Esempio n. 1
        public static bool Test2()
            var i1 = new InputNode();
            var i2 = new InputNode();
            var h1 = new Perceptron(new Heaviside(1.0));
            var h2 = new Perceptron(new Heaviside(2.0));
            var h3 = new Perceptron(new Heaviside(1.0));

            LinearWeight.Connect(i1, h1, 1.0);
            LinearWeight.Connect(i1, h2, 1.0);
            LinearWeight.Connect(i2, h2, 1.0);
            LinearWeight.Connect(i2, h3, 1.0);
            var o = new Perceptron(new Linear());

            LinearWeight.Connect(h1, o, 1.0);
            LinearWeight.Connect(h2, o, -2.0);
            LinearWeight.Connect(h3, o, 1.0);

            var network = new GeneralNetwork(new List <InputNode> {
                i1, i2
            }, new List <INode> {

            network.Forward(new[] { 0.0, 0.0 });
            network.Forward(new[] { 1.0, 0.0 });
            network.Forward(new[] { 0.0, 1.0 });
            network.Forward(new[] { 1.0, 1.0 });
            public LinearWeight[] GetLinearWeigths(GeoCellTuple cell, Nodes nodes)
                int N = nodes.Lons.Length;

                LinearWeight[] weights = new LinearWeight[N];

                for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                    weights[i] = new LinearWeight(N - i - 1, cell.LatMax * (i + 1));

        public async Task LinearCombinationAggregatorTest()
            LinearCombinationAggregator lca = new LinearCombinationAggregator();

            var nodes   = new RealValueNodes(new double[3], new double[3], new double[] { 2.0, 3.0, 5.0 });
            var weights = new LinearWeight[] { new LinearWeight(1, 7.0), new LinearWeight(0, 11.0), new LinearWeight(2, 13.0) };
            LinearCombinationContext lcc = new LinearCombinationContext(new Tuple <ICellRequest, RealValueNodes, IEnumerable <LinearWeight> >[] { new Tuple <ICellRequest, RealValueNodes, IEnumerable <LinearWeight> >(new RequestStubs(), nodes, (IEnumerable <LinearWeight>)weights) });

            double[] result = await lca.AggregateCellsBatchAsync(lcc, new ICellRequest[] { new RequestStubs() });

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(108, result[0]);
            public async Task <LinearWeight[]> GetLinearWeigthsAsync(INodes nodes, ICellRequest cell)
                int N = nodes.Lons.Length;

                LinearWeight[] weights = new LinearWeight[N];

                for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                    weights[i] = new LinearWeight(N - i - 1, cell.LatMax * (i + 1));

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a set of linear weights along with timeSegmint for with dataIndeces in linear weights are valid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="computationalContext"></param>
        /// <param name="cells"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected IEnumerable <Tuple <ITimeSegment, LinearWeight[]> > CalcLinearWeights(ComputationalContext computationalContext, IEnumerable <GeoCellTuple> cells)
            if (!computationalContext.ContainsKey("observations"))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Call SaveObservationsAndDalanayDiagsForCells prior calling CompleteAggregateCellsBatch");

            ISpatPointsLinearInterpolator2D spli2d = (ISpatPointsLinearInterpolator2D)spatialIntegrator;

            Dictionary <ITimeSegment, IObservationsInformation> observations = (Dictionary <ITimeSegment, IObservationsInformation>)computationalContext["observations"];
            Dictionary <ITimeSegment, object> delanays = (Dictionary <ITimeSegment, object>)computationalContext["dalanays"];

            var sw1 = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            TraceVerbose("Computing field values");

            //WARNING: can't be paralleled as dalanays are not thread safe
            foreach (var cell in cells)
                var    timeSegment = cell.Time;
                var    observation = observations[timeSegment].Observations;
                object delanay     = delanays[timeSegment];

                double latmax = cell.LatMax, latmin = cell.LatMin, lonmax = cell.LonMax, lonmin = cell.LonMin;

                if (latmax == latmin && lonmax == lonmin)
                    yield return(Tuple.Create(timeSegment, spli2d.GetLinearWeigths(latmin, lonmin, delanay)));
                    var sizeSqrt = (int)Math.Sqrt(cellAveragingGridSize);
                    LinearWeight[][] toFlatten = new LinearWeight[sizeSqrt * sizeSqrt][];
                    double           latStep   = (latmax - latmin) / (sizeSqrt - 1);
                    double           lonStep   = (lonmax - lonmin) / (sizeSqrt - 1);
                    for (int i = 0; i < sizeSqrt; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < sizeSqrt; j++)
                            var w = spli2d.GetLinearWeigths(latmin + latStep * i, lonmin + lonStep * j, delanay);
                            toFlatten[sizeSqrt * i + j] = w;
                    var devisor          = sizeSqrt * sizeSqrt;
                    var flattenedWeights = toFlatten.SelectMany(weights => weights).GroupBy(w => w.DataIndex).Select(g => new LinearWeight(g.Key, g.Select(g1 => g1.Weight).Sum() / devisor)).ToArray();
                    yield return(Tuple.Create(timeSegment, flattenedWeights));
            TraceVerbose("Computing field values finished in {0}", sw1.Elapsed);
Esempio n. 6
        public static bool Test1()
            var i1 = new InputNode();
            var i2 = new InputNode();
            var h1 = new Perceptron(new Linear());
            var h2 = new Perceptron(new Linear());
            var h3 = new Perceptron(new Linear());

            LinearWeight.Connect(i1, h1, 1.0);
            LinearWeight.Connect(i1, h2, 1.0);
            LinearWeight.Connect(i2, h2, 1.0);
            LinearWeight.Connect(i2, h3, 1.0);
            var ib = new BiasNode();

            LinearWeight.Connect(ib, h1, 1.0);
            LinearWeight.Connect(ib, h2, 2.0);
            LinearWeight.Connect(ib, h3, 1.0);
            var o = new Perceptron(new Linear());

            LinearWeight.Connect(h1, o, 1.0);
            LinearWeight.Connect(h2, o, -2.0);
            LinearWeight.Connect(h3, o, 1.0);
            var hb   = new BiasNode();
            var whbo = new LinearWeight(hb, o);

            whbo[0] = 1.0;

            var network = new GeneralNetwork(new List <InputNode> {
                i1, i2
            }, new List <INode> {

            network.Forward(new[] { 0.0, 0.0 });
            network.Forward(new[] { 1.0, 0.0 });
            network.Forward(new[] { 0.0, 1.0 });
            network.Forward(new[] { 1.0, 1.0 });