Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initially formulate the model as an LP
        /// Solve the LP model. If the model is solved to an optimal result,
        /// find the duals of the constraints. FindNewPattern() method uses duals and
        /// tries to find a new pattern. If a new pattern is found, it is added to the PatternRolls data.
        /// This model keeps on growing if there is a new pattern found in the FindNewPattern() method
        /// and resolved. This process continues until there is no new pattern
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns true if an optimal solution is found, otherwise false</returns>
        public bool SolveMasterModel()
            Model            masterModel = _context.CurrentModel;
            SimplexDirective simplex     = new SimplexDirective();

            simplex.GetSensitivity = true; //setting this to true, generates shadow prices, needed to calc new pattern
            Solution sol = _context.Solve(simplex);

            //Check if the solution is optimal
            if (sol.Quality == SolverQuality.Optimal)
                Report report = sol.GetReport(ReportVerbosity.All);

                //LinearReport has the Sensitivity report
                LinearReport lpReport = report as LinearReport;

                //Copying the duals from lpReport.GetShadowPrices
                //This is needed to match indexes (Roll Widths) in the SetRoll. For example: GetShadowPrices returns the keys as DemandConstraint(12),
                //but keys should just be 12 to match the indexes
                //Currently a limitation with our API
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Rational> pair in lpReport.GetShadowPrices(masterModel.Constraints.First()))
                    _shadowPrices.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, Rational>(GetIndexFromName(pair.Key), pair.Value));
                //we have defined a single decision with multiple values (how many cuts per pattern to reach demanded rolls)
                var goal = masterModel.Goals.First().ToDouble();
                PrintSolution(masterModel.Decisions.First().GetValues(), goal, false);
                //Console.WriteLine("Now totalRolls required to meet the demand:{0}", masterModel.Goals.First().ToDouble());
Esempio n. 2
        private void Solv_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Coded by : Mohammed Al Sayed
            //Zagzig university ,Group B section 13
            if (Objtxt.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please Enter The Object Function", "Error",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return;
                Objtxt.Text = Objtxt.Text.ToLower().TrimEnd(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray());//triming newline at the end
                string objectfunction = Objtxt.Text;

                //begin Setting object function

                Model model = context.CreateModel();//Creating Linear Programming Model

                for (int i = 0; i < objectfunction.Length; i++)
                {                                             //extracting Variables and adding decisions
                    if (char.IsNumber(objectfunction[i]) && char.IsLetter(objectfunction[i + 1]))
                        objectfunction = objectfunction.Insert(i + 1, "*");//Parsing text into an acceptable Term like 2*x+3*y  >> 2x become 2*x
                    else if (char.IsLetter(objectfunction[i]))

                        //Adding Decisions(Variables) into model
                        model.AddDecision(new Decision(Domain.RealNonnegative, objectfunction[i].ToString()));//each literal represent a variable
                //end setting object function

                //begin SettingConstrains
                if (Cnstrntxt.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("Please Enter The Constrains", "Error",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return;

                Cnstrntxt.Text = Cnstrntxt.Text.ToLower().TrimEnd(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); //removing newline at the end of the text
                string constrainsRaw = Cnstrntxt.Text;
                //parsing text into an acceptable MOL term ,, something like that 2*x+4*y a programatic equation
                for (int i = 0; i < constrainsRaw.Length - 1; i++)
                    if (char.IsNumber(constrainsRaw[i]) && char.IsLetter(constrainsRaw[i + 1])) //2X
                        constrainsRaw = constrainsRaw.Insert(i + 1, "*");                       //2*x
                //spliting constrains
                string[] constrains = constrainsRaw.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                for (int i = 0; i <= constrains.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                    model.AddConstraint("Constrain_" + i.ToString(), constrains[i]);//each line represent a constrain
                //end setting constrains

                //begin setting goal
                GoalKind goal;                //defining a goal
                if (tpcom.SelectedIndex == 1) //goal type
                    goal = GoalKind.Minimize;
                    goal = GoalKind.Maximize;

                model.AddGoal("target", goal, objectfunction);
                //end setting goal

                //begin solving

                SimplexDirective simplxReactor = new SimplexDirective();            ///solver object
                if (Chksensitivity.Checked)
                    simplxReactor.GetSensitivity = true;                         //sensitivity
                if (ChkInfeasibility.Checked)
                    simplxReactor.GetInfeasibility = true;                           //infeasibility
                if (cmbAlgorithm.SelectedIndex == 1)
                    simplxReactor.Algorithm = SimplexAlgorithm.Dual;                                  //Algorithm used
                Solution solution = context.Solve(simplxReactor);

                Report report = solution.GetReport(); //defining a report

                if (ChkFullReport.Checked)
                    txtreport.Text = report.ToString(); //presenting the report in report textbox
                ResultTextbox.Text = "";                //removing old values if existed
                ResultTextbox.Text = solution.Goals.First().ToDouble().ToString();

                VarResultTextbox.Text = "";
                foreach (Decision d in model.Decisions) //adding decisions(variables) and they production size in variable textbox
                    VarResultTextbox.Text += d.Name + " = " + d.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;

                //Duals aka shadow prices
                if (chkdual.Checked)
                    txtdual.Text = "";                                                                       //removing old values if existed
                    LinearReport lin = ((LinearReport)solution.GetReport());                                 //generating a linear programming report out of the solution report

                    foreach (Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Services.Constraint constraint in model.Constraints) //getting constrains from the model
                        foreach (var dual in lin.GetShadowPrices(constraint))                                //getting the shadow prices for each constrain
                            txtdual.Text += dual.Key + " = " + dual.Value.ToDouble().ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                //end shadowprices

                //begin Sensitivity Analysis
                if (Chksensitivity.Checked)
                    txtbound.Text = "";                                                                      //removing old values if existed
                    LinearReport lin = ((LinearReport)solution.GetReport());                                 //generating a linear programming report out of the solution report

                    foreach (Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Services.Constraint constraint in model.Constraints) //getting constrains from the model
                        foreach (var bound in lin.GetConstraintBoundsSensitivity(constraint))                //getting the boundaries prices for each constrain
                            //parsing the boundaries into intervals
                            //opening the interval if infinity existed
                            txtbound.Text += bound.Key + " = " + bound.Value.Current.ToDouble().ToString() + Environment.NewLine +
                                             (Double.IsInfinity(bound.Value.Lower.ToDouble()) ? "]" : "[") + bound.Value.Lower.ToDouble().ToString() + " , " + bound.Value.Upper.ToDouble().ToString() + (Double.IsInfinity(bound.Value.Upper.ToDouble()) ? "[" : "]")
                                             + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                context.ClearModel();//killing the model object so we can create a new one

                //end solving

                //begin handling errors

            catch (Exception ex)
                txtreport.Text = "An Error have occured  If you're sure about you entries  "
                                 + "Please Send this report to the programmer" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
                txtreport.Text += Objtxt.Text + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
                txtreport.Text += Cnstrntxt.Text + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

                txtreport.Text     += ex.Message;
                txtreport.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                MessageBox.Show("Error,Please Check your entries" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            tabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1;
            //end handling errors