Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy Block item of LocalAreaRotationList item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbContext"></param>
        /// <param name="oldObject"></param>
        /// <param name="instance"></param>
        /// <param name="systemId"></param>
        private static void CopyToInstance(DbAppContext dbContext, Block oldObject, ref LocalAreaRotationList instance, string systemId)
            if (oldObject.Area_Id <= 0)

            // add the user specified in oldObject.Modified_By and oldObject.Created_By if not there in the database
            User createdBy = ImportUtility.AddUserFromString(dbContext, oldObject.Created_By, systemId);

            int equipmentTypeId = oldObject.Equip_Type_Id ?? 0;
            int blockNum        = Convert.ToInt32(float.Parse(oldObject.Block_Num == null ? "0.0" : oldObject.Block_Num));

            if (instance == null)
                instance = new LocalAreaRotationList();

                DistrictEquipmentType disEquipType = dbContext.DistrictEquipmentTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == equipmentTypeId);
                if (disEquipType != null)
                    instance.DistrictEquipmentType   = disEquipType;
                    instance.DistrictEquipmentTypeId = disEquipType.Id;

                // extract AskNextBlock*Id which is the secondary key of Equip.Id
                int equipId = oldObject.Last_Hired_Equip_Id ?? 0;

                if (dbContext.Equipments.Any(x => x.Id == equipId))
                    switch (blockNum)
                    case 1:
                        instance.AskNextBlockOpenId = equipId;

                    case 2:
                        instance.AskNextBlock1Id = equipId;

                    case 3:
                        instance.AskNextBlock2Id = equipId;

                instance.CreateUserid = createdBy.SmUserId;

                if (oldObject.Created_Dt != null)
                    instance.CreateTimestamp = DateTime.ParseExact(oldObject.Created_Dt.Trim().Substring(0, 10), "yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get local area rotation list by id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">id of DumpTruck to fetch</param>
        /// <response code="200">OK</response>
        /// <response code="404">DumpTruck not found</response>
        public virtual IActionResult LocalarearotationlistsIdGetAsync(int id)
            bool exists = _context.LocalAreaRotationLists.Any(a => a.Id == id);

            if (exists)
                LocalAreaRotationList result = _context.LocalAreaRotationLists.First(a => a.Id == id);

                return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse(result)));

            // record not found
            return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <response code="201">DumpTruck created</response>
        public virtual IActionResult LocalarearotationlistsPostAsync(LocalAreaRotationList item)
            var exists = _context.LocalAreaRotationLists.Any(a => a.Id == item.Id);

            if (exists)
                // record not found
            // Save the changes
            return(new ObjectResult(item));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">id of DumpTruck to fetch</param>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <response code="200">OK</response>
        /// <response code="404">DumpTruck not found</response>
        public virtual IActionResult LocalarearotationlistsIdPutAsync(int id, LocalAreaRotationList item)
            var exists = _context.LocalAreaRotationLists.Any(a => a.Id == id);

            if (exists && id == item.Id)
                // Save the changes
                return(new ObjectResult(item));
                // record not found
                return(new StatusCodeResult(404));
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Update local area rotation list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">id of DumpTruck to fetch</param>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <response code="200">OK</response>
        /// <response code="404">DumpTruck not found</response>
        public virtual IActionResult LocalarearotationlistsIdPutAsync(int id, LocalAreaRotationList item)
            bool exists = _context.LocalAreaRotationLists.Any(a => a.Id == id);

            if (exists && id == item.Id)

                // Save the changes

                return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse(item)));

            // record not found
            return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete local area rotation list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">id of DumpTruck to delete</param>
        /// <response code="200">OK</response>
        /// <response code="404">DumpTruck not found</response>
        public virtual IActionResult LocalarearotationlistsIdDeletePostAsync(int id)
            bool exists = _context.LocalAreaRotationLists.Any(a => a.Id == id);

            if (exists)
                LocalAreaRotationList item = _context.LocalAreaRotationLists.First(a => a.Id == id);

                if (item != null)

                    // Save the changes

                return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse(item)));

