Esempio n. 1
            public void Initialize(string checkpointDirectory, string logDirectory, bool populateLogHandles = false)
                if (!RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform.Windows))
                    populateLogHandles = false;
                this.CheckpointDirectory = checkpointDirectory;
                this.LogDirectory        = logDirectory;

                string logFileName    = "log";
                string deviceFileName = $"{this.LogDirectory}/{logFileName}";
                KeyValuePair <int, SafeFileHandle>[] initialHandles = null;
                if (populateLogHandles)
                    var segmentIds = new List <int>();
                    foreach (FileInfo item in new DirectoryInfo(logDirectory).GetFiles(logFileName + "*"))
                        segmentIds.Add(int.Parse(item.Name.Replace(logFileName, "").Replace(".", "")));
                    initialHandles = new KeyValuePair <int, SafeFileHandle> [segmentIds.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < segmentIds.Count; i++)
                        var segmentId = segmentIds[i];
#pragma warning disable CA1416 // populateLogHandles will be false for non-windows
                        var handle = LocalStorageDevice.CreateHandle(segmentId, disableFileBuffering: false, deleteOnClose: true, preallocateFile: false, segmentSize: -1, fileName: deviceFileName, IntPtr.Zero);
#pragma warning restore CA1416
                        initialHandles[i] = new KeyValuePair <int, SafeFileHandle>(segmentId, handle);

                if (!RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform.Windows))
                    this.LogDevice = new ManagedLocalStorageDevice(deviceFileName, deleteOnClose: true);
                    this.LogDevice = new LocalStorageDevice(deviceFileName, deleteOnClose: true, disableFileBuffering: false, initialLogFileHandles: initialHandles);

                this.Faster = new FasterKV <AdId, NumClicks>(
                    new LogSettings {
                    LogDevice = this.LogDevice
                    new CheckpointSettings {
                    CheckpointDir = this.CheckpointDirectory, CheckPointType = CheckpointType.FoldOver
Esempio n. 2
        public unsafe void MallocFixedPageSizeRecoveryTest()
            int     seed      = 123;
            var     rand1     = new Random(seed);
            IDevice device    = new LocalStorageDevice("test_ofb.dat", false, false, true, true);
            var     allocator = new MallocFixedPageSize <HashBucket>();

            //do something
            int numBucketsToAdd = 16 * MallocFixedPageSize <HashBucket> .PageSize;

            long[] logicalAddresses = new long[numBucketsToAdd];
            for (int i = 0; i < numBucketsToAdd; i++)
                long logicalAddress = allocator.Allocate();
                logicalAddresses[i] = logicalAddress;
                var bucket = (HashBucket *)allocator.GetPhysicalAddress(logicalAddress);
                for (int j = 0; j < Constants.kOverflowBucketIndex; j++)
                    bucket->bucket_entries[j] = rand1.Next();

            //issue call to checkpoint
            allocator.begin_checkpoint(device, 0, out ulong numBytesWritten);
            //wait until complete

            var recoveredAllocator = new MallocFixedPageSize <HashBucket>();

            //issue call to recover
            recoveredAllocator.begin_recovery(device, 0, numBucketsToAdd, numBytesWritten, out ulong numBytesRead);
            //wait until complete

            Assert.IsTrue(numBytesWritten == numBytesRead);

            var rand2 = new Random(seed);

            for (int i = 0; i < numBucketsToAdd; i++)
                var logicalAddress = logicalAddresses[i];
                var bucket         = (HashBucket *)recoveredAllocator.GetPhysicalAddress(logicalAddress);
                for (int j = 0; j < Constants.kOverflowBucketIndex; j++)
                    Assert.IsTrue(bucket->bucket_entries[j] == rand2.Next());
Esempio n. 3
        internal static IDevice CreateTestDevice(DeviceType testDeviceType, string filename, int latencyMs = 20)  // latencyMs works only for DeviceType = LocalMemory
            IDevice device               = null;
            bool    preallocateFile      = false;
            long    capacity             = -1; // Capacity unspecified
            bool    recoverDevice        = false;
            bool    useIoCompletionPort  = false;
            bool    disableFileBuffering = true;

            bool deleteOnClose = false;

            switch (testDeviceType)
            case DeviceType.LSD:
                if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))        // avoids CA1416 // Validate platform compatibility
                device = new LocalStorageDevice(filename, preallocateFile, deleteOnClose, disableFileBuffering, capacity, recoverDevice, useIoCompletionPort);

            case DeviceType.EmulatedAzure:
                device = new AzureStorageDevice(AzureEmulatedStorageString, AzureTestContainer, AzureTestDirectory, Path.GetFileName(filename), deleteOnClose: false);
            case DeviceType.MLSD:
                device = new ManagedLocalStorageDevice(filename, preallocateFile, deleteOnClose, capacity, recoverDevice);

