Esempio n. 1
        public void ShouldSaveArbitraryDocument()
            var littleCar = new LittleCar()
                docType = "car", Make = "Yugo", Model = "Hell if i know"

            littleCar = db.SaveArbitraryDocument(littleCar);
Esempio n. 2
        public void ShouldLoadArbitraryDocument()
            var firstCar = new LittleCar()
                docType = "car", Make = "Yugo", Model = "Hell if i know"

            firstCar = db.SaveArbitraryDocument(firstCar);
            var otherCar = db.GetArbitraryDocument <LittleCar>(firstCar._id, () => new LittleCar());

Esempio n. 3
        public void ShouldSaveArbitraryDocuments()
            var littleCar1 = new LittleCar {
                docType = "car", Make = "Make1"
            var littleCar2 = new LittleCar {
                docType = "car", Make = "Make2"
            var docs = new List <LittleCar> {
                littleCar1, littleCar2

            db.SaveArbitraryDocuments(docs, true);
            var documentIds = db.GetAllDocuments().Select(doc => doc.Id);
            var loadedCars  = db.GetArbitraryDocuments(documentIds, () => new LittleCar());

            Assert.AreEqual(littleCar1.Make, loadedCars.ElementAt(0).Make);
            Assert.AreEqual(littleCar2.Make, loadedCars.ElementAt(1).Make);
Esempio n. 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string host = "";
            int port = 5984;
            String username = "";
            String password = "";

            // Lets you see all HTTP requests made by Divan
            Trace.Listeners.Add(new ConsoleTraceListener());

            // Trivial parse of args to get host and port
            switch (args.Length)
                case 0:
                    Console.WriteLine("Using " + host + ":" + port);
                case 1:
                    Console.WriteLine("Using " + args[0] + ":5984");
                    host = args[0];
                case 2:
                    Console.WriteLine("Using " + args[0] + ":" + args[1]);
                    host = args[0];
                    port = int.Parse(args[1]);

            // Get a server instance. It only holds host, port and a string database prefix.
            // For non trivial usage of Divan you typically create your own subclass of CouchServer.
            var server = new CouchServer(host, port,username,password);

            /* This has issues with the windows build of couch db - something about file locking
            // a little bit of cleanup
            if (server.HasDatabase("trivial"))

            // Get (creates it if needed) a CouchDB database. This call will create the db in CouchDB
            // if it does not exist, create a CouchDatabase instance and then send Initialize() to it
            // before returning it. The base class CouchDatabase also has very little state, it knows
            // only the server that it belongs to and its own name.
            var db = server.GetDatabase("trivial");
            Console.WriteLine("Created database 'trivial'");

            // Create and save 10 Cars with automatically allocated Ids by CouchDB.
            // Divan stores ICouchDocuments and there are several ways you can go:
            //   - Create a subclass of CouchDocument (like Car is here).
            //   - Create a class that implements ICouchDocument.
            //   - Create a subclass of CouchJsonDocument.
            Car car = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                car = new Car("Saab", "93", 170 + i);
            Console.WriteLine("Saved 10 Cars with 170-180 hps each.");

            // Load all Cars as CouchJsonDocuments and print one of them
            Console.WriteLine("Here is the first of the Cars: \n\n" + db.GetAllDocuments().First().ToString());

            // Modify the last Car we saved...
            car.HorsePowers = 400;

            // ...and save the change.
            // We could also have used WriteDocument if we knew it was an existing doc
            Console.WriteLine("Modified last Car with id " + car.Id);

            // Load a Car by known id (we just pick it from car), the class to instantiate is given using generics (Car)
            var sameCar = db.GetDocument<Car>(car.Id);
            Console.WriteLine("Loaded last Car " + sameCar.Make + " " + sameCar.Model + " now with " + sameCar.HorsePowers + "hps.");

            // Load all Cars. If we dwelve into the GetAllDocuments() method we will see that
            // QueryAllDocuments() gives us a CouchQuery which we can configure. We tell it to IncludeDocuments()
            // which means that we will get back not only ids but the actual documents too. GetResult() will perform the
            // HTTP request to CouchDB and return a CouchGenericViewResult which we in turn can ask to produce objects from JSON,
            // in this case we pick out the actual documents and instantiate them as instances of the class Car.
            var cars = db.GetAllDocuments<Car>();
            Console.WriteLine("Loaded all Cars: " + cars.Count());

            // Now try some linq
            var tempView = db.NewTempView("test", "test", "if (doc.docType && doc.docType == 'car') emit(doc.Hps, doc);");
            var linqCars = tempView.LinqQuery<Car>();

            var fastCars = from c in linqCars where c.HorsePowers >= 175 select c;//.Make + " " + c.Model;
            foreach (var fastCar in fastCars)

            var twoCars = from c in linqCars where c.HorsePowers == 175 || c.HorsePowers == 176 select c;//.Make + " " + c.Model;
            foreach (var twoCar in twoCars)

            var hps = new int[] { 176, 177 };
            var twoMoreCars = from c in linqCars where hps.Contains(c.HorsePowers) select c.Make + " " + c.Model + " with " + c.HorsePowers + "HPs";
            foreach (var twoCar in twoMoreCars)

