/// <summary>
 /// Check if 2 photonviews are on the same team
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id1">1st photon view</param>
 /// <param name="id2">2nd photon view</param>
 /// <returns>well are they?</returns>
 bool issameteam(int id1, int id2)
     if (PhotonNetwork.inRoom)
         ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable hash = PhotonNetwork.room.CustomProperties;
         List <int> team1 = LobbyScreenController.getteam1();
         List <int> team2 = LobbyScreenController.getteam2();
         if (team1.Contains(id1) && team1.Contains(id2))
         else if (team2.Contains(id1) && team2.Contains(id2))
    /// <summary>
    /// find the spawn position (with an int) from the starting position of the player.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="input"></param>
    /// <returns>returns the spawn position to spawn into</returns>
    public int findspawnpos(int input)
        int output = 0;

        if (LobbyScreenController.getteam1().Contains(input))
            output = LobbyScreenController.getteam1().IndexOf(input) + 1;
        if (LobbyScreenController.getteam2().Contains(input))
            output = 4 + LobbyScreenController.getteam2().IndexOf(input);
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds bots to the teams in the custom properties.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>returns a full list of players and bots</returns>
    public List <int> team2wbots()
        List <int> output         = LobbyScreenController.getteam2();
        int        maxplayerstemp = PhotonNetwork.room.MaxPlayers;

        if (maxplayerstemp == 4 && (string)PhotonNetwork.room.CustomProperties["3v3"] == "Yes")
            maxplayerstemp = 6;
        while (output.Count < (maxplayerstemp / 2))
            if (bots)
 public int findteam(int check)
     if (PhotonNetwork.inRoom)
         int output = 2;
         if (LobbyScreenController.getteam1().Contains(check))
             output = 1;
         else if (LobbyScreenController.getteam2().Contains(check))
             output = 2;
    /// <summary>
    /// Asign the current player to a team at the start of a match, this uses a rooms custom properties to ensure continuaty across the entire program.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ownerID">The PhotonID to add to the customproperties</param>
    /// <param name="team">the team to add the PhotonID to.</param>
    public void AsignTeam(int ownerID, int team)
        List <int> team1          = LobbyScreenController.getteam1();
        List <int> team2          = LobbyScreenController.getteam2();
        int        maxplayerstemp = PhotonNetwork.room.MaxPlayers;

        if (maxplayerstemp == 4 && (string)PhotonNetwork.room.CustomProperties["3v3"] == "Yes")
            maxplayerstemp = 6;
        int maxplayersperteam = maxplayerstemp / 2;

        if (team == 1 && team1.Count <= maxplayersperteam)
            if (team2.Contains(ownerID))
            if (team1.Contains(ownerID) == false)
        else if (team2.Count <= maxplayersperteam)
            if (team1.Contains(ownerID))
            if (team2.Contains(ownerID) == false)
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Repeats every second to update the minimap.
 /// </summary>
 void Rep()
     if (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex != 0 && UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex != 1)
         if (Blue)
             // give the player an indicator or how many ships each color owns and the player name assosiated with those ships.
             if (Green.gameObject.GetActive() == true)
                 Green.text = getplayername(LobbyScreenController.getteam1(), 0) + "Green: " + unitcontrol.teammembersout(_Ship.eShipColor.Green).Count + " ships";
             if (Blue.gameObject.GetActive() == true)
                 Blue.text = getplayername(LobbyScreenController.getteam1(), 1) + "Blue: " + unitcontrol.teammembersout(_Ship.eShipColor.Blue).Count + " ships";
             if (White.gameObject.GetActive() == true)
                 White.text = getplayername(LobbyScreenController.getteam1(), 2) + "White: " + unitcontrol.teammembersout(_Ship.eShipColor.White).Count + " ships";
             if (Yellow.gameObject.GetActive() == true)
                 Yellow.text = getplayername(LobbyScreenController.getteam2(), 0) + "Yellow: " + unitcontrol.teammembersout(_Ship.eShipColor.Yellow).Count + " ships";
             if (Grey.gameObject.GetActive() == true)
                 Grey.text = getplayername(LobbyScreenController.getteam2(), 1) + "Grey: " + unitcontrol.teammembersout(_Ship.eShipColor.Grey).Count + " ships";
             if (Red.gameObject.GetActive() == true)
                 Red.text = getplayername(LobbyScreenController.getteam2(), 2) + "Red: " + unitcontrol.teammembersout(_Ship.eShipColor.Red).Count + " ships";
         if (unitcontrol == null)
             unitcontrol = GameObject.Find("Controllers").GetComponent <UnitMovementcommandcontroller>();
         // moves unused blips out of view.
         foreach (bliplinecontroller blip in allyblips)
             blip.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(100000, 100000, 100000);
         foreach (bliplinecontroller blip in enemyblips)
             blip.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(100000, 100000, 100000);
         foreach (bliplinecontroller blip in allyblips)
             blip.targetgam = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
         List <GameObject> temp = unitcontrol.teammembersout(unitcontrol.team);
         if (temp != null && Ships_Left_Text != null)
             Kills_Text.text = " ships : " + temp.Count.ToString() + " out of " + UnitMovementcommandcontroller.getmaxshipnumbers().ToString();
             List <TSTransform> enemies = unitcontrol.targetsout(unitcontrol.team);
             for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Count; i++)
                 if (enemyblips[i] != null && enemyblips[i].gameObject != null && enemies[i] != null && enemies[i].gameObject != null)
                     enemyblips[i].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, enemies[i].transform.localPosition.x * 0.35f, enemies[i].transform.localPosition.z * 0.35f);
         if (Time_Left_Text && ismission == false)
             Time_Left_Text.text = unitcontrol.gettimeleft();
         else if (AIController && AIController.timepassedactual < 30)
             Time_Left_Text.text = "Time til attack: " + (30 - TSMath.Round(AIController.timepassedactual)).ToString();
         else if (unitcontrol.crosslevelholder.campaign == true && unitcontrol.crosslevelholder.campaignlevel.objective == MainMenuCampaignControlScript.eMissionObjective.Survive)
             Time_Left_Text.text = "Survive for: " + unitcontrol.gettimeleft();
         else if (Time_Left_Text)
             Time_Left_Text.text = unitcontrol.gettimeleft();
         List <TSTransform> allies = unitcontrol.alliesout();
         for (int i = 0; i < allies.Count; i++)
             if (allyblip && allyblips[i].gameObject != null)
                 // asigns blip positions
                 allyblips[i].source = allies[i];
                 allyblips[i].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, allies[i].transform.localPosition.x * 0.35f, allies[i].transform.localPosition.z * 0.35f);
                 Vector3 tempa = allies[i].shipscript.fac.localtarget.ToVector() * 0.35f;
                 allyblips[i].targetgam = new Vector3(0, tempa.x, tempa.z);
         if (Objectsholder == null)
             Objectsholder = GameObject.Find("Objects");
         if (Cameratracking == null)
             if (GameObject.Find("Camera (eye)") != null)
                 Cameratracking = GameObject.Find("Camera (eye)");
                 Cameratracking = GameObject.Find("CenterEyeAnchor");
         Vector3 playerloc = Objectsholder.transform.InverseTransformPoint(Cameratracking.transform.position);
         playerblip.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, playerloc.x * 0.35f, playerloc.z * 0.35f);