            // record not found
            return(new ObjectResult(new HetsResponse("HETS-01", ErrorViewModel.GetDescription("HETS-01", _configuration))));
        private void BuildRentalRequestRotationList(RentalRequest item)
            // validate input parameters
            if (item != null && item.LocalArea != null && item.DistrictEquipmentType != null && item.DistrictEquipmentType.EquipmentType != null)
                int currentSortOrder = 1;

                item.RentalRequestRotationList = new List <RentalRequestRotationList>();

                // first get the localAreaRotationList.askNextBlock1 for the given local area.
                LocalAreaRotationList localAreaRotationList = _context.LocalAreaRotationLists
                                                              .Include(x => x.LocalArea)
                                                              .Include(x => x.AskNextBlock1)
                                                              .Include(x => x.AskNextBlock2)
                                                              .Include(x => x.AskNextBlockOpen)
                                                              .FirstOrDefault(x => x.LocalArea.Id == item.LocalArea.Id);

                int numberOfBlocks = item.DistrictEquipmentType.EquipmentType.NumberOfBlocks;

                for (int currentBlock = 1; currentBlock <= numberOfBlocks; currentBlock++)
                    // start by getting the current set of equipment for the given equipment type
                    List <Equipment> blockEquipment = _context.Equipments
                                                      .Where(x => x.DistrictEquipmentType == item.DistrictEquipmentType && x.BlockNumber == currentBlock && x.LocalArea.Id == item.LocalArea.Id)
                                                      .OrderByDescending(x => x.Seniority)

                    int listSize = blockEquipment.Count;

                    // find the starting position.
                    int currentPosition = 0;

                    Equipment seeking = null;
                    if (localAreaRotationList != null)
                        switch (currentBlock)
                        case 1:
                            seeking = localAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock1;

                        case 2:
                            seeking = localAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock2;

                        case 3:
                            seeking = localAreaRotationList.AskNextBlockOpen;

                    if (localAreaRotationList != null && seeking != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++)
                            if (blockEquipment[i] != null && blockEquipment[i].Id == seeking.Id)
                                currentPosition = i;

                    // next pass sets the rotation list sort order.
                    for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++)
                        RentalRequestRotationList rentalRequestRotationList = new RentalRequestRotationList();
                        rentalRequestRotationList.Equipment             = blockEquipment[currentPosition];
                        rentalRequestRotationList.CreateTimestamp       = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        rentalRequestRotationList.RotationListSortOrder = currentSortOrder;



                        if (currentPosition >= listSize)
                            currentPosition = 0;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Import Rotaion List
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="performContext"></param>
        /// <param name="dbContext"></param>
        /// <param name="fileLocation"></param>
        /// <param name="systemId"></param>
        public static void Import(PerformContext performContext, DbAppContext dbContext, string fileLocation, string systemId)
            // check the start point. If startPoint == sigId then it is already completed
            int startPoint = ImportUtility.CheckInterMapForStartPoint(dbContext, OldTableProgress, BCBidImport.SigId);

            if (startPoint == BCBidImport.SigId)    // this means the import job it has done today is complete for all the records in the xml file.
                performContext.WriteLine("*** Importing " + XmlFileName + " is complete from the former process ***");

                string rootAttr = "ArrayOf" + OldTable;

                //Create Processer progress indicator
                performContext.WriteLine("Processing " + OldTable);
                IProgressBar progress = performContext.WriteProgressBar();

                // create serializer and serialize xml file
                XmlSerializer ser          = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Block[]), new XmlRootAttribute(rootAttr));
                MemoryStream  memoryStream = ImportUtility.MemoryStreamGenerator(XmlFileName, OldTable, fileLocation, rootAttr);
                Block[]       legacyItems  = (Block[])ser.Deserialize(memoryStream);

                int ii = startPoint;

                // skip the portion already processed
                if (startPoint > 0)
                    legacyItems = legacyItems.Skip(ii).ToArray();

                foreach (Block item in legacyItems.WithProgress(progress))
                    int areaId          = item.Area_Id ?? 0;
                    int equipmentTypeId = item.Equip_Type_Id ?? 0;
                    int blockNum        = Convert.ToInt32(float.Parse(item.Block_Num ?? "0.0"));

                    // this is for conversion record hope this is unique
                    string oldUniqueId = ((areaId * 10000 + equipmentTypeId) * 100 + blockNum).ToString();

