Esempio n. 1
        /* Function: IsHorizontalLine
         * Returns whether the passed <LineIterator> is at a horizontal line, not including any comment symbols or decoration.
        public static bool IsHorizontalLine(LineIterator line)
            TokenIterator start, end;

            line.GetBounds(LineBoundsMode.CommentContent, out start, out end);

            char symbolA, symbolB, symbolC;
            int  symbolACount, symbolBCount, symbolCCount;

            bool lineResult = CountSymbolLine(ref start, end, out symbolA, out symbolB, out symbolC,
                                              out symbolACount, out symbolBCount, out symbolCCount);

            // Return false if it's not the only thing on the line.
            if (lineResult == false || start != end)

            else if (symbolACount >= 4 && (symbolBCount == 0 || (symbolBCount <= 3 && symbolCCount == 0)))

            else if (symbolACount <= 3 && symbolBCount >= 4 && (symbolCCount == 0 || symbolCCount <= 3))

Esempio n. 2
        /* Function: CountEdgeSymbols
         * An internal function that detects whether the <LineIterator> has symbols on its left and/or right sides.  The
         * symbols must be no longer than three characters and be separated by whitespace from any other content on
         * the line.  If either edge has symbols it will return true along with what they are and how many.  If neither do it
         * will return false.  The variables will be set to the null character and a zero count for any edge that doesn't have
         * symbols.
         * symbolIsAloneOnLine is set to true if there was only one symbol on the line and no other content.  The symbol
         * and count will be returned as the left side, but it's possible it would be intended for the right.  For example,
         * look at this comment box:
         * > ////////////
         * > // text   //
         * > //        //
         * > // text   //
         * > ////////////
         * Marking the comment symbols will leave the resulting content like this when using
         * <LineBoundsMode.CommentContent>:
         * > //////////
         * > text   //
         * > //
         * > text   //
         * > //////////
         * The slashes on the middle line will be returned as the left symbol but is meant to be the right.  Make sure you
         * handle this situation correctly.
        private static bool CountEdgeSymbols(LineIterator line, out char leftSymbol, out char rightSymbol,
                                             out int leftSymbolCount, out int rightSymbolCount, out bool symbolIsAloneOnLine)
            symbolIsAloneOnLine = false;

            TokenIterator lineStart, lineEnd;

            line.GetBounds(LineBoundsMode.CommentContent, out lineStart, out lineEnd);

            if (CountSymbols(ref lineStart, lineEnd, out leftSymbol, out leftSymbolCount))
                if ((lineStart.FundamentalType != FundamentalType.Whitespace && lineStart != lineEnd) || leftSymbolCount > 3)
                    leftSymbol      = '\0';
                    leftSymbolCount = 0;

                while (lineStart.FundamentalType == FundamentalType.Whitespace && lineStart < lineEnd)

                if (lineStart == lineEnd)
                    symbolIsAloneOnLine = true;

            if (ReverseCountSymbols(lineStart, ref lineEnd, out rightSymbol, out rightSymbolCount))

                if ((lineEnd >= lineStart && lineEnd.FundamentalType != FundamentalType.Whitespace) || rightSymbolCount > 3)
                    rightSymbol      = '\0';
                    rightSymbolCount = 0;

            return(leftSymbolCount != 0 || rightSymbolCount != 0);
Esempio n. 3
        // Group: Support Functions
        // __________________________________________________________________________

        /* Function: TryToGetBlockComment
         * If the iterator is on a line that starts with the opening symbol of a block comment, this function moves the iterator
         * past the entire comment and returns true.  If the comment is a candidate for documentation it will also return it as
         * a <PossibleDocumentationComment> and mark the symbols as <CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol>.  If the
         * line does not start with an opening comment symbol it will return false and leave the iterator where it is.
         * Not all the block comments it finds will be candidates for documentation, since some will have text after the closing
         * symbol, so it's possible for this function to return true and have comment be null.  This is important because in Lua
         * the block comment symbol is --[[ and the line comment symbol is --, so if we didn't move past the block comment
         * it could be interpreted as a line comment as well.
         * If openingMustBeAlone is set, that means no symbol can appear immediately after the opening symbol.  If it does
         * the function will return false and not move past the comment.  This allows you to specifically detect something like
         * /** without also matching /******.
        protected bool TryToGetBlockComment(ref LineIterator lineIterator,
                                            string openingSymbol, string closingSymbol, bool openingMustBeAlone,
                                            out PossibleDocumentationComment comment)
            TokenIterator firstToken, endOfLine;

            lineIterator.GetBounds(LineBoundsMode.ExcludeWhitespace, out firstToken, out endOfLine);

            if (firstToken.MatchesAcrossTokens(openingSymbol) == false)
                comment = null;

            // Advance past the opening symbol because it's possible for it to be the same as the closing one, such as with
            // Python's ''' and """ strings.

