Esempio n. 1
 //Go up a folder in the file picker
 async Task FilePicker_GoFolderUp()
         if (grid_Popup_FilePicker_button_ControllerUp.Visibility == Visibility.Visible)
             //Read the root path
             DataBindFile dataBindFile = List_FilePicker.Where(x => x.FileType == FileType.GoUpPre).FirstOrDefault();
             if (dataBindFile != null)
                 Debug.WriteLine("Folder up: " + dataBindFile.PathFile);
                 await Popup_Show_FilePicker(dataBindFile.PathFile, -1, true, null);
                 Debug.WriteLine("No folder to navigate go up / no up.");
                 await Notification_Send_Status("Up", "No folder to go up");
         Debug.WriteLine("No folder to navigate go up / catch.");
         await Notification_Send_Status("Up", "No folder to go up");
Esempio n. 2
        //File Picker focus on item
        async Task <bool> FilePicker_Focus(int targetIndex, string targetPath)
                //Get navigation history index
                if (targetIndex == -1)
                    targetIndex = FilePicker_NavigationHistoryGetIndex(targetPath);

                //Check the navigation index
                if (targetIndex == -1 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vFilePickerSourcePath))
                    DataBindFile sourceFileItem = List_FilePicker.Where(x => x.PathFile == vFilePickerSourcePath).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (sourceFileItem != null)
                        Debug.WriteLine("Source file path found: " + vFilePickerSourcePath);

                        //Focus on the file picker listbox item
                        await ListBoxFocusItem(lb_FilePicker, sourceFileItem, vProcessCurrent.MainWindowHandle);


                //Focus on the file picker listbox index
                await ListboxFocusIndex(lb_FilePicker, false, false, targetIndex, vProcessCurrent.MainWindowHandle);

            catch { }
Esempio n. 3
        //Close file picker popup
        async Task Popup_Close_FilePicker(bool IsCompleted, bool CurrentFolder)
                PlayInterfaceSound(vConfigurationCtrlUI, "PopupClose", false, false);

                //Cancel file picker load
                while (vFilePickerLoadBusy)
                    vFilePickerLoadCancel = true;
                    await Task.Delay(100);

                //Reset file picker variables
                vFilePickerOpen = false;
                if (IsCompleted)
                    vFilePickerCompleted = true;
                    if (CurrentFolder)
                        DataBindFile targetPath = new DataBindFile();
                        targetPath.PathFile = vFilePickerCurrentPath;
                        vFilePickerResult   = targetPath;
                        vFilePickerResult = (DataBindFile)lb_FilePicker.SelectedItem;
                    vFilePickerCancelled = true;

                //Update the navigation history index
                FilePicker_NavigationHistoryAddUpdate(vFilePickerCurrentPath, lb_FilePicker.SelectedIndex);

                //Update the previous picker path
                if (vFilePickerCurrentPath[1] == ':')
                    vFilePickerPreviousPath = vFilePickerCurrentPath;

                //Clear the current file picker list

                //Hide the popup

                //Focus on the previous focus element
                await FrameworkElementFocusFocus(vFilePickerElementFocus, vProcessCurrent.MainWindowHandle);
            catch { }
Esempio n. 4
        async Task FilePicker_FileRemove_Checked()
                //Confirm file remove prompt
                List <DataBindString> messageAnswers = new List <DataBindString>();
                DataBindString        answerRecycle  = new DataBindString();
                answerRecycle.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Remove.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                answerRecycle.Name        = "Move files or folders to recycle bin*";

                DataBindString answerPerma = new DataBindString();
                answerPerma.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/RemoveCross.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                answerPerma.Name        = "Remove files or folders permanently";

                bool           useRecycleBin = true;
                string         deleteString  = "Do you want to remove the selected files or folders?";
                DataBindString messageResult = await Popup_Show_MessageBox("Remove files or folders", "* Files and folders on a network drive get permanently deleted.", deleteString, messageAnswers);

                if (messageResult == null)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Cancelled files or folders removal.");
                else if (messageResult == answerPerma)
                    useRecycleBin = false;

                await Notification_Send_Status("Remove", "Removing files or folders");

                //Remove the files or folders
                foreach (DataBindFile dataBindFile in List_FilePicker.Where(x => x.Checked == Visibility.Visible).ToList())
                    Debug.WriteLine("Removing files or folders: " + dataBindFile.Name + " path: " + dataBindFile.PathFile);
                    await FilePicker_FileRemove_Remove(dataBindFile, useRecycleBin);

                //Update the clipboard status text
            catch { }
Esempio n. 5
        async Task FilePicker_FileCopy_Checked()
                await Notification_Send_Status("Copy", "Copying files and folders");

                Debug.WriteLine("Clipboard copy checked files and folders.");

