Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate this Asset Group with it's children (both child groups and assets)
        /// Note that this may recurse through its children populating them also
        /// Child assets may be excluded !!!
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int Populate(bool recurse, bool ignoreChildAssets, bool applyStates)
            // First get child groups
            LocationsDAO lwDataAccess = new LocationsDAO();

            _groups = new AssetGroupList(lwDataAccess.GetGroups(this), _groupType);

            // ...then get child assets
            if (!ignoreChildAssets)
                _assets = new AssetList(new AssetDAO().GetAssets(GroupID, GroupType, applyStates), ignoreChildAssets);

            // If we have been requested to recurse then go through each group
            if (recurse)
                foreach (AssetGroup childGroup in Groups)
                    childGroup.Populate(recurse, ignoreChildAssets, applyStates);

            // Show that we have populated this group
            Populated = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// This function is called to (re)initialize the network explorer view
        /// this is a tree control defined within NetworkExplorerView
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeNetworkView()
            // clear the existing view

            // Are we displaying the computers grouped into domains or user locations - this is held as a flag
            // in the work item controller
            NetworkWorkItemController wiController = explorerView.WorkItem.Controller as NetworkWorkItemController;
            bool showByDomain = wiController.DomainViewStyle;

            // First of all we need to create the root group (domain or location)
            LocationsDAO lwDataAccess = new LocationsDAO();

            AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE displayType = (showByDomain) ? AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.domain : AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.userlocation;
            DataTable            table       = lwDataAccess.GetGroups(new AssetGroup(displayType));

            _rootAssetGroup = new AssetGroup(table.Rows[0], displayType);

            // Add the root node to the tree first
            UltraTreeNode rootNode  = new UltraTreeNode("root|" + _rootAssetGroup.FullName, _rootAssetGroup.Name);
            Bitmap        rootImage = (showByDomain) ? Properties.Resources.domain16 : Properties.Resources.location_16;

            rootNode.Override.NodeAppearance.Image         = rootImage;
            rootNode.Override.ExpandedNodeAppearance.Image = rootImage;
            rootNode.Tag = _rootAssetGroup;

            // Set the root node in the Explorer view - note that this will automatically expand the node which will
            // cause it to be populated
            explorerView.RootNode = rootNode;
        /// <summary>
        /// This function is responsible for the actual generation of the Applications Report
        /// It overrides the abstract definition in the base class and stores it's data in the DataSet
        /// </summary>
        public override void GenerateReport(UltraGrid grid)
            // Delete any cached data as we are re-running the report
            _cachedAssetGroups = null;

            // Begin initialization of the Grid

            // Save the grid layout to a temporary file
            if (grid.Rows.Count != 0)

            // Create a new dataSource
            _reportDataSet  = new DataSet("auditdataDataSet");
            grid.DataSource = _reportDataSet;

            // We will always need the list of assets so we may as well get it now
            LocationsDAO lwDataAccess = new LocationsDAO();

            AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE displayType = AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.userlocation;
            DataTable            table       = lwDataAccess.GetGroups(new AssetGroup(displayType));

            _cachedAssetGroups = new AssetGroup(table.Rows[0], displayType);
            _cachedAssetGroups.Populate(true, _ignoreChildAssets, true);

            // Now apply the filter to these groups
            _cachedAssetGroups.ApplyFilters(_selectedGroups, _selectedAssets, _ignoreChildAssets);

            // Now that we have a definitive list of the assets (as objects) which we want to include in the
            // report we could really do with expanding this list so that ALL of the assets are in a single list
            // and not distributed among the publishers
            _cachedAssetList = _cachedAssetGroups.GetAllAssets();

            // Create the list of report columns which will maintain the data for this report
                                             , _dictionaryLabels
                                             , _publisherFilter
                                             , _showIncluded
                                             , _showIgnored);

            // Create the tables, columns and relationships as these may have changed since we loaded the report

            // Clear any existing data out of the dataset

            // Generate the data for the report

            // reload the temprary layout saved around the report generation

            // ...and perform any required initialization of the grid

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// return whether or not the specified named group is already a child of this group
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="childname"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public AssetGroup IsChildGroup(string childname)
            // First get a list of our current children
            LocationsDAO   lwDataAccess = new LocationsDAO();
            AssetGroupList listChildren = new AssetGroupList(lwDataAccess.GetGroups(this), _groupType);