            if (openingMustBeAlone && firstToken.FundamentalType == FundamentalType.Symbol)
                comment = null;

            comment       = new PossibleDocumentationComment();
            comment.Start = lineIterator;

            var tokenizer = lineIterator.Tokenizer;
            var lookahead = lineIterator;

            for (;;)
                TokenIterator closingSymbolIterator;

                if (tokenizer.FindTokensBetween(closingSymbol, false, firstToken, endOfLine, out closingSymbolIterator) == true)
                    // Move past the end of the comment regardless of whether it's acceptable for documentation or not

                    // Make sure nothing appears after the closing symbol on the line

                    if (closingSymbolIterator.FundamentalType != FundamentalType.LineBreak &&
                        closingSymbolIterator.FundamentalType != FundamentalType.Null)
                        comment = null;
                        comment.End = lookahead;



                // If we're not in bounds that means there was an unclosed comment at the end of the file.  Skip it but don't treat
                // it as a documentation candidate.
                if (!lookahead.IsInBounds)
                    comment = null;

                lookahead.GetBounds(LineBoundsMode.ExcludeWhitespace, out firstToken, out endOfLine);

            if (comment != null)
                // Mark the symbols before returning

                firstToken = comment.Start.FirstToken(LineBoundsMode.ExcludeWhitespace);
                firstToken.SetCommentParsingTypeByCharacters(CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol, openingSymbol.Length);

                LineIterator lastLine = lookahead;
                lastLine.GetBounds(LineBoundsMode.ExcludeWhitespace, out firstToken, out endOfLine);
                endOfLine.SetCommentParsingTypeByCharacters(CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol, closingSymbol.Length);

            // If we made it this far that means we found a comment and can move the line iterator and return true.  Whether
            // that comment was suitable for documentation will be determined by the comment variable, but we are moving the
            // iterator and returning true either way.
            lineIterator = lookahead;
Esempio n. 4
        // Function: GetPossibleDocumentationComments
        // Goes through the file looking for comments that could possibly contain documentation and returns them as a list.  These
        // comments are not guaranteed to have documentation in them, just to be acceptable candidates for them.  If there are no
        // comments it will return an empty list.
        // All the comments in the returned list will have their comment symbols marked as <CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol>
        // in the tokenizer.  This allows further operations to be done on them in a language independent manner.  If you want to also
        // filter out text boxes and lines, use <Comments.LineFinder>.
        // Default Implementation:
        // The default implementation uses the comment symbols found in <Language> or passed to the constructor.  You can override
        // this function if you need to do something more sophisticated, such as interpret the POD directives in Perl.
        // Comments must be alone on a line to be a candidate for documentation, meaning that the comment symbol must be the
        // first non-whitespace character on a line, and in the case of block comments, nothing but whitespace may trail the closing
        // symbol.  The latter rule is important because a comment may start correctly but not end so, as in this prototype with Splint
        // annotation:
        // > int get_array(integer_t id,
        // >               /*@out@*/ array_t array);
        // Speaking of which, block comments surrounded by @ symbols are not included because they're Splint comments.  Not
        // including them in the possible documentation comments list means the Splint comment below won't end prototype detection.
        // > void initialize ()
        // >    /*@globals undef globnum,
        // >               undef globname @*/
        // >    { ... }
        // It also goes through the code line by line in a simple manner, not accounting for things like strings, so if a language contains
        // a multiline string whose content looks like a language comment it will be interpreted as one.  This isn't ideal but is accepted
        // as a conscious tradeoff because there are actually many different string formats (literal quotes denoted with \", literal quotes
        // denoted with "", Perl's q{} forms and here doc) so you can't account for them all in a generalized way.  Also, putting this in
        // an independent stage even when using full language support means comments don't disappear the way prototypes do if the
        // parser gets tripped up on something like an unmatched brace.
        virtual public List <PossibleDocumentationComment> GetPossibleDocumentationComments(Tokenizer source)
            List <PossibleDocumentationComment> possibleDocumentationComments = new List <PossibleDocumentationComment>();

            LineIterator lineIterator = source.FirstLine;

            while (lineIterator.IsInBounds)
                bool foundComment = false;
                PossibleDocumentationComment possibleDocumentationComment = null;

                // Javadoc block comments

                // We test for these before regular block comments because they are usually extended versions of them, such
                // as /** and /*.

                if (javadocBlockCommentStringPairs != null)
                    for (int i = 0; foundComment == false && i < javadocBlockCommentStringPairs.Length; i += 2)
                        foundComment = TryToGetBlockComment(ref lineIterator,
                                                            javadocBlockCommentStringPairs[i], javadocBlockCommentStringPairs[i + 1], true,
                                                            out possibleDocumentationComment);

                    if (possibleDocumentationComment != null)
                        possibleDocumentationComment.Javadoc = true;