                //Reset and clear the clipboard

                //Add file to the clipboard
                foreach (DataBindFile dataBindFile in List_FilePicker.Where(x => x.Checked == Visibility.Visible))
                    await FilePicker_FileCopy_Clipboard(dataBindFile);

                //Update the clipboard status text
            catch { }
Esempio n. 6
        //File and folder actions
        private async Task FilePicker_Actions()
                //Get the selected list item
                DataBindFile selectedItem = (DataBindFile)lb_FilePicker.SelectedItem;

                //Check if actions are available
                if (vFilePickerCurrentPath == "PC" && selectedItem.FileType != FileType.FolderDisc)
                    Debug.WriteLine("File and folders action cancelled, no actions available.");
                    await Notification_Send_Status("Close", "No actions available");


                //Check the selected file type
                if (selectedItem.FileType == FileType.UwpApp)
                    //Add answers for messagebox
                    List <DataBindString> Answers = new List <DataBindString>();

                    DataBindString answerUpdate = new DataBindString();
                    answerUpdate.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Refresh.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                    answerUpdate.Name        = "Check application update";

                    DataBindString answerRemove = new DataBindString();
                    answerRemove.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/RemoveCross.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                    answerRemove.Name        = "Remove the application";

                    //Show the messagebox prompt
                    DataBindString messageResult = await Popup_Show_MessageBox("Application actions", "", "Please select an action that you want to use on: " + selectedItem.Name, Answers);

                    if (messageResult != null)
                        //Update application
                        if (messageResult == answerUpdate)
                            await UwpListUpdateApplication(selectedItem);
                        //Remove application
                        else if (messageResult == answerRemove)
                            await UwpListRemoveApplication(selectedItem);
                else if (selectedItem.FileType == FileType.FolderDisc)
                    //Add answers for messagebox
                    List <DataBindString> Answers = new List <DataBindString>();

                    DataBindString answerEjectDisc = new DataBindString();
                    answerEjectDisc.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Eject.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                    answerEjectDisc.Name        = "Eject disc or unmount the image";

                    //Show the messagebox prompt
                    DataBindString messageResult = await Popup_Show_MessageBox("Application actions", "", "Please select an action that you want to use on: " + selectedItem.Name, Answers);

                    if (messageResult != null && messageResult == answerEjectDisc)
                        await FilePicker_EjectDrive(selectedItem, selectedItem.PathFile);
                    //Add answers for messagebox
                    List <DataBindString> Answers = new List <DataBindString>();

                    //Check the file type
                    bool preFile = selectedItem.FileType == FileType.FolderPre || selectedItem.FileType == FileType.FilePre || selectedItem.FileType == FileType.GoUpPre;

                    //Count checked items
                    int checkedItems = List_FilePicker.Count(x => x.Checked == Visibility.Visible);

                    //Check the sorting type
                    string sortType = string.Empty;
                    if (vFilePickerSortType == SortingType.Name)
                        sortType = "Sort files and folders by date";
                        sortType = "Sort files and folders by name";

                    DataBindString answerSort = new DataBindString();
                    answerSort.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Sorting.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                    answerSort.Name        = sortType;

                    DataBindString answerCopySingle = new DataBindString();
                    if (!preFile)
                        answerCopySingle.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Copy.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                        answerCopySingle.Name        = "Copy the file or folder";
                    DataBindString answerCopyChecked = new DataBindString();
                    if (checkedItems > 0)
                        answerCopyChecked.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Copy.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                        answerCopyChecked.Name        = "Copy selected files and folders";

                    DataBindString answerCutSingle = new DataBindString();
                    if (!preFile)
                        answerCutSingle.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Cut.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                        answerCutSingle.Name        = "Cut the file or folder";
                    DataBindString answerCutChecked = new DataBindString();
                    if (checkedItems > 0)
                        answerCutChecked.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Cut.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                        answerCutChecked.Name        = "Cut selected files and folders";

                    DataBindString answerPaste = new DataBindString();
                    if (vClipboardFiles.Count == 1)
                        DataBindFile clipboardFile = vClipboardFiles.FirstOrDefault();
                        answerPaste.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Paste.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                        answerPaste.Name        = "Paste (" + clipboardFile.FileType.ToString() + " " + clipboardFile.ClipboardType.ToString() + ") " + clipboardFile.Name;
                    else if (vClipboardFiles.Count > 1)
                        int    copyCount   = vClipboardFiles.Count(x => x.ClipboardType == ClipboardType.Copy);
                        int    cutCount    = vClipboardFiles.Count(x => x.ClipboardType == ClipboardType.Cut);
                        string statusCount = string.Empty;
                        if (copyCount > cutCount)
                            statusCount = "(" + copyCount + "x copy)";
                            statusCount = "(" + cutCount + "x cut)";

                        answerPaste.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Paste.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                        answerPaste.Name        = "Paste " + statusCount + " files or folders";

                    DataBindString answerRename = new DataBindString();
                    if (!preFile)
                        answerRename.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Rename.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                        answerRename.Name        = "Rename the file or folder";