                    // see if we have this one already
                    ImportMap importMap = dbContext.ImportMaps.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OldTable == OldTable && x.OldKey == oldUniqueId);

                    // new entry
                    if (importMap == null)
                        if (areaId > 0)
                            LocalAreaRotationList instance = null;
                            CopyToInstance(dbContext, item, ref instance, systemId);
                            ImportUtility.AddImportMap(dbContext, OldTable, oldUniqueId, NewTable, instance.Id);
                    else // update
                        LocalAreaRotationList instance = dbContext.LocalAreaRotationLists.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == importMap.NewKey);

                        // record was deleted
                        if (instance == null)
                            CopyToInstance(dbContext, item, ref instance, systemId);

                            // update the import map
                            importMap.NewKey = instance.Id;
                        else // ordinary update
                            CopyToInstance(dbContext, item, ref instance, systemId);

                            // touch the import map
                            importMap.LastUpdateTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    // save change to database periodically to avoid frequent writing to the database
                    if (++ii % 500 == 0)
                            ImportUtility.AddImportMapForProgress(dbContext, OldTableProgress, ii.ToString(), BCBidImport.SigId);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            performContext.WriteLine("Error saving data " + e.Message);

                    performContext.WriteLine("*** Importing " + XmlFileName + " is Done ***");
                    ImportUtility.AddImportMapForProgress(dbContext, OldTableProgress, BCBidImport.SigId.ToString(), BCBidImport.SigId);
                catch (Exception e)
                    performContext.WriteLine("Error saving data " + e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                performContext.WriteLine("*** ERROR ***");
Esempio n. 9
 public virtual IActionResult LocalarearotationlistsIdPut([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] LocalAreaRotationList item)
     return(this._service.LocalarearotationlistsIdPutAsync(id, item));
Esempio n. 10
 public virtual IActionResult LocalarearotationlistsPost([FromBody] LocalAreaRotationList item)
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the Local Area Rotation List
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <param name="numberOfBlocks"></param>
        private void UpdateLocalAreaRotationList(RentalRequest item, int numberOfBlocks)
            // *******************************************************************************
            // first get the localAreaRotationList.askNextBlock"N" for the given local area
            // *******************************************************************************
            bool exists = _context.LocalAreaRotationLists.Any(a => a.LocalArea.Id == item.LocalArea.Id);

            LocalAreaRotationList localAreaRotationList = new LocalAreaRotationList();

            if (exists)
                localAreaRotationList = _context.LocalAreaRotationLists
                                        .Include(x => x.LocalArea)
                                        .Include(x => x.AskNextBlock1)
                                        .Include(x => x.AskNextBlock2)
                                        .Include(x => x.AskNextBlockOpen)
                                        .FirstOrDefault(x => x.LocalArea.Id == item.LocalArea.Id &&
                                                        x.DistrictEquipmentTypeId == item.DistrictEquipmentTypeId);

            // determine what the next id is
            int?nextId = null;

            if (localAreaRotationList != null && localAreaRotationList.Id > 0)
                if (localAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock1Id != null)
                    nextId = localAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock1Id;
                else if (localAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock2Id != null)
                    nextId = localAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock2Id;
                    nextId = localAreaRotationList.AskNextBlockOpenId;

            // *******************************************************************************
            // populate:
            // 1. the "next on the list" table for the Local Area
            // 2. the first on the list id for the Rental Request
            // *******************************************************************************
            if (item.RentalRequestRotationList.Count > 0)
                item.RentalRequestRotationList = item.RentalRequestRotationList.OrderBy(x => x.RotationListSortOrder).ToList();

                item.FirstOnRotationListId = item.RentalRequestRotationList[0].Equipment.Id;

                LocalAreaRotationList newAreaRotationList = new LocalAreaRotationList
                    LocalAreaId             = item.LocalAreaId,
                    DistrictEquipmentTypeId = item.DistrictEquipmentTypeId

                if (nextId != null)
                    newAreaRotationList.Id                     = localAreaRotationList.Id;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock1          = localAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock1;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock1Id        = localAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock1Id;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock1Seniority = localAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock1Seniority;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock2          = localAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock2;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock2Id        = localAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock2Id;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock2Seniority = localAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock2Seniority;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlockOpen       = localAreaRotationList.AskNextBlockOpen;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlockOpenId     = localAreaRotationList.AskNextBlockOpenId;

