Esempio n. 1
 public CoursesController(LionUpContext context)
     _context = context;
Esempio n. 2
        public static void Initialize(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            using (var context = new LionUpContext(
                       serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <
                           DbContextOptions <LionUpContext> >()))
                //Look up for Majors
                if (context.Major.Any())
                    return; //DB has been seeded

                    new Major
                    MajorCategory = "Accounting"
                    new Major
                    MajorCategory = "Biology"
                    new Major
                    MajorCategory = "Biochemistry"
                    new Major
                    MajorCategory = "Chemistry"
                    new Major
                    MajorCategory = "Computer Science"
                    new Major
                    MajorCategory = "Economics"
                    new Major
                    MajorCategory = "English"
                    new Major
                    MajorCategory = "Health and Kinesiology"
                    new Major
                    MajorCategory = "History"
                    new Major
                    MajorCategory = "Information Technology"
                    new Major
                    MajorCategory = "Physics",
                    new Major
                    MajorCategory = "Mathematics",

                //Look up for courses
                //if (context.Course.Any())
                //    return;  //DB has already been seeded

                //    new Course
                //    {
                //        CourseCode = "CMPS 161",
                //        CourseName = "Algorithm DSGN/IMPLMNT I",
                //        MajorId = 8
                //    },
                //    new Course
                //    {
                //        CourseCode = "CMPS 280",
                //        CourseName = "Algorithm DSGN/IMPLMNT II",
                //        MajorId = 8
                //    },
                //    new Course
                //    {
                //        CourseCode = "CMPS 285",
                //        CourseName = "Software Engineering",
                //        MajorId = 8
                //    },
                //    new Course
                //    {
                //        CourseCode = "CMPS 290",
                //        CourseName = "Computer Organization",
                //        MajorId = 8
                //    },
                //    new Course
                //    {
                //        CourseCode = "CMPS 390",
                //        CourseName = "Data Structure",
                //        MajorId = 8
                //    },
                //    new Course
                //    {
                //        CourseCode = "CMPS 401",
                //        CourseName = "Survey of Programming Languages",
                //        MajorId = 8
                //    },
                //    new Course
                //    {
                //        CourseCode = "CMPS 411",
                //        CourseName = "Capstone I",
                //        MajorId = 8
                //    },
                //    new Course
                //    {
                //        CourseCode = "CMPS 431",
                //        CourseName = "Operating System",
                //        MajorId = 8
                //    },
                //    new Course
                //    {
                //        CourseCode = "CMPS 479",
                //        CourseName = "Automata",
                //        MajorId = 8
                //    },
                //    new Course
                //    {
                //        CourseCode = "Math 200",
                //        CourseName = "Calculus I",
                //        MajorId = 15
                //    }

Esempio n. 3
 public UsersController(LionUpContext context)
     _context = context;
Esempio n. 4
 public EventsController(LionUpContext context)
     _context = context;
Esempio n. 5
 public AccountController(LionUpContext context, IEmailService emailService, IHostingEnvironment environment)
     _context      = context;
     _emailService = emailService;
     _environment  = environment;