                    DataBindString answerRemoveSingle = new DataBindString();
                    if (!preFile)
                        answerRemoveSingle.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Remove.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                        answerRemoveSingle.Name        = "Remove the file or folder";
                    DataBindString answerRemoveChecked = new DataBindString();
                    if (checkedItems > 0)
                        answerRemoveChecked.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Remove.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                        answerRemoveChecked.Name        = "Remove selected files and folders";

                    DataBindString answerDownloadRomInfo = new DataBindString();
                    if (!preFile && vFilePickerShowRoms)
                        answerDownloadRomInfo.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Download.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                        answerDownloadRomInfo.Name        = "Download game information";

                    DataBindString answerDownloadConsoleInfo = new DataBindString();
                    if (!preFile && vFilePickerShowRoms)
                        answerDownloadConsoleInfo.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Download.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                        answerDownloadConsoleInfo.Name        = "Download console information";

                    DataBindString answerCreateFolder = new DataBindString();
                    answerCreateFolder.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/FolderAdd.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                    answerCreateFolder.Name        = "Create a new folder here";

                    DataBindString answerCreateTextFile = new DataBindString();
                    answerCreateTextFile.ImageBitmap = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Extensions/Txt.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                    answerCreateTextFile.Name        = "Create a new text file here";

                    //Show the messagebox prompt
                    DataBindString messageResult = await Popup_Show_MessageBox("File and folder actions", "", "Please select an action that you want to use on: " + selectedItem.Name, Answers);

                    if (messageResult != null)
                        //Sort files and folders
                        if (messageResult == answerSort)
                            await FilePicker_SortFilesFoldersSwitch(false);
                        //Copy file or folder
                        else if (messageResult == answerCopySingle)
                            await FilePicker_FileCopy_Single(selectedItem);
                        else if (messageResult == answerCopyChecked)
                            await FilePicker_FileCopy_Checked();
                        //Cut file or folder
                        else if (messageResult == answerCutSingle)
                            await FilePicker_FileCut_Single(selectedItem);
                        else if (messageResult == answerCutChecked)
                            await FilePicker_FileCut_Checked();
                        //Paste file or folder
                        else if (messageResult == answerPaste)
                            async void TaskAction()
                                    await FilePicker_FilePaste();
                                catch { }
                            await AVActions.TaskStart(TaskAction);
                        //Rename file or folder
                        else if (messageResult == answerRename)
                            await FilePicker_FileRename(selectedItem);
                        //Create a new folder
                        else if (messageResult == answerCreateFolder)
                            await FilePicker_CreateFolder();
                        //Create a new text file
                        else if (messageResult == answerCreateTextFile)
                            await FilePicker_CreateTextFile();
                        //Remove file or folder
                        else if (messageResult == answerRemoveSingle)
                            await FilePicker_FileRemove_Single(selectedItem);
                        else if (messageResult == answerRemoveChecked)
                            await FilePicker_FileRemove_Checked();
                        //Download game information
                        else if (messageResult == answerDownloadRomInfo)
                            DownloadInfoGame informationDownloaded = await DownloadInfoGame(selectedItem.Name, 210, false);

                            if (informationDownloaded != null)
                                selectedItem.Description = ApiIGDB_GameSummaryString(informationDownloaded.Details);
                                if (informationDownloaded.ImageBitmap != null)
                                    selectedItem.ImageBitmap = informationDownloaded.ImageBitmap;
                        //Download console information
                        else if (messageResult == answerDownloadConsoleInfo)
                            DownloadInfoConsole informationDownloaded = await DownloadInfoConsole(selectedItem.Name, 210);

                            if (informationDownloaded != null)
                                selectedItem.Description = ApiIGDB_ConsoleSummaryString(informationDownloaded.Details);
                                if (informationDownloaded.ImageBitmap != null)
                                    selectedItem.ImageBitmap = informationDownloaded.ImageBitmap;
            catch { }
Esempio n. 7
        //Show the File Picker Popup
        async Task Popup_Show_FilePicker_Task(string targetPath, int targetIndex, bool storeIndex, FrameworkElement previousFocus)
                //Check if the popup is already open
                if (!vFilePickerOpen)
                    //Play the popup opening sound
                    PlayInterfaceSound(vConfigurationCtrlUI, "PopupOpen", false, false);

                    //Save the previous focus element
                    FrameworkElementFocusSave(vFilePickerElementFocus, previousFocus);

                //Reset file picker variables
                vFilePickerCompleted = false;
                vFilePickerCancelled = false;
                vFilePickerResult    = null;
                vFilePickerOpen      = true;

                //Check file picker busy status
                while (vFilePickerLoadBusy)
                    vFilePickerLoadCancel = true;
                    await Task.Delay(100);
                vFilePickerLoadBusy = true;

