//  Tries to move the player back to previous location and if possible, sets potential location to the new location. Returns the outcome of the movement
    public CommandOutcome TryBack()
        // Get intended destination (use previous old loc if travel was forced from old loc)
        string destination = locationController.TravelIsForced(OldLocations[0]) ? OldLocations[1] : OldLocations[0];

        // Keep track of where player avatar is coming from

        string backMsg = null;

        // Check to see if we actually moved from this location
        if (destination == CurrentLocation)
            // We didn't, so claim a memory lapse
            backMsg = "91MemoryLapse";
        // Check to see if moving back is allowed from this location
        else if (!locationController.CanMoveBack(CurrentLocation))
            // It isn't so let player no there's no way back
            backMsg = "274NoWayBack";
        // Check to see if the destination can be reached from the current location
        else if (!locationController.DestinationCanBeReached(CurrentLocation, destination))
            // It can't, so let the player know
            backMsg = "140NoWayThere";

        if (backMsg == null)
            // Destination can be reached, so mark that as potential location
            PotentialLocation = destination;

    private void FirstEncounter()
        string location = playerController.CurrentLocation;

        // Determine if the player will encounter the first dwarf on this turn and return if not
        if (!(locationController.LocType(location) == LocationType.DEEP) || (Random.value < .95 && (!locationController.CanMoveBack(location) || Random.value < .85)))

        // Indicate player has met the first dwarf
        ActivationLevel = 2;

        // On first encountering the dwarves, randomly kill up to two of them (there's a 50% chance a dwarf will die - note it's possible the same dwarf could be killed twice - not a bug)
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            if (Random.value < .5)
                KillDwarf(Random.Range(0, 4));

        // If any of the dwarves is at the player avatar's current location, move them to the alternative location
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DWARVES; i++)
            if (Dwarves[i].DwarfLocation == location)
                Dwarves[i].DwarfLocation = dwarfStartLocations[6];
                Dwarves[i].OldDwarfLocation = dwarfStartLocations[6];

        // Tell the player about the encounter

        // Drop the axe here
        itemController.DropItemAt("28Axe", location);