Esempio n. 1
 public Split(int size, string title, LineThickNess thickness, ConsoleColor foreground)
     Size       = size;
     Title      = title;
     Thickness  = thickness;
     Foreground = foreground;
Esempio n. 2
        public void draw_a_box_around_the_scrollable_window(LineThickNess thickness)
            var c        = new MockConsole(10, 8);
            var w        = Window.Open(0, 0, 10, 5, "title", thickness, White, Black, c);
            var expected = new string[0];

            switch (thickness)
            case LineThickNess.Single:
                expected = new[]
                    "┌─ title ┐",
                    "│        │",
                    "│        │",
                    "│        │",

            case LineThickNess.Double:
                expected = new[]
                    "╔═ title ╗",
                    "║        ║",
                    "║        ║",
                    "║        ║",
Esempio n. 3
 public Draw(IConsole console, LineThickNess thickness = LineThickNess.Single, MergeOrOverlap mergeOrOverlap = MergeOrOverlap.Merge)
     _console        = console;
     _mergeOrOverlap = mergeOrOverlap;
     _lineMerger     = new LineMerger();
     Thickness       = thickness;
Esempio n. 4
        private void DrawBoxLines(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey, LineThickNess thickness)
            var line = thickness == LineThickNess.Single ? ThinBox : ThickBox;

            DrawCorners(sx, sy, ex, ey, line);
            DrawHorizontal(sx + 1, sy, ex - 1, line);
            DrawVertical(sx, sy + 1, ey - 1, line);
            DrawVertical(ex, sy + 1, ey - 1, line);
            DrawHorizontal(sx + 1, ey, ex - 1, line);
Esempio n. 5
        public void overlapping_boxes_and_merge_tests(LineThickNess firstThickness, LineThickNess secondThickness, MergeOrOverlap merge)
            using (ApprovalResults.ForScenario(firstThickness, secondThickness, merge))
                var console = new MockConsole(80, 35);
                console.WriteLine("box1 :{0}, box2:{1}, MergeOrOverlap:{2}", firstThickness, secondThickness, merge);
                var line = new Draw(console, firstThickness, merge);

                // draw two overlapping boxes
                line.Box(10, 10, 20, 20, firstThickness);
                line.Box(15, 15, 25, 25, secondThickness);

Esempio n. 6
        public static Window Open(int x, int y, int width, int height, string title,
                                  LineThickNess thickNess      = LineThickNess.Double, ConsoleColor foregroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray,
                                  ConsoleColor backgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black, IConsole console               = null)
            var echoConsole = console ?? new Writer();
            var window      = new Window(x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2, foregroundColor, backgroundColor, true,
            var state = echoConsole.State;

                echoConsole.ForegroundColor = foregroundColor;
                echoConsole.BackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
                new Draw(echoConsole).Box(x, y, x + (width - 1), y + (height - 1), title, LineThickNess.Double);
                echoConsole.State = state;
Esempio n. 7
 public static IConsole SplitRight(this IConsole c, string title, LineThickNess thickness)
     return(_LeftRight(c, title, true, true, thickness, c.ForegroundColor));
Esempio n. 8
        internal static (IConsole top, IConsole bottom) _SplitTopBottom(IConsole c, string topTitle, string bottomTitle, LineThickNess thickness, BorderCollapse border, ConsoleColor foreground, ConsoleColor background)
            if (border == None)
                var top    = LayoutExtensions._TopBot(c, topTitle, false, false, thickness, foreground);
                var bottom = LayoutExtensions._TopBot(c, bottomTitle, true, false, thickness, foreground);
                return(top, bottom);
            if (border == Separate)
                var top    = LayoutExtensions._TopBot(c, topTitle, false, true, thickness, foreground);
                var bottom = LayoutExtensions._TopBot(c, bottomTitle, true, true, thickness, foreground);
                return(top, bottom);

            lock (Window._staticLocker)
                int  h            = c.WindowHeight;
                int  width        = c.WindowWidth;
                int  topHeight    = (h - 3) / 2;
                int  bottomHeight = h - topHeight - 3;
                char leftChar     = thickness == LineThickNess.Double ? '╠' : '├';
                char rightChar    = thickness == LineThickNess.Double ? '╣' : '┤';

                c.DoCommand(c, () =>
                    new Draw(c)
                    .Box(0, 0, width - 1, topHeight + 1, topTitle, thickness);
                    new Draw(c)
                    .Box(0, topHeight + 1, width - 1, bottomHeight + topHeight + 2, bottomTitle, thickness);
                    // print the edges
                    c.PrintAt(0, topHeight + 1, leftChar);
                    c.PrintAt(width, topHeight + 1, rightChar);