                    //Show file picker loading animation

                    //Set file picker header texts
                    grid_Popup_FilePicker_txt_Title.Text       = vFilePickerTitle;
                    grid_Popup_FilePicker_txt_Description.Text = vFilePickerDescription;

                    //Change the list picker item style
                    if (vFilePickerShowRoms)
                        lb_FilePicker.Style        = Application.Current.Resources["ListBoxWrapPanelVertical"] as Style;
                        lb_FilePicker.ItemTemplate = Application.Current.Resources["ListBoxItemRom"] as DataTemplate;
                        grid_Popup_Filepicker_Row1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                        lb_FilePicker.Style        = Application.Current.Resources["ListBoxVertical"] as Style;
                        lb_FilePicker.ItemTemplate = Application.Current.Resources["ListBoxItemFile"] as DataTemplate;
                        grid_Popup_Filepicker_Row1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;

                    //Update the navigation history index
                    if (storeIndex)
                        FilePicker_NavigationHistoryAddUpdate(vFilePickerCurrentPath, lb_FilePicker.SelectedIndex);

                    //Clear the current file picker list

                //Show the popup

                //Update the current picker path
                vFilePickerSourcePath  = vFilePickerCurrentPath;
                vFilePickerCurrentPath = targetPath;

                //Check target type
                if (targetPath == "PC")
                    //Get and list all the disk drives
                    await PickerLoadPC();
                else if (targetPath == "UWP")
                    //Get and list all uwp applications
                    await PickerLoadUwpApps();
                    //Get and list all files and folders
                    await PickerLoadFilesFolders(targetPath, targetIndex);

                //Update file picker loading status
                vFilePickerLoadCancel = false;
                vFilePickerLoadBusy   = false;

                //Hide file picker loading animation

                //File Picker focus on item
                await FilePicker_Focus(targetIndex, targetPath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("Failed loading filepicker: " + ex.Message);
                await Notification_Send_Status("Close", "Picker loading failed");
                await FilePicker_GoFolderUp();
Esempio n. 8
        //Show the File Picker Popup
        async Task Popup_Show_FilePicker_Task(string targetPath, int targetIndex, bool storeIndex, FrameworkElement previousFocus)
                //Check if the popup is already open
                if (!vFilePickerOpen)
                    //Play the popup opening sound
                    PlayInterfaceSound(vConfigurationCtrlUI, "PopupOpen", false);

                    //Save the previous focus element
                    FrameworkElementFocusSave(vFilePickerElementFocus, previousFocus);

                //Reset file picker variables
                vFilePickerCompleted = false;
                vFilePickerCancelled = false;
                vFilePickerResult    = null;
                vFilePickerOpen      = true;

                    //Disable the file picker list
                    lb_FilePicker.IsEnabled = false;

                    //Set file picker header texts
                    grid_Popup_FilePicker_txt_Title.Text       = vFilePickerTitle;
                    grid_Popup_FilePicker_txt_Description.Text = vFilePickerDescription;

                    //Change the list picker item style
                    if (vFilePickerShowRoms)
                        lb_FilePicker.Style        = Application.Current.Resources["ListBoxWrapPanelVertical"] as Style;
                        lb_FilePicker.ItemTemplate = Application.Current.Resources["ListBoxItemRom"] as DataTemplate;
                        grid_Popup_Filepicker_Row1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                        lb_FilePicker.Style        = Application.Current.Resources["ListBoxVertical"] as Style;
                        lb_FilePicker.ItemTemplate = Application.Current.Resources["ListBoxItemFile"] as DataTemplate;
                        grid_Popup_Filepicker_Row1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;

                    //Update the navigation history index
                    if (storeIndex)
                        FilePicker_NavigationHistoryAddUpdate(vFilePickerCurrentPath, lb_FilePicker.SelectedIndex);

                    //Clear the current file picker list

                //Show the popup

                //Update the current picker path
                vFilePickerSourcePath  = vFilePickerCurrentPath;
                vFilePickerCurrentPath = targetPath;

                //Get and list all the disk drives
                if (targetPath == "PC")
                        //Enable or disable selection button in the list
                        grid_Popup_FilePicker_button_SelectFolder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                        //Enable or disable file and folder availability
                        grid_Popup_FilePicker_textblock_NoFilesAvailable.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                        //Enable or disable the side navigate buttons
                        grid_Popup_FilePicker_button_ControllerLeft.Visibility  = Visibility.Visible;
                        grid_Popup_FilePicker_button_ControllerUp.Visibility    = Visibility.Collapsed;
                        grid_Popup_FilePicker_button_ControllerStart.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                        //Enable or disable the copy paste status
                        if (vClipboardFiles.Any())
                            grid_Popup_FilePicker_textblock_ClipboardStatus.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                        //Enable or disable the current path
                        grid_Popup_FilePicker_textblock_CurrentPath.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                    //Load folder images
                    BitmapImage imageFolder          = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Folder.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                    BitmapImage imageFolderDisc      = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/FolderDisc.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                    BitmapImage imageFolderNetwork   = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/FolderNetwork.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                    BitmapImage imageFolderPrevious  = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Restart.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                    BitmapImage imageFolderDocuments = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Copy.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                    BitmapImage imageFolderDesktop   = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Desktop.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                    BitmapImage imageFolderDownload  = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Download.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                    BitmapImage imageFolderPictures  = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Background.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                    BitmapImage imageFolderVideos    = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/BackgroundVideo.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                    BitmapImage imageFolderMusic     = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Music.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);

