Esempio n. 1
         * Function: SaveAsExtern
         * Serves as 'save as' functionality. See the function documentation below this one.
         * Author: wellinthatcase
         * Date: 12/25/2020
         * Parameters:
         * file -      The file.
         * content -   The content.
         * Returns: True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

        private string SaveAsExtern(string file, string content)
            SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog
                Filter          = Metadata["DialogFilters"],
                FileName        = Metadata["ActualNoteName"],
                AddExtension    = true,
                ValidateNames   = true,
                OverwritePrompt = true

            if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                file = dialog.FileName;

                using (FileStream stream = File.OpenWrite(file))
                    content = Lmd.Embed(file, content, TextEntry);

                    byte[] encodedContent = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content);
                    int    encodedMaxByte = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(content);
                    int    encodedOffset  = 0;

                    stream.Write(encodedContent, encodedOffset, encodedMaxByte);

Esempio n. 2
         * Function: Save
         * If the note corresponds to a file, then this saves the content into the file.
         * This serves much more as 'save' than 'save as' functionality.
         * If there is no file to correspond with, then 'save as' functionality is invoked.
         * In addition to saving the note, we also may inject LMD, or 'Lively metadata'
         * into the beginning of the file.
         * This sort of functionality is only supported among files with the '.lmd' extension.
         * Author: wellinthatcase
         * Date: 12/25/2020
         * Parameters:
         * file -      The file.
         * content -   The content.
         * Returns: True if it succeeds, false if it fails.

        private string Save(string file, string content)
            if (file != string.Empty)
                File.WriteAllText(file, Lmd.Embed(file, content, TextEntry));
                return(SaveAsExtern(file, content));
Esempio n. 3
     * Function: FullProcess
     * Parses LMD from the described filePath, then modifies the supplied TextEntry with the attained LMD.
     * Author: wellinthatcase
     * Date: 12/31/2020
     * Parameters:
     * filePath -  Full pathname of the file.

    public static string Process(string filePath, ref RichTextBox TextEntry)
        string text = StripLmdFromFile(filePath);

        TextEntry.Document.Blocks.Add(new Paragraph(new Run(text)));

        Lmd possibleLmd = ParseFromFile(filePath);

        if (possibleLmd is Lmd)
            possibleLmd.ProcessStyles(ref TextEntry);

Esempio n. 4
         * Function: KeybinderOpen
         * Opens & processes the open file dialog for the keybinder.
         * Author: wellinthatcase
         * Date: 12/25/2020

        private string KeybinderOpen()
            OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog
                Filter = Metadata["DialogFilters"]

            if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                string filName = dialog.FileName;
                string content = Lmd.Process(filName, ref TextEntry);
                string nNoteId = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filName);

                Metadata["ActualNoteName"] = nNoteId;
                NoteName.Text = MeasureNoteName(nNoteId);


Esempio n. 5
         * Function: RenderPotentialNoteName
         * Control: NoteName
         * Event: Loaded
         * Renders the potential note name. Both from the Splash-Screen & Windows.
         * Author: wellinthatcase.
         * Date: 12/22/2020.
         * Param:
         * sender -  Source of the event.
         * e -       Routed event information.

        private void RenderPotentialNoteName(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string[] lpCmdLineArgs = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();

                Metadata["ActualNoteName"] = lpCmdLineArgs[1];
                Metadata["AlreadyRunFile"] = lpCmdLineArgs[1];

                if (File.Exists(Metadata["AlreadyRunFile"]))
                    Lmd.Process(Metadata["AlreadyRunFile"], ref TextEntry);
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                Metadata["ActualNoteName"] = "Untitled note";

            NoteName.Text = MeasureNoteName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Metadata["ActualNoteName"]));