Esempio n. 5
        public void Populate(bool showByDomain, bool ignoreTopAssets, bool ignoreChildAssets)                                                   // CMD 8.4.2 Include additional parameter
            LocationsDAO lwDataAccess = new LocationsDAO();

            AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE displayType = (_showByDomain) ? AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.domain : AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.userlocation;
            DataTable            table       = lwDataAccess.GetGroups(new AssetGroup(displayType));

            _rootAssetGroup = new AssetGroup(table.Rows[0], displayType);

            // +CMD 8.4.1 - Changes required to prevent performance issues with large databases.  We can now elect to not display assets and also
            // the tree is load on demand if we do require assets so that we only load them if required.
            // If we need to show assets at the root then populate this now
            if (!ignoreTopAssets)
                _rootAssetGroup.Populate(false, false, true);

            // Populate all levels for this group beneath this group again optionally including assets
            _rootAssetGroup.Populate(true, true, true);

            // Load on demand is active if we are displaying child assets
            locationsTree.Override.ShowExpansionIndicator = (ignoreChildAssets) ? ShowExpansionIndicator.CheckOnDisplay : ShowExpansionIndicator.CheckOnExpand;

            // -CMD 8.4.1
            // begin updating the tree

            // Add the root node to the tree first
                UltraTreeNode rootNode  = new UltraTreeNode(null, _rootAssetGroup.Name);
                Bitmap        rootImage = (_showByDomain) ? Properties.Resources.domain16 : Properties.Resources.location_16;
                rootNode.Override.NodeAppearance.Image         = rootImage;
                rootNode.Override.ExpandedNodeAppearance.Image = rootImage;
                rootNode.Tag          = _rootAssetGroup;
                rootNode.CheckedState = CheckState.Unchecked;

                // ...add the children to the tree beneath it now
                AddChildNodes(rootNode, _rootAssetGroup);

                // Set the root node in the Explore view

                // Expand the root node
                rootNode.Expanded = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //MessageBox.Show("Exception adding tree nodes in [SelectLocationsControl::AddApplicationNode], the exception text was " + ex.Message);

            // Finished updating the tree
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the records from the input file into the list view
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void FormImportLocations_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // recover the root group as we need its name to prefix to all created location names
            LocationsDAO lwDataAccess   = new LocationsDAO();
            DataTable    table          = lwDataAccess.GetGroups(new AssetGroup(AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.userlocation));
            AssetGroup   rootAssetGroup = new AssetGroup(table.Rows[0], AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.userlocation);

            _rootName = rootAssetGroup.Name;

            // try and read the CSV file into the list view
                using (CSVReader csv = new CSVReader(_fromFile))
                    // Read each line from the file noting that we MUST have 4 columns and 4 only
                    string[] fields;
                    while ((fields = csv.GetCSVLine()) != null)
                        if (fields.Length != 4)

                        // Add the 4 fields to the ListView
                        UltraListViewSubItem[] subItemArray = new UltraListViewSubItem[3];
                        subItemArray[0]       = new UltraListViewSubItem();
                        subItemArray[0].Value = fields[1];
                        subItemArray[1]       = new UltraListViewSubItem();
                        subItemArray[1].Value = fields[2];
                        subItemArray[2]       = new UltraListViewSubItem();
                        subItemArray[2].Value = fields[3];
                        UltraListViewItem item = new UltraListViewItem(fields[0], subItemArray);
                        item.CheckState = (lvRecords.Items.Count == 0) ? CheckState.Unchecked : CheckState.Checked;

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to import the file " + _fromFile + ".  Reason: " + ex.Message, "Import Failed");
        /// <summary>
        /// generate the most recent history records for each asset
        /// </summary>
        protected void GenerateMostRecentReportData()
            // Get a complete list of groups and assets and then apply our filters to this list
            LocationsDAO lwDataAccess = new LocationsDAO();

            AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE displayType = AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.userlocation;
            DataTable            table       = lwDataAccess.GetGroups(new AssetGroup(displayType));
            AssetGroup           assetGroups = new AssetGroup(table.Rows[0], displayType);

            assetGroups.Populate(true, false, true);

            // Now apply the filter to these groups
            assetGroups.ApplyFilters(_selectedGroups, _selectedAssets, _ignoreChildAssets);

            // Now that we have a definitive list of the assets (as objects) which we want to include in the
            // report we could really do with expanding this list so that ALL of the assets are in a single list
            // and not distributed among the publishers
            AssetList listAssets = assetGroups.GetAllAssets();

            // OK - get the last audit trail records for these assets - the last audit date is stored in the
            // Asset object so we don't need to get that again
            foreach (Asset asset in listAssets)
                // Skip any assets not audited yet
                if (asset.LastAudit.Ticks == 0)

                // Get the audit trail records for this asset
                DataTable historyTable = new AuditTrailDAO().GetAssetAuditHistory(asset, asset.LastAudit, DateTime.Now);

                // Add the entries in the data table as ATE records to our DataSet
                foreach (DataRow row in historyTable.Rows)
                    AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry(row);
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the current location from the database
        /// </summary>
        public bool Delete()
            LocationsDAO lwDataAccess = new LocationsDAO();

            // As locations are hierarchical we cannot just delete a location without first deleting ALL
            // children and we cannot do that if any of our descendants are still being referenced
            // Get a list of all of our children
            AssetGroupList children = new AssetGroupList(lwDataAccess.GetGroups(this), GroupType);

            // Loop through each child and try and delete them first before we delete ourselves - this actually
            // causes recursion through this deletion function as children may have children and so on...
            foreach (AssetGroup childGroup in children)
                if (!childGroup.Delete())

            // Only now can we delete ourselves as all of our children have been handled.
            if (lwDataAccess.GroupDelete(this) != 0)

            // ...and audit the deletion
            AuditTrailEntry ate = new AuditTrailEntry();

            ate.Date      = DateTime.Now;
            ate.Class     = AuditTrailEntry.CLASS.location;
            ate.Type      = AuditTrailEntry.TYPE.deleted;
            ate.Key       = _name;
            ate.AssetID   = 0;
            ate.AssetName = "";
            ate.Username  = System.Environment.UserName;
            new AuditTrailDAO().AuditTrailAdd(ate);
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the child folder of a tree node
        /// </summary>
        private void PopulateChildLocations(UltraTreeNode node)
            //	If we have already populated this node's Nodes collection, return
            if (node.HasNodes == true)

            // Get the locations beneath that specified
            AssetGroup parentGroup = node.Tag as AssetGroup;

            // So request the database for a list of locations beneath that specified
            LocationsDAO lwDataAccess = new LocationsDAO();
            DataTable    table        = lwDataAccess.GetGroups(parentGroup);

            // ...and add these locations to the tree as children of the selected node
            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                AssetGroup    newLocation = new AssetGroup(row, AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.userlocation);
                UltraTreeNode childNode   = node.Nodes.Add(newLocation.FullName, newLocation.Name);
                childNode.Tag = newLocation;
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the root item(s) to the locations tree
        /// </summary>
        private void PopulateRoot()
            // Get the root node (they should only be one and one only)
            LocationsDAO lwDataAccess = new LocationsDAO();
            DataTable    table        = lwDataAccess.GetGroups(new AssetGroup(AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.userlocation));

            if (table.Rows.Count == 0)
            AssetGroup    rootLocation = new AssetGroup(table.Rows[0], AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.userlocation);
            UltraTreeNode rootNode     = this.locationsTree.Nodes.Add("home", rootLocation.Name);

            rootNode.Override.NodeAppearance.Image         = Properties.Resources.location_16;
            rootNode.Override.ExpandedNodeAppearance.Image = Properties.Resources.location_16;
            rootNode.Tag = rootLocation;

            // ...and force an automatic expansion of the root node as we want to display the top level nodes
            // on entry to this pane
            rootNode.Expanded = true;

            // Ensure that the root node is selected
            rootNode.Selected = true;
        public void NetworkDiscoveryCompleteHandler(object sender, DataEventArgs <List <string[]> > e)
                LocationsDAO lwDataAccess = new LocationsDAO();
                string       macAddress   = String.Empty;
                string       vendor       = String.Empty;
                string       ipAddress    = String.Empty;

