private void locomotiefToevoegen() { try { string naam = textboxCabineNaam.Text; bool passagier; if (radioPassagierJa.Checked) { passagier = true; } else { passagier = false; } Image foto = pictureAddCabine.Image; Locomotief cabine = new Locomotief(naam, passagier, foto); cabine.CabineToevoegen(); fillCombos(); MessageBox.Show("Cabine is toegevoegd"); } catch (Exception c) { MessageBox.Show("U bent iets vergeten!"); Error.ErrorWegschrijven(c.ToString()); } }
private void fillCombos() { List <Locomotief> list1 = Locomotief.LocomotiefOphalen(); foreach (Locomotief loco in list1) { cmbCabine.Items.Add(loco); } List <Coupe> list = Coupe.CoupeOphalen(); foreach (Coupe coupe in list) { cmbCoupe.Items.Add(coupe); } }
public SimuleerSchermcs(List <Coupe> listCoupe, Locomotief loco) { InitializeComponent(); // Create a material theme manager and add the form to manage (this) MaterialSkinManager materialSkinManager = MaterialSkinManager.Instance; materialSkinManager.AddFormToManage(this); materialSkinManager.Theme = MaterialSkinManager.Themes.LIGHT; // Configure color schema materialSkinManager.ColorScheme = new ColorScheme( Primary.Yellow700, Primary.Blue800, Primary.Yellow600, Accent.Blue400, TextShade.BLACK ); coupeList = listCoupe; locomotief = loco; xPositieLabels = 12; yPositieLabels = 107; xPositieNumeric = 115; yPositieNumeric = 107; xPositieButton = 12; yPositieButton = yPositieLabels; controlCounter = 1; ControlsAanmaken(); button = new MaterialRaisedButton { Location = new Point(xPositieButton, yPositieButton), Text = ("Simuleer") }; button.Click += new EventHandler(button_Click); this.Controls.Add(button); }
//static string ConnectionString = @"Server=mssql.fhict.local;Database=dbi392341;User Id = dbi392341; Password=Proftaak123;"; public Trein(List <Coupe> coupes, Locomotief locomotief) { this.locomotief = locomotief; this.coupes = coupes; }
private void cmbCabine_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Locomotief loco = (Locomotief)cmbCabine.SelectedItem; pictureCabine.Image = loco.Image; }