Esempio n. 1
        public void LinqJoin06()
            string[] names   = { "C#", "VB", "F#" };
            var      lengths = from name in names select name.Length;

            List <Customer> customers = LinqHellper.GetCustomers();
            List <Supplier> suppliers = LinqHellper.GetSupplier();

            var supplierCusts =
                from sup in suppliers
                join cust in customers on new { sup.City, sup.Country } equals new { cust.City, cust.Country } into cs
            from c in cs.DefaultIfEmpty()     //Remove DefaultIfEmpty method call to make this an inner join
            orderby sup.SupplierName
                select new
                Country      = sup.Country,
                City         = sup.City,
                SupplierName = sup.SupplierName,
                CompanyName  = c == null ? "(No customers)" : c.CompanyName

            foreach (var item in supplierCusts)
                Debug.WriteLine("{0} ({1}, {2}): {3}", item.SupplierName, item.City, item.Country, item.CompanyName);
Esempio n. 2
 //This sample uses Max to get the most expensive price among each category's products.
 public void GroupAndMax01()
     var producs    = LinqHellper.GetProducts();
     var categories =
         from prod in producs
         group prod by prod.Category into prodGroup
         select new { Category = prodGroup.Key, MostExpensivePrice = prodGroup.Max(p => p.UnitPrice) };
Esempio n. 3
        public void ElementOperators04()
            List <Product> products = LinqHellper.GetProducts();

            Product product789 = products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductID == 789);

            Debug.WriteLine("Product 789 exists: {0}", product789 != null);
Esempio n. 4
        public void Linq30()
            List <Product> products = LinqHellper.GetProducts();

            var sortedProducts =
                from prod in products
                orderby prod.ProductName
                select prod;
Esempio n. 5
        public void LinqOrderByDescending05()
            List <Product> products = LinqHellper.GetProducts();

            var sortedProducts =
                from prod in products
                orderby prod.UnitsInStock descending
                select prod;
Esempio n. 6
        public void LinqOderBy08()
            List <Product> products = LinqHellper.GetProducts();

            var sortedProducts =
                from prod in products
                orderby prod.Category, prod.UnitPrice descending
            select prod;
Esempio n. 7
        public void ElementOperators01()
            List <Product> products = LinqHellper.GetProducts();

            Product product12 = (
                from prod in products
                where prod.ProductID == 12
                select prod)
Esempio n. 8
        public void All02()
            List <Product> products = LinqHellper.GetProducts();

            var productGroups =
                from prod in products
                group prod by prod.Category into prodGroup
                where prodGroup.All(p => p.UnitsInStock > 0)
                select new { Category = prodGroup.Key, Products = prodGroup };
Esempio n. 9
        //This sample uses Count to return a list of customers and how many orders each has.
        public void Count03()
            List <Customer> customers = LinqHellper.GetCustomers();

            var orderCounts =
                from cust in customers
                select new { cust.CustomerID, OrderCount = cust.Orders.Count() };

            foreach (var item in orderCounts)
                Debug.WriteLine("Custormet Id:" + item.CustomerID + " Order Count:" + item.OrderCount);
Esempio n. 10
        //This sample uses Sum to get the total units in stock for each product category.
        public void Sum01()
            List <Product> products = LinqHellper.GetProducts();

            var categories =
                from prod in products
                group prod by prod.Category into prodGroup
                select new { Category = prodGroup.Key, TotalUnitsInStock = prodGroup.Sum(p => p.UnitsInStock) };

            foreach (var item in categories)
                Debug.WriteLine("Category: " + item.Category + " TotalUnitsInStock: " + item.TotalUnitsInStock);
Esempio n. 11
        //This sample uses Count to return a list of categories and how many products each has.
        public void Count04()
            List <Product> products = LinqHellper.GetProducts();

            var categoryCounts =
                from prod in products
                group prod by prod.Category into prodGroup
                select new { Category = prodGroup.Key, ProductCount = prodGroup.Count() };

            foreach (var item in categoryCounts)
                Debug.WriteLine("Category: " + item.Category + " Product Count: " + item.ProductCount);
Esempio n. 12
        //This sample uses Max to get the products with the most expensive price in each category.
        public void Let02()
            var producs    = LinqHellper.GetProducts();
            var categories =
                from prod in producs
                group prod by prod.Category into prodGroup
                let maxPrice = prodGroup.Max(p => p.UnitPrice)
                               select new { Category = prodGroup.Key, MostExpensiveProducts = prodGroup.Where(p => p.UnitPrice == maxPrice) };