                    //Add launch without a file option
                    if (vFilePickerShowNoFile)
                        string       fileDescription         = "Launch application without a file";
                        BitmapImage  fileImage               = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/AppLaunch.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                        DataBindFile dataBindFileWithoutFile = new DataBindFile()
                            FileType = FileType.FilePre, Name = fileDescription, Description = fileDescription + ".", ImageBitmap = fileImage, PathFile = string.Empty
                        await ListBoxAddItem(lb_FilePicker, List_FilePicker, dataBindFileWithoutFile, false, false);

                    //Check and add the previous path
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vFilePickerPreviousPath))
                        DataBindFile dataBindFilePreviousPath = new DataBindFile()
                            FileType = FileType.FolderPre, Name = "Previous", NameSub = "(" + vFilePickerPreviousPath + ")", ImageBitmap = imageFolderPrevious, PathFile = vFilePickerPreviousPath
                        await ListBoxAddItem(lb_FilePicker, List_FilePicker, dataBindFilePreviousPath, false, false);

                    //Add special folders
                    DataBindFile dataBindFileDesktop = new DataBindFile()
                        FileType = FileType.FolderPre, Name = "My Desktop", ImageBitmap = imageFolderDesktop, PathFile = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop)
                    await ListBoxAddItem(lb_FilePicker, List_FilePicker, dataBindFileDesktop, false, false);

                    DataBindFile dataBindFileDocuments = new DataBindFile()
                        FileType = FileType.FolderPre, Name = "My Documents", ImageBitmap = imageFolderDocuments, PathFile = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments)
                    await ListBoxAddItem(lb_FilePicker, List_FilePicker, dataBindFileDocuments, false, false);

                        string downloadsPath = Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders", "{374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B}", string.Empty).ToString();
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(downloadsPath) && Directory.Exists(downloadsPath))
                            DataBindFile dataBindFileDownloads = new DataBindFile()
                                FileType = FileType.FolderPre, Name = "My Downloads", ImageBitmap = imageFolderDownload, PathFile = downloadsPath
                            await ListBoxAddItem(lb_FilePicker, List_FilePicker, dataBindFileDownloads, false, false);
                    catch { }

                    DataBindFile dataBindFileMusic = new DataBindFile()
                        FileType = FileType.FolderPre, Name = "My Music", ImageBitmap = imageFolderMusic, PathFile = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyMusic)
                    await ListBoxAddItem(lb_FilePicker, List_FilePicker, dataBindFileMusic, false, false);

                    DataBindFile dataBindFilePictures = new DataBindFile()
                        FileType = FileType.FolderPre, Name = "My Pictures", ImageBitmap = imageFolderPictures, PathFile = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyPictures)
                    await ListBoxAddItem(lb_FilePicker, List_FilePicker, dataBindFilePictures, false, false);

                    DataBindFile dataBindFileVideos = new DataBindFile()
                        FileType = FileType.FolderPre, Name = "My Videos", ImageBitmap = imageFolderVideos, PathFile = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyVideos)
                    await ListBoxAddItem(lb_FilePicker, List_FilePicker, dataBindFileVideos, false, false);

                    //Add all disk drives that are connected
                    DriveInfo[] diskDrives = DriveInfo.GetDrives();
                    foreach (DriveInfo disk in diskDrives)
                            //Skip network drive depending on the setting
                            if (disk.DriveType == DriveType.Network && Convert.ToBoolean(Setting_Load(vConfigurationCtrlUI, "HideNetworkDrives")))

                            //Check if the disk is currently connected
                            if (disk.IsReady)
                                //Get the current disk size
                                string freeSpace = AVFunctions.ConvertBytesSizeToString(disk.TotalFreeSpace);
                                string usedSpace = AVFunctions.ConvertBytesSizeToString(disk.TotalSize);
                                string diskSpace = freeSpace + "/" + usedSpace;

                                DataBindFile dataBindFileDisk = new DataBindFile()
                                    FileType = FileType.Folder, Name = disk.Name, NameSub = disk.VolumeLabel, NameDetail = diskSpace, PathFile = disk.Name
                                if (disk.DriveType == DriveType.CDRom)
                                    dataBindFileDisk.FileType    = FileType.FolderDisc;
                                    dataBindFileDisk.ImageBitmap = imageFolderDisc;
                                else if (disk.DriveType == DriveType.Network)
                                    dataBindFileDisk.ImageBitmap = imageFolderNetwork;
                                    dataBindFileDisk.ImageBitmap = imageFolder;
                                await ListBoxAddItem(lb_FilePicker, List_FilePicker, dataBindFileDisk, false, false);
                        catch { }

