Esempio n. 1
        public void Length()
            var seg1 = new LinearLineSegment(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 2));

            var path = new Path(seg1);

            Assert.Equal(2, path.Length);
Esempio n. 2
        public void Length_Closed()
            var seg1 = new LinearLineSegment(new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(0, 2));

            var path = new InternalPath(seg1, true);

            Assert.Equal(4, path.Length);
Esempio n. 3
        public void Length_Open()
            var seg1 = new LinearLineSegment(new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(0, 2));

            var path = new InternalPath(seg1, false);

            Assert.Equal(2, path.Length);
Esempio n. 4
        public static IPath ExtentToPath(float xMin, float yMin, float xMax, float yMax)
            PointF[]     polyPoints  = ExtentToPoints(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax);
            ILineSegment lineSegment = new LinearLineSegment(polyPoints);
            IPath        path        = new Path(lineSegment);

        public void SingleSegmentConstructor()
            var segment  = new LinearLineSegment(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(10, 10));
            var flatPath = segment.Flatten();

            Assert.Equal(2, flatPath.Length);
            Assert.Equal(new Vector2(0, 0), flatPath[0]);
            Assert.Equal(new Vector2(10, 10), flatPath[1]);
Esempio n. 6
        public void SingleSegmentConstructor()
            var segment = new LinearLineSegment(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(10, 10));
            IReadOnlyList <PointF> flatPath = segment.Flatten();

            Assert.Equal(2, flatPath.Count);
            Assert.Equal(new PointF(0, 0), flatPath[0]);
            Assert.Equal(new PointF(10, 10), flatPath[1]);
Esempio n. 7
        public LinearLineSegment PolygonToDrawingLine(Geometry place, GeoArea drawingArea, double resolutionX, double resolutionY)
            //NOTE: this doesn't handle holes if you add them to the end in the reverse order. Those must be handled by a function in ImageSharp.
            var typeConvertedPoints = place.Coordinates.Select(o => new SixLabors.ImageSharp.PointF((float)((o.X - drawingArea.WestLongitude) * (1 / resolutionX)), (float)((o.Y - drawingArea.SouthLatitude) * (1 / resolutionY))));
            LinearLineSegment part  = new LinearLineSegment(typeConvertedPoints.ToArray());
            var x = new SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Path();

        public void PointInPolygon_OpenPath()
            LinearLineSegment seg1 = new LinearLineSegment(new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(0, 10), new PointF(10, 10), new PointF(10, 0));

            InternalPath p = new InternalPath(seg1, false);

            Assert.False(p.PointInPolygon(new PointF(5, 5)));

            InternalPath p2 = new InternalPath(seg1, true);

            Assert.True(p2.PointInPolygon(new PointF(5, 5f)));
        public void Bounds()
            LinearLineSegment seg1 = new LinearLineSegment(new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(2, 2));
            LinearLineSegment seg2 = new LinearLineSegment(new PointF(4, 4), new PointF(5, 5));

            InternalPath path = new InternalPath(new ILineSegment[] { seg1, seg2 }, true);

            Assert.Equal(0, path.Bounds.Left);
            Assert.Equal(5, path.Bounds.Right);
            Assert.Equal(0, path.Bounds.Top);
            Assert.Equal(5, path.Bounds.Bottom);
Esempio n. 10
        public void Bounds()
            var seg1 = new LinearLineSegment(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(2, 2));
            var seg2 = new LinearLineSegment(new Vector2(4, 4), new Vector2(5, 5));

            var path = new InternalPath(new ILineSegment[] { seg1, seg2 }, true);

            Assert.Equal(0, path.Bounds.Left);
            Assert.Equal(5, path.Bounds.Right);
            Assert.Equal(0, path.Bounds.Top);
            Assert.Equal(5, path.Bounds.Bottom);
Esempio n. 11
        public void Bounds()
            var seg1 = new LinearLineSegment(new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(2, 2));
            var seg2 = new LinearLineSegment(new PointF(4, 4), new PointF(5, 5));

            var path = new Path(seg1, seg2);