            foreach (var item in categories)
                Debug.WriteLine("Category: " + item.Category + " MostExpensiveProduct: " + item.MostExpensiveProducts);
Esempio n. 13
        //This sample uses Min to get the cheapest price among each category's products.
        public void Min03()
            List <Product> products = LinqHellper.GetProducts();

            var categories =
                from prod in products
                group prod by prod.Category into prodGroup
                select new { Category = prodGroup.Key, CheapestPrice = prodGroup.Min(p => p.UnitPrice) };

            foreach (var item in categories)
                Debug.WriteLine("Category: " + item.Category + " CheapestPrice: " + item.CheapestPrice);
Esempio n. 14
        //This sample uses Average to get the average price of each category's products.
        public void GroupAndAverage()
            List <Product> products = LinqHellper.GetProducts();

            var categories =
                from prod in products
                group prod by prod.Category into prodGroup
                select new { Category = prodGroup.Key, AveragePrice = prodGroup.Average(p => p.UnitPrice) };

            foreach (var item in categories)
                Debug.WriteLine("Category: " + item.Category + " AvaragePrice: " + item.AveragePrice);
Esempio n. 15
        public void Restrict03()
            List <Product> products = LinqHellper.GetProducts();

            var expensiveInStockProducts =
                from prod in products
                where prod.UnitsInStock > 0 && prod.UnitPrice > 3.00M
                select prod;

            Debug.WriteLine("In-stock products that cost more than 3.00:");
            foreach (var product in expensiveInStockProducts)
                Debug.WriteLine("{0} is in stock and costs more than 3.00.", product.ProductName);
Esempio n. 16
        public void Restrict02()
            List <Product> products = LinqHellper.GetProducts();

            var soldOutProducts =
                from prod in products
                where prod.UnitsInStock == 0
                select prod;

            Debug.WriteLine("Sold out products:");
            foreach (var product in soldOutProducts)
                Debug.WriteLine("{0} is sold out!", product.ProductName);
Esempio n. 17
        public void LinqDistinct02()
            List <Product> products = LinqHellper.GetProducts();

            var categoryNames = (
                from prod in products
                select prod.Category)

            Debug.WriteLine("Category names:");
            foreach (var n in categoryNames)
Esempio n. 18
        public void LinqJoin01()
            List <Customer> customers = LinqHellper.GetCustomers();
            List <Supplier> suppliers = LinqHellper.GetSupplier();

            var custSupJoin =
                from sup in suppliers
                join cust in customers on sup.Country equals cust.Country
                select new { Country = sup.Country, SupplierName = sup.SupplierName, CustomerName = cust.CompanyName };

            foreach (var item in custSupJoin)
                Debug.WriteLine("Country = {0}, Supplier = {1}, Customer = {2}", item.Country, item.SupplierName, item.CustomerName);
Esempio n. 19
        public void LinqTake02()
            List <Customer> customers = LinqHellper.GetCustomers();

            var first3WAOrders = (
                from cust in customers
                from order in cust.Orders
                where cust.Region == "WA"
                select new { cust.CustomerID, order.OrderID, order.OrderDate })

            Debug.WriteLine("First 3 orders in WA:");
            foreach (var order in first3WAOrders)
                Debug.WriteLine($"Customer ID: {order.CustomerID} Order ID: {order.OrderID} Order Date: {order.OrderDate}");
Esempio n. 20
        public void LinqSkip02()
            List <Customer> customers = LinqHellper.GetCustomers();

            var waOrders =
                from cust in customers
                from order in cust.Orders
                where cust.Region == "WA"
                select new { cust.CustomerID, order.OrderID, order.OrderDate };

            var allButFirst2Orders = waOrders.Skip(2);

            Debug.WriteLine("All but first 2 orders in WA:");
            foreach (var order in allButFirst2Orders)
                Debug.WriteLine($"Customer ID: {order.CustomerID} Order ID: {order.OrderID} Order Date: {order.OrderDate}");
Esempio n. 21
        public void Restrict04()
            List <Customer> customers = LinqHellper.GetCustomers();

            var waCustomers =
                from cust in customers
                where cust.Region == "WA"
                select cust;