                    //Add Json file locations
                    foreach (ProfileShared Locations in vCtrlLocationsFile)
                            if (Directory.Exists(Locations.String2))
                                //Check if the location is a root folder
                                FileType      locationType = FileType.FolderPre;
                                DirectoryInfo locationInfo = new DirectoryInfo(Locations.String2);
                                if (locationInfo.Parent == null)
                                    locationType = FileType.Folder;

                                //Get the current disk size
                                string    diskSpace = string.Empty;
                                DriveType disktype  = DriveType.Unknown;
                                    DriveInfo driveInfo = new DriveInfo(Locations.String2);
                                    disktype = driveInfo.DriveType;
                                    string freeSpace = AVFunctions.ConvertBytesSizeToString(driveInfo.TotalFreeSpace);
                                    string usedSpace = AVFunctions.ConvertBytesSizeToString(driveInfo.TotalSize);
                                    diskSpace = freeSpace + "/" + usedSpace;
                                catch { }

                                DataBindFile dataBindFileLocation = new DataBindFile()
                                    FileType = locationType, Name = Locations.String2, NameSub = Locations.String1, NameDetail = diskSpace, PathFile = Locations.String2
                                if (disktype == DriveType.CDRom)
                                    dataBindFileLocation.FileType    = FileType.FolderDisc;
                                    dataBindFileLocation.ImageBitmap = imageFolderDisc;
                                else if (disktype == DriveType.Network)
                                    dataBindFileLocation.ImageBitmap = imageFolderNetwork;
                                    dataBindFileLocation.ImageBitmap = imageFolder;
                                await ListBoxAddItem(lb_FilePicker, List_FilePicker, dataBindFileLocation, false, false);
                        catch { }
                //Get and list all the UWP applications
                else if (targetPath == "UWP")
                        //Enable or disable selection button in the list
                        grid_Popup_FilePicker_button_SelectFolder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                        //Enable or disable file and folder availability
                        grid_Popup_FilePicker_textblock_NoFilesAvailable.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                        //Enable or disable the side navigate buttons
                        grid_Popup_FilePicker_button_ControllerLeft.Visibility  = Visibility.Visible;
                        grid_Popup_FilePicker_button_ControllerUp.Visibility    = Visibility.Collapsed;
                        grid_Popup_FilePicker_button_ControllerStart.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                        //Enable or disable the copy paste status
                        grid_Popup_FilePicker_textblock_ClipboardStatus.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                        //Enable or disable the current path
                        grid_Popup_FilePicker_textblock_CurrentPath.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                    //Add uwp applications to the filepicker list
                    await ListLoadAllUwpApplications(lb_FilePicker, List_FilePicker);
                    //Clean the target path string
                    targetPath = Path.GetFullPath(targetPath);

                    //Add the Go up directory to the list
                    if (Path.GetPathRoot(targetPath) != targetPath)
                        BitmapImage  imageBack        = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Up.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                        DataBindFile dataBindFileGoUp = new DataBindFile()
                            FileType = FileType.GoUpPre, Name = "Go up", Description = "Go up to the previous folder.", ImageBitmap = imageBack, PathFile = Path.GetDirectoryName(targetPath)
                        await ListBoxAddItem(lb_FilePicker, List_FilePicker, dataBindFileGoUp, false, false);
                        BitmapImage  imageBack        = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Up.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                        DataBindFile dataBindFileGoUp = new DataBindFile()
                            FileType = FileType.GoUpPre, Name = "Go up", Description = "Go up to the previous folder.", ImageBitmap = imageBack, PathFile = "PC"
                        await ListBoxAddItem(lb_FilePicker, List_FilePicker, dataBindFileGoUp, false, false);

                        //Enable or disable the copy paste status
                        if (vClipboardFiles.Any())
                            grid_Popup_FilePicker_textblock_ClipboardStatus.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                        //Enable or disable the current path
                        grid_Popup_FilePicker_textblock_CurrentPath.Text       = "Current path: " + targetPath;
                        grid_Popup_FilePicker_textblock_CurrentPath.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                    //Add launch emulator options
                    if (vFilePickerShowRoms)
                        string       fileDescription        = "Launch the emulator without a rom loaded";
                        BitmapImage  fileImage              = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Emulator.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                        DataBindFile dataBindFileWithoutRom = new DataBindFile()
                            FileType = FileType.FilePre, Name = fileDescription, Description = fileDescription + ".", ImageBitmap = fileImage, PathFile = string.Empty
                        await ListBoxAddItem(lb_FilePicker, List_FilePicker, dataBindFileWithoutRom, false, false);

