Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the next line from a string, starting at a given position
        /// The returned string doesn't include the line ending, but we return
        /// what kind it was. The next point to read from is passed back in nextLineStart
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="diff"></param>
        /// <param name="start"></param>
        /// <param name="le"></param>
        /// <param name="nextLineStart"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetNextLineFromString(string diff, int start, out LineEndingType le, out int nextLineStart)
            int pos = diff.Length;

            le            = LineEndingType.Unknown;
            nextLineStart = diff.Length;

            int windowsLineEndingPos = diff.IndexOf("\r\n", start);
            int unixLineEnding       = diff.IndexOf('\n', start);

            // make sure we get the closest line ending value
            if (windowsLineEndingPos != -1 &&
                windowsLineEndingPos < unixLineEnding &&
                windowsLineEndingPos + 1 < diff.Length)
                le            = LineEndingType.Win32;
                nextLineStart = windowsLineEndingPos + 2;
                pos           = windowsLineEndingPos;
            else if (unixLineEnding != -1)
                le            = LineEndingType.Unix;
                nextLineStart = unixLineEnding + 1;
                pos           = unixLineEnding;

            int len = pos - start;

            return(len > 0 ? diff.Substring(start, len) : string.Empty);
Esempio n. 2
        public static string ForceLineEndings(string fileData, LineEndingType type)
            var ret = new StringBuilder(fileData.Length);

            string ending;
                case LineEndingType.Windows:
                    ending = "\r\n";
                case LineEndingType.Posix:
                    ending = "\n";
                case LineEndingType.MacOS9:
                    ending = "\r";
                    throw new Exception("Specify an explicit line ending type");

            foreach (var line in fileData.Split('\n'))
                var fixedLine = line.Replace("\r", "");

            return ret.ToString();
Esempio n. 3
        private static string GetLineEndingName(LineEndingType lineEndingType)
            switch (lineEndingType)
            case LineEndingType.Unknown:

            case LineEndingType.CRLF:
                return("Windows CR+LF");

            case LineEndingType.LF:
                return("Unix LF");

            case LineEndingType.CR:
                return("Macintosh CR");

            case LineEndingType.LS:
                return("Unicode Line Separator");

            case LineEndingType.PS:
                return("Unicode Paragraph Separator");

            case LineEndingType.Mixed:

            throw new InvalidOperationException("This line must never be reached.");
        public MainForm()


                ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint |
                ControlStyles.UserPaint |
                ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);

            serialParityCmBx.SelectedIndex   = 0;
            serialStopBitsCmBx.SelectedIndex = 1;
            serialBaudCmBx.SelectedIndex     = 0;

            formatCmBx.SelectedIndex     = 0;
            lineEndingCmBx.SelectedIndex = 0;


            searcher = new TxtBoxSearch(ref displayTxt);

            string selectedTxtFormat = formatCmBx.GetItemText(formatCmBx.SelectedItem);

            txtFormat = StringToTextFormatType(selectedTxtFormat);

            string selectedLineEnding = lineEndingCmBx.GetItemText(lineEndingCmBx.SelectedItem);

            lineEnding = StringToLineEndingType(selectedLineEnding);
Esempio n. 5
 static void WriteStringToFile(string path, string fileData, LineEndingType lineType, bool emitUTF8Preamble)
     using (var of = File.Open(path, FileMode.Create))
         var buf = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ForceLineEndings(fileData, lineType));
         if (emitUTF8Preamble)
             of.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetPreamble(), 0, Encoding.UTF8.GetPreamble().Length);
         of.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);
Esempio n. 6
        public static string ForceLineEndings(string fileData, LineEndingType type)
            var ret = new StringBuilder(fileData.Length);

            string ending;

            switch (type)
            case LineEndingType.Windows:
                ending = "\r\n";

            case LineEndingType.Posix:
                ending = "\n";

            case LineEndingType.MacOS9:
                ending = "\r";

                throw new Exception("Specify an explicit line ending type");

            foreach (var line in fileData.Split('\n'))
                var fixedLine = line.Replace("\r", "");

