static void Main()
            //Testing int
            var numbers = new List<int>();
            for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)

            var resultSumInt = numbers.MySum();
            var resultProductInt = numbers.MyProduct();
            var resultAverageInt = numbers.MyAverage();
            var resultMinInt = numbers.MyMin();
            var resultMaxInt = numbers.MyMax();

            foreach (var number in numbers)
            Console.WriteLine("\nSum (int): {0}",resultSumInt);
            Console.WriteLine("Product (int): {0}", resultProductInt);
            Console.WriteLine("Average (int): {0}", resultAverageInt);
            Console.WriteLine("Min (int): {0}", resultMinInt);
            Console.WriteLine("Max (int): {0}", resultMaxInt);

            Console.WriteLine(new string('=',30));

            //Testing double
            var numbersDouble = new List<double>();
            for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)

            var resultSumDouble = numbersDouble.MySum();
            var resultProductDouble = numbersDouble.MyProduct();
            var resultAverageDouble = numbersDouble.MyAverage();
            var resultMinDouble = numbersDouble.MyMin();
            var resultMaxDouble = numbersDouble.MyMax();

            foreach (var number in numbersDouble)
            Console.WriteLine("\nSum (double): {0}", resultSumDouble);
            Console.WriteLine("Product (double): {0}", resultProductDouble);
            Console.WriteLine("Average (double): {0}", resultAverageDouble);
            Console.WriteLine("Min (double): {0}", resultMinDouble);
            Console.WriteLine("Max (double): {0}", resultMaxDouble);

            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 30));

            //Test with string
            string[] textCollection =  {"DodoJuice", "Pulpi"};
            var maxText = textCollection.MyMax();
Esempio n. 2
        public bool NoGreaterElementThanMyMax(List <int> ints)
            if (ints.Count == 0)

            var myMax = ints.MyMax();

            return(ints.TrueForAll(x => x <= myMax));
Esempio n. 3
 static void Main()
     List<int> mytestList = new List<int>();
     for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
     Console.WriteLine("Sum: {0}", mytestList.Sum());
     Console.WriteLine("Product: {0}", mytestList.Product());
     Console.WriteLine("Average: {0}", mytestList.MyAvg());
     Console.WriteLine("Min: {0}", mytestList.MyMin());
     Console.WriteLine("mMx: {0}", mytestList.MyMax());
Esempio n. 4
        public static void Main()
            var test = new List <double>();

            Console.WriteLine("Sum: " + test.MySum());
            Console.WriteLine("Product: " + test.MyProduct());
            Console.WriteLine("Min: " + test.MyMin());
            Console.WriteLine("Max: " + test.MyMax());
            Console.WriteLine("Average: " + test.MyAverage());
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Implement a set of extension methods for IEnumerable<T> that implement the following group functions: sum, product, min, max, average.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="line"></param>
 public static void Problem2(string line)
     Console.WriteLine("\n" + line + "    Problem 2   " + line + "\n\r");
     List<int> ints = new List<int>() { 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 2, 5, 6 };
     List<float> floats = new List<float>() { 5.53F, 2.33F, 2.4F, 1.234F, -3.43F };
     List<long> longues = new List<long>() { 414L, 1324L, 32L, 56L };
     List<decimal> decimals = new List<decimal>() { 12.152512M, 2314.12341M, 231.23143M, -12.311M, -23.234M };
     Console.WriteLine("LIST of integers: {0}\nSum {1}\nProduct {2}\nMin {3}\nMax {4}\nAveradge {5}",string.Join(" ",ints), ints.Sum(), ints.Product(), ints.MyMin(), ints.MyMax(), ints.Averadge());
     Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 55));
     Console.WriteLine("LIST of floats: {0}\nSum {1}\nProduct {2}\nMin {3}\nMax {4}\nAveradge {5}", string.Join(" ", floats), floats.Sum(), floats.Product(), floats.MyMin(), floats.MyMax(), floats.Averadge());
     Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 55));
     Console.WriteLine("LIST of longs: {0}\nSum {1}\nProduct {2}\nMin {3}\nMax {4}\nAveradge {5}", string.Join(" ", longues), longues.Sum(), longues.Product(), longues.MyMin(), longues.MyMax(), longues.Averadge());
     Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 55));
     Console.WriteLine("LIST of decimals: {0}\nSum {1}\nProduct {2}\nMin {3}\nMax {4}\nAveradge {5}", string.Join(" ", decimals), decimals.Sum(), decimals.Product(), decimals.MyMin(), decimals.MyMax(), decimals.Averadge());
     // <--! Problem 2 ends here -->
Esempio n. 6
        public static void Test()
            Console.WriteLine("List of int");