            Assert.Equal(0, path.Bounds.Left);
            Assert.Equal(5, path.Bounds.Right);
            Assert.Equal(0, path.Bounds.Top);
            Assert.Equal(5, path.Bounds.Bottom);
Esempio n. 12
        public void PointInPolygon_OpenPath()
            var seg1 = new LinearLineSegment(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 10), new Vector2(10, 10), new Vector2(10, 0));

            var p = new InternalPath(seg1, false);

            Assert.False(p.PointInPolygon(new Vector2(5, 5)));

            var p2 = new InternalPath(seg1, true);

            Assert.True(p2.PointInPolygon(new Vector2(5, 5f)));
Esempio n. 13
        public void MultipleLineSegmentsSimplePathsAreMerged()
            var seg1 = new LinearLineSegment(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(2, 2));
            var seg2 = new LinearLineSegment(new Vector2(4, 4), new Vector2(5, 5));

            var path = new InternalPath(new ILineSegment[] { seg1, seg2 }, true);

            Assert.Equal(new Vector2(0, 0), path.Points[0]);
            Assert.Equal(new Vector2(2, 2), path.Points[1]);
            Assert.Equal(new Vector2(4, 4), path.Points[2]);
            Assert.Equal(new Vector2(5, 5), path.Points[3]);
Esempio n. 14
        public void MultipleLineSegmentsSimplePathsAreMerged()
            var seg1 = new LinearLineSegment(new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(2, 2));
            var seg2 = new LinearLineSegment(new PointF(4, 4), new PointF(5, 5));

            var path = new InternalPath(new ILineSegment[] { seg1, seg2 }, true);

            Assert.Contains(new PointF(0, 0), path.Points().ToArray());
            Assert.DoesNotContain(new PointF(2, 2), path.Points().ToArray());
            Assert.DoesNotContain(new PointF(4, 4), path.Points().ToArray());
            Assert.Contains(new PointF(5, 5), path.Points().ToArray());
Esempio n. 15
        public static IPath ToPath(this PointF[] points)
            IPath path = null;

            if (points == null || points.Length < 2)
            ILineSegment lineSegment = new LinearLineSegment(points);

            path = new Path(lineSegment);
Esempio n. 16
        public void CorrectlySetsBrushPathAndOptions()
            this.operations.FillPolygon(this.noneDefault, this.brush, this.path);
            FillRegionProcessor <Rgba32> processor = this.Verify <FillRegionProcessor <Rgba32> >();

            Assert.Equal(this.noneDefault, processor.Options);

            ShapeRegion       region  = Assert.IsType <ShapeRegion>(processor.Region);
            Polygon           polygon = Assert.IsType <Polygon>(region.Shape);
            LinearLineSegment segemnt = Assert.IsType <LinearLineSegment>(polygon.LineSegments[0]);

            Assert.Equal(this.brush, processor.Brush);
Esempio n. 17
        public static Polygon ToPolygon(this PointF[] points)
            Polygon polygon = null;

            if (points == null || points.Length < 3)
            ILineSegment lineSegment = new LinearLineSegment(points);

            polygon = new Polygon(lineSegment);
Esempio n. 18
        private void DrawLine(params PointF[] segments)
            var prev = segments.First();
            var path = new Path(segments.Skip(1).Select(p => {
                var segment = new LinearLineSegment(prev, p);
                prev        = p;


            drawables.Add(new PathDrawer {
                Path = path
Esempio n. 19
        public void CorrectlySetsBrushAndPath()
            this.operations.Fill(this.brush, this.path);
            var processor = this.Verify <FillRegionProcessor <Rgba32> >();

            Assert.Equal(GraphicsOptions.Default, processor.Options);

            ShapeRegion region = Assert.IsType <ShapeRegion>(processor.Region);

            // path is converted to a polygon before filling
            Polygon           polygon  = Assert.IsType <Polygon>(region.Shape);
            LinearLineSegment segments = Assert.IsType <LinearLineSegment>(polygon.LineSegments[0]);