            // Emulated higher latency storage device - takes a disk latency arg (latencyMs) and emulates an IDevice using main memory, serving data at specified latency
            case DeviceType.LocalMemory:
                device = new LocalMemoryDevice(1L << 26, 1L << 22, 2, sector_size: 512, latencyMs: latencyMs, fileName: filename);      // 64 MB (1L << 26) is enough for our test cases

Esempio n. 4
            public void Initialize(string checkpointDirectory, string logDirectory, bool populateLogHandles = false)
                this.CheckpointDirectory = checkpointDirectory;
                this.LogDirectory        = logDirectory;

                string logFileName    = "log";
                string deviceFileName = $"{this.LogDirectory}\\{logFileName}";

                KeyValuePair <int, SafeFileHandle>[] initialHandles = null;
                if (populateLogHandles)
                    var segmentIds = new List <int>();
                    foreach (FileInfo item in new DirectoryInfo(logDirectory).GetFiles(logFileName + "*"))
                        segmentIds.Add(int.Parse(item.Name.Replace(logFileName, "").Replace(".", "")));
                    initialHandles = new KeyValuePair <int, SafeFileHandle> [segmentIds.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < segmentIds.Count; i++)
                        var segmentId = segmentIds[i];
                        var handle    = LocalStorageDevice.CreateHandle(segmentId, disableFileBuffering: false, deleteOnClose: true, preallocateFile: false, segmentSize: -1, fileName: deviceFileName);
                        initialHandles[i] = new KeyValuePair <int, SafeFileHandle>(segmentId, handle);

                this.LogDevice = new LocalStorageDevice(deviceFileName, deleteOnClose: true, disableFileBuffering: false, initialLogFileHandles: initialHandles);
                this.Faster    = new FasterKV <AdId, NumClicks, AdInput, Output, Empty, Functions>(
                    new Functions(),
                    new LogSettings {
                    LogDevice = this.LogDevice
                    new CheckpointSettings {
                    CheckpointDir = this.CheckpointDirectory, CheckPointType = CheckpointType.FoldOver
Esempio n. 5
        public unsafe void TestFuzzyIndexRecovery()
            int  seed    = 123;
            int  size    = 1 << 16;
            long numAdds = 1 << 18;

            IDevice ht_device  = new LocalStorageDevice("ht.dat", false, false, true, true);
            IDevice ofb_device = new LocalStorageDevice("ofb.dat", false, false, true, true);

            var hash_table1 = new FASTERBase();

            hash_table1.Initialize(size, 512);

            //do something
            var bucket = default(HashBucket *);
            var slot   = default(int);

            var keyGenerator1  = new Random(seed);
            var valueGenerator = new Random(seed + 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < numAdds; i++)
                long key  = keyGenerator1.Next();
                var  hash = Utility.GetHashCode(key);
                var  tag  = (ushort)((ulong)hash >> Constants.kHashTagShift);

                var entry = default(HashBucketEntry);
                hash_table1.FindOrCreateTag(hash, tag, ref bucket, ref slot, ref entry);

                hash_table1.UpdateSlot(bucket, slot, entry.word, valueGenerator.Next(), out long found_word);

            //issue checkpoint call
            hash_table1.TakeIndexFuzzyCheckpoint(0, ht_device, out ulong ht_num_bytes_written,
                                                 ofb_device, out ulong ofb_num_bytes_written, out int num_ofb_buckets);

            //wait until complete

            var hash_table2 = new FASTERBase();

            hash_table2.Initialize(size, 512);

            //issue recover call
            hash_table2.RecoverFuzzyIndex(0, ht_device, ht_num_bytes_written, ofb_device, num_ofb_buckets, ofb_num_bytes_written);
            //wait until complete

            var keyGenerator2 = new Random(seed);

            var bucket1 = default(HashBucket *);
            var bucket2 = default(HashBucket *);
            var slot1   = default(int);
            var slot2   = default(int);

            var entry1 = default(HashBucketEntry);
            var entry2 = default(HashBucketEntry);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2 * numAdds; i++)
                long key  = keyGenerator2.Next();
                var  hash = Utility.GetHashCode(key);
                var  tag  = (ushort)((ulong)hash >> Constants.kHashTagShift);

                var exists1 = hash_table1.FindTag(hash, tag, ref bucket1, ref slot1, ref entry1);
                var exists2 = hash_table2.FindTag(hash, tag, ref bucket2, ref slot2, ref entry2);

                Assert.IsTrue(exists1 == exists2);

                if (exists1)
                    Assert.IsTrue(entry1.word == entry2.word);