Esempio n. 1
        private void AddNameDescription(int localeId, LocalizedNameDescriptionPair nameDescription)
            // the managed APIs treat Locale Id as int and the unmanaged ones as uint
            // we need to convert it back and force
            uint locId;

            checked { locId = (uint)localeId; }

            int hr = SafeNativeMethods.DRMSetNameAndDescription(
                false,                     // true - means delete ; false - add

Esempio n. 2
        internal void UpdateUnsignedPublishLicense(UnsignedPublishLicense unsignedPublishLicense)
            Invariant.Assert(unsignedPublishLicense != null);

            DateTime timeFrom;
            DateTime timeUntil;
            DistributionPointInfo distributionPointInfo = DistributionPointInfo.ReferralInfo;
            string      distributionPointName;
            string      distributionPointUri;
            ContentUser owner;
            bool        officialFlag;

            GetIssuanceLicenseInfo(out timeFrom,
                                   out timeUntil,
                                   out distributionPointName,
                                   out distributionPointUri,
                                   out owner,
                                   out officialFlag);

            unsignedPublishLicense.ReferralInfoName = distributionPointName;

            if (distributionPointUri != null)
                unsignedPublishLicense.ReferralInfoUri = new Uri(distributionPointUri);
                unsignedPublishLicense.ReferralInfoUri = null;

            unsignedPublishLicense.Owner = owner;

            // Let's get the validity Iterval information (days) and save it in the license
            uint validityDays = 0;
            int  hr           = SafeNativeMethods.DRMGetIntervalTime(_issuanceLicenseHandle, ref validityDays);

            checked { unsignedPublishLicense.RightValidityIntervalDays = (int)validityDays; }

            // let's get the rights information
            int userIndex = 0;

            while (true) // in this loop we are enumerating users mentioned in the license
                SafeRightsManagementPubHandle userHandle = null;

                // extract the user based on the index
                ContentUser user = GetIssuanceLicenseUser(userIndex, out userHandle);

                if ((user == null) || (userHandle == null))

                int rightIndex = 0;
                while (true) // now we can enumerate rights granted to the given user
                    SafeRightsManagementPubHandle rightHandle = null;
                    DateTime validFrom;
                    DateTime validUntil;

                    // extract the right based on the index and the user
                    Nullable <ContentRight> right = GetIssuanceLicenseUserRight
                                                        (userHandle, rightIndex, out rightHandle, out validFrom, out validUntil);

                    // 0 right handle is an indication of the end of the list
                    if (rightHandle == null)

                    // right == null is an indication of a right that we didn't recognize
                    // we should still continue the enumeration
                    if (right != null)
                        // Add the grant for the User Right pair here
                            new ContentGrant(user, right.Value, validFrom, validUntil));


            // let's get the localized name description pairs
            int nameIndex = 0;

            while (true) // in this loop we are enumerating nameDescription pairs mentioned in the license
                int localeId;

                // extract the user based on the index
                LocalizedNameDescriptionPair nameDescription = GetLocalizedNameDescriptionPair(nameIndex,
                                                                                               out localeId);
                if (nameDescription == null)

                // Add the name description info to the license
                unsignedPublishLicense.LocalizedNameDescriptionDictionary.Add(localeId, nameDescription);

            // let's get the application specific data
            int appDataIndex = 0;

            while (true) // in this loop we are enumerating nameDescription pairs mentioned in the license
                // extract the user based on the index

                Nullable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > appSpecificDataEntry = GetApplicationSpecificData(appDataIndex);

                if (appSpecificDataEntry == null)

                // Add the name description info to the license
                unsignedPublishLicense.ApplicationSpecificDataDictionary.Add(appSpecificDataEntry.Value.Key, appSpecificDataEntry.Value.Value);

            // Get the revocation Point information, it is optional and can be null
            unsignedPublishLicense.RevocationPoint = GetRevocationPoint();