//Sets up Level selection for multiplayer
 public void SetMp(Lobby.MultiplayerRole role)
     this.mpRole = role;
     if (role == Lobby.MultiplayerRole.P2)
         //Set buttons to P2 style
         foreach (LevelData l in this.levels)
             l.button.TextureHover    = this.p2ButtonHover;
             l.button.TexturePressed  = this.p2ButtonPressed;
             l.button.TextureDisabled = this.p2ButtonPressed;
     else if (role != Lobby.MultiplayerRole.P1)         //All none players
         this.nodeButtonPlay.Visible = false;
        //Called remoted by a player when they have picked a map
        public void MpSelected(Lobby.MultiplayerRole role, int index)
            if (role == Lobby.MultiplayerRole.P1)
                this.mpP1Selection = index;
            else if (role == Lobby.MultiplayerRole.P2)
                this.mpP2Selection = index;
            //else {wtf?}

            //Both players have chosen, pass choices through to clients, if host
            if (this.mpP1Selection != -1 && this.mpP2Selection != -1 && Lobby.IsHost)
                //Randomly generate a winner
                Lobby.MultiplayerRole win = Command.Random(0, 1) == 0 ? Lobby.MultiplayerRole.P1 : Lobby.MultiplayerRole.P2;
                Rpc(nameof(MpChosen), new object[] { win, this.mpP1Selection, this.mpP2Selection });
        //Called by the host once both p1 and p2 have chosen maps, plays the correct animation
        public void MpChosen(Lobby.MultiplayerRole winner, int p1, int p2)
            //Set mp selection correctly, if they chose the same it doesn't matter who wins
            this.mpSelection = winner == Lobby.MultiplayerRole.P1 ? p1 : p2;

            //Hide the confirm buttons
            this.nodeButtonPlay.Visible = false;

            //Make all the buttons f**k off
            foreach (LevelData l in this.levels)
                l.button.TextureDisabled = null;
                l.button.Disabled        = true;

            //Same level chosen
            if (p1 == p2)
                this.nodeButtonAnim.GetAnimation("same_chosen").TrackSetPath(0, this.levels[p1].button.GetPath()
                                                                             + ":texture_disabled");
                //Setup buttons
                this.levels[p1].button.TextureDisabled = this.p1ButtonPressed;
                this.levels[p2].button.TextureDisabled = this.p2ButtonPressed;

                String anim = this.mpSelection == p1 ? "diff_chosen_p1" : "diff_chosen_p2";

                //Set tracks to point to the correct position
                this.nodeButtonAnim.GetAnimation(anim).TrackSetPath(0, this.levels[p1].button.GetPath() + ":visible");
                this.nodeButtonAnim.GetAnimation(anim).TrackSetPath(1, this.levels[p2].button.GetPath() + ":visible");
        //Sets a player selection to be confirmed
        public void Confirm(Lobby.MultiplayerRole p, int selection)
            if (p == Lobby.MultiplayerRole.P1)
                this.p1.nodeConfirmed.Visible = true;
                this.p1.selection             = selection;
                this.p1.mpConfirmed           = true;
            else if (p == Lobby.MultiplayerRole.P2)
                this.p2.nodeConfirmed.Visible = true;
                this.p2.selection             = selection;
                this.p2.mpConfirmed           = true;
            }     //Cry I guess?

            //Both are selected, start the game
            if (this.p1.mpConfirmed && this.p2.mpConfirmed)
                this.callback(this, this.chars[this.p1.selection].character, this.chars[this.p2.selection].character);
        public override void _Ready()
            this.mpRole = Lobby.MultiplayerRole.OFFLINE;
            this.level  = null;

            this.mpP1Selection = -1;
            this.mpP2Selection = -1;
            this.mpSelection   = -1;

            //Gets nodes and sets up connections
            this.nodeButtonPanel = this.GetNode <Control>("pa_buttons");
            this.nodeButtonPlay  = this.GetNode <TextureButton>("bt_play");
            //Animations are only used in mulitplayer
            this.nodeButtonAnim = this.GetNode <AnimationPlayer>("an_buttons");

            this.nodeButtonAnim.Connect("animation_finished", this, nameof(_OnAnimFinished));

            this.nodeLevelSprite   = this.GetNode <Sprite>("sp_level");
            this.nodeLevelViewport = this.GetNode <Viewport>("vp_level");
            this.nodeLevelCamera   = this.GetNode <Camera2D>("vp_level/camera");
            this.nodeLevelSlider   = this.GetNode <HSlider>("sl_level");
            this.nodeLevelText     = this.GetNode <RichTextLabel>("tx_level");

            this.nodeButtonPlay.Connect("pressed", this, nameof(_OnPlayPressed));
            this.nodeLevelSlider.Connect("value_changed", this, nameof(_OnSliderChanged));

            //Checks that number of buttons and levels are the same
            Godot.Collections.Array buttonPanelChildren = this.nodeButtonPanel.GetChildren();

            if (this.levelData.Length != buttonPanelChildren.Count)
                GD.Print("ERROR: LEVEL SELECTION: Unequal number of buttons and maps, aborting");

            //Init levels array
            this.levels = new LevelData[this.levelData.Length];

            //Temp looping values
            int       i = 0;
            LevelData level;

            //Iterate through level data provided
            foreach (LevelSelectionLevelData data in this.levelData)
                //Create new resource for level
                level          = new LevelData();
                level.resource = data;

                //Instance level
                level.level = level.resource.packed.Instance() as Level;
                if (level.level == null)
                    GD.Print("Error: Processing level from pack");

                //Remove hud and camera track

                //Gets all children of the button panel
                level.button = buttonPanelChildren[i] as TextureButton;

                //Call _OnButtonPress with this buttons index on press
                level.button.Connect("pressed", this, nameof(this._OnButtonPressed),
                                     new Godot.Collections.Array(new int[] { i }));

                this.levels[i] = level;

                //Something has gone very wrong if there's more than 6 buttons
                if (i == 6)
                    GD.Print("ERROR: LEVEL SELECTION: More than 6 maps");

            //Sends only to server
            RpcConfig(nameof(this.MpSelected), MultiplayerAPI.RPCMode.Remotesync);
            //Only server can call this
            RpcConfig(nameof(this.MpChosen), MultiplayerAPI.RPCMode.Remotesync);