            Debug.WriteLine("Customers from Washington and their orders:");
            foreach (var customer in waCustomers)
                Debug.WriteLine("Customer {0}: {1}", customer.CustomerID, customer.CompanyName);
                foreach (var order in customer.Orders)
                    Debug.WriteLine("  Order {0}: {1}", order.OrderID, order.OrderDate);
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// This sample uses Concat to create one sequence that contains the names of all customers and products, including any duplicates.
        /// </summary>
        public void LinqConcat02()
            List <Customer> customers = LinqHellper.GetCustomers();
            List <Product>  products  = LinqHellper.GetProducts();

            var customerNames =
                from cust in customers
                select cust.CompanyName;
            var productNames =
                from prod in products
                select prod.ProductName;

            var allNames = customerNames.Concat(productNames);

            Debug.WriteLine("Customer and product names:");
            foreach (var n in allNames)
Esempio n. 23
        /// <summary>
        /// The Except operator produces the set difference between two sequences.
        /// The Except operator allocates and returns an enumerable object that captures the arguments passed to the operator. An ArgumentNullException is thrown if any argument is null.
        /// </summary>
        public void LinqExcept02()
            List <Product>  products  = LinqHellper.GetProducts();
            List <Customer> customers = LinqHellper.GetCustomers();

            var productFirstChars =
                from prod in products
                select prod.ProductName[0];
            var customerFirstChars =
                from cust in customers
                select cust.CompanyName[0];

            var productOnlyFirstChars = productFirstChars.Except(customerFirstChars);

            Debug.WriteLine("First letters from Product names, but not from Customer names:");
            foreach (var ch in productOnlyFirstChars)
Esempio n. 24
        public void LinqUnion02()
            List <Product>  products  = LinqHellper.GetProducts();
            List <Customer> customers = LinqHellper.GetCustomers();

            var productFirstChars =
                from prod in products
                select prod.ProductName[0];
            var customerFirstChars =
                from cust in customers
                select cust.CompanyName[0];

            var uniqueFirstChars = productFirstChars.Union(customerFirstChars);

            Debug.WriteLine("Unique first letters from Product names and Customer names:");
            foreach (var ch in uniqueFirstChars)
Esempio n. 25
        public void LinqJoin02()
            List <Customer> customers = LinqHellper.GetCustomers();
            List <Supplier> suppliers = LinqHellper.GetSupplier();

            var custSupQuery =
                from sup in suppliers
                join cust in customers on sup.Country equals cust.Country into cs
                select new { Key = sup.Country, Items = cs };

            foreach (var item in custSupQuery)
                Debug.WriteLine(item.Key + ":");
                foreach (var element in item.Items)
                    Debug.WriteLine("   " + element.CompanyName);
Esempio n. 26
        public void LinqJoin05()
            List <Customer> customers = LinqHellper.GetCustomers();
            List <Supplier> suppliers = LinqHellper.GetSupplier();

            var custSuppliers =
                from cust in customers
                join sup in suppliers on cust.Country equals sup.Country into ss
                from s in ss.DefaultIfEmpty()
                orderby cust.CompanyName
                select new
                Country      = cust.Country,
                CompanyName  = cust.CompanyName,
                SupplierName = s == null ? "(No suppliers)" : s.SupplierName

            foreach (var item in custSuppliers)
                Debug.WriteLine("{0} ({1}): {2}", item.CompanyName, item.Country, item.SupplierName);
Esempio n. 27
        public void LinqJoin04()
            List <Customer> customers = LinqHellper.GetCustomers();
            List <Supplier> suppliers = LinqHellper.GetSupplier();

            var supplierCusts =
                from sup in suppliers
                join cust in customers on sup.Country equals cust.Country into cs
                from c in cs.DefaultIfEmpty()  // DefaultIfEmpty preserves left-hand elements that have no matches on the right side
                orderby sup.SupplierName
                select new
                Country      = sup.Country,
                CompanyName  = c == null ? "(No customers)" : c.CompanyName,
                SupplierName = sup.SupplierName

            foreach (var item in supplierCusts)
                Debug.WriteLine("{0} ({1}): {2}", item.SupplierName, item.Country, item.CompanyName);
Esempio n. 28
        public void LinqJoin03()
            string[] categories = new string[] {
                "Dairy Products",

            List <Product> products = LinqHellper.GetProducts();

            var prodByCategory =
                from cat in categories
                join prod in products on cat equals prod.Category into ps
                from p in ps
                select new { Category = cat, p.ProductName };

            foreach (var item in prodByCategory)
                Debug.WriteLine(item.ProductName + ": " + item.Category);