                var topWin    = Window._CreateFloatingWindow(1, 1, width - 2, topHeight, foreground, background, true, c, null);
                var bottomWin = Window._CreateFloatingWindow(1, topHeight + 2, width - 2, bottomHeight, foreground, background, true, c, null);
                return(topWin, bottomWin);
Esempio n. 9
 public static (IConsole top, IConsole bottom) SplitTopBottom(this Window c, string topTitle, string bottomTitle, LineThickNess thickness, ConsoleColor foreground, ConsoleColor background, BorderCollapse border = Collapse)
     return(_SplitTopBottom(c, topTitle, bottomTitle, thickness, border, foreground, background));
Esempio n. 10
 public Split(int size, string title, LineThickNess thickness)
     Size      = size;
     Title     = title;
     Thickness = thickness;
Esempio n. 11
 public static IConsole SplitLeft(this IConsole c, string title, LineThickNess thickness, ConsoleColor foreground)
     return(_LeftRight(c, title, false, true, thickness, foreground));
Esempio n. 12
        internal static (IConsole left, IConsole right) _SplitLeftRight(IConsole c, string leftTitle, string rightTitle, LineThickNess thickness, BorderCollapse border, ConsoleColor foreground, ConsoleColor background)
            if (border == None)
                var left  = LayoutExtensions._LeftRight(c, leftTitle, false, false, thickness, foreground);
                var right = LayoutExtensions._LeftRight(c, rightTitle, true, false, thickness, foreground);
                return(left, right);
            if (border == Separate)
                var left  = LayoutExtensions._LeftRight(c, leftTitle, false, true, thickness, foreground);
                var right = LayoutExtensions._LeftRight(c, rightTitle, true, true, thickness, foreground);
                return(left, right);

            lock (Window._staticLocker)
                int h          = c.WindowHeight;
                int w          = c.WindowWidth - 3;
                int leftWidth  = w / 2;
                int rightWidth = (w - leftWidth);

                c.DoCommand(c, () =>
                    //todo need unit test for merging two boxes :D for now, lets print them twice so we get true overlap to start with
                    new Draw(c)
                    .Box(0, 0, leftWidth + 1, h - 1, leftTitle, thickness);
                    new Draw(c)
                    .Box(leftWidth + 1, 0, rightWidth + leftWidth + 2, h - 1, rightTitle, thickness);
                    // print the corners
                    c.PrintAt(leftWidth + 1, 0, '┬');
                    c.PrintAt(leftWidth + 1, h - 1, '┴');

                var leftWin  = Window._CreateFloatingWindow(1, 1, leftWidth, h - 2, foreground, background, true, c, null);
                var rightWin = Window._CreateFloatingWindow(leftWidth + 2, 1, rightWidth, h - 2, foreground, background, true, c, null);
                return(leftWin, rightWin);
Esempio n. 13
 public static (IConsole left, IConsole right) SplitLeftRight(this Window c, string leftTitle, string rightTitle, LineThickNess thickness, ConsoleColor foreground, ConsoleColor background, BorderCollapse border = Collapse)
     return(_SplitLeftRight(c, leftTitle, rightTitle, thickness, border, foreground, background));
Esempio n. 14
 public Draw Box(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey, LineThickNess thickness = LineThickNess.Single)
     Box(sx, sy, ex, ey, "", thickness);
Esempio n. 15
 public static IConsole SplitTop(this IConsole c, string title, LineThickNess thickness)
     return(_TopBot(c, title, false, true, thickness, c.ForegroundColor));
Esempio n. 16
 public static IConsole SplitBottom(this IConsole c, string title, LineThickNess thickness, ConsoleColor foreground)
     return(_TopBot(c, title, true, true, thickness, foreground));
Esempio n. 17
 public static IConsole SplitBottom(this Window c, string title, LineThickNess thickness, ConsoleColor foreground)
     return(LayoutExtensions._TopBot(c, title, true, true, thickness, foreground));
Esempio n. 18
 public static IConsole SplitLeft(this Window c, string title, LineThickNess thickness)
     return(LayoutExtensions._LeftRight(c, title, false, true, thickness, c.ForegroundColor));
Esempio n. 19
 public void Box(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey, LineThickNess thickness = LineThickNess.Single)
     Box(sx, sy, ex, ey, "", thickness);