/// <summary> /// Gets a list of deals /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Implementation of DealListHubSpotModel</typeparam> /// <param name="opts">Options (limit, offset) relating to request</param> /// <returns>List of deals</returns> public DealListHubSpotModel <T> List <T>(bool includeAssociations, ListRequestOptions opts = null) where T : DealHubSpotModel, new() { if (opts == null) { opts = new ListRequestOptions(); } var path = $"{new DealListHubSpotModel<T>().RouteBasePath}/deal/paged" .SetQueryParam("limit", opts.Limit); if (opts.Offset.HasValue) { path = path.SetQueryParam("offset", opts.Offset); } if (includeAssociations) { path = path.SetQueryParam("includeAssociations", "true"); } if (opts.PropertiesToInclude.Any()) { path = path.SetQueryParam("properties", opts.PropertiesToInclude); } var data = _client.ExecuteList <DealListHubSpotModel <T> >(path, opts); return(data); }
public ContactListResponse GetPageContacts(ListRequestOptions opts) { if (opts == null) { opts = new ListRequestOptions(); } var fullUrl = $"{ BaseURL }/contacts/v1/lists/recently_updated/contacts/recent?" .SetQueryParam("hapikey", ApiKey); fullUrl.SetQueryParam("count", opts.Limit); if (opts.PropertiesToInclude.Any()) { fullUrl.SetQueryParam("property", opts.PropertiesToInclude); } if (opts.timeOffset.HasValue) { fullUrl = fullUrl.SetQueryParam("timeOffset", opts.timeOffset); } string response = RequestController.GetResponse(fullUrl); //deserialise this to a list of contacts var contactList = ContactListResponse.FromJson(response); return(contactList); }
/// <summary> /// Get all contacts in a list /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="listId"></param> /// <param name="opts"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ContactListHubSpotModel <T> GetList <T>(long listId, ListRequestOptions opts = null) where T : ContactHubSpotModel, new() { if (opts == null) { opts = new ListRequestOptions(); } var path = $"{new ContactHubSpotModel().RouteBasePath}/lists/{listId}/contacts/all" .SetQueryParam("count", opts.Limit); if (opts.PropertiesToInclude.Any()) { path.SetQueryParam("property", opts.PropertiesToInclude); } if (opts.Offset.HasValue) { path = path.SetQueryParam("vidOffset", opts.Offset); } var data = _client.ExecuteList <ContactListHubSpotModel <T> >(path, opts); return(data); }
/// <summary> /// Get all contacts in a list /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="listId"></param> /// <param name="opts"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ContactListHubSpotModel <ContactHubSpotModel> GetList(long listId, ListRequestOptions opts = null) { if (opts == null) { opts = new ListRequestOptions(); } string path = GetRoute <ContactHubSpotModel>("lists", $"{listId}", "contacts", "all"); path += $"{QueryParams.COUNT}={opts.Limit}"; if (opts.PropertiesToInclude.Any()) { path += $"{QueryParams.PROPERTY}={opts.PropertiesToInclude}"; } if (opts.Offset.HasValue) { path = path += $"{QueryParams.VID_OFFSET}={opts.Offset}"; } var data = _client.Execute <ContactListHubSpotModel <ContactHubSpotModel> >(path); return(data); }
public FileListHubSpotModel <T> List <T>(ListRequestOptions opts = null) where T : FileHubSpotModel, new() { opts = opts ?? new ListRequestOptions(); var path = $"{new T().RouteBasePath}/files".SetQueryParam("limit", opts.Limit); if (opts.Offset.HasValue) { path = path.SetQueryParam("offset", opts.Offset); } var data = _client.ExecuteList <FileListHubSpotModel <T> >(path, opts, Method.GET, false); return(data); }
private CompanyListHubSpotModel <CompanyHubSpotModel> GetCompanyMoreByQuery(HubSpotApi api) { List <string> lstProperties = new List <string>(); lstProperties.Add("Name"); ListRequestOptions lstRequestOptions = new ListRequestOptions(); lstRequestOptions.PropertiesToInclude = lstProperties; var companies = api.Company.List(lstRequestOptions); return(companies); }
