private static void OnRedeemCodeReturnFailed(string e) { new Message { title = LocalizeUtils.Get("Redeem Failed"), content = LocalizeUtils.Get(e), }.Show(); Handheld.StopActivityIndicator(); }
public void SetText(string text, Color color, int fontSize, TextAnchor alignment) { _contentText.text = LocalizeUtils.Get(TermCategory.Tutorial, text); _contentText.color = color; _contentText.alignment = alignment; _contentText.fontSize = fontSize; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) //If string is empty hide the textbox. { _textRF.gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
public static void Show() { #if UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_WEBGL new Message { format = MessageFormat.Input, title = LocalizeUtils.Get("Redeem"), content = LocalizeUtils.Get("Code:"), inputPlaceholderString = LocalizeUtils.Get("Enter Your Redeem Code"), inputConfirmCallback = OnRedeemCodeConfirm, inputValidationData = new InputFieldValidationData(NUM_CHAR_REDEEM_CODE, InputField.CharacterValidation.Alphanumeric) }.Show(); #endif }
private static void OnAutheticationFailed(string error) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PREF_PREVIOUS_LOGINED, 0); Debug.LogFormat("PlayGameCenterManager:OnAutheticationFailed({0})", error); isLastAuthenticationFailed = true; #if UNITY_ANDROID if (_isForcingAuthentication) { new Message { title = LocalizeUtils.Get(TermCategory.Message, GlobalStrings.MSG_LOGIN_FAILED_TITLE), content = LocalizeUtils.Get(TermCategory.Message, "Please install the latest Google Play Games and try again."), }.Show(); } _isForcingAuthentication = false; #endif }
public void ToggleCharacter(bool isShown, string text = "", string animNameToPlay = "") { if (_characterGO != null) { _characterGO.SetActive(isShown); if (isShown) { _characterText.text = LocalizeUtils.Get(TermCategory.Tutorial, text); if (_characterAnim != null) { if (_characterAnim.GetClip(animNameToPlay)) { TimeManager.Start(AnimationUtils.Play(_characterAnim, animNameToPlay, false)); } else { _characterAnim.Play(); } } } } }
public void SetText(string text) { _contentText.text = LocalizeUtils.Get(TermCategory.Tutorial, text); }
private static void OnRedeemCodeSucceed(Hashtable ht) { Handheld.StopActivityIndicator(); ArrayList rewardsAl = ht["rewards"] as ArrayList; if (rewardsAl.Count <= 0) // Find redeem code but no reward? somthing wrong in backend { new Message { title = LocalizeUtils.Get("Redeem Failed"), content = LocalizeUtils.Get("No redeem code found."), }.Show(); return; } if (ht.ContainsKey("reusable") && (ht["reusable"] as string) == "1") // If code is reusable, use local PlayerPrefs to check if the code is used before { List <string> usedCodes = new List <string>(PlayerPrefsX.GetStringArray(PREFS_USED_CODES)); if (usedCodes.Contains(_enteredCode)) { new Message { title = LocalizeUtils.Get("Redeem Failed"), content = LocalizeUtils.Get("Redeem code has already redeemed."), }.Show(); return; } else { usedCodes.Add(_enteredCode); PlayerPrefsX.SetStringArray(PREFS_USED_CODES, usedCodes.ToArray()); } } //List<Item> items = new List<Item>(); foreach (var rewardObj in rewardsAl) { Hashtable rewardHt = rewardObj as Hashtable; DebugUtils.Log(rewardHt); ItemType type = (ItemType)DataUtils.GetInt(rewardHt["type"] as string); int amount = DataUtils.GetInt(rewardHt["amount"] as string); int id = DataUtils.GetInt(rewardHt["id"] as string); // TODO 201011: Backward compatiable NH only: convert money to coin if (id == 0) { id = 1; } SerializableItem item = new SerializableItem(id, type, amount); item.Obtain(); } // Analytics var dict = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "code", _enteredCode }, }; UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent.Custom("redeem_code", dict); //new Reward(items).Claim(LocalizeUtils.Get("Redeem Succeed")); }