            // Don't add new lines to the end of the file.
            string str = ret.ToString();

            return(str.Substring(0, str.Length - ending.Length));
Esempio n. 7
        private static string GetLineEndingName(LineEndingType lineEndingType)
            switch (lineEndingType)
                case LineEndingType.Unknown:
                    return "Unknown";
                case LineEndingType.CRLF:
                    return "Windows CR+LF";
                case LineEndingType.LF:
                    return "Unix LF";
                case LineEndingType.CR:
                    return "Macintosh CR";
                case LineEndingType.LS:
                    return "Unicode Line Separator";
                case LineEndingType.PS:
                    return "Unicode Paragraph Separator";
                case LineEndingType.Mixed:
                    return "Mixed";

            throw new InvalidOperationException("This line must never be reached.");
Esempio n. 8
 static void WriteStringToFile(string path, string fileData, LineEndingType lineType)
     using(var of = File.OpenWrite(path))
         var buf = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ForceLineEndings(fileData, lineType));
         of.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);
Esempio n. 9
 static void WriteStringToFile(string path, string fileData, LineEndingType lineType, bool emitUTF8Preamble)
     using (var of = File.Open(path, FileMode.Create))
         var buf = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ForceLineEndings(fileData, lineType));
         if (emitUTF8Preamble)
             of.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetPreamble(), 0, Encoding.UTF8.GetPreamble().Length);
         of.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);
Esempio n. 10
 public static string Get(this LineEndingType self)
     return(self == LineEndingType.CRLF ? CRLF : LF);
Esempio n. 11
        private static void GetTextStatistics(string text, out int numberOfWords, out LineEndingType lineEndingType)
            // Examples:
            // "blah." = 1 word
            // "blah & blah" = 3 words
            // "blah-blah" = 1 word

            // Make sure the text ends with a space.
            text = text + " ";

            int numberOfCRLF = 0;
            int numberOfCR   = 0;
            int numberOfLF   = 0;
            int numberOfLS   = 0;
            int numberOfPS   = 0;

            numberOfWords = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length - 1; i++)
                // Every word ends with a whitespace character.
                if (char.IsWhiteSpace(text[i + 1]) &&
                    (char.IsLetterOrDigit(text[i]) || char.IsPunctuation(text[i])))

                if (text[i] == CarriageReturn)
                    if (text[i + 1] == LineFeed)
                else if (text[i] == LineFeed)
                    // CRLF was already counted.
                    if (i == 0 || text[i - 1] != CarriageReturn)
                else if (text[i] == LineSeparator)
                else if (text[i] == ParagraphSeparator)

            if (numberOfCRLF == 0 && numberOfCR == 0 && numberOfLF == 0 && numberOfLS == 0 && numberOfPS == 0)
                lineEndingType = LineEndingType.Unknown;
            else if (numberOfCR == 0 && numberOfLF == 0 && numberOfLS == 0 && numberOfPS == 0)
                lineEndingType = LineEndingType.CRLF;
            else if (numberOfCRLF == 0 && numberOfLF == 0 && numberOfLS == 0 && numberOfPS == 0)
                lineEndingType = LineEndingType.CR;
            else if (numberOfCRLF == 0 && numberOfCR == 0 && numberOfLS == 0 && numberOfPS == 0)
                lineEndingType = LineEndingType.LF;
            else if (numberOfCRLF == 0 && numberOfCR == 0 && numberOfLF == 0 && numberOfPS == 0)
                lineEndingType = LineEndingType.LS;
            else if (numberOfCRLF == 0 && numberOfCR == 0 && numberOfLF == 0 && numberOfLS == 0)
                lineEndingType = LineEndingType.PS;
                lineEndingType = LineEndingType.Mixed;
Esempio n. 12
        private static void GetTextStatistics(string text, out int numberOfWords, out LineEndingType lineEndingType)
            // Examples:
            // "blah." = 1 word
            // "blah & blah" = 3 words
            // "blah-blah" = 1 word

