public string CreateUserReport(string username, int userid, DateTime dt_start, DateTime dt_end) { // string clienttableheader = global::Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ClientTableHeader; string html = ""; SqlParameter[] prms = new SqlParameter[2]; prms[0] = new SqlParameter("dt_start", dt_start); prms[1] = new SqlParameter("dt_end", dt_end); string moreinfo = "<b>שדכן:</b> " + username + ", <b>מזהה שדכן:</b> " + userid.ToString() + "</br>"; string sqlLog = "select firstname + ' ' + lastname as allname, peoples.ID ,action,userid,date " + " from log JOIN peoples ON not like '' and SUBSTRING(, CHARINDEX('^',log.Info)+1,DATALENGTH( - 1)= Peoples.ID" + " where UserId = " + userid + " and action = 2 "; if (dt_start != null && dt_end != null) { sqlLog += " and date between @dt_start and @dt_end"; moreinfo += " מתאריך " + dt_start.ToShortDateString() + " עד לתאריך " + dt_end.ToShortDateString(); } html += CreateHtmlReport("שדכן", moreinfo); html += RegisterDateToReport(userid); SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sqlLog, prms); html += "<u><h2>פירוט</h2></u><div class='row' style='width:80%'>"; while (reader.Read()) { Log.ActionType a_type = (Log.ActionType) int.Parse(reader["ACTION"].ToString()); switch (a_type) { case Log.ActionType.ClientOpen: clientlog_open += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateCol("", reader["allname"]) + CreateCol(null, reader["date"]) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["allname"].ToString(), (int)reader["ID"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.openForms, ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus.completed); count_openclient++; break; } } reader.Close(); reader = ShiduchActivity.GetActivities(false, null, false, false, true, dt_start, dt_end, 0, userid); while (reader.Read()) { ShiduchActivity.ActionType action = (ShiduchActivity.ActionType) int.Parse(reader["Action"].ToString()); switch (action) { case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.proposal: userAction_proposal += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["FullNameA"].ToString(), (int)reader["PeopleId"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.proposal, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientProposal++; break; case userAction_date += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["FullNameA"].ToString(), (int)reader["PeopleId"],, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientDate++; break; case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.details: userAction_details += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["FullNameA"].ToString(), (int)reader["PeopleId"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.details, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientDetails++; break; case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.other: userAction_other += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["FullNameA"].ToString(), (int)reader["PeopleId"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.other, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientOther++; break; } } reader.Close(); clientlog_open += "</tbody></table></div>"; userAction_proposal += "</tbody></table></div>"; userAction_date += "</tbody></table></div>"; userAction_details += "</tbody></table></div>"; userAction_other += "</tbody></table></div>"; html += clientlog_open + userAction_proposal + userAction_date + userAction_details + userAction_other; html += "</div><hr>"; // end div of all info tables and create hr html += Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ClientSumAction.Replace("שדכן", "לקוח"); html += SumClientsTableList(); html += "</tbody></table><hr><u><h2>סך הכל</h2></u>"; html += SumClientsData(); html += global::Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ReportEnd; using (TextWriter txtwrite = File.CreateText(path)) { txtwrite.Write(html); } return(path); }
public string CreateDatesReport(DateTime dt_start, DateTime dt_end) { string html = ""; int dates = 0; int dates_unpaid = 0; SqlParameter[] prms = new SqlParameter[2]; prms[0] = new SqlParameter("dt_start", dt_start); prms[1] = new SqlParameter("dt_end", dt_end); string moreinfo = ""; bool paid = false; string nopay = "<span class='label label-danger'> לא שילם </span>"; string lbl = ""; string sql = "select date,info,action,userid,name,replace(left(info,CHARINDEX(N'^',info,0)),'^','') as clientname" + " from Log left join users on userid = left" + " join RegisterInfo on relatedid = replace(substring(info, CHARINDEX('^', info), 6), '^', '')" + " where (action = 13 or action = 10) and replace(substring(info, CHARINDEX('^', info), 6), '^', '') > 2750 "; if (dt_start != null && dt_end != null) { sql += " and date between @dt_start and @dt_end"; moreinfo = " מתאריך " + dt_start.ToShortDateString() + " עד לתאריך " + dt_end.ToShortDateString(); } sql += " order by action,date desc"; html += CreateHtmlReport("פגישות", moreinfo); html += Properties.Resources.ShadchanStartDatesHeader; SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sql, prms); while (reader.Read()) { Log.ActionType a_type = (Log.ActionType) int.Parse(reader["ACTION"].ToString()); paid = reader["paid"] as bool? ?? false; if (!paid) { lbl = nopay; dates_unpaid++; } else { lbl = ""; } //switch (a_type) //{ // case Log.ActionType.GoodDateCall: // html += START_TABLE_ROW + "<td class='success'>" + reader["clientname"] + " " + lbl + "</td>" + // CreateCol("class='success'", reader["name"]) // + CreateCol("class='success'", reader["date"]) + END_TABLE_ROW; // dates++; // break; // case Log.ActionType.StartDate: // html += START_TABLE_ROW + "<td class='active'>" + reader["clientname"] + " " + lbl + "</td>" + // CreateCol("class='active'", reader["name"]) // + CreateCol("class='active'", reader["date"]) + END_TABLE_ROW; // dates++; // break; //} } reader.Close(); html += Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ShadchanStartDatesFooter; html += "<h1>הפגישות שנעשו בזמן הזה : <label class='label label-default'>" + dates.ToString() + "</label></h1>"; html += "<h1>פגישות לכאלה שלא שילמו : <label class='label label-default'>" + dates_unpaid.ToString() + "</label></h1>"; html += "</div></div></body></html>"; using (TextWriter txtwrite = File.CreateText(path)) { txtwrite.Write(html); } return(path); }
public string CreateClientReport(string clientname, int userid, DateTime dt_start, DateTime dt_end) { string clienttableheader = global::Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ClientTableHeader; string html = ""; SqlParameter[] prms = new SqlParameter[2]; prms[0] = new SqlParameter("dt_start", dt_start); prms[1] = new SqlParameter("dt_end", dt_end); string moreinfo = "<b>לקוח:</b> " + clientname + ", <b>מזהה לקוח:</b> " + userid.ToString() + "</br>"; string sqlLog = "select name, as xid,info,action,userid,date,level from log LEFT JOIN USERS ON where like '%" + userid.ToString() + "'"; if (dt_start != null && dt_end != null) { sqlLog += " and date between @dt_start and @dt_end"; moreinfo += " מתאריך " + dt_start.ToShortDateString() + " עד לתאריך " + dt_end.ToShortDateString(); } sqlLog += " order BY log.ACTION "; html += CreateHtmlReport("לקוח", moreinfo); html += RegisterDateToReport(userid); SqlDataReader reader = DBFunction.ExecuteReader(sqlLog, prms); html += "<u><h2>פירוט</h2></u><div class='row' style='width:80%'>"; while (reader.Read()) { Log.ActionType a_type = (Log.ActionType) int.Parse(reader["ACTION"].ToString()); switch (a_type) { case Log.ActionType.ClientOpen: clientlog_open += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateCol("", reader["name"]) + CreateCol(null, reader["date"]) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["name"].ToString(), (int)reader["userid"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.openForms, ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus.completed); count_openclient++; break; } } reader.Close(); reader = ShiduchActivity.GetActivities(false, null, false, false, true, dt_start, dt_end, userid); while (reader.Read()) { ShiduchActivity.ActionType action = (ShiduchActivity.ActionType) int.Parse(reader["Action"].ToString()); switch (action) { case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.proposal: clientAction_proposal += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["Name"].ToString(), (int)reader["userID"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.proposal, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientProposal++; break; case clientAction_date += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["Name"].ToString(), (int)reader["userID"],, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientDate++; break; case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.details: clientAction_details += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["Name"].ToString(), (int)reader["userID"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.details, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientDetails++; break; case ShiduchActivity.ActionType.other: clientAction_other += START_TABLE_ROW + CreateColAction(ref reader) + END_TABLE_ROW; InsertUserAction(reader["Name"].ToString(), (int)reader["userID"], ShiduchActivity.ActionType.other, (ShiduchActivity.ActionStatus)(int) reader["Status"]); count_clientOther++; break; } } reader.Close(); clientlog_open += "</tbody></table></div>"; clientAction_proposal += "</tbody></table></div>"; clientAction_date += "</tbody></table></div>"; clientAction_details += "</tbody></table></div>"; clientAction_other += "</tbody></table></div>"; html += clientlog_open + clientAction_proposal + clientAction_date + clientAction_details + clientAction_other; html += "</div><hr>"; // end div of all info tables and create hr html += Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ClientSumAction; html += SumClientsTableList(); html += "</tbody></table><hr><u><h2>סך הכל</h2></u>"; html += SumClientsData(); html += global::Schiduch.Properties.Resources.ReportEnd; using (TextWriter txtwrite = File.CreateText(path)) { txtwrite.Write(html); } return(path); }