                // find our next record
                int  nextRecordToAskIndex = 0;
                bool foundCurrentRecord   = false;

                if (nextId != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < item.RentalRequestRotationList.Count; i++)
                        bool forcedHire;
                        bool hired;

                        if (foundCurrentRecord &&
                            item.RentalRequestRotationList[i].IsForceHire == null ||
                            item.RentalRequestRotationList[i].IsForceHire == false)
                            forcedHire = false;
                            forcedHire = true;

                        if (foundCurrentRecord &&
                            item.RentalRequestRotationList[i].OfferResponse == null ||
                            !item.RentalRequestRotationList[i].OfferResponse.Equals("Yes", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            hired = false;
                            hired = true;

                        if (foundCurrentRecord && !forcedHire && !hired)
                            // we've found our next record - exit and update the lists
                            nextRecordToAskIndex = i;

                        if (!foundCurrentRecord &&
                            item.RentalRequestRotationList[i].Equipment.Id == nextId)
                            foundCurrentRecord = true;

                if (item.RentalRequestRotationList[nextRecordToAskIndex].Equipment.BlockNumber == 1 &&
                    item.RentalRequestRotationList[nextRecordToAskIndex].Equipment.BlockNumber <= numberOfBlocks)
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock1          = item.RentalRequestRotationList[nextRecordToAskIndex].Equipment;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock1Id        = newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock1.Id;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock1Seniority = item.RentalRequestRotationList[nextRecordToAskIndex].Equipment.Seniority;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock2Id        = null;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock2Seniority = null;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlockOpenId     = null;
                else if (item.RentalRequestRotationList[nextRecordToAskIndex].Equipment.BlockNumber == 2 &&
                         item.RentalRequestRotationList[nextRecordToAskIndex].Equipment.BlockNumber <= numberOfBlocks)
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock2          = item.RentalRequestRotationList[nextRecordToAskIndex].Equipment;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock2Id        = newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock2.Id;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock2Seniority = item.RentalRequestRotationList[nextRecordToAskIndex].Equipment.Seniority;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock1Id        = null;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock1Seniority = null;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlockOpenId     = null;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlockOpen       = item.RentalRequestRotationList[nextRecordToAskIndex].Equipment;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlockOpenId     = newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlockOpen.Id;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock1Id        = null;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock1Seniority = null;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock2Id        = null;
                    newAreaRotationList.AskNextBlock2Seniority = null;

                if (nextId == null)
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Import Rotaion List
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="performContext"></param>
        /// <param name="dbContext"></param>
        /// <param name="fileLocation"></param>
        /// <param name="systemId"></param>
        public static void Import(PerformContext performContext, DbAppContext dbContext, string fileLocation, string systemId)
            // check the start point. If startPoint == sigId then it is already completed
            int startPoint = ImportUtility.CheckInterMapForStartPoint(dbContext, OldTableProgress, BcBidImport.SigId, NewTable);

            if (startPoint == BcBidImport.SigId)    // this means the import job it has done today is complete for all the records in the xml file.
                performContext.WriteLine("*** Importing " + XmlFileName + " is complete from the former process ***");

            int maxBlockIndex = 0;

            if (dbContext.RentalRequestRotationLists.Any())
                maxBlockIndex = dbContext.RentalRequestRotationLists.Max(x => x.Id);

                string rootAttr = "ArrayOf" + OldTable;

                //Create Processer progress indicator
                performContext.WriteLine("Processing " + OldTable);
                IProgressBar progress = performContext.WriteProgressBar();

                // create serializer and serialize xml file
                XmlSerializer ser          = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Block[]), new XmlRootAttribute(rootAttr));
                MemoryStream  memoryStream = ImportUtility.MemoryStreamGenerator(XmlFileName, OldTable, fileLocation, rootAttr);
                Block[]       legacyItems  = (Block[])ser.Deserialize(memoryStream);

                int ii = startPoint;

