only owner can update existing build order.")); } if (response.Result != null) { BuildOrder build = response.Result; build.BuildItems = buildEntity.BuildItems; build.AddedDate = DateTime.Now; build.Description = description; build.Race = race; build.VsRace = vsRace; saveResponse = _service.UpdateBuildOrder(build); } else { saveResponse = _service.AddBuildOrder(buildEntity); } if (saveResponse.Success) { Log.Activity(HttpContext, string.Format("Build order [{0}] uploaded by {1}", buildEntity.Name, userName)); } return(new JsonResponse(saveResponse)); }