                // Plain block comments

                // We test block comments ahead of line comments because in Lua the line comments are a substring of them: --
                // versus --[[ and ]]--.

                if (foundComment == false && blockCommentStringPairs != null)
                    for (int i = 0; foundComment == false && i < blockCommentStringPairs.Length; i += 2)
                        foundComment = TryToGetBlockComment(ref lineIterator,
                                                            blockCommentStringPairs[i], blockCommentStringPairs[i + 1], false,
                                                            out possibleDocumentationComment);

                    // Skip Splint comments so that they can appear in prototypes.
                    if (possibleDocumentationComment != null &&
                        possibleDocumentationComment.Start.FirstToken(LineBoundsMode.CommentContent).Character == '@')
                        LineIterator lastLine = possibleDocumentationComment.End;

                        TokenIterator lastToken, ignore;
                        lastLine.GetBounds(LineBoundsMode.CommentContent, out ignore, out lastToken);

                        if (lastToken.Character == '@')
                            possibleDocumentationComment = null;

                // XML line comments

                if (foundComment == false && xmlLineCommentStrings != null)
                    for (int i = 0; foundComment == false && i < xmlLineCommentStrings.Length; i++)
                        foundComment = TryToGetLineComment(ref lineIterator,
                                                           xmlLineCommentStrings[i], xmlLineCommentStrings[i], true,
                                                           out possibleDocumentationComment);

                    if (possibleDocumentationComment != null)
                        possibleDocumentationComment.XML = true;

                // Ambiguous XML/Javadoc line comments

                // If an XML comment is found we check the same position for Javadoc because they may share an opening
                // symbol, such as ///.

                if (possibleDocumentationComment != null && possibleDocumentationComment.XML == true &&
                    javadocLineCommentStringPairs != null)
                    LineIterator javadocLineIterator = possibleDocumentationComment.Start;
                    PossibleDocumentationComment possibleJavadocDocumentationComment = null;
                    bool foundJavadocComment = false;

                    for (int i = 0; foundJavadocComment == false && i < javadocLineCommentStringPairs.Length; i += 2)
                        foundJavadocComment = TryToGetLineComment(ref javadocLineIterator,
                                                                  javadocLineCommentStringPairs[i], javadocLineCommentStringPairs[i + 1], true,
                                                                  out possibleJavadocDocumentationComment);

                    if (possibleJavadocDocumentationComment != null)
                        // If the Javadoc comment is longer we use that instead of the XML since it may have detected the first
                        // line as XML and ignored the rest for not having the same symbol.  For example:
                        // ## Comment
                        // #
                        // #
                        // This will be detected as a one line XML comment and a three line Javadoc comment.

                        if (possibleJavadocDocumentationComment.End.LineNumber >
                            possibleDocumentationComment         = possibleJavadocDocumentationComment;
                            possibleDocumentationComment.Javadoc = true;
                            lineIterator = javadocLineIterator;

                        // If they're the same length...

                        else if (possibleJavadocDocumentationComment.End.LineNumber ==
                            // If the comments are both one line long then it's genuinely ambiguous.  For example:
                            // ## Comment
                            // Is that a one line XML comment or a one line Javadoc comment?  We can't tell, so mark it as
                            // potentially either.

                            if (possibleDocumentationComment.Start.LineNumber ==
                                possibleDocumentationComment.End.LineNumber - 1)
                                possibleDocumentationComment.Javadoc = true;
                                // XML should already be set to true

                            // If the comments are equal length but more than one line then it's just interpreting the XML as
                            // a Javadoc start with a vertical line for the remainder, so leave it as XML.  For example:
                            // ## Comment
                            // ##
                            // ##
                            // That's clearly a three line XML comment and not a Javadoc comment with a vertical line.

                        // If the XML comment is longer just leave it and ignore the Javadoc one.

                // Javadoc line comments

                if (foundComment == false && javadocLineCommentStringPairs != null)
                    for (int i = 0; foundComment == false && i < javadocLineCommentStringPairs.Length; i += 2)
                        foundComment = TryToGetLineComment(ref lineIterator,
                                                           javadocLineCommentStringPairs[i], javadocLineCommentStringPairs[i + 1], true,
                                                           out possibleDocumentationComment);

                    if (possibleDocumentationComment != null)
                        possibleDocumentationComment.Javadoc = true;

                // Plain line comments

                if (foundComment == false && lineCommentStrings != null)
                    for (int i = 0; foundComment == false && i < lineCommentStrings.Length; i++)
                        foundComment = TryToGetLineComment(ref lineIterator,
                                                           lineCommentStrings[i], lineCommentStrings[i], false,
                                                           out possibleDocumentationComment);

                // Nada.

                if (foundComment == false)
                    if (possibleDocumentationComment != null)
                        // XML can actually use the Javadoc comment format in addition to its own.
                        if (possibleDocumentationComment.Javadoc == true)
                            possibleDocumentationComment.XML = true;