                // We need to get the root item as all of the domains need to be parented to this
                DataTable  table     = lwDataAccess.GetGroups(new AssetGroup(AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.domain));
                AssetGroup rootGroup = new AssetGroup(table.Rows[0], AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.domain);

                // Get the child domains - as domains are single level we do not need to recurse
                rootGroup.Populate(false, false, true);

                // We'll loop through the domains first and add then to the database recovering their ids so that
                // we only have to do this once.
                for (int i = 0; i < e.Data.Count; i++)
                    string assetName = e.Data[i][0];
                    string groupName = e.Data[i][1];

                    // Does this domain already exist?
                    AssetGroup childGroup = rootGroup.IsChildGroup(groupName);

                    // No - add it as a new group both to the database and to the parent
                    if (childGroup == null)
                        childGroup          = new AssetGroup(AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.domain);
                        childGroup.Name     = groupName;
                        childGroup.ParentID = rootGroup.GroupID;
                        childGroup.GroupID  = lwDataAccess.GroupAdd(childGroup);

                        // Recover the IP address for the asset
                        ipAddress = Utility.GetIpAddress(assetName);

                        // try to get the MAC address and vendor from IP
                        IPAddress hostIPAddress = IPAddress.Parse(ipAddress);
                        byte[]    ab            = new byte[6];
                        int       len           = ab.Length;

                        int r = SendARP((int)hostIPAddress.Address, 0, ab, ref len);

                        macAddress = BitConverter.ToString(ab, 0, 6);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // if we hit an invalid IP error here we can just log and carry on
                        log.Error(String.Format("Error {0} with IP address [{1}]", ex.Message, ipAddress));

                    if (macAddress != String.Empty)
                        using (System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "oui.txt")))
                            string line;
                            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                                if (line.StartsWith(macAddress.Substring(0, 8)))
                                    if (line.Substring(18).ToUpper().StartsWith("APPLE"))
                                        vendor = line.Substring(18);


                    // Now that we have the ID of the group (even if we just added the group) we can now
                    // add the asset to the database also.
                    Asset newAsset = new Asset();
                    newAsset.Name       = assetName;
                    newAsset.MACAddress = macAddress.Replace('-', ':');
                    newAsset.Make       = vendor;

                    AssetList assetList    = new AssetList(new AssetDAO().GetAssets(0, AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.userlocation, false), true);
                    bool      bUpdateAsset = true;

                    foreach (Asset existingAsset in assetList)
                        if (assetName == existingAsset.Name)
                            // this asset already exists - only need to check if domain or IP have changed
                            // if they have, send it away to be updated
                            if (existingAsset.IPAddress != ipAddress || existingAsset.DomainID != childGroup.GroupID)
                                newAsset           = existingAsset;
                                newAsset.IPAddress = newAsset.IPAddress != ipAddress ? ipAddress : newAsset.IPAddress;
                                newAsset.DomainID  = newAsset.DomainID != childGroup.GroupID ? childGroup.GroupID : newAsset.DomainID;
                                // asset exists, nothing has changed so don't process
                                bUpdateAsset = false;

                    if (bUpdateAsset)
                        newAsset.DomainID  = childGroup.GroupID;
                        newAsset.IPAddress = ipAddress;

                        // Add the asset

                    // Does this asset already exist?
                    //if (rootGroup.FindAsset(assetName) == null)
                    //    newAsset.DomainID = childGroup.GroupID;
                    //    newAsset.IPAddress = ipAddress;

                    //    // Add the asset
                    //    newAsset.Add();
            catch (Exception ex)

Esempio n. 12
        public void InsertComputer(string assetName, string groupName, string ipAddress, string macAddress)
            LocationsDAO lwDataAccess = new LocationsDAO();
            SettingsDAO  lSettingsDao = new SettingsDAO();

            // We need to get the root item as all of the domains need to be parented to this
            System.Data.DataTable table     = lwDataAccess.GetGroups(new AssetGroup(AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.domain));
            AssetGroup            rootGroup = new AssetGroup(table.Rows[0], AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.domain);

            // Get the child domains - as domains are single level we do not need to recurse
            rootGroup.Populate(false, false, true);

            // We'll loop through the domains first and add then to the database recovering their ids so that
            // we only have to do this once.
            // Does this domain already exist?