                        string       romDescription        = "Launch the emulator with this folder as rom";
                        BitmapImage  romImage              = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Emulator.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);
                        DataBindFile dataBindFileFolderRom = new DataBindFile()
                            FileType = FileType.FilePre, Name = romDescription, Description = romDescription + ".", ImageBitmap = romImage, PathFile = targetPath
                        await ListBoxAddItem(lb_FilePicker, List_FilePicker, dataBindFileFolderRom, false, false);

                    //Enable or disable the side navigate buttons
                        grid_Popup_FilePicker_button_ControllerLeft.Visibility  = Visibility.Visible;
                        grid_Popup_FilePicker_button_ControllerUp.Visibility    = Visibility.Visible;
                        grid_Popup_FilePicker_button_ControllerStart.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                    //Get all the top files and folders
                    DirectoryInfo   directoryInfo    = new DirectoryInfo(targetPath);
                    DirectoryInfo[] directoryFolders = null;
                    FileInfo[]      directoryFiles   = null;
                    if (vFilePickerSortType == SortingType.Name)
                        directoryFolders = directoryInfo.GetDirectories("*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToArray();
                        directoryFiles   = directoryInfo.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToArray();
                        directoryFolders = directoryInfo.GetDirectories("*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastWriteTime).ToArray();
                        directoryFiles   = directoryInfo.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastWriteTime).ToArray();

                    //Get all rom images and descriptions
                    FileInfo[] directoryRomImages       = new FileInfo[] { };
                    FileInfo[] directoryRomDescriptions = new FileInfo[] { };
                    if (vFilePickerShowRoms)
                        string[] imageFilter       = { "jpg", "png" };
                        string[] descriptionFilter = { "json" };

                        DirectoryInfo          directoryInfoRomsUser     = new DirectoryInfo("Assets/User/Games");
                        FileInfo[]             directoryPathsRomsUser    = directoryInfoRomsUser.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                        DirectoryInfo          directoryInfoRomsDefault  = new DirectoryInfo("Assets/Default/Games");
                        FileInfo[]             directoryPathsRomsDefault = directoryInfoRomsDefault.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                        IEnumerable <FileInfo> directoryPathsRoms        = directoryPathsRomsUser.Concat(directoryPathsRomsDefault);

                        FileInfo[] romsImages  = directoryPathsRoms.Where(file => imageFilter.Any(filter => file.Name.EndsWith(filter, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))).ToArray();
                        FileInfo[] filesImages = directoryFiles.Where(file => imageFilter.Any(filter => file.Name.EndsWith(filter, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))).ToArray();
                        directoryRomImages = filesImages.Concat(romsImages).OrderByDescending(x => x.Name.Length).ToArray();

                        FileInfo[] romsDescriptions  = directoryPathsRoms.Where(file => descriptionFilter.Any(filter => file.Name.EndsWith(filter, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))).ToArray();
                        FileInfo[] filesDescriptions = directoryFiles.Where(file => descriptionFilter.Any(filter => file.Name.EndsWith(filter, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))).ToArray();
                        directoryRomDescriptions = filesDescriptions.Concat(romsDescriptions).OrderByDescending(x => x.Name.Length).ToArray();

                    //Get all the directories from target directory
                    if (vFilePickerShowDirectories)
                            //Fill the file picker listbox with folders
                            foreach (DirectoryInfo listFolder in directoryFolders)
                                    BitmapImage listImage       = null;
                                    string      listDescription = string.Empty;

                                    //Load image files for the list
                                    if (vFilePickerShowRoms)
                                        GetRomDetails(listFolder.Name, listFolder.FullName, directoryRomImages, directoryRomDescriptions, ref listImage, ref listDescription);
                                        listImage = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Icons/Folder.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0);

                                    //Get the folder size
                                    //string folderSize = AVFunctions.ConvertBytesSizeToString(GetDirectorySize(listDirectory));

                                    //Get the folder date
                                    string folderDate = listFolder.LastWriteTime.ToShortDateString().Replace("-", "/");

                                    //Set the detailed text
                                    string folderDetailed = folderDate;

                                    //Check the copy cut type
                                    ClipboardType clipboardType = ClipboardType.None;
                                    DataBindFile  clipboardFile = vClipboardFiles.Where(x => x.PathFile == listFolder.FullName).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (clipboardFile != null)
                                        clipboardType = clipboardFile.ClipboardType;

