Esempio n. 1
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     if (_LCoord == null)
         _LCoord = GetComponent <LineCoord> ();
Esempio n. 2
        private void DrawLine(Bitmap b, LineCoord l, Color targetColor)
            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b))
                using (Pen myPen = new Pen(targetColor, 5))
                    System.Drawing.Point P1 = new System.Drawing.Point(l.startX, l.startY);
                    System.Drawing.Point P2 = new System.Drawing.Point(l.endX, l.endY);

                    g.DrawLine(myPen, P1, P2);
Esempio n. 3
        // Return a count of all pixels in a vertical or horizontal line with intensity greater than targetValue.  Intensity
        // is defined as the sum of all 3 RGB values.  This routine handles general case of a horizontal or veritcal line, defined
        // by points (startX, startY) and (endX, endY)
        private int CountIntensityGreaterThan(Bitmap b, LineCoord line, int targetValue)
            int   totalCount = 0;
            Color theColor;
            int   theIntensity;

            myTraceFile.WriteLine($"Counting intensity along {line.startX},{line.startY} to {line.endX},{line.endY}");

            // Han
            int incrementX = Math.Sign(line.endX - line.startX);
            int incrementY = Math.Sign(line.endY - line.startY);

            // Handle horizontal line because we are changing the X as we move along, but keeping Y constant
            if (incrementX != 0)
                myTraceFile.WriteLine("Counting intensity of horizontal line...");
                for (int currentX = line.startX; currentX != line.endX; currentX++)
                    theColor     = b.GetPixel(currentX, line.startY);
                    theIntensity = theColor.R + theColor.G + theColor.B;
                    if (theIntensity >= targetValue)
                    //myTraceFile.Write($"[{theColor.R:D3}, {theColor.G:D3}, {theColor.B:D3}, {totalCount:D4}], ");
            else if (incrementY != 0)
                myTraceFile.WriteLine("Counting intensity of vertical line...");

                for (int currentY = line.startY; currentY != line.endY; currentY++)
                    theColor     = b.GetPixel(line.startX, currentY);
                    theIntensity = theColor.R + theColor.G + theColor.B;
                    if (theIntensity >= targetValue)
                    //myTraceFile.Write($"[{theColor.R:D3}, {theColor.G:D3}, {theColor.B:D3}, {totalCount:D4}], ");
                throw new ArgumentException("Can't count intenesity when no lone is defined, starting&ending same");

Esempio n. 4
        public void TestLineCoord()
            int       x = 1920, y = 1080;
            double    fX = 200, fy = 200;
            Label     lab_Cur = new Label();
            Label     label_Y = new Label();
            Label     label_X = new Label();
            Chart     graphic = new Chart();
            LineCoord Test    = new LineCoord(x, y, fX, fy, lab_Cur, label_Y, label_X, ref graphic);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, Test.Svoistvo_xS);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, Test.Svoistvo_yS);
            Assert.AreEqual(fX, Test.Svoistvo_fX);
            Assert.AreEqual(fy, Test.Svoistvo_fY);
Esempio n. 5
        void FindDrawBoundingBox(Bitmap b, LineCoord boundingBox, Color targetColor, int askThreshold, int askCount)
            int okReturn;

            // SOUTH LINE: At bottom of page.  Has maximumY.  Delta Y is negative (move it up)
            LineCoord southLine = new LineCoord(boundingBox.startX, boundingBox.endY, boundingBox.endX, boundingBox.endY);

            // DrawLine(b, southLine);
            okReturn = FindALine(b, southLine, 0, -1, askCount, askThreshold);
            if (okReturn == 1)
                DrawLine(b, southLine, targetColor);

            // NORTH LINE: At top of page.  Has minimum .  Delta Y is positive (move it down)
            LineCoord