public Task <CompanyListHubSpotModel <CompanyHubSpotModel> > ListAsync(ListRequestOptions opts = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { opts = opts ?? new ListRequestOptions(); var path = GetRoute <CompanyHubSpotModel>("companies", "paged").SetQueryParam("count", opts.Limit); if (opts.PropertiesToInclude.Any()) { path.SetQueryParam("properties", opts.PropertiesToInclude); } if (opts.Offset.HasValue) { path = path.SetQueryParam("offset", opts.Offset); } return(_client.ExecuteAsync <CompanyListHubSpotModel <CompanyHubSpotModel>, ListRequestOptions>(path, opts, cancellationToken: cancellationToken)); }
public CompanyListHubSpotModel <CompanyHubSpotModel> List(ListRequestOptions opts = null) { opts = opts ?? new ListRequestOptions(); var path = GetRoute <CompanyHubSpotModel>("companies", "paged").SetQueryParam("count", opts.Limit); if (opts.PropertiesToInclude.Any()) { path.SetQueryParam("properties", opts.PropertiesToInclude); } if (opts.Offset.HasValue) { path = path.SetQueryParam("offset", opts.Offset); } return(_client.Execute <CompanyListHubSpotModel <CompanyHubSpotModel>, ListRequestOptions>(path, opts)); }
public CompanyListHubSpotModel <CompanyHubSpotModel> List(ListRequestOptions opts = null) { opts = opts ?? new ListRequestOptions(); string path = GetRoute <CompanyHubSpotModel>("companies", "paged"); path += $"{QueryParams.COUNT}={opts.Limit}"; if (opts.PropertiesToInclude.Any()) { path += $"{QueryParams.PROPERTIES}={opts.PropertiesToInclude}"; } if (opts.Offset.HasValue) { path += $"{QueryParams.OFFSET}={opts.Offset}"; } return(_client.Execute <CompanyListHubSpotModel <CompanyHubSpotModel>, ListRequestOptions>(path, opts)); }
/// <summary> /// List all available contacts /// </summary> /// <param name="properties">List of properties to fetch for each contact</param> /// <param name="opts">Request options - used for pagination etc.</param> /// <typeparam name="T">Implementation of ContactHubSpotModel</typeparam> /// <returns>A list of contacts</returns> public ContactListHubSpotModel <ContactHubSpotModel> List(ListRequestOptions opts = null) { opts = opts ?? new ListRequestOptions(); string path = GetRoute <ContactHubSpotModel>("lists", "all", "contacts", "all"); path += $"{QueryParams.COUNT}={opts.Limit}"; if (opts.PropertiesToInclude.Any()) { path += $"{QueryParams.PROPERTY}={opts.PropertiesToInclude}"; } if (opts.Offset.HasValue) { path = path += $"{QueryParams.VID_OFFSET}={opts.Offset}"; } return(_client.Execute <ContactListHubSpotModel <ContactHubSpotModel>, ListRequestOptions>(path, opts)); }
public CompanyListHubSpotModel <T> List <T>(ListRequestOptions opts = null) where T : CompanyHubSpotModel, new() { if (opts == null) { opts = new ListRequestOptions(); } var path = $"{new CompanyHubSpotModel().RouteBasePath}/companies/paged" .SetQueryParam("count", opts.Limit); if (opts.PropertiesToInclude.Any()) { path.SetQueryParam("properties", opts.PropertiesToInclude); } if (opts.Offset.HasValue) { path = path.SetQueryParam("offset", opts.Offset); } var data = _client.ExecuteList <CompanyListHubSpotModel <T> >(path, opts); return(data); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of deals /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Implementation of DealListHubSpotModel</typeparam> /// <param name="opts">Options (limit, offset) relating to request</param> /// <returns>List of deals</returns> public DealListHubSpotModel <DealHubSpotModel> List(bool includeAssociations, ListRequestOptions opts = null) { opts = opts ?? new ListRequestOptions(250); Url path = GetRoute <DealListHubSpotModel <DealHubSpotModel> >("deal", "paged").SetQueryParam("limit", opts.Limit); if (opts.Offset.HasValue) { path = path.SetQueryParam("offset", opts.Offset); } if (includeAssociations) { path = path.SetQueryParam("includeAssociations", "true"); } if (opts.PropertiesToInclude.Any()) { path = path.SetQueryParam("properties", opts.PropertiesToInclude); } return(_client.Execute <DealListHubSpotModel <DealHubSpotModel>, ListRequestOptions>(path, opts)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of deals associated to a hubSpot Object /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Implementation of DealListHubSpotModel</typeparam> /// <param name="includeAssociations">Bool include associated Ids</param> /// <param name="hubId">Long Id of Hubspot object related to deals</param> /// <param name="objectName">String name of Hubspot object related to deals (contact\account)</param> /// <param name="opts">Options (limit, offset) relating to request</param> /// <returns>List of deals</returns> public DealListHubSpotModel <DealHubSpotModel> ListAssociated(bool includeAssociations, long hubId, ListRequestOptions opts = null, string objectName = "contact") { opts = opts ?? new ListRequestOptions(); Url path = $"{GetRoute<DealListHubSpotModel<DealHubSpotModel>>()}/deal/associated/{objectName}/{hubId}/paged" .SetQueryParam("limit", opts.Limit); if (opts.Offset.HasValue) { path = path.SetQueryParam("offset", opts.Offset); } if (includeAssociations) { path = path.SetQueryParam("includeAssociations", "true"); } if (opts.PropertiesToInclude.Any()) { path = path.SetQueryParam("properties", opts.PropertiesToInclude); } return(_client.Execute <DealListHubSpotModel <DealHubSpotModel>, ListRequestOptions>(path, opts)); }
public ActionResult GetList(ListRequestOptions options) { return(Json(eqService.GetList(options))); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of deals /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Implementation of DealListHubSpotModel</typeparam> /// <param name="opts">Options (limit, offset) relating to request</param> /// <returns>List of deals</returns> public DealListHubSpotModel <DealHubSpotModel> List(bool includeAssociations, ListRequestOptions opts = null) { opts = opts ?? new ListRequestOptions(250); string path = GetRoute <DealListHubSpotModel <DealHubSpotModel> >("deal", "paged"); path += $"{QueryParams.LIMIT}={opts.Limit}"; if (opts.Offset.HasValue) { path += $"{QueryParams.OFFSET}={opts.Offset}"; } if (includeAssociations) { path += $"{QueryParams.INCLUDE_ASSOCIATIONS}=true"; } if (opts.PropertiesToInclude.Any()) { path += $"{QueryParams.PROPERTIES}={opts.PropertiesToInclude}"; } return(_client.Execute <DealListHubSpotModel <DealHubSpotModel>, ListRequestOptions>(path, opts)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of deals associated to a hubSpot Object /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Implementation of DealListHubSpotModel</typeparam> /// <param name="includeAssociations">Bool include associated Ids</param> /// <param name="hubId">Long Id of Hubspot object related to deals</param> /// <param name="objectName">String name of Hubspot object related to deals (contact\account)</param> /// <param name="opts">Options (limit, offset) relating to request</param> /// <returns>List of deals</returns> public DealListHubSpotModel <DealHubSpotModel> ListAssociated(bool includeAssociations, long hubId, ListRequestOptions opts = null, string objectName = "contact") { opts = opts ?? new ListRequestOptions(); string path = GetRoute <DealListHubSpotModel <DealHubSpotModel> >("deal", "associated", $"{objectName}", $"{hubId}", "paged"); path += $"?{QueryParams.LIMIT}={opts.Limit}"; if (opts.Offset.HasValue) { path += $"&{QueryParams.OFFSET}={opts.Offset}"; } if (includeAssociations) { path += $"&{QueryParams.INCLUDE_ASSOCIATIONS}=true"; } if (opts.PropertiesToInclude.Any()) { path += $"&{QueryParams.PROPERTIES}={opts.PropertiesToInclude}"; } return(_client.Execute <DealListHubSpotModel <DealHubSpotModel>, ListRequestOptions>(path, opts)); }