Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Load LocalisationData files
 /// </summary>
 public static void Load(LocalisationConfiguration localisationConfiguration = null)
     if (LocalisationData != null)
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Load LocalisationData files
        /// </summary>
        public static void Reload(LocalisationConfiguration localisationConfiguration = null)

            if (localisationConfiguration == null)
                localisationConfiguration = GameManager.LoadResource <LocalisationConfiguration>("LocalisationConfiguration");
            //localisationConfiguration = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<LocalisationConfiguration>();
            var setupMode = localisationConfiguration == null ? LocalisationConfiguration.SetupModeType.Auto : localisationConfiguration.SetupMode;

            string[] loadedSupportedLanguages = new string[0];

            // set localisation data
            if (setupMode == LocalisationConfiguration.SetupModeType.Auto)
                // Try to load the default Localisation file directly - don't use GameMangager method as we load in 'reverse' as user items
                // should overwrite system ones.
                var asset = Resources.Load <LocalisationData>("Default/Localisation");
                if (asset != null)
                    LocalisationData         = ScriptableObject.Instantiate(asset); // create a copy so we don't overwrite values.
                    loadedSupportedLanguages = asset.GetLanguageNames();

                // try and load identifier localisation if specified and present, or if not user localisation
                var identifierLocalisationLoaded = false;
                if (GameManager.IsActive && GameManager.GetIdentifierBase() != null)
                    asset = Resources.Load <LocalisationData>(GameManager.GetIdentifierBase() + "/Localisation");
                    if (asset != null)
                        identifierLocalisationLoaded = true;
                        if (LocalisationData == null)
                            LocalisationData = asset;
                        loadedSupportedLanguages = asset.GetLanguageNames(); // override any previous
                if (!identifierLocalisationLoaded)
                    asset = Resources.Load <LocalisationData>("Localisation");
                    if (asset != null)
                        if (LocalisationData == null)
                            LocalisationData = asset;
                        loadedSupportedLanguages = asset.GetLanguageNames(); // override any previous
                if (LocalisationData == null)
                    MyDebug.LogWarning("GlobalLocalisation: No localisation data was found so creating an empty one. Please check that a localisation files exist at /Resources/Localisation or /Resources/Default/Localisation!");
            else if (setupMode == LocalisationConfiguration.SetupModeType.Specified)
                foreach (var localisationData in localisationConfiguration.SpecifiedLocalisationData)
                    // first item gets loaded / copied, subsequent get merged into this.
                    if (LocalisationData == null)
                        LocalisationData = ScriptableObject.Instantiate(localisationData);  // create a copy so we don't overwrite values.
                    loadedSupportedLanguages = localisationData.GetLanguageNames(); // if exists override
                if (LocalisationData == null)
                    MyDebug.LogWarning("GlobalLocalisation: No localisation data was found so creating an empty one. Please check that localisation files exist and are in the correct location!");

            // if nothing loaded then create an empty localisation to avoid errors.
            if (LocalisationData == null)
                LocalisationData = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <LocalisationData>();
                LocalisationData.AddLanguage("English", "en");
                loadedSupportedLanguages = LocalisationData.GetLanguageNames();

            // set Supported Languages - either from config if present or based upon loaded files.
            if (localisationConfiguration != null && localisationConfiguration.SupportedLanguages.Length > 0)
                List <string> validSupportedLanguages = new List <string>();
                foreach (var language in localisationConfiguration.SupportedLanguages)
                    if (LocalisationData.ContainsLanguage(language))
                        Debug.Log("GlobalLocalisation: Localisation files do not contain definitions for the specified supported language '" + language + "'");
                SupportedLanguages = validSupportedLanguages.ToArray();
                SupportedLanguages = loadedSupportedLanguages;

            // if no usable language is already set then set to the default language.
            if (!CanUseLanguage(Language))