Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// A simple example of how to combine expressions (i.e., how to have one expression call another).
        /// </summary>
        static void TestExpressionCombiner()
            var criteria1 = Linq.Predicate <Purchase>(p => p.Price > 1000);
            var criteria2 = Linq.Predicate <Purchase>(p => criteria1.Invoke(p) || p.Description.Contains("a"));

            //Expression<Func<Purchase, bool>> criteria1 = p => p.Price > 1000;
            //Expression<Func<Purchase, bool>> criteria2 = p => criteria1.Invoke(p) || p.Description.Contains("a");

            Console.WriteLine("Here's what criteria2 looks like, before calling Expand");

            Console.WriteLine("Here's what criteria2 looks like, after calling Expand");

            var data = new DemoData();

            // We can use criteria2 in either of two ways: either call Expand on the expression before using it:
            var query = data.Purchases.Where(criteria2.Expand());

            Console.WriteLine("Count: " + query.Count());

            // or call AsExpandable() on the Table:
            query = data.Purchases.AsExpandable().Where(criteria2);
            Console.WriteLine("Count: " + query.Count());