public _ReadingOrderSortData _pickNext(List <_ReadingOrderSortData> candidates) { FocusTravesalUtils.mergeSort <_ReadingOrderSortData>(candidates, compare: (_ReadingOrderSortData a, _ReadingOrderSortData b) =>; _ReadingOrderSortData topmost = candidates.First(); List <_ReadingOrderSortData> inBand(_ReadingOrderSortData current, IEnumerable <_ReadingOrderSortData> _candidates) { Rect band = Rect.fromLTRB(float.NegativeInfinity,, float.PositiveInfinity, current.rect.bottom); return(LinqUtils <_ReadingOrderSortData> .WhereList(_candidates, ((_ReadingOrderSortData item) => { return !item.rect.intersect(band).isEmpty; }))); } List <_ReadingOrderSortData> inBandOfTop = inBand(topmost, candidates); D.assert(topmost.rect.isEmpty || inBandOfTop.isNotEmpty()); if (inBandOfTop.Count <= 1) { return(topmost); } TextDirection nearestCommonDirectionality = _ReadingOrderSortData.commonDirectionalityOf(inBandOfTop); _ReadingOrderSortData.sortWithDirectionality(inBandOfTop, nearestCommonDirectionality); List <_ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData> bandGroups = _collectDirectionalityGroups(inBandOfTop); if (bandGroups.Count == 1) { return(bandGroups.First().members.First()); } _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData.sortWithDirectionality(bandGroups, nearestCommonDirectionality); return(bandGroups.First().members.First()); }
public Viewport( Key key = null, AxisDirection axisDirection = AxisDirection.down, AxisDirection?crossAxisDirection = null, float anchor = 0.0f, ViewportOffset offset = null, Key center = null, float?cacheExtent = null, CacheExtentStyle cacheExtentStyle = CacheExtentStyle.pixel, List <Widget> slivers = null ) : base(key: key, children: slivers) { D.assert(offset != null); D.assert(slivers != null); D.assert(center == null || LinqUtils <Widget> .WhereList(slivers, ((Widget child) => child.key == center)).Count() == 1); D.assert(cacheExtentStyle != null); D.assert(cacheExtentStyle != CacheExtentStyle.viewport || cacheExtent != null); this.axisDirection = axisDirection; this.crossAxisDirection = crossAxisDirection; this.anchor = anchor; this.offset = offset; = center; this.cacheExtent = cacheExtent; this.cacheExtentStyle = cacheExtentStyle; }
public override void debugVisitOnstageChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) { LinqUtils <Element> .WhereList(children, (e => { RenderSliver renderSliver = (RenderSliver)e.renderObject; return(renderSliver.geometry.visible); })).ForEach(e => visitor(e)); }
protected void collectGarbage(int leadingGarbage, int trailingGarbage) { D.assert(_debugAssertChildListLocked()); D.assert(childCount >= leadingGarbage + trailingGarbage); invokeLayoutCallback <SliverConstraints>(constraints => { while (leadingGarbage > 0) { _destroyOrCacheChild(firstChild); leadingGarbage -= 1; } while (trailingGarbage > 0) { _destroyOrCacheChild(lastChild); trailingGarbage -= 1; } LinqUtils <RenderBox> .WhereList(_keepAliveBucket.Values, (child => { SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData childParentData = (SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData)child.parentData; return(!childParentData.keepAlive); })).ForEach(_childManager.removeChild); D.assert(LinqUtils <RenderBox> .WhereList(_keepAliveBucket.Values, (child => { SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData childParentData = (SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData)child.parentData; return(!childParentData.keepAlive); })).isEmpty()); }); }
public UIWidgetsError(List <DiagnosticsNode> diagnostics) { this.diagnostics = diagnostics; D.assert(diagnostics != null && diagnostics.isNotEmpty(), () => new UIWidgetsError(new List <DiagnosticsNode>() { new ErrorSummary("Empty FlutterError") }).ToString()); D.assert(diagnostics.first().level == DiagnosticLevel.summary, () => new UIWidgetsError(new List <DiagnosticsNode>() { new ErrorSummary("UIWidgetsError is missing a summary."), new ErrorDescription("All UIWidgetsError objects should start with a short (one line) " + "summary description of the problem that was detected."), new DiagnosticsProperty <UIWidgetsError>("Malformed", this, expandableValue: true, showSeparator: false, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.whitespace), new ErrorDescription( "\nThis error should still help you solve your problem, " + "however please also report this malformed error in the " + "framework by filing a bug on GitHub:\n" + " https://" ) }).ToString()); D.assert(() => { IEnumerable <DiagnosticsNode> summaries = LinqUtils <DiagnosticsNode> .WhereList(diagnostics, ((DiagnosticsNode node) => node.level == DiagnosticLevel.summary)); if (summaries.Count() > 1) { return(false); } return(true); }, () => { IEnumerable <DiagnosticsNode> summaries = LinqUtils <DiagnosticsNode> .WhereList(diagnostics, ((DiagnosticsNode node) => node.level == DiagnosticLevel.summary)); List <DiagnosticsNode> message = new List <DiagnosticsNode>() { new ErrorSummary("UIWidgetsError contained multiple error summaries."), new ErrorDescription( "All UIWidgetsError objects should have only a single short " + "(one line) summary description of the problem that was " + "detected." ), new DiagnosticsProperty <UIWidgetsError>("Malformed", this, expandableValue: true, showSeparator: false, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.whitespace) }; int i = 0; foreach (DiagnosticsNode summary in summaries) { message.Add(new DiagnosticsProperty <DiagnosticsNode>($"Summary {i}", summary, expandableValue: true)); i += 1; } message.Add(new ErrorDescription( "\nThis error should still help you solve your problem, " + "however please also report this malformed error in the " + "framework by filing a bug on GitHub:\n" + " https://" )); return(new UIWidgetsError(message).ToString()); }); }
public override void debugVisitOnstageChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) { foreach (var child in LinqUtils <Element> .WhereList(children, (_shouldPaint))) { visitor(child); } }
public IEnumerable <FocusNode> _sortAndFilterHorizontally( TraversalDirection direction, Rect target, FocusNode nearestScope) { D.assert(direction == TraversalDirection.left || direction == TraversalDirection.right); IEnumerable <FocusNode> nodes = nearestScope.traversalDescendants; D.assert(!nodes.Contains(nearestScope)); List <FocusNode> sorted = nodes.ToList(); FocusTravesalUtils.mergeSort <FocusNode>(sorted, compare: (FocusNode a, FocusNode b) =>; IEnumerable <FocusNode> result = new List <FocusNode>(); switch (direction) { case TraversalDirection.left: result = LinqUtils <FocusNode> .WhereList(sorted, ((FocusNode node) => node.rect != target && <= target.left)); break; case TraversalDirection.right: result = LinqUtils <FocusNode> .WhereList(sorted, ((FocusNode node) => node.rect != target && >= target.right)); break; case TraversalDirection.up: case TraversalDirection.down: break; } return(result); }
public DropdownButton( Key key = null, List <DropdownMenuItem <T> > items = null, material_.DropdownButtonBuilder selectedItemBuilder = null, T value = default, Widget hint = null, Widget disabledHint = null, ValueChanged <T> onChanged = null, VoidCallback onTap = null, int elevation = 8, TextStyle style = null, Widget underline = null, Widget icon = null, Color iconDisabledColor = null, Color iconEnabledColor = null, float iconSize = 24.0f, bool isDense = false, bool isExpanded = false, float?itemHeight = material_.kMinInteractiveDimension, Color focusColor = null, FocusNode focusNode = null, bool autofocus = false, Color dropdownColor = null ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(items == null || items.isEmpty() || value == null || LinqUtils <DropdownMenuItem <T> > .WhereList(items, ((DropdownMenuItem <T> item) => { return(item.value.Equals(value)); })).Count() == 1, () => "There should be exactly one item with [DropdownButton]'s value: " + $"{value}. \n" + "Either zero or 2 or more [DropdownMenuItem]s were detected " + "with the same value" ); D.assert(itemHeight == null || itemHeight >= material_.kMinInteractiveDimension); this.items = items; this.selectedItemBuilder = selectedItemBuilder; this.value = value; this.hint = hint; this.disabledHint = disabledHint; this.onChanged = onChanged; this.onTap = onTap; this.elevation = elevation; = style; this.underline = underline; this.icon = icon; this.iconDisabledColor = iconDisabledColor; this.iconEnabledColor = iconEnabledColor; this.iconSize = iconSize; this.isDense = isDense; this.isExpanded = isExpanded; this.itemHeight = itemHeight; this.focusColor = focusColor; this.focusNode = focusNode; this.autofocus = autofocus; this.dropdownColor = dropdownColor; }