            // cleanup for later

            // Delete some Cars one by one. CouchDB is an MVCC database which means that for every operation that modifies a document
            // we need to supply not only its document id, but also the revision that we are aware of. This means that we must supply id/rev
            // for each document we want to delete.
            foreach (var eachCar in cars.Where(x => x.HorsePowers > 175))
                Console.WriteLine("Deleted car with id " + eachCar.Id);

            cars = db.GetAllDocuments<Car>();
            // Get all cars again and see how many are left.
            Console.WriteLine("Cars left: " + cars.Count());

            //  We can actually also delete in a single bulk call using DeleteDocuments().
            Console.WriteLine("Deleted the rest of the cars");

            // test out the arbitrary conventions
            Console.WriteLine("Trying arbitrary documents");
            var littleCar = new LittleCar() { docType = "car", Make = "Yugo", Model = "Hell if i know" };
            littleCar = db.SaveArbitraryDocument(littleCar);

            Console.Write("\r\nDelete database (y/n)? ");
            if (Console.ReadLine().Trim().Equals("y", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // Delete the db itself
                Console.WriteLine("Deleted database.");

            Console.WriteLine("\r\nPress enter to close. ");

Esempio n. 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string host     = "";
            int    port     = 5984;
            String username = "";
            String password = "";

            // Lets you see all HTTP requests made by Divan
            Trace.Listeners.Add(new ConsoleTraceListener());

            // Trivial parse of args to get host and port
            switch (args.Length)
            case 0:
                Console.WriteLine("Using " + host + ":" + port);

            case 1:
                Console.WriteLine("Using " + args[0] + ":5984");
                host = args[0];

            case 2:
                Console.WriteLine("Using " + args[0] + ":" + args[1]);
                host = args[0];
                port = int.Parse(args[1]);

            // Get a server instance. It only holds host, port and a string database prefix.
            // For non trivial usage of Divan you typically create your own subclass of CouchServer.
            var server = new CouchServer(host, port, username, password);

            /* This has issues with the windows build of couch db - something about file locking
             * // a little bit of cleanup
             * if (server.HasDatabase("trivial"))
             *      server.DeleteDatabase("trivial");

            // Get (creates it if needed) a CouchDB database. This call will create the db in CouchDB
            // if it does not exist, create a CouchDatabase instance and then send Initialize() to it
            // before returning it. The base class CouchDatabase also has very little state, it knows
            // only the server that it belongs to and its own name.
            var db = server.GetDatabase("trivial");

            Console.WriteLine("Created database 'trivial'");

            // Create and save 10 Cars with automatically allocated Ids by CouchDB.
            // Divan stores ICouchDocuments and there are several ways you can go:
            //   - Create a subclass of CouchDocument (like Car is here).
            //   - Create a class that implements ICouchDocument.
            //   - Create a subclass of CouchJsonDocument.
            Car car = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                car = new Car("Saab", "93", 170 + i);
            Console.WriteLine("Saved 10 Cars with 170-180 hps each.");

            // Load all Cars as CouchJsonDocuments and print one of them
            Console.WriteLine("Here is the first of the Cars: \n\n" + db.GetAllDocuments().First().ToString());

            // Modify the last Car we saved...
            car.HorsePowers = 400;

            // ...and save the change.
            // We could also have used WriteDocument if we knew it was an existing doc
            Console.WriteLine("Modified last Car with id " + car.Id);

            // Load a Car by known id (we just pick it from car), the class to instantiate is given using generics (Car)
            var sameCar = db.GetDocument <Car>(car.Id);

            Console.WriteLine("Loaded last Car " + sameCar.Make + " " + sameCar.Model + " now with " + sameCar.HorsePowers + "hps.");

            // Load all Cars. If we dwelve into the GetAllDocuments() method we will see that
            // QueryAllDocuments() gives us a CouchQuery which we can configure. We tell it to IncludeDocuments()
            // which means that we will get back not only ids but the actual documents too. GetResult() will perform the
            // HTTP request to CouchDB and return a CouchGenericViewResult which we in turn can ask to produce objects from JSON,
            // in this case we pick out the actual documents and instantiate them as instances of the class Car.
            var cars = db.GetAllDocuments <Car>();

            Console.WriteLine("Loaded all Cars: " + cars.Count());

