/// <summary> /// Exports the <see cref="LogMessage"/> with its data into a comma seperated line. /// </summary> /// <returns>The <see cref="LogMessage"/> with its data as a comma seperated line.</returns> public override string GetCsvLine() { string messageValue = string.Format("\"{0}\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\",\"{3}\",\"{4}\",\"{5}\",\"{6}\",\"" , mIndex.ToCsv() , mLevel.ToCsv() , mTimestamp.ToString(Settings.Default.TimestampFormat) , mLogger.ToCsv() , mThread.ToCsv() , mMessage.ToCsv() , mLocation.ToString().ToCsv()); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> customProperty in mCustomProperties) { messageValue += string.Format("{0}: {1}," , customProperty.Key.ToCsv() , customProperty.Value.ToCsv()); } if (messageValue.Length > 0) { // Remove the last comma from the custom properties string. messageValue = messageValue.Remove( messageValue.Length - 1 , 1); } return(messageValue + "\""); }
private IEnumerator StartLocationService(float desiredAccuracy, float minDistance, Action <LocationInfo> doneHandler = null) { Debug.Log("ULS:StartLocationService"); if (!IsLocationServiceEnabled()) { Debug.LogError("ULS:No location service!"); yield break; } loc.Start(desiredAccuracy, desiredAccuracy); yield return(loc); Debug.Log("ULS:Started loc update request"); var maxWaitSeconds = 30; // TODO find value while (loc.status == LocationServiceStatus.Initializing && maxWaitSeconds > 0) { Debug.Log("ULS: Waiting..." + maxWaitSeconds); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(maxWaitSeconds--)); } Debug.Log("ULS: Late init checks"); if (loc.status == LocationServiceStatus.Failed) { Debug.LogError("ULS:Failed initalize unity location service"); yield break; } if (maxWaitSeconds <= 0) { timedOut = true; Debug.LogError("ULSLocation service initialization timed out."); } yield return(lastKnownLocation = loc.lastData); Debug.Log("ULS:LastKnownLocation: " + lastKnownLocation.ToString()); if (doneHandler != null) { Debug.Log("ULS:SingleRequest, send data back"); doneHandler.Invoke(lastKnownLocation); loc.Stop(); Debug.Log("ULS:Stopped after SingleRequest"); } }
private IEnumerator RequestAtPos(LocationInfo location) { lastUpdate = location; hasLocation = true; print("Making web request at " + location.ToString()); using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(API_ROOT + "/notes?lat=" + location.latitude + "&long=" + location.longitude + "&resolution=" + REQUEST_RESOLUTION_DEG)) { yield return(www.SendWebRequest()); if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) { print("Failed to make request."); print(www.error); hasLocation = false; } else { print(www.downloadHandler.text); NoteResult result = JsonUtility.FromJson <NoteResult>(www.downloadHandler.text); print("Got " + result.notes.Length + " items."); onNotesUpdated.Invoke(result.notes, location); } } }