            // Make sure the text ends with a space.
            text = text + " ";

            int numberOfCRLF = 0;
            int numberOfCR = 0;
            int numberOfLF = 0;
            int numberOfLS = 0;
            int numberOfPS = 0;

            numberOfWords = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length - 1; i++)
                // Every word ends with a whitespace character.
                if (char.IsWhiteSpace(text[i + 1])
                    && (char.IsLetterOrDigit(text[i]) || char.IsPunctuation(text[i])))

                if (text[i] == CarriageReturn)
                    if (text[i + 1] == LineFeed)
                else if (text[i] == LineFeed)
                    // CRLF was already counted.
                    if (i == 0 || text[i - 1] != CarriageReturn)
                else if (text[i] == LineSeparator)
                else if (text[i] == ParagraphSeparator)

            if (numberOfCRLF == 0 && numberOfCR == 0 && numberOfLF == 0 && numberOfLS == 0 && numberOfPS == 0)
                lineEndingType = LineEndingType.Unknown;
            else if (numberOfCR == 0 && numberOfLF == 0 && numberOfLS == 0 && numberOfPS == 0)
                lineEndingType = LineEndingType.CRLF;
            else if (numberOfCRLF == 0 && numberOfLF == 0 && numberOfLS == 0 && numberOfPS == 0)
                lineEndingType = LineEndingType.CR;
            else if (numberOfCRLF == 0 && numberOfCR == 0 && numberOfLS == 0 && numberOfPS == 0)
                lineEndingType = LineEndingType.LF;
            else if (numberOfCRLF == 0 && numberOfCR == 0 && numberOfLF == 0 && numberOfPS == 0)
                lineEndingType = LineEndingType.LS;
            else if (numberOfCRLF == 0 && numberOfCR == 0 && numberOfLF == 0 && numberOfLS == 0 )
                lineEndingType = LineEndingType.PS;
                lineEndingType = LineEndingType.Mixed;
Esempio n. 13
        ///// Create /////
        public void GenerateCreateMesh(Vector2 pos, Polygon2D.PolygonType polygonType, float polygonSize, Controller.Extended.CreateController.CreateType createType, List <Vector2D> complexSlicerPointsList, Pair2D linearPair, float minVertexDistance, Transform transform, float lineWidth, float zPosition, float squareSize, LineEndingType endingType, int edges)
            float size = squareSize;

            if (createType == Controller.Extended.CreateController.CreateType.Slice)
                if (complexSlicerPointsList.Count > 0)
                    linearPair.A = new Vector2D(complexSlicerPointsList.First());
                    linearPair.B = new Vector2D(complexSlicerPointsList.Last());

                    GenerateSquare(linearPair.A.ToVector2(), size, transform, lineWidth, zPosition, endingType, edges);

                    GenerateSquare(linearPair.B.ToVector2(), size, transform, lineWidth, zPosition, endingType, edges);

                    Vector2D vA, vB;
                    foreach (Pair2 pair in Pair2.GetList(complexSlicerPointsList, true))
                        vA = new Vector2D(pair.a);
                        vB = new Vector2D(pair.b);

                        vA.Push(Vector2D.Atan2(pair.a, pair.b), -minVertexDistance / 5);
                        vB.Push(Vector2D.Atan2(pair.a, pair.b), minVertexDistance / 5);

                        CreateLine(new Pair2(vA.ToVector2(), vB.ToVector2()), transform.localScale, lineWidth, zPosition);
                Polygon2D poly = Polygon2D.Create(polygonType, polygonSize).ToOffset(pos);

                Vector2D vA, vB;
                foreach (Pair2 pair in Pair2.GetList(poly.pointsList, true))
                    vA = new Vector2D(pair.a);
                    vB = new Vector2D(pair.b);

                    vA.Push(Vector2D.Atan2(pair.a, pair.b), -minVertexDistance / 5);
                    vB.Push(Vector2D.Atan2(pair.a, pair.b), minVertexDistance / 5);