                    // lineIterator would have been moved already if foundComment is true

Esempio n. 5
        // Function: GetPossibleDocumentationComments
        // Goes through the file looking for comments that could possibly contain documentation and returns them as a list.  These
        // comments are not guaranteed to have documentation in them, just to be acceptable candidates for them.  If there are no
        // comments it will return an empty list.
        // All the comments in the returned list will have their comment symbols marked as <CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol>
        // in the tokenizer.  This allows further operations to be done on them in a language independent manner.  If you want to also
        // filter out text boxes and lines, use <Comments.LineFinder>.
        override public List <PossibleDocumentationComment> GetPossibleDocumentationComments(Tokenizer source)
            List <PossibleDocumentationComment> comments = new List <PossibleDocumentationComment>();
            LineIterator lineIterator = source.FirstLine;

            PODLineType podLineType;

            while (lineIterator.IsInBounds)
                TokenIterator tokenIterator = lineIterator.FirstToken(LineBoundsMode.ExcludeWhitespace);

                // Hash comments

                if (tokenIterator.Character == '#')
                    PossibleDocumentationComment comment = new PossibleDocumentationComment();
                    comment.Start = lineIterator;

                    // First line

                    if (tokenIterator.MatchesAcrossTokens("###"))
                        comment.Javadoc = false;
                        comment.XML     = true;
                    else if (tokenIterator.MatchesAcrossTokens("##"))
                        comment.Javadoc = true;
                        comment.XML     = false;
                    else                     // just "#"
                        comment.Javadoc = false;
                        comment.XML     = false;


                    // Subsequent lines

                    while (lineIterator.IsInBounds)
                        tokenIterator = lineIterator.FirstToken(LineBoundsMode.ExcludeWhitespace);

                        if (tokenIterator.Character != '#')

                        if (tokenIterator.MatchesAcrossTokens("###"))
                            comment.Javadoc = false;
                            // XML is still possible
                        else if (tokenIterator.MatchesAcrossTokens("##"))
                            comment.Javadoc = false;
                            comment.XML     = false;
                        else                         // just "#"
                            // Javadoc is still possible
                            comment.XML = false;


                    comment.End = lineIterator;

                    // Go back and mark the tokens

                    int firstLineCount, subsequentLineCount;

                    if (comment.XML)
                        firstLineCount      = 3;
                        subsequentLineCount = 3;
                    else if (comment.Javadoc)
                        firstLineCount      = 2;
                        subsequentLineCount = 1;
                    else                     // plain
                        firstLineCount      = 1;
                        subsequentLineCount = 1;

                    LineIterator temp = comment.Start;
                    tokenIterator = temp.FirstToken(LineBoundsMode.ExcludeWhitespace);

                    tokenIterator.SetCommentParsingTypeByCharacters(CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol, firstLineCount);

                    while (temp < comment.End)
                        tokenIterator = temp.FirstToken(LineBoundsMode.ExcludeWhitespace);
                        tokenIterator.SetCommentParsingTypeByCharacters(CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol, subsequentLineCount);

                    // XML can actually appear in Javadoc comments

                    if (comment.Javadoc)
                        comment.XML = true;

                // POD comments

                else if (TryToSkipPODLine(ref tokenIterator, out podLineType))
                    TokenIterator podLineStart, podLineEnd;
                    lineIterator.GetBounds(LineBoundsMode.CommentContent, out podLineStart, out podLineEnd);

                    lineIterator.Tokenizer.SetCommentParsingTypeBetween(podLineStart, podLineEnd, CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol);

                    if (podLineType == PODLineType.StartNaturalDocs ||
                        podLineType == PODLineType.StartJavadoc)
                        PossibleDocumentationComment comment = new PossibleDocumentationComment();
                        comment.Start = lineIterator;

                        if (podLineType == PODLineType.StartJavadoc)
                            comment.Javadoc = true;

                        for (;;)

                            if (lineIterator.IsInBounds == false)

                            tokenIterator = lineIterator.FirstToken(LineBoundsMode.CommentContent);

                            if (TryToSkipPODLine(ref tokenIterator, out podLineType) == true)
                                if (podLineType == PODLineType.End)
                                    lineIterator.GetBounds(LineBoundsMode.CommentContent, out podLineStart, out podLineEnd);
                                    lineIterator.Tokenizer.SetCommentParsingTypeBetween(podLineStart, podLineEnd, CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol);



                        comment.End = lineIterator;