private static Dictionary <GalleryDemoCategory, List <GalleryDemo> > _generateCategoryToDemos() { Dictionary <GalleryDemoCategory, List <GalleryDemo> > result = new Dictionary <GalleryDemoCategory, List <GalleryDemo> >(); foreach (var category in kAllGalleryDemoCategories) { result.Add(category, LinqUtils <GalleryDemo> .WhereList(kAllGalleryDemos, ((GalleryDemo demo) => { return(demo.category == category); }))); } return(result); }
public override void changedScope(FocusNode node = null, FocusScopeNode oldScope = null) { base.changedScope(node: node, oldScope: oldScope); if (oldScope != null) { var delEntries = LinqUtils <_DirectionalPolicyDataEntry> .WhereList(_policyData[oldScope]?.history, ((_DirectionalPolicyDataEntry entry) => { return(entry.node == node); })); foreach (var delEntry in delEntries) { _policyData[oldScope]?.history?.Remove(delEntry); } } }
void _updateSelectedIndex() { if (!_enabled) { return; } D.assert(widget.value == null || LinqUtils <DropdownMenuItem <T> > .WhereList(widget.items, ((DropdownMenuItem <T> item) => item.value.Equals(widget.value)) ).Count == 1); _selectedIndex = null; for (int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < widget.items.Count; itemIndex++) { if (widget.items[itemIndex].value.Equals(widget.value)) { _selectedIndex = itemIndex; return; } } }
protected void reportError( DiagnosticsNode context = null, Exception exception = null, InformationCollector informationCollector = null, bool silent = false) { _currentError = new UIWidgetsErrorDetails( exception: exception, library: "image resource service", context: context, informationCollector: informationCollector, silent: silent ); var localErrorListeners = LinqUtils <ImageErrorListener> .WhereList( LinqUtils <ImageErrorListener, ImageStreamListener> .SelectList(_listeners, (l => l.onError)), (l => l != null)); if (localErrorListeners.isEmpty()) { UIWidgetsError.reportError(_currentError); } else { foreach (var errorListener in localErrorListeners) { try { errorListener(exception); } catch (Exception ex) { UIWidgetsError.reportError( new UIWidgetsErrorDetails( context: new ErrorDescription("when reporting an error to an image listener"), library: "image resource service", exception: ex ) ); } } } }
public override void didStopUserGesture() { if (navigator.userGestureInProgress) { return; } bool isInvalidFlight(_HeroFlight flight) { return(flight.manifest.isUserGestureTransition && flight.manifest.type == HeroFlightDirection.pop && flight._proxyAnimation.isDismissed); } List <_HeroFlight> invalidFlights = LinqUtils <_HeroFlight> .WhereList(_flights.Values, isInvalidFlight); foreach (_HeroFlight flight in invalidFlights) { flight._handleAnimationUpdate(AnimationStatus.dismissed); } }
public override void debugVisitOnstageChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) { LinqUtils <Element> .WhereList(_childElements.Values, (child => { SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData parentData = (SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData)child.renderObject.parentData; float itemExtent = 0; switch (renderObject.constraints.axis) { case Axis.horizontal: itemExtent = child.renderObject.paintBounds.width; break; case Axis.vertical: itemExtent = child.renderObject.paintBounds.height; break; } return(parentData.layoutOffset != null && parentData.layoutOffset < renderObject.constraints.scrollOffset + renderObject.constraints.remainingPaintExtent && parentData.layoutOffset + itemExtent > renderObject.constraints.scrollOffset); })).ForEach(e => visitor(e)); }
public IEnumerable <FocusNode> _sortAndFilterVertically( TraversalDirection direction, Rect target, IEnumerable <FocusNode> nodes) { List <FocusNode> sorted = nodes.ToList(); FocusTravesalUtils.mergeSort <FocusNode>(sorted, compare: (FocusNode a, FocusNode b) =>; switch (direction) { case TraversalDirection.up: return(LinqUtils <FocusNode> .WhereList(sorted, ((FocusNode node) => node.rect != target && <=; case TraversalDirection.down: return(LinqUtils <FocusNode> .WhereList(sorted, ((FocusNode node) => node.rect != target && >= target.bottom))); case TraversalDirection.left: case TraversalDirection.right: break; } D.assert(direction == TraversalDirection.up || direction == TraversalDirection.down); return(null); }