            Assert.Equal(this.brush, processor.Brush);
Esempio n. 20
        public void CorrectlySetsColorPathAndOptions()
            this.operations.Fill(this.noneDefault, this.color, this.path);
            var processor = this.Verify <FillRegionProcessor <Rgba32> >();

            Assert.Equal(this.noneDefault, processor.Options);

            ShapeRegion       region   = Assert.IsType <ShapeRegion>(processor.Region);
            Polygon           polygon  = Assert.IsType <Polygon>(region.Shape);
            LinearLineSegment segments = Assert.IsType <LinearLineSegment>(polygon.LineSegments[0]);

            SolidBrush <Rgba32> brush = Assert.IsType <SolidBrush <Rgba32> >(processor.Brush);

            Assert.Equal(this.color, brush.Color);
Esempio n. 21
        public void CorrectlySetsBrushPathAndOptions()
            img.FillPolygon(brush, path, noneDefault);

            FillRegionProcessor <Rgba32> processor = Assert.IsType <FillRegionProcessor <Rgba32> >(img.ProcessorApplications[0].processor);

            Assert.Equal(noneDefault, processor.Options);

            ShapeRegion       region  = Assert.IsType <ShapeRegion>(processor.Region);
            Polygon           polygon = Assert.IsType <Polygon>(region.Shape);
            LinearLineSegment segemnt = Assert.IsType <LinearLineSegment>(polygon.LineSegments[0]);

            Assert.Equal(brush, processor.Brush);
Esempio n. 22
        public void CorrectlySetsPenPointsAndOptions()
            img.DrawLines(pen, points, noneDefault);

            DrawPathProcessor <Rgba32> processor = Assert.IsType <DrawPathProcessor <Rgba32> >(img.ProcessorApplications[0].processor);

            Assert.Equal(noneDefault, processor.Options);

            ShapePath path = Assert.IsType <ShapePath>(processor.Path);

            SixLabors.Shapes.Path vector  = Assert.IsType <SixLabors.Shapes.Path>(path.Path);
            LinearLineSegment     segment = Assert.IsType <LinearLineSegment>(vector.LineSegments[0]);

            Assert.Equal(pen, processor.Pen);
Esempio n. 23
        public void CorrectlySetsPenAndPoints()
            img.DrawPolygon(pen, points);

            DrawPathProcessor <Rgba32> processor = Assert.IsType <DrawPathProcessor <Rgba32> >(img.ProcessorApplications[0].processor);

            Assert.Equal(GraphicsOptions.Default, processor.Options);

            ShapePath path = Assert.IsType <ShapePath>(processor.Path);

            Polygon           vector  = Assert.IsType <SixLabors.Shapes.Polygon>(path.Path);
            LinearLineSegment segment = Assert.IsType <LinearLineSegment>(vector.LineSegments[0]);

            Assert.Equal(pen, processor.Pen);
Esempio n. 24
        public void CorrectlySetsColorAndPath()
            this.operations.FillPolygon(color, path);
            FillRegionProcessor <Rgba32> processor = this.Verify <FillRegionProcessor <Rgba32> >();

            Assert.Equal(GraphicsOptions.Default, processor.Options);

            ShapeRegion       region  = Assert.IsType <ShapeRegion>(processor.Region);
            Polygon           polygon = Assert.IsType <Polygon>(region.Shape);
            LinearLineSegment segemnt = Assert.IsType <LinearLineSegment>(polygon.LineSegments[0]);

            SolidBrush <Rgba32> brush = Assert.IsType <SolidBrush <Rgba32> >(processor.Brush);

            Assert.Equal(color, brush.Color);
Esempio n. 25
        public void CorrectlySetsBrushPathOptions()
            this.operations.Fill(this.noneDefault, this.brush, this.pathCollection);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                FillRegionProcessor <Rgba32> processor = this.Verify <FillRegionProcessor <Rgba32> >(i);

                Assert.Equal(this.noneDefault, processor.Options);