Esempio n. 6
        /* Function: MarkTextBoxes
         * Finds all text boxes in a comment and marks their tokens as <Tokenization.CommentParsingType.CommentDecoration>.
         * Vertical lines will only be detected if they are continuous throughout the comment and horizontal lines if they
         * are connected to it.  Freestanding horizontal lines are *not* detected here.  This function tolerates differing
         * symbols on corners and where embedded horizontal lines connect to the vertical.  It also tolerates tokens
         * marked with <Tokenization.CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol> differing.
         * Examples:
         * The box below will be marked completely, including the middle horizontal line.
         * > // +----------+
         * > // | Title    |
         * > // +----------+
         * > // | Text     |
         * > // +----------+
         * The middle horizontal line below will not be marked, because it is not attached.
         * > // +----------+
         * > // | Title    |
         * > // | -------- |
         * > // | Text     |
         * > // +----------+
         * Nor will the horizontal line below since there is no vertical.
         * > // Title
         * > // ----------
         * > // Text
         * Freestanding horizontal lines are not detected because they may be intended literally, such as when part of
         * a code section.  If you're not in such a section use <IsHorizontalLine()> before parsing a line to filter it out.
         * > // (start code)
         * > // +-----+
         * > // | box |
         * > // +-----+
         * > // (end code)
        public static void MarkTextBoxes(PossibleDocumentationComment comment)
            char symbolA, symbolB, symbolC;
            int  symbolACount, symbolBCount, symbolCCount;

            char leftSymbol       = '\0';
            char rightSymbol      = '\0';
            int  leftSymbolCount  = 0;
            int  rightSymbolCount = 0;

            bool symbolIsAloneOnLine    = false;
            bool testedForVerticalLines = false;

            LineIterator  line = comment.Start;
            TokenIterator lineStart, lineEnd;

            // This should be okay to use since line numbers start at one.
            IDObjects.NumberSet horizontalLines = new IDObjects.NumberSet();

            // Skip leading blank lines since it's okay if they're not part of the text box.
            while (line < comment.End && line.IsEmpty(LineBoundsMode.CommentContent))

            while (line < comment.End && line.IsEmpty(LineBoundsMode.CommentContent) == false)
                line.GetBounds(LineBoundsMode.ExcludeWhitespace, out lineStart, out lineEnd);

                // Shrink the line to exclude its comment symbols, if any.  We didn't do this using the line bounds mode because
                // we need to know whether there was any whitespace between them and any horizontal lines.

                bool commentSymbolWithoutWhitespaceAtStart = false;
                bool commentSymbolWithoutWhitespaceAtEnd   = false;

                if (lineStart.CommentParsingType == CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol)
                    commentSymbolWithoutWhitespaceAtStart = true;

                    }while (lineStart.CommentParsingType == CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol);

                    if (lineStart.FundamentalType == FundamentalType.Whitespace)
                        commentSymbolWithoutWhitespaceAtStart = false;

                        }while (lineStart.FundamentalType == FundamentalType.Whitespace);

                if (lineEnd.CommentParsingType == CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol)
                    commentSymbolWithoutWhitespaceAtEnd = true;

                    }while (lineEnd.CommentParsingType == CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol);

                    if (lineEnd.FundamentalType == FundamentalType.Whitespace)
                        commentSymbolWithoutWhitespaceAtEnd = false;

                        }while (lineEnd.FundamentalType == FundamentalType.Whitespace);

                // Horizontal line detection

                bool isHorizontalLine = false;

                CountSymbolLine(ref lineStart, lineEnd, out symbolA, out symbolB, out symbolC,
                                out symbolACount, out symbolBCount, out symbolCCount);

                if (commentSymbolWithoutWhitespaceAtStart == true &&
                    commentSymbolWithoutWhitespaceAtEnd == true &&
                    symbolACount >= 4 && symbolBCount == 0)
                    isHorizontalLine = true;

                else if (commentSymbolWithoutWhitespaceAtStart == true &&
                         symbolACount >= 4 &&
                         (symbolBCount == 0 || (symbolBCount <= 3 && symbolCCount == 0)))
                    isHorizontalLine = true;

                else if (commentSymbolWithoutWhitespaceAtEnd == true &&
                         ((symbolACount >= 1 && symbolACount <= 3 && symbolBCount >= 4 && symbolCCount == 0) ||
                          (symbolACount >= 4 && symbolBCount == 0)))
                    isHorizontalLine = true;

                else if ((symbolACount >= 4 && symbolBCount == 0) ||
                         (symbolACount >= 1 && symbolACount <= 3 && symbolBCount >= 4 && symbolCCount <= 3))
                    isHorizontalLine = true;

                // The horizontal line has to be the only thing on the line to count.
                if (isHorizontalLine && lineStart == lineEnd)

                // Vertical line detection

                else if (testedForVerticalLines == false)
                    // We permit the very first line to be different to allow for this:
                    //    /** text
                    //     * text
                    //     */
                    // However, don't skip the first line if it's a one line comment or we wouldn't be able to handle this:
                    //    ### text
                    if (line != comment.Start ||
                        (comment.End.LineNumber - comment.Start.LineNumber) == 1)
                        if (CountEdgeSymbols(line, out leftSymbol, out rightSymbol, out leftSymbolCount, out rightSymbolCount,
                                             out symbolIsAloneOnLine) == false)