                    CreateLine(new Pair2(vA.ToVector2(), vB.ToVector2()), transform.localScale, lineWidth, zPosition);
Esempio n. 14
        ///// GENERAL /////
        public void GenerateSquare(Vector2 point, float size, Transform transform, float width, float z, LineEndingType endingType, int edges)
            if (endingType == LineEndingType.Square)
                CreateLine(new Pair2(new Vector2(point.x - size, point.y - size), new Vector2(point.x + size, point.y - size)), transform.localScale, width, z);
                CreateLine(new Pair2(new Vector2(point.x - size, point.y - size), new Vector2(point.x - size, point.y + size)), transform.localScale, width, z);
                CreateLine(new Pair2(new Vector2(point.x + size, point.y + size), new Vector2(point.x + size, point.y - size)), transform.localScale, width, z);
                CreateLine(new Pair2(new Vector2(point.x + size, point.y + size), new Vector2(point.x - size, point.y + size)), transform.localScale, width, z);
                float step = 360f / edges;

                for (int i = 0; i < edges; i++)
                    float x0 = Mathf.Cos((i - 1) * step * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * size;
                    float y0 = Mathf.Sin((i - 1) * step * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * size;
                    float x1 = Mathf.Cos(i * step * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * size;
                    float y1 = Mathf.Sin(i * step * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * size;

                    CreateLine(new Pair2(new Vector2(point.x + x0, point.y + y0), new Vector2(point.x + x1, point.y + y1)), transform.localScale, width, z);
Esempio n. 15
        public void Linear_GenerateTrackerMesh(Vector2 pos, Dictionary <Sliceable2D, Tracker.Object> trackerList, Transform transform, float lineWidth, float zPosition, float size, LineEndingType endingType, int edges)
            GenerateSquare(pos, size, transform, lineWidth, zPosition, endingType, edges);

            CreateLine(new Pair2(pos, pos), transform.localScale, lineWidth, zPosition);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Sliceable2D, Tracker.Object> trackerPair in trackerList)
                Tracker.Object tracker = trackerPair.Value;
                if (trackerPair.Key != null && tracker.tracking)
                    foreach (Pair2 pair in Pair2.GetList(Vector2DList.PointsToWorldSpace(trackerPair.Key.transform, tracker.GetLinearPoints()), false))
                        CreateLine(pair, transform.localScale, lineWidth, zPosition);
Esempio n. 16
        //// LINEAR /////
        public void Linear_GenerateMesh(Pair2 linearPair, Transform transform, float lineWidth, float zPosition, float size, float lineEndWidth, LineEndingType endingType, int edges)
            CreateLine(linearPair, transform.localScale, lineWidth, zPosition);

            GenerateSquare(linearPair.a, size, transform, lineEndWidth, zPosition, endingType, edges);

            GenerateSquare(linearPair.b, size, transform, lineEndWidth, zPosition, endingType, edges);
Esempio n. 17
        public void Complex_GenerateTrackerMesh(Vector2 pos, Dictionary <Sliceable2D, Tracker.Object> trackerList, Transform transform, float lineWidth, float zPosition, float squareSize, LineEndingType endingType, int edges)
            float size = squareSize;

            GenerateSquare(pos, size, transform, lineWidth, zPosition, endingType, edges);

            CreateLine(new Pair2(pos, pos), transform.localScale, lineWidth, zPosition);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Sliceable2D, Tracker.Object> trackerPair in trackerList)
                Tracker.Object tracker = trackerPair.Value;
                if (trackerPair.Key != null && tracker.tracking)
                    List <Vector2D> pointListWorld = Vector2DList.PointsToWorldSpace(trackerPair.Key.transform, tracker.pointsList);

                    pointListWorld.Add(new Vector2D(pos));

                    List <Pair2> pairList = Pair2.GetList(pointListWorld, false);

                    foreach (Pair2 pair in pairList)
                        CreateLine(pair, transform.localScale, lineWidth, zPosition);
Esempio n. 18
        private void lineEndingCmBx_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string selectedLineEnding = lineEndingCmBx.GetItemText(lineEndingCmBx.SelectedItem);

            lineEnding = StringToLineEndingType(selectedLineEnding);