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { D.assert(material_.debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations(context)); ThemeData themeData = Theme.of(context); MaterialLocalizations localizations = MaterialLocalizations.of(context); List <Widget> headerWidgets = new List <Widget>(); float startPadding = 24.0f; if (_selectedRowCount == 0) { headerWidgets.Add(new Expanded(child: widget.header)); if (widget.header is ButtonBar) { startPadding = 12.0f; } } else { headerWidgets.Add(new Expanded( child: new Text(localizations.selectedRowCountTitle(_selectedRowCount)) )); } if (widget.actions != null) { headerWidgets.AddRange( LinqUtils <Widget> .SelectList(widget.actions, ((Widget action) => { return(new Padding( padding: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only( start: 24.0f - 8.0f * 2.0f), child: action )); })) ); } TextStyle footerTextStyle = themeData.textTheme.caption; List <Widget> footerWidgets = new List <Widget>(); if (widget.onRowsPerPageChanged != null) { List <Widget> availableRowsPerPage = LinqUtils <Widget, int> .SelectList( LinqUtils <int> .WhereList(widget.availableRowsPerPage, ((int value) => value <= _rowCount || value == widget.rowsPerPage)), (int value) => { return((Widget) new DropdownMenuItem <int>( value: value, child: new Text($"{value}") )); }); footerWidgets.AddRange(new List <Widget>() { new Container(width: 14.0f), // to match trailing padding in case we overflow and end up scrolling new Text(localizations.rowsPerPageTitle), new ConstrainedBox( constraints: new BoxConstraints(minWidth: 64.0f), // 40.0 for the text, 24.0 for the icon child: new Align( alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerEnd, child: new DropdownButtonHideUnderline( child: new DropdownButton <int>( items: availableRowsPerPage.Cast <DropdownMenuItem <int> >().ToList(), value: widget.rowsPerPage, onChanged: widget.onRowsPerPageChanged, style: footerTextStyle, iconSize: 24.0f ) ) ) ), }); } footerWidgets.AddRange(new List <Widget>() { new Container(width: 32.0f), new Text( localizations.pageRowsInfoTitle( _firstRowIndex + 1, _firstRowIndex + widget.rowsPerPage, _rowCount, _rowCountApproximate ) ), new Container(width: 32.0f), new IconButton( icon: new Icon(Icons.chevron_left), padding:, tooltip: localizations.previousPageTooltip, onPressed: _firstRowIndex <= 0 ? (VoidCallback)null : _handlePrevious), new Container(width: 24.0f), new IconButton( icon: new Icon(Icons.chevron_right), padding:, tooltip: localizations.nextPageTooltip, onPressed: (!_rowCountApproximate && (_firstRowIndex + widget.rowsPerPage >= _rowCount)) ? (VoidCallback)null : _handleNext ), new Container(width: 14.0f), }); return(new LayoutBuilder( builder: (BuildContext _context, BoxConstraints constraints) => { return new Card( child: new Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch, children: new List <Widget> { new DefaultTextStyle( style: _selectedRowCount > 0 ? themeData.textTheme.subtitle1.copyWith(color: themeData.accentColor) : themeData.textTheme.headline6.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.w400), child: IconTheme.merge( data: new IconThemeData( opacity: 0.54f ), child: new Ink( height: 64.0f, color: _selectedRowCount > 0 ? themeData.secondaryHeaderColor : null, child: new Padding( padding: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only( start: startPadding, end: 14.0f), child: new Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end, children: headerWidgets ) ) ) ) ), new SingleChildScrollView( scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, dragStartBehavior: widget.dragStartBehavior, child: new ConstrainedBox( constraints: new BoxConstraints(minWidth: constraints.minWidth), child: new DataTable( key: _tableKey, columns: widget.columns, sortColumnIndex: widget.sortColumnIndex, sortAscending: widget.sortAscending, onSelectAll: widget.onSelectAll, dataRowHeight: widget.dataRowHeight, headingRowHeight: widget.headingRowHeight, horizontalMargin: widget.horizontalMargin, columnSpacing: widget.columnSpacing, rows: _getRows(_firstRowIndex, widget.rowsPerPage) ) ) ), new DefaultTextStyle( style: footerTextStyle, child: IconTheme.merge( data: new IconThemeData( opacity: 0.54f ), child: new Container( height: 56.0f, child: new SingleChildScrollView( dragStartBehavior: widget.dragStartBehavior, scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, reverse: true, child: new Row( children: footerWidgets ) ) ) ) ) } ) ); } )); }