                        testedForVerticalLines = true;

                else                 // testedForVerticalLines == true
                    char lineLeftSymbol, lineRightSymbol;
                    int  lineLeftSymbolCount, lineRightSymbolCount;
                    bool lineSymbolIsAloneOnLine;

                    CountEdgeSymbols(line, out lineLeftSymbol, out lineRightSymbol, out lineLeftSymbolCount, out lineRightSymbolCount,
                                     out lineSymbolIsAloneOnLine);

                    // Account for a lone symbol being the right symbol.

                    if (lineSymbolIsAloneOnLine == true && symbolIsAloneOnLine == false && leftSymbolCount == 0 && rightSymbolCount > 0)
                        if (lineLeftSymbol != rightSymbol || lineLeftSymbolCount != rightSymbolCount)
                    else if (lineSymbolIsAloneOnLine == false && symbolIsAloneOnLine == true && lineLeftSymbolCount == 0 && lineRightSymbolCount > 0)
                        if (lineRightSymbol != leftSymbol || lineRightSymbolCount != leftSymbolCount)

                        rightSymbol      = leftSymbol;
                        leftSymbol       = '\0';
                        rightSymbolCount = leftSymbolCount;
                        leftSymbolCount  = 0;

                    // Otherwise it's okay to do a straight compare.
                        if (lineLeftSymbol != leftSymbol || lineLeftSymbolCount != leftSymbolCount)
                            leftSymbol      = '\0';
                            leftSymbolCount = 0;

                        if (lineRightSymbol != rightSymbol || lineRightSymbolCount != rightSymbolCount)
                            rightSymbol      = '\0';
                            rightSymbolCount = 0;

                        if (leftSymbolCount == 0 && rightSymbolCount == 0)

                    // Turn off the overall alone flag if this line didn't have it.
                    if (lineSymbolIsAloneOnLine == false)
                        symbolIsAloneOnLine = false;


            // If we stopped because we hit a blank line, this comment is only acceptable for marking text boxes if all the lines
            // left are blank.

            while (line < comment.End && line.IsEmpty(LineBoundsMode.CommentContent))

            if (line != comment.End)

            // If we made it this far without returning it means we have a valid text box which we have to mark as comment decoration.

            line = comment.Start;

            while (line < comment.End)
                line.GetBounds(LineBoundsMode.CommentContent, out lineStart, out lineEnd);

                if (horizontalLines.Contains(line.LineNumber))
                    while (lineStart < lineEnd)
                        lineStart.CommentParsingType = CommentParsingType.CommentDecoration;

                else if (lineEnd > lineStart)
                    // We test the characters against the symbols to account for any exceptions we allowed to go through
                    // in previous code.

                    for (int i = 0; i < leftSymbolCount; i++)
                        if (lineStart.Character == leftSymbol)
                            lineStart.CommentParsingType = CommentParsingType.CommentDecoration;

                    for (int i = 0; i < rightSymbolCount; i++)
                        if (lineEnd.Character == rightSymbol)
                            lineEnd.CommentParsingType = CommentParsingType.CommentDecoration;

Esempio n. 7
        // Group: Support Functions
        // __________________________________________________________________________

        /* Function: TryToGetPDBlockComment
         * If the line iterator is on the starting symbol of a block comment, return it as a <PossibleDocumentationComment>
         * and mark the symbols as <CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol>.  If the iterator is not on the opening comment
         * symbol or there is content after the closing comment symbol making it unsuitable as a documentation comment,
         * returns null.
         * If openingMustBeAlone is set, that means no symbol can appear immediately after the opening symbol for this
         * function to succeed.  This allows you to specifically detect something like /** without also matching /******.
        protected PossibleDocumentationComment TryToGetPDBlockComment(LineIterator lineIterator,
                                                                      string openingSymbol, string closingSymbol,
                                                                      bool openingMustBeAlone)
            TokenIterator firstToken = lineIterator.FirstToken(LineBoundsMode.ExcludeWhitespace);

            if (firstToken.MatchesAcrossTokens(openingSymbol) == false)

            if (openingMustBeAlone)
                TokenIterator nextToken = firstToken;
                if (nextToken.FundamentalType == FundamentalType.Symbol)

            PossibleDocumentationComment comment = new PossibleDocumentationComment();

            comment.Start = lineIterator;

            for (;;)
                if (!lineIterator.IsInBounds)

                TokenIterator closingSymbolIterator;

                if (lineIterator.FindAcrossTokens(closingSymbol, false, LineBoundsMode.Everything, out closingSymbolIterator) == true)


                    if (closingSymbolIterator.FundamentalType != FundamentalType.LineBreak &&
                        closingSymbolIterator.FundamentalType != FundamentalType.Null)

                    comment.End = lineIterator;