                // skip the portion already processed
                if (startPoint > 0)
                    legacyItems = legacyItems.Skip(ii).ToArray();

                Debug.WriteLine("Importing Block Data. Total Records: " + legacyItems.Length);

                foreach (Block item in legacyItems.WithProgress(progress))
                    string areaId          = item.Area_Id.ToString();
                    string equipmentTypeId = item.Equip_Type_Id.ToString();
                    string createdDate     = item.Created_Dt;
                    string oldUniqueId     = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", areaId, equipmentTypeId, createdDate);

                    // see if we have this one already
                    ImportMap importMap = dbContext.ImportMaps.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OldTable == OldTable && x.OldKey == oldUniqueId);

                    // new entry
                    if (importMap == null && item.Area_Id > 0)
                        LocalAreaRotationList instance = null;
                        CopyToInstance(dbContext, item, ref instance, systemId, ref maxBlockIndex);

                        if (instance != null)
                            ImportUtility.AddImportMap(dbContext, OldTable, oldUniqueId, NewTable, instance.Id);

                    // save change to database periodically to avoid frequent writing to the database
                    if (++ii % 500 == 0)
                            ImportUtility.AddImportMapForProgress(dbContext, OldTableProgress, ii.ToString(), BcBidImport.SigId, NewTable);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            performContext.WriteLine("Error saving data " + e.Message);

                    performContext.WriteLine("*** Importing " + XmlFileName + " is Done ***");
                    ImportUtility.AddImportMapForProgress(dbContext, OldTableProgress, BcBidImport.SigId.ToString(), BcBidImport.SigId, NewTable);
                catch (Exception e)
                    string temp = string.Format("Error saving data (BlockIndex: {0}): {1}", maxBlockIndex, e.Message);
                    throw new DataException(temp);
            catch (Exception e)
                performContext.WriteLine("*** ERROR ***");
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy Block item of LocalAreaRotationList item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbContext"></param>
        /// <param name="oldObject"></param>
        /// <param name="rotationList"></param>
        /// <param name="systemId"></param>
        /// <param name="maxBlockIndex"></param>
        private static void CopyToInstance(DbAppContext dbContext, Block oldObject, ref LocalAreaRotationList rotationList,
                                           string systemId, ref int maxBlockIndex)
                bool isNew = false;

                if (oldObject.Area_Id <= 0)
                    return; // ignore these records

                if (oldObject.Equip_Type_Id <= 0)
                    return; // ignore these records

                if (oldObject.Last_Hired_Equip_Id <= 0)
                    return; // ignore these records

                // ***********************************************
                // we only need records from the current fiscal
                // so ignore all others
                // ***********************************************
                DateTime fiscalStart;
                DateTime fiscalEnd;

                if (DateTime.UtcNow.Month == 1 || DateTime.UtcNow.Month == 2 || DateTime.UtcNow.Month == 3)
                    fiscalEnd = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, 3, 31);
                    fiscalEnd = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1).Year, 3, 31);

                if (DateTime.UtcNow.Month == 1 || DateTime.UtcNow.Month == 2 || DateTime.UtcNow.Month == 3)
                    fiscalStart = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(-1).Year, 4, 1);
                    fiscalStart = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, 4, 1);

                string tempRecordDate = oldObject.Created_Dt;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempRecordDate))
                    return; // ignore if we don't have a created date

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempRecordDate))
                    DateTime?recordDate = ImportUtility.CleanDateTime(tempRecordDate);

                    if (recordDate == null ||
                        recordDate < fiscalStart ||
                        recordDate > fiscalEnd)
                        return; // ignore this record - it is outside of the current fiscal year

                // ***********************************************
                // get the area record
                // ***********************************************
                string tempOldAreaId = oldObject.Area_Id.ToString();

                ImportMap mapArea = dbContext.ImportMaps.AsNoTracking()
                                    .FirstOrDefault(x => x.OldKey == tempOldAreaId &&
                                                    x.OldTable == ImportLocalArea.OldTable &&
                                                    x.NewTable == ImportLocalArea.NewTable);

                if (mapArea == null)
                    throw new DataException(string.Format("Area Id cannot be null (BlockIndex: {0})", maxBlockIndex));