            AssetGroup childGroup;

            lock (this)
                childGroup = rootGroup.IsChildGroup(groupName);

                // No - add it as a new group both to the database and to the parent
                if (childGroup == null)
                    childGroup          = new AssetGroup(AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.domain);
                    childGroup.Name     = groupName;
                    childGroup.ParentID = rootGroup.GroupID;
                    childGroup.GroupID  = lwDataAccess.GroupAdd(childGroup);
            string vendor = String.Empty;

                if (macAddress != String.Empty)
//                    using (System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "oui.txt")))
//                    {
//                        string line;
//                        while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
//                        {
//                            if (line.StartsWith(macAddress.Substring(0, 8)))
//                            {
//                                if (line.Substring(18).ToUpper().StartsWith("APPLE"))
//                                {
//                                   vendor = line.Substring(18);
//                                    break;
//                                }
//                           }
//                        }
//                    }
            catch (FormatException)

            // Now that we have the ID of the group (even if we just added the group) we can now
            // add the asset to the database also.
            Asset newAsset = new Asset();

            newAsset.Name       = assetName;
            newAsset.MACAddress = macAddress.Replace('-', ':');
            newAsset.Make       = vendor;

            if (vendor.ToUpper().StartsWith("APPLE"))
                // add as an Apple Device
                AssetType parentAssetType = assetTypes.FindByName("Apple Devices");
                if (parentAssetType == null)
                    // Now create a child of this asset type
                    parentAssetType           = new AssetType();
                    parentAssetType.Name      = "Apple Devices";
                    parentAssetType.Auditable = false;
                    parentAssetType.Icon      = "apple.png";
                    parentAssetType.ParentID  = 0;

                    // Update the internal list

                parentAssetType = assetTypes.FindByName("Apple Devices");

                AssetType childAssetType = assetTypes.FindByName("Apple Device");
                if (childAssetType == null)
                    // Now create a child of this asset type
                    childAssetType           = new AssetType();
                    childAssetType.Name      = "Apple Device";
                    childAssetType.Auditable = false;
                    childAssetType.Icon      = parentAssetType.Icon;
                    childAssetType.ParentID  = parentAssetType.AssetTypeID;

                    // Update the internal list

                childAssetType       = assetTypes.FindByName("Apple Device");
                newAsset.AssetTypeID = childAssetType.AssetTypeID;

            AssetList assetList             = new AssetList(new AssetDAO().GetAssets(0, AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.userlocation, false), true);
            bool      bUpdateAsset          = true;
            bool      bSNMPAsset            = false;
            bool      bExistingAuditedAsset = false;

            foreach (Asset existingAsset in assetList)
                if ((existingAsset.AgentVersion == "SNMP") && (existingAsset.IPAddress == ipAddress))
                    bSNMPAsset = true;

                if ((assetName == existingAsset.Name) && (groupName == existingAsset.Domain))
                    // this asset already exists - only need to check if domain or IP have changed
                    // if they have, send it away to be updated
                    if (existingAsset.IPAddress != ipAddress || existingAsset.DomainID != childGroup.GroupID)
                        newAsset           = existingAsset;
                        newAsset.IPAddress = newAsset.IPAddress != ipAddress ? ipAddress : newAsset.IPAddress;
                        newAsset.DomainID  = newAsset.DomainID != childGroup.GroupID ? childGroup.GroupID : newAsset.DomainID;
                        // asset exists, nothing has changed so don't process
                        bUpdateAsset = false;
                if (!bSNMPAsset && existingAsset.IPAddress == ipAddress && existingAsset.Domain != newAsset.Domain)
                    bExistingAuditedAsset = true;
                    //check for any asset name change if so update asset with audittrail entry
                    if (existingAsset.Name != assetName)
                        string strOldValue = existingAsset.Name;
                        newAsset      = existingAsset;
                        newAsset.Name = assetName;
                        AuditTrailDAO objAuditTrailDAO = new AuditTrailDAO();
                        // Build a blank AuditTrailEntry
                        AuditTrailEntry ate = CreateAteForAssetNameChange(newAsset);
                        ate.Key      = ate.Key + "|" + "Computer Name";
                        ate.OldValue = strOldValue;
                        ate.NewValue = assetName;

            if (bUpdateAsset && !bSNMPAsset && !bExistingAuditedAsset)
                newAsset.Domain    = childGroup.Name;
                newAsset.DomainID  = childGroup.GroupID;
                newAsset.IPAddress = ipAddress;