            // Success.  Mark the symbols before returning.
            firstToken.SetCommentParsingTypeByCharacters(CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol, openingSymbol.Length);

            TokenIterator lastToken;

            lineIterator.GetBounds(LineBoundsMode.ExcludeWhitespace, out firstToken, out lastToken);
            lastToken.SetCommentParsingTypeByCharacters(CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol, closingSymbol.Length);

Esempio n. 8
        // Function: GetPossibleDocumentationComments
        // Goes through the file looking for comments that could possibly contain documentation and returns them as a list.  These
        // comments are not guaranteed to have documentation in them, just to be acceptable candidates for them.  If there are no
        // comments it will return an empty list.
        // All the comments in the returned list will have their comment symbols marked as <CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol>
        // in the tokenizer.  This allows further operations to be done on them in a language independent manner.  If you want to also
        // filter out text boxes and lines, use <Comments.LineFinder>.
        // Default Implementation:
        // The default implementation uses the comment symbols found in <Language> or passed to the constructor.  You can override
        // this function if you need to do something more sophisticated, such as interpret the POD directives in Perl.
        // Comments must be alone on a line to be a candidate for documentation, meaning that the comment symbol must be the
        // first non-whitespace character on a line, and in the case of block comments, nothing but whitespace may trail the closing
        // symbol.  The latter rule is important because a comment may start correctly but not end so, as in this prototype with Splint
        // annotation:
        // > int get_array(integer_t id,
        // >               /*@out@*/ array_t array);
        // Speaking of which, block comments surrounded by @ symbols are not included because they're Splint comments.  Not
        // including them in the possible documentation comments list means the Splint comment below won't end prototype detection.
        // > void initialize ()
        // >    /*@globals undef globnum,
        // >               undef globname @*/
        // >    { ... }
        // It also goes through the code line by line in a simple manner, not accounting for things like strings, so if a language contains
        // a multiline string whose content looks like a language comment it will be interpreted as one.  This isn't ideal but is accepted
        // as a conscious tradeoff because there are actually many different string formats (literal quotes denoted with \", literal quotes
        // denoted with "", Perl's q{} forms and here doc) so you can't account for them all in a generalized way.  Also, putting this in
        // an independent stage even when using full language support means comments don't disappear the way prototypes do if the
        // parser gets tripped up on something like an unmatched brace.
        virtual public List <PossibleDocumentationComment> GetPossibleDocumentationComments(Tokenizer source)
            List <PossibleDocumentationComment> possibleDocumentationComments = new List <PossibleDocumentationComment>();

            LineIterator lineIterator = source.FirstLine;

            while (lineIterator.IsInBounds)
                PossibleDocumentationComment comment = null;

                // Javadoc block comments

                // We test for these before regular block comments because they are usually extended versions of them, such
                // as /** and /*.

                // We also test block comments in general ahead of line comments because in Lua the line comments are a
                // substring of them: -- versus --[[ and ]]--.

                if (javadocBlockCommentStringPairs != null)
                    for (int i = 0; comment == null && i < javadocBlockCommentStringPairs.Length; i += 2)
                        comment = TryToGetPDBlockComment(lineIterator, javadocBlockCommentStringPairs[i],
                                                         javadocBlockCommentStringPairs[i + 1], true);

                    if (comment != null)
                        comment.Javadoc = true;

                // Plain block comments

                if (comment == null && blockCommentStringPairs != null)
                    for (int i = 0; comment == null && i < blockCommentStringPairs.Length; i += 2)
                        comment = TryToGetPDBlockComment(lineIterator, blockCommentStringPairs[i],
                                                         blockCommentStringPairs[i + 1], false);

                    // Skip Splint comments so that they can appear in prototypes.
                    if (comment != null && comment.Start.FirstToken(LineBoundsMode.CommentContent).Character == '@')
                        LineIterator lastLine = comment.End;

                        TokenIterator lastToken, ignore;
                        lastLine.GetBounds(LineBoundsMode.CommentContent, out ignore, out lastToken);

                        if (lastToken.Character == '@')
                            comment = null;

                // XML line comments

                if (comment == null && xmlLineCommentStrings != null)
                    for (int i = 0; comment == null && i < xmlLineCommentStrings.Length; i++)
                        comment = TryToGetPDLineComment(lineIterator, xmlLineCommentStrings[i],
                                                        xmlLineCommentStrings[i], true);

                    if (comment != null)
                        comment.XML = true;

                // Javadoc line comments

                // We check for these even if a XML comment is found because they may share an opening symbol, such as ///.
                // We change it to Javadoc if it's longer.  If it's equal it's just interpreting the XML as a Javadoc start with a
                // vertical line for the remainder, so leave it as XML.  Unless the comment is only one line long, in which case it's
                // genuinely ambiguous.