                                    //Add folder to the list
                                    bool systemFileFolder = listFolder.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.System);
                                    bool hiddenFileFolder = listFolder.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden);
                                    if (!systemFileFolder && (!hiddenFileFolder || Convert.ToBoolean(Setting_Load(vConfigurationCtrlUI, "ShowHiddenFilesFolders"))))
                                        DataBindFile dataBindFileFolder = new DataBindFile()
                                            FileType = FileType.Folder, ClipboardType = clipboardType, Name = listFolder.Name, NameDetail = folderDetailed, Description = listDescription, DateModified = listFolder.LastWriteTime, ImageBitmap = listImage, PathFile = listFolder.FullName
                                        await ListBoxAddItem(lb_FilePicker, List_FilePicker, dataBindFileFolder, false, false);
                                catch { }
                        catch { }

                    //Get all the files from target directory
                    if (vFilePickerShowFiles)
                            //Enable or disable selection button in the list
                                grid_Popup_FilePicker_button_SelectFolder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                            //Filter files in and out
                            if (vFilePickerFilterIn.Any())
                                directoryFiles = directoryFiles.Where(file => vFilePickerFilterIn.Any(filter => file.Name.EndsWith(filter, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))).ToArray();
                            if (vFilePickerFilterOut.Any())
                                directoryFiles = directoryFiles.Where(file => !vFilePickerFilterOut.Any(filter => file.Name.EndsWith(filter, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))).ToArray();

                            //Fill the file picker listbox with files
                            foreach (FileInfo listFile in directoryFiles)
                                    BitmapImage listImage       = null;
                                    string      listDescription = string.Empty;

                                    //Load image files for the list
                                    if (vFilePickerShowRoms)
                                        GetRomDetails(listFile.Name, string.Empty, directoryRomImages, directoryRomDescriptions, ref listImage, ref listDescription);
                                        string listFileFullNameLower  = listFile.FullName.ToLower();
                                        string listFileExtensionLower = listFile.Extension.ToLower().Replace(".", string.Empty);
                                        if (listFileFullNameLower.EndsWith(".jpg") || listFileFullNameLower.EndsWith(".png") || listFileFullNameLower.EndsWith(".gif"))
                                            listImage = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { listFile.FullName }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, 50, 0);
                                            listImage = FileToBitmapImage(new string[] { "Assets/Default/Extensions/" + listFileExtensionLower + ".png", "Assets/Default/Icons/File.png" }, vImageSourceFolders, vImageBackupSource, IntPtr.Zero, 50, 0);

                                    //Get the file size
                                    string fileSize = AVFunctions.ConvertBytesSizeToString(listFile.Length);

                                    //Get the file date
                                    string fileDate = listFile.LastWriteTime.ToShortDateString().Replace("-", "/");

                                    //Set the detailed text
                                    string fileDetailed = fileSize + " (" + fileDate + ")";

                                    //Check the copy cut type
                                    ClipboardType clipboardType = ClipboardType.None;
                                    DataBindFile  clipboardFile = vClipboardFiles.Where(x => x.PathFile == listFile.FullName).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (clipboardFile != null)
                                        clipboardType = clipboardFile.ClipboardType;

                                    //Add file to the list
                                    bool systemFileFolder = listFile.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.System);
                                    bool hiddenFileFolder = listFile.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden);
                                    if (!systemFileFolder && (!hiddenFileFolder || Convert.ToBoolean(Setting_Load(vConfigurationCtrlUI, "ShowHiddenFilesFolders"))))
                                        FileType fileType      = FileType.File;
                                        string   fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(listFile.Name);
                                        if (fileExtension == ".url" || fileExtension == ".lnk")
                                            fileType = FileType.Link;
                                        DataBindFile dataBindFileFile = new DataBindFile()
                                            FileType = fileType, ClipboardType = clipboardType, Name = listFile.Name, NameDetail = fileDetailed, Description = listDescription, DateModified = listFile.LastWriteTime, ImageBitmap = listImage, PathFile = listFile.FullName
                                        await ListBoxAddItem(lb_FilePicker, List_FilePicker, dataBindFileFile, false, false);
                                catch { }
                        catch { }
                        //Enable or disable selection button in the list
                            grid_Popup_FilePicker_button_SelectFolder.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                    //Check if there are files or folders

                //Enable the file picker list
                    lb_FilePicker.IsEnabled = true;

                //Get navigation history index
                if (targetIndex == -1)
                    targetIndex = FilePicker_NavigationHistoryGetIndex(targetPath);

                //Check the navigation index
                if (targetIndex == -1 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vFilePickerSourcePath))
                    DataBindFile sourceFileItem = List_FilePicker.Where(x => x.PathFile == vFilePickerSourcePath).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (sourceFileItem != null)
                        Debug.WriteLine("Source file path found: " + vFilePickerSourcePath);

                        //Focus on the file picker listbox item
                        await ListBoxFocusItem(lb_FilePicker, sourceFileItem, vProcessCurrent.MainWindowHandle);


                //Focus on the file picker listbox index
                await ListboxFocusIndex(lb_FilePicker, false, false, targetIndex, vProcessCurrent.MainWindowHandle);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("Failed loading filepicker: " + ex.Message);
                await FilePicker_Failed();