                ShapeRegion       region   = Assert.IsType <ShapeRegion>(processor.Region);
                Polygon           polygon  = Assert.IsType <Polygon>(region.Shape);
                LinearLineSegment segments = Assert.IsType <LinearLineSegment>(polygon.LineSegments[0]);

                Assert.Equal(this.brush, processor.Brush);
Esempio n. 26
        public void CorrectlySetsBrushAndPath()
            img.Fill(brush, path);

            FillRegionProcessor <Color> processor = Assert.IsType <FillRegionProcessor <Color> >(img.ProcessorApplications[0].processor);

            Assert.Equal(GraphicsOptions.Default, processor.Options);

            ShapeRegion region = Assert.IsType <ShapeRegion>(processor.Region);

            // path is converted to a polygon before filling
            Polygon           polygon  = Assert.IsType <Polygon>(region.Shape);
            LinearLineSegment segments = Assert.IsType <LinearLineSegment>(polygon.LineSegments[0]);

            Assert.Equal(brush, processor.Brush);
Esempio n. 27
        public void CorrectlySetsColorPathAndOptions()
            img.Fill(color, path, noneDefault);

            FillRegionProcessor <Color> processor = Assert.IsType <FillRegionProcessor <Color> >(img.ProcessorApplications[0].processor);

            Assert.Equal(noneDefault, processor.Options);

            ShapeRegion       region   = Assert.IsType <ShapeRegion>(processor.Region);
            Polygon           polygon  = Assert.IsType <Polygon>(region.Shape);
            LinearLineSegment segments = Assert.IsType <LinearLineSegment>(polygon.LineSegments[0]);

            SolidBrush <Color> brush = Assert.IsType <SolidBrush <Color> >(processor.Brush);

            Assert.Equal(color, brush.Color);
Esempio n. 28
        public void CorrectlySetsBrushPathOptions()
            img.Fill(brush, pathCollection, noneDefault);

            Assert.Equal(2, img.ProcessorApplications.Count);
            for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                FillRegionProcessor <Rgba32> processor = Assert.IsType <FillRegionProcessor <Rgba32> >(img.ProcessorApplications[i].processor);

                Assert.Equal(noneDefault, processor.Options);

                ShapeRegion       region   = Assert.IsType <ShapeRegion>(processor.Region);
                Polygon           polygon  = Assert.IsType <Polygon>(region.Shape);
                LinearLineSegment segments = Assert.IsType <LinearLineSegment>(polygon.LineSegments[0]);

                Assert.Equal(brush, processor.Brush);
Esempio n. 29
        public void CorrectlySetsColorAndPath()
            this.operations.Fill(this.color, this.pathCollection);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                FillRegionProcessor <Rgba32> processor = this.Verify <FillRegionProcessor <Rgba32> >(i);

                Assert.Equal(GraphicsOptions.Default, processor.Options);

                ShapeRegion       region   = Assert.IsType <ShapeRegion>(processor.Region);
                Polygon           polygon  = Assert.IsType <Polygon>(region.Shape);
                LinearLineSegment segments = Assert.IsType <LinearLineSegment>(polygon.LineSegments[0]);

                SolidBrush <Rgba32> brush = Assert.IsType <SolidBrush <Rgba32> >(processor.Brush);
                Assert.Equal(this.color, brush.Color);
Esempio n. 30
        public void CorrectlySetsBrushThicknessAndPoints()
            img.DrawLines(brush, thickness, points);

            DrawPathProcessor <Rgba32> processor = Assert.IsType <DrawPathProcessor <Rgba32> >(img.ProcessorApplications[0].processor);

            Assert.Equal(GraphicsOptions.Default, processor.Options);

            ShapePath path = Assert.IsType <ShapePath>(processor.Path);

            SixLabors.Shapes.Path vector  = Assert.IsType <SixLabors.Shapes.Path>(path.Path);
            LinearLineSegment     segment = Assert.IsType <LinearLineSegment>(vector.LineSegments[0]);

            Pen <Rgba32> pen = Assert.IsType <Pen <Rgba32> >(processor.Pen);

            Assert.Equal(brush, pen.Brush);
            Assert.Equal(thickness, pen.Width);