                if ((comment == null || comment.XML == true) && javadocLineCommentStringPairs != null)
                    PossibleDocumentationComment javadocComment = null;

                    for (int i = 0; javadocComment == null && i < javadocLineCommentStringPairs.Length; i += 2)
                        javadocComment = TryToGetPDLineComment(lineIterator, javadocLineCommentStringPairs[i],
                                                               javadocLineCommentStringPairs[i + 1], true);

                    if (javadocComment != null)
                        javadocComment.Javadoc = true;

                        if (comment == null)
                            comment = javadocComment;
                            int javadocLength = javadocComment.End.LineNumber - javadocComment.Start.LineNumber;
                            int xmlLength     = comment.End.LineNumber - comment.Start.LineNumber;

                            if (javadocLength > xmlLength)
                                comment = javadocComment;
                            else if (javadocLength == 1 && xmlLength == 1)
                                comment.Javadoc = true;
                            // else stay with the XML comment

                // Plain line comments

                if (comment == null && lineCommentStrings != null)
                    for (int i = 0; comment == null && i < lineCommentStrings.Length; i++)
                        comment = TryToGetPDLineComment(lineIterator, lineCommentStrings[i], lineCommentStrings[i], false);

                // Nada.

                if (comment == null)
                    // XML can actually use the Javadoc comment format in addition to its own.
                    if (comment.Javadoc)
                        comment.XML = true;

                    lineIterator = comment.End;

Esempio n. 9
        /* Function: TryToGetBlockComment
         * If the iterator is on a line that starts with the opening symbol of a block comment, this function moves the iterator
         * past the entire comment and returns true.  If the comment is a candidate for documentation it will also return it as
         * a <PossibleDocumentationComment> and mark the symbols as <CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol>.  If the
         * line does not start with an opening comment symbol it will return false and leave the iterator where it is.
        protected bool TryToGetBlockComment(ref LineIterator lineIterator, out PossibleDocumentationComment comment)
            TokenIterator firstToken, endOfLine;

            lineIterator.GetBounds(LineBoundsMode.ExcludeWhitespace, out firstToken, out endOfLine);

            // Are we on a block comment?

            TokenIterator lookahead = firstToken;
            string        closingSymbol;

            if (TryToSkipOpeningBlockCommentSymbol(ref lookahead, out closingSymbol) == false)
                comment = null;

            // We are.  Create a possible documentation comment.

            comment       = new PossibleDocumentationComment();
            comment.Start = lineIterator;

            // Check if we're on a Javadoc comment, which will be an extra [.

            if (lookahead.Character == '[')

                if (lookahead.FundamentalType != FundamentalType.Symbol)
                    comment.Javadoc = true;

            // Find the end of the comment, which could be on the same line as the start.

            var  tokenizer         = lineIterator.Tokenizer;
            var  lineLookahead     = lineIterator;
            bool hadTrailingDashes = false;

            for (;;)
                TokenIterator closingSymbolIterator;

                if (tokenizer.FindTokensBetween(closingSymbol, false, firstToken, endOfLine, out closingSymbolIterator) == true)
                    // Move past the end of the comment regardless of whether it's acceptable for documentation or not

                    // Make sure nothing appears after the closing symbol on the line

                    // We'll allow -- though since some people use --[[ and ]]-- for balance even though the latter is actually the
                    // closing comment symbol followed by a line comment.
                    if (closingSymbolIterator.MatchesAcrossTokens("--"))
                        hadTrailingDashes = true;


                    if (closingSymbolIterator.FundamentalType != FundamentalType.LineBreak &&
                        closingSymbolIterator.FundamentalType != FundamentalType.Null)
                        comment = null;
                        comment.End = lineLookahead;



                // If we're not in bounds that means there was an unclosed comment at the end of the file.  Skip it but don't treat
                // it as a documentation candidate.
                if (!lookahead.IsInBounds)
                    comment = null;

                lineLookahead.GetBounds(LineBoundsMode.ExcludeWhitespace, out firstToken, out endOfLine);

            if (comment != null)
                // Mark the symbols before returning

                firstToken = comment.Start.FirstToken(LineBoundsMode.ExcludeWhitespace);
                lookahead  = firstToken;
                TryToSkipOpeningBlockCommentSymbol(ref lookahead, out closingSymbol);

                if (comment.Javadoc)

                firstToken.SetCommentParsingTypeBetween(lookahead, CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol);

                LineIterator lastLine = comment.End;
                lastLine.GetBounds(LineBoundsMode.ExcludeWhitespace, out firstToken, out endOfLine);

                lookahead = endOfLine;

                if (hadTrailingDashes)


                lookahead.SetCommentParsingTypeBetween(endOfLine, CommentParsingType.CommentSymbol);

            // If we made it this far that means we found a comment and can move the line iterator and return true.  Whether
            // that comment was suitable for documentation will be determined by the comment variable, but we are moving the
            // iterator and returning true either way.
            lineIterator = lineLookahead;