                // Add the asset

                if (lSettingsDao.GetSettingAsBoolean("AutoScanNetwork", false) && lSettingsDao.GetSettingAsBoolean("AutoScanDeployAgent", false))
                    string scannerPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "scanners") + "\\auditagent\\default.xml";
                    System.IO.File.Copy(scannerPath, "AuditAgent\\AuditAgent.xml", true);
                    Operation newOperation = new Operation(newAsset.AssetID, Operation.OPERATION.deployagent);

            if (!bSNMPAsset)
                Interlocked.Increment(ref _foundCounter);
                FireNetworkDiscoveryUpdate(new DiscoveryUpdateEventArgs(_foundCounter.ToString(), "Computer", _maximumCount, 0));
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the UltraListView control with the child locations of the Location
        /// represented by the specified UltraTreeNode.
        /// </summary>
        private void PopulateListView(UltraTreeNode node)
            AssetGroup parentGroup;

            if (node != null && node.Tag != null)
                parentGroup = node.Tag as AssetGroup;
                parentGroup = new AssetGroup(AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.userlocation);

            //	Call BeginUpdate to prevent drawing while we are populating the control

            //	Show a wait cursor since this could take a while
            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            //	Clear the Items collection to removes the directories and files
            //	of the last folder we displayed

            // So request the database for a list of locations beneath that specified
            LocationsDAO lwDataAccess = new LocationsDAO();
            DataTable    table        = lwDataAccess.GetGroups(parentGroup);

            //	Create an array of UltraListViewItems, with a size equal to the number of directories
            UltraListViewItem[] itemArrayLocations = new UltraListViewItem[table.Rows.Count];

            // ...and add these locations to the tree as children of the selected node
            int index = 0;

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                AssetGroup newLocation = new AssetGroup(row, AssetGroup.GROUPTYPE.userlocation);

                //	Create an array of UltraListViewSubItems
                UltraListViewSubItem[] subItemArray = new UltraListViewSubItem[2];

                //	Create new UltraListViewSubItem instances for this item
                subItemArray[0] = new UltraListViewSubItem();
                subItemArray[1] = new UltraListViewSubItem();

                //	Assign the values to the UltraListViewSubItem instances
                subItemArray[0].Value = newLocation.StartIP;
                subItemArray[1].Value = newLocation.EndIP;

                //	Create an UltraListViewItem instance
                UltraListViewItem item = new UltraListViewItem(newLocation.Name, subItemArray);

                //	Store a reference to the associated Location in the item's Tag property
                item.Tag = newLocation;

                //	Add the UltraListViewItem to the array
                itemArrayLocations[index++] = item;

            // Add the items to the Items collection using the AddRange method, so that we only trigger two property
            // change notifications, as opposed to one for each item added to the collection.

            //	Assign the items to their respective groups

            // Auto-size the width of the 'Name' column; if the size of the Items collection is not too large,
            // size all items, but to avoid impacting performance, only size the ones that are currently on-screen
            // if there are a relatively large number of items.
            Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView.ColumnAutoSizeMode autoSizeMode = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView.ColumnAutoSizeMode.Header;

            if (this.locationsList.Items.Count <= 100)
                autoSizeMode |= Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView.ColumnAutoSizeMode.AllItems;
                autoSizeMode |= Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView.ColumnAutoSizeMode.VisibleItems;


            //	Activate the first item
            if (this.locationsList.ActiveItem == null && this.locationsList.Items.Count > 0)
                this.locationsList.ActiveItem = this.locationsList.Items[0];

            //	Restore the cursor
            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

            //	Call EndUpdate to resume drawing operations