public virtual string toStringShallow( string joiner = ", ", DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug ) { if (foundation_.kReleaseMode) { return(toString()); } string shallowString = ""; D.assert(() => { var result = new StringBuilder(); result.Append(toString()); result.Append(joiner); DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder builder = new DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder(); debugFillProperties(builder); result.Append(string.Join(joiner, LinqUtils <string, DiagnosticsNode> .SelectList(LinqUtils <DiagnosticsNode> .WhereList(, (n => !n.isFiltered(minLevel))), (n => n.ToString()))) ); shallowString = result.ToString(); return(true); }); return(shallowString); }
public override bool inDirection(FocusNode currentNode, TraversalDirection direction) { FocusScopeNode nearestScope = currentNode.nearestScope; FocusNode focusedChild = nearestScope.focusedChild; if (focusedChild == null) { FocusNode firstFocus = findFirstFocusInDirection(currentNode, direction) ?? currentNode; switch (direction) { case TraversalDirection.up: case TraversalDirection.left: FocusTravesalUtils._focusAndEnsureVisible( firstFocus, alignmentPolicy: ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.keepVisibleAtStart ); break; case TraversalDirection.right: case TraversalDirection.down: FocusTravesalUtils._focusAndEnsureVisible( firstFocus, alignmentPolicy: ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.keepVisibleAtEnd ); break; } return(true); } if (_popPolicyDataIfNeeded(direction, nearestScope, focusedChild)) { return(true); } FocusNode found = null; ScrollableState focusedScrollable = Scrollable.of(focusedChild.context); switch (direction) { case TraversalDirection.down: case TraversalDirection.up: IEnumerable <FocusNode> eligibleNodes = _sortAndFilterVertically( direction, focusedChild.rect, nearestScope.traversalDescendants ); if (focusedScrollable != null && !focusedScrollable.position.atEdge()) { IEnumerable <FocusNode> filteredEligibleNodes = LinqUtils <FocusNode> .WhereList(eligibleNodes, ((FocusNode node) => Scrollable.of(node.context) == focusedScrollable)); if (filteredEligibleNodes.Count() != 0) { eligibleNodes = filteredEligibleNodes; } } if (eligibleNodes.Count() == 0) { break; } List <FocusNode> sorted = eligibleNodes.ToList(); if (direction == TraversalDirection.up) { //sorted = sorted.reversed.toList(); sorted.Reverse(); sorted = sorted.ToList(); } Rect band = Rect.fromLTRB(focusedChild.rect.left, float.NegativeInfinity, focusedChild.rect.right, float.PositiveInfinity); IEnumerable <FocusNode> inBand = LinqUtils <FocusNode> .WhereList(sorted, ((FocusNode node) => !node.rect.intersect(band).isEmpty)); if (inBand.Count() != 0) { found = inBand.First(); break; } FocusTravesalUtils.mergeSort <FocusNode>(sorted, compare: (FocusNode a, FocusNode b) => { return(( - -; }); found = sorted.First(); break; case TraversalDirection.right: case TraversalDirection.left: eligibleNodes = _sortAndFilterHorizontally(direction, focusedChild.rect, nearestScope); if (focusedScrollable != null && !focusedScrollable.position.atEdge()) { IEnumerable <FocusNode> filteredEligibleNodes = LinqUtils <FocusNode> .WhereList(eligibleNodes, ((FocusNode node) => Scrollable.of(node.context) == focusedScrollable)); if (filteredEligibleNodes.Count() != 0) { eligibleNodes = filteredEligibleNodes; } } if (eligibleNodes.Count() == 0) { break; } sorted = eligibleNodes.ToList(); if (direction == TraversalDirection.left) { sorted.Reverse(); sorted = sorted.ToList(); //sorted = sorted.reversed.toList(); } band = Rect.fromLTRB(float.NegativeInfinity,, float.PositiveInfinity, focusedChild.rect.bottom); inBand = LinqUtils <FocusNode> .WhereList(sorted, ((FocusNode node) => !node.rect.intersect(band).isEmpty)); if (inBand.Count() != 0) { found = inBand.First(); break; } FocusTravesalUtils.mergeSort <FocusNode>(sorted, compare: (FocusNode a, FocusNode b) => { return(( - -; }); found = sorted.First(); break; } if (found != null) { _pushPolicyData(direction, nearestScope, focusedChild); switch (direction) { case TraversalDirection.up: case TraversalDirection.left: FocusTravesalUtils._focusAndEnsureVisible( found, alignmentPolicy: ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.keepVisibleAtStart ); break; case TraversalDirection.down: case TraversalDirection.right: FocusTravesalUtils._focusAndEnsureVisible( found, alignmentPolicy: ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.keepVisibleAtEnd ); break; } return(true); } return(false); }