            IEnumerable <int> someCollection = new List <int>()
                1, -6, 16, 8, 35


            Console.WriteLine("Array of double");

            IEnumerable <double> doubleArray = new[] { 1.3, 25, 23.8 };


            // sick Tests - for extra methods that works with T operators (its extra testing and can be skipped)
            // Average returns T

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Implement a set of extension methods for IEnumerable<T> that implement the following group functions: sum, product, min, max, average.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        public static void Problem2(string line)
            Console.WriteLine("\n" + line + "    Problem 2   " + line + "\n\r");
            List <int> ints = new List <int>()
                1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 2, 5, 6
            List <float> floats = new List <float>()
                5.53F, 2.33F, 2.4F, 1.234F, -3.43F
            List <long> longues = new List <long>()
                414L, 1324L, 32L, 56L
            List <decimal> decimals = new List <decimal>()
                12.152512M, 2314.12341M, 231.23143M, -12.311M, -23.234M

            Console.WriteLine("LIST of integers: {0}\nSum {1}\nProduct {2}\nMin {3}\nMax {4}\nAveradge {5}", string.Join(" ", ints), ints.Sum(), ints.Product(), ints.MyMin(), ints.MyMax(), ints.Averadge());
            Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 55));
            Console.WriteLine("LIST of floats: {0}\nSum {1}\nProduct {2}\nMin {3}\nMax {4}\nAveradge {5}", string.Join(" ", floats), floats.Sum(), floats.Product(), floats.MyMin(), floats.MyMax(), floats.Averadge());
            Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 55));
            Console.WriteLine("LIST of longs: {0}\nSum {1}\nProduct {2}\nMin {3}\nMax {4}\nAveradge {5}", string.Join(" ", longues), longues.Sum(), longues.Product(), longues.MyMin(), longues.MyMax(), longues.Averadge());
            Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 55));
            Console.WriteLine("LIST of decimals: {0}\nSum {1}\nProduct {2}\nMin {3}\nMax {4}\nAveradge {5}", string.Join(" ", decimals), decimals.Sum(), decimals.Product(), decimals.MyMin(), decimals.MyMax(), decimals.Averadge());
            // <--! Problem 2 ends here -->
Esempio n. 8
        static void Main()
            /*Problem 1. StringBuilder.Substring
             * Implement an extension method Substring(int index, int length) for the class StringBuilder that returns
             * new StringBuilder and has the same functionality as Substring in the class String.*/

            var builder = new StringBuilder();

            builder.Append("Implement an extension method");
            builder.Append(" returns new StringBuilder and has the same functionality as");
            builder.Append(" Substring in the class String.");

            var substring = builder.Substring(90, 30);

            Console.WriteLine("StringBuilder Substring Extension Method: [" + substring + "]");

            /*Problem 2. IEnumerable extensions
             * Implement a set of extension methods for IEnumerable<T> that implement
             * the following group functions: sum, product, min, max, average.*/

            var list = new List <int>();


            Console.Write("Array: ");

            foreach (var number in list)
                Console.Write(number + " ");


            Console.WriteLine("Sum:     [" + list.MySum() + "]");
            Console.WriteLine("Product: [" + list.MyProduct() + "]");
            Console.WriteLine("Average: [" + list.MyAverage() + "]");
            Console.WriteLine("Min:     [" + list.MyMin() + "]");
            Console.WriteLine("Max:     [" + list.MyMax() + "]");

            var marks1 = new List <byte>()
                4, 3, 5
            var marks2 = new List <byte>()
                6, 6, 6
            var marks3 = new List <byte>()
                3, 4, 3
            var marks4 = new List <byte>()
                2, 2, 3
            var marks5 = new List <byte>()
                5, 5, 6

            var studentsArr = new List <Student>()
                new Student("Banio", "Avanov", 21, "02-413-4130", "*****@*****.**", marks1, "107205", "2"),
                new Student("Boyano", "Boyanov", 18, "07-409-3313", "*****@*****.**", marks2, "107205", "1"),
                new Student("Kaloyancho", "Stoykov", 19, "07-436-5022", "*****@*****.**", marks3, "107206", "2"),
                new Student("Stoyko", "Stoqnov", 17, "02-285-8624", "*****@*****.**", marks4, "107206", "1"),
                new Student("Pesho", "Georgiev", 38, "05-352-6526", "*****@*****.**", marks5, "107208", "2")

            /* Problem 3. First before last
             * Write a method that from a given array of students finds all students whose
             * first name is before its last name alphabetically.*/

            var listedByName = studentsArr.Where((f) => f.FirstName.CompareTo(f.LastName) == -1)

            Console.WriteLine("First before last");

            foreach (var std in listedByName)
                Console.WriteLine("[" + std.FullName + "]");


            /* Problem 4. Age range
             * Write a LINQ query that finds the first name and last name of all students
             * with age between 18 and 24.*/

            var selectedByAge = studentsArr.Where(s => s.Age >= 18 && s.Age <= 24)
                                .Select(s => s.FullName)

            Console.WriteLine("Age Between 18 and 24");

            foreach (var std in selectedByAge)
                Console.WriteLine("[" + std + "]");


            /* Problem 5. Order students
             * Using the extension methods OrderBy() and ThenBy() with lambda expressions sort
             * the students by first name and last name in descending order. */

            var orderedByName = studentsArr.OrderBy(s => s.FirstName)
                                .ThenBy(s => s.LastName)

            var _orderedByName = from std in studentsArr
                                 orderby std.FirstName, std.LastName
            select std;

            Console.WriteLine("Sorted by First and Last name");

            foreach (var std in orderedByName)
                Console.WriteLine("[" + std.FullName + "]");


            /* Problem 6. Divisible by 7 and 3
             * Write a program that prints from given array of integers all numbers that are divisible by 7 and 3.
             * Use the built-in extension methods and lambda expressions. Rewrite the same with LINQ.*/

            var intArr = new int[] { 3, 7, 84, 14, 10, 9, 12, 21, 1603, 42 };

            var divisibleBy7And3 = intArr.Where(x => x % 3 == 0 && x % 7 == 0)

            var _divisibleBy7And3 = from std in intArr
                                    where (std % 3 == 0 && std % 7 == 0)
                                    select std;

            Console.Write("Array: ");

            foreach (var number in intArr)
                Console.Write(number + " ");

            Console.Write("Divisible by 7 and 3: ");

            foreach (var divisible in divisibleBy7And3)
                Console.Write(divisible + " ");


            /*Problem 7. Timer
             * Using delegates write a class Timer that can execute certain method at each t seconds.*/

            Console.WriteLine("Uncomment Task 8 To Enable the Timer");

            //UNCOMMENT TO ACTIVATE (Disabled since it's printing the current date every second)

            //Timer.SetInterval(new Action(() => Timer.CurrentDate()), 1); /*<--------UNCOMMENT ME--------*/

            /*Problem 8.* Events
             * Read in MSDN about the keyword event in C# and how to publish events.
             * Re-implement the above using .NET events and following the best practices.*/

            Console.WriteLine("Uncomment Task 8 To Enable the Event");

            //Publisher p = new Publisher(1);     ////UNCOMMENT
            //Listener l = new Listener(60);      ////---ME----
            //l.Subscribe(p);                     ////---TO----
            //p.Start();                          ////--START--


            /*Problem 9. Student groups
             * Create a class Student with properties FirstName, LastName, FN, Tel, Email, Marks (a List), GroupNumber.
             * Create a List<Student> with sample students. Select only the students that are from group number 2.
             * Use LINQ query. Order the students by FirstName.*/

            var selectedByGroup = studentsArr.Where(s => s.GroupNumber == "1")
                                  .OrderBy(x => x.FirstName)

            Console.WriteLine("Students from group number 2");

            foreach (var std in selectedByGroup)
                Console.WriteLine("[" + std.FullName + "]");


            /*Problem 10. Student groups extensions
             * Implement the previous using the same query expressed with extension methods.*/

            var _selectedByGroup = studentsArr.ExtractAndOrder();

            /*Problem 11. Extract students by email
             * Extract all students that have email in
             * Use string methods and LINQ.*/

            var selectABV = studentsArr.Where(s => s.Email.Contains(""))

            Console.WriteLine("Students that have email in");

            foreach (var std in selectABV)
                Console.WriteLine("[" + std.FullName + "]");


            /*Problem 12. Extract students by phone
             * Extract all students with phones in Sofia.
             * Use LINQ.*/

            var extractByPhone = studentsArr.Where(s => s.Tel.IndexOf("02") == 0)

            Console.WriteLine("Students with phone in Sofia");

            foreach (var std in extractByPhone)
                Console.WriteLine("[" + std.FullName + "]");


            /*Problem 13. Extract students by marks
             * Select all students that have at least one mark Excellent (6) into a new anonymous class that has properties – FullName and Marks.
             * Use LINQ.*/

            var extractByExcellentMark = studentsArr.Where(s => s.Marks.Contains(6))
                                         .Select(x => new
                FullName = x.FullName,
                Marks    = x.Marks

            Console.WriteLine("Students with at least one excellent mark");

            foreach (var std in extractByExcellentMark)
                Console.WriteLine("[" + std.FullName + "]");


            /*Problem 14. Extract students with two marks
             * Write down a similar program that extracts the students with exactly two marks "2".
             * Use extension methods.*/

            var extractedByTwoMarks = studentsArr.FindAll(s => s.Marks.ContainsAtLeast(2, 2))

            var _extractedByTwoMarks = from std in studentsArr
                                       where (std.Marks.ContainsAtLeast(2, 2))
                                       select std;

            Console.WriteLine(@"Students with exactly two marks ""2""");

            foreach (var std in extractedByTwoMarks)
                Console.WriteLine("[" + std.FullName + "]");


            /*Problem 15. Extract marks
             * Extract all Marks of the students that enrolled in 2006.
             * (The students from 2006 have 06 as their 5-th and 6-th digit in the FN).*/

            var extractMarksByYear = studentsArr.FindAll(s => s.FN[5] == '6')
                                     .Select(s => s.Marks)

            Console.WriteLine("Marks of students that enrolled in 2006");

            foreach (var std in extractMarksByYear)
                foreach (var mark in std)
                    Console.Write("[" + mark + "]");



            /*Problem 16.* Groups
             * Create a class Group with properties GroupNumber and DepartmentName.
             * Introduce a property GroupNumber in the Student class.
             * Extract all students from "Mathematics" department.
             * Use the Join operator.*/

            Console.WriteLine(@"Extract all students from ""Mathematics"" department");

            var grp = new List <Group>()
                new Group("1", "Mathematics"),
                new Group("2", "Sports")

            var extractedByDepartment = from s in studentsArr
                                        join g in grp
                                        on s.GroupNumber equals g.GroupNumber
                                        where s.GroupNumber == "1"
                                        select new { s.FullName, g.DepartmentName };

            foreach (var item in extractedByDepartment)
                Console.Write("{0} from the {1} department", item.FullName, item.DepartmentName);


            /*Problem 17. Longest string
             * Write a program to return the string with maximum length from an array of strings.
             * Use LINQ.*/

            var arrOfStrings = new string[5]
                "write a program",
                "to return the string",
                "with maximum length",
                "from an array of strings",
                "use LINQ"

            var longestString = arrOfStrings.OrderByDescending(s => s.Length)

            Console.WriteLine("String with maximum length from an array: [" + longestString + "]");

            /* Problem 18.Grouped by GroupNumber
             * Create a program that extracts all students grouped by GroupNumber and then prints them to the console.
             * Use LINQ.*/

            Console.WriteLine("Students grouped by GroupNumber");

            var groupedByGroupNumber = studentsArr.GroupBy(s => s.GroupNumber);

            foreach (var group in groupedByGroupNumber)
                foreach (var student in group)
                    Console.WriteLine("Student [{0}] is in group [{1}].", student.FullName, group.Key);


            /* Problem 19. Grouped by GroupName extensions
             * Rewrite the previous using extension methods.*/

            var _groupedByGroupNumber = from std in studentsArr
                                        group std by std.GroupNumber
                                        into std
                                        select std;

            /*Problem 20.* Infinite convergent series
             * By using delegates develop an universal static method to calculate the sum of infinite convergent series
             * with given precision depending on a function of its term. By using proper functions for the term calculate
             * with a 2-digit precision the sum of the infinite series:
             * 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + …
             * 1 + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! + 1/5! + …
             * 1 + 1/2 - 1/4 + 1/8 - 1/16 + …*/

            var result1 = ConvergentSeries.InfiniteSeries(5, (y, x, z) => 1 / x);

            Console.Write("First Convergent Series:  ");
            Console.WriteLine("{0:F2}", result1);

            var result2 = ConvergentSeries.InfiniteFactorial(5, (y, x) => 1 / x * y);

            Console.Write("Second Convergent Series: ");
            Console.WriteLine("{0:F2}", result2);

            var result3 = ConvergentSeries.InfiniteSeries(5, (y, x, z) => z % 2 == 0 ? -1 / x : 1 / x);

            Console.Write("Third Convergent Series:  ");
            Console.WriteLine("{0:F2}", result3);
Esempio n. 9
 public void TestForward()
     Assert.AreEqual(8, ints.MyMax());