                LocalArea area = dbContext.LocalAreas.AsNoTracking()
                                 .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == mapArea.NewKey);

                if (area == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Cannot locate Local Area record (Local Area Id: {0})", tempOldAreaId));

                // ***********************************************
                // get the equipment type record
                // ***********************************************
                string tempOldEquipTypeId = oldObject.Equip_Type_Id.ToString();

                ImportMap mapEquipType = dbContext.ImportMaps.AsNoTracking()
                                         .FirstOrDefault(x => x.OldKey == tempOldEquipTypeId &&
                                                         x.OldTable == ImportDistrictEquipmentType.OldTable &&
                                                         x.NewTable == ImportDistrictEquipmentType.NewTable);

                if (mapEquipType == null)
                    throw new DataException(string.Format("Equipment Type Id cannot be null (BlockIndex: {0})", maxBlockIndex));

                DistrictEquipmentType equipmentType = dbContext.DistrictEquipmentTypes.AsNoTracking()
                                                      .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == mapEquipType.NewKey);

                if (equipmentType == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Cannot locate District Equipment Type record (Equipment Type Id: {0})", tempOldEquipTypeId));

                // ***********************************************
                // see if a record already exists
                // ***********************************************
                rotationList = dbContext.LocalAreaRotationLists
                               .FirstOrDefault(x => x.LocalAreaId == area.Id &&
                                               x.DistrictEquipmentTypeId == equipmentType.Id);

                if (rotationList == null)
                    isNew = true;

                    // create new list
                    rotationList = new LocalAreaRotationList
                        Id                      = ++maxBlockIndex,
                        LocalAreaId             = area.Id,
                        DistrictEquipmentTypeId = equipmentType.Id,
                        AppCreateUserid         = systemId,
                        AppCreateTimestamp      = DateTime.UtcNow
                    // record already exists - just testing updates
                    Debug.WriteLine("Record Id: " + rotationList.Id);

                // ***********************************************
                // get the equipment record
                // ***********************************************
                string tempOldEquipId = oldObject.Last_Hired_Equip_Id.ToString();

                ImportMap mapEquip = dbContext.ImportMaps.AsNoTracking()
                                     .FirstOrDefault(x => x.OldKey == tempOldEquipId &&
                                                     x.OldTable == ImportEquip.OldTable &&
                                                     x.NewTable == ImportEquip.NewTable);

                if (mapEquip == null)
                    throw new DataException(string.Format("Equipment Id cannot be null (BlockIndex: {0})", maxBlockIndex));

                Equipment equipment = dbContext.Equipments.AsNoTracking()
                                      .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == mapEquip.NewKey);

                if (equipment == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Cannot locate Equipment record (Equipment Id: {0})", tempOldEquipId));

                // ***********************************************
                // update the "Ask Next" values
                // ***********************************************
                float?blockNum = ImportUtility.GetFloatValue(oldObject.Block_Num);

                if (blockNum == null)
                    throw new DataException(string.Format("Block Number cannot be null (BlockIndex: {0}", maxBlockIndex));

                // extract AskNextBlock*Id which is the secondary key of Equip.Id
                switch (blockNum)
                case 1:
                    rotationList.AskNextBlock1Id        = equipment.Id;
                    rotationList.AskNextBlock1Seniority = equipment.Seniority;

                case 2:
                    rotationList.AskNextBlock2Id        = equipment.Id;
                    rotationList.AskNextBlock2Seniority = equipment.Seniority;

                case 3:
                    rotationList.AskNextBlockOpenId = equipment.Id;

                // ***********************************************
                // update or create equipment
                // ***********************************************
                equipment.AppLastUpdateUserid    = systemId;
                equipment.AppLastUpdateTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (isNew)
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("***Error*** - Master Block Index: " + maxBlockIndex);
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">id of LocalAreaRotationList to fetch</param>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <response code="200">OK</response>
        /// <response code="404">LocalAreaRotationList not found</response>
        public virtual IActionResult LocalarearotationlistsIdPutAsync(int id, LocalAreaRotationList item)
            var result = "";

            return(new ObjectResult(result));
Esempio n. 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Setup the test.
 /// </summary>
 public LocalAreaRotationListModelTests()
     instance = new LocalAreaRotationList();