            // Now try some linq
            var tempView = db.NewTempView("test", "test", "if (doc.docType && doc.docType == 'car') emit(doc.Hps, doc);");
            var linqCars = tempView.LinqQuery <Car>();

            var fastCars = from c in linqCars where c.HorsePowers >= 175 select c;            //.Make + " " + c.Model;

            foreach (var fastCar in fastCars)

            var twoCars = from c in linqCars where c.HorsePowers == 175 || c.HorsePowers == 176 select c;            //.Make + " " + c.Model;

            foreach (var twoCar in twoCars)

            var hps         = new int[] { 176, 177 };
            var twoMoreCars = from c in linqCars where hps.Contains(c.HorsePowers) select c.Make + " " + c.Model + " with " + c.HorsePowers + "HPs";

            foreach (var twoCar in twoMoreCars)

            // cleanup for later

            // Delete some Cars one by one. CouchDB is an MVCC database which means that for every operation that modifies a document
            // we need to supply not only its document id, but also the revision that we are aware of. This means that we must supply id/rev
            // for each document we want to delete.
            foreach (var eachCar in cars.Where(x => x.HorsePowers > 175))
                Console.WriteLine("Deleted car with id " + eachCar.Id);

            cars = db.GetAllDocuments <Car>();
            // Get all cars again and see how many are left.
            Console.WriteLine("Cars left: " + cars.Count());

            //  We can actually also delete in a single bulk call using DeleteDocuments().
            Console.WriteLine("Deleted the rest of the cars");

            // test out the arbitrary conventions
            Console.WriteLine("Trying arbitrary documents");
            var littleCar = new LittleCar()
                docType = "car", Make = "Yugo", Model = "Hell if i know"

            littleCar = db.SaveArbitraryDocument(littleCar);

            Console.Write("\r\nDelete database (y/n)? ");
            if (Console.ReadLine().Trim().Equals("y", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // Delete the db itself
                Console.WriteLine("Deleted database.");

            Console.WriteLine("\r\nPress enter to close. ");

Esempio n. 6
 public void ShouldSaveArbitraryDocument()
     var littleCar = new LittleCar() { docType = "car", Make = "Yugo", Model = "Hell if i know" };
     littleCar = db.SaveArbitraryDocument(littleCar);
Esempio n. 7
 public void ShouldLoadArbitraryDocument()
     var firstCar = new LittleCar() { docType = "car", Make = "Yugo", Model = "Hell if i know" };
     firstCar = db.SaveArbitraryDocument(firstCar);
     var otherCar = db.GetArbitraryDocument<LittleCar>(firstCar._id, () => new LittleCar());
Esempio n. 8
        public void ShouldSaveArbitraryDocuments()
            var littleCar1 = new LittleCar { docType = "car", Make = "Make1" };
            var littleCar2 = new LittleCar { docType = "car", Make = "Make2" };
            var docs = new List<LittleCar> { littleCar1, littleCar2 };

            db.SaveArbitraryDocuments(docs, true);
            var documentIds = db.GetAllDocuments().Select(doc => doc.Id);
            var loadedCars = db.GetArbitraryDocuments(documentIds, () => new LittleCar());

            Assert.AreEqual(littleCar1.Make, loadedCars.ElementAt(0).Make);
            Assert.AreEqual(littleCar2.Make, loadedCars.ElementAt(1).Make);
Esempio n. 9
 public FacadeV()
     littleCar = new LittleCar(3, 4, 1200);
     bigCar    = new BigCar(5, 5, 2000);
     minivan   = new Minivan(5, 7, 3000);
Esempio n. 10
        static void Main(string[] args)
//                          PARTE FACADE
            FacadeV facade = new FacadeV();


//                          PARTE XML y REFLECTION
//                    ------> REFLECTION <-----

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            //--------------------  XML  OPCION 1 - Xpath -----------------------------------------------------------
            //Recogemos del XML el namespace y la clase

            XmlNodeList elemList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Type");
            string      ns       = elemList[0].InnerText;

            XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator();

            //XmlNode root2 = doc.DocumentElement;
            XPathNavigator node = nav.SelectSingleNode("/Types/Type[@id='LittleCar']");


            //-------------------  XML  OPCION 2 LINQ-------------------------------------------------------
            XElement root = XElement.Load("ReflectionConfiguration.xml");
            IEnumerable <XElement> tests =
                from el in root.Elements("Type")
                where (string)el.Attribute("id") == "LittleCar"
                select el;

            string cadena = tests.First().Value;


            //Cargas assembly en mmeoria ram
            Assembly myAssembly = typeof(Program).Assembly;
            //Cargas clase en memoria ram
            Type littleCarType = myAssembly.GetType(node.ToString());

            //Creas objeto en la Ram
            object littleCar = Activator.CreateInstance(littleCarType, 3, 5, 1000);
            //Casteas de objeto a LittleCar en una variable
            LittleCar coche = (LittleCar)littleCar;

            Console.WriteLine("Tipo de coche: " + coche.GetType() +
                              "\nCilindrada: " + coche.Cc +
                              "\nPuertas: " + coche.Doors +
                              "\nAsientos: " + coche.Seating);