public void ApplyTo_NullICharacter_Throws()
            // Arrange
            var shield = new LionsShield();

            // Act
            TestDelegate applyTo = () => shield.ApplyTo(null);

            // Assert
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(applyTo);
        public void ApplyTo_ArmorBonusAndArmorCheckPenalty()
            // Arrange
            var unaffectedPenalty   = Mock.Of <IModifierTracker>();
            var mockUnaffectedSkill = new Mock <ISkill>();

            mockUnaffectedSkill.Setup(s => s.ArmorCheckPenaltyApplies)
            mockUnaffectedSkill.Setup(s => s.Penalties)

            var affectedPenalty   = Mock.Of <IModifierTracker>();
            var mockAffectedSkill = new Mock <ISkill>();

            mockAffectedSkill.Setup(s => s.ArmorCheckPenaltyApplies)
            mockAffectedSkill.Setup(s => s.Penalties)

            var shieldBonusTracker = Mock.Of <IModifierTracker>();

            var mockCharacter = new Mock <ICharacter>();

            mockCharacter.Setup(c => c.ArmorClass.ShieldBonuses)
            mockCharacter.Setup(c => c.Skills.GetAllSkills())
            .Returns(new ISkill[] { mockUnaffectedSkill.Object, mockAffectedSkill.Object });

            var shield = new LionsShield();

            // Act

            // Assert
            .Verify(bt => bt.Add(It.Is <Func <byte> >(calc => 4 == calc())),
                    "Lion's Shield should add a +4 shield bonus to a character's armor class.");
            .Verify(bt => bt.Add(It.Is <Func <byte> >(calc => 0 == calc())),
                    "Lion's Shield should not add penalties to skills where armor check penalties do not apply.");
            .Verify(bt => bt.Add(It.Is <Func <byte> >(calc => 1 == calc())),
                    "Lion's Shield should add a -1 penalty to skills where armor check penalties apply.");
        public void Default()
            // Arrange
            var shield = new LionsShield();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, shield.GetArmorCheckPenalty());
            Assert.AreEqual(10, shield.GetCasterLevel());
            Assert.AreEqual(14, shield.GetHardness());
            Assert.AreEqual(40, shield.GetHitPoints());
            Assert.AreEqual(9170, shield.GetMarketPrice());
                        Has.Exactly(1).Matches <INameFragment>(nf => "Lion's Shield" == nf.Text));
                        Has.Exactly(1).Matches <School>(s => School.Conjuration == s));
            Assert.AreEqual(4, shield.GetShieldBonus());
            Assert.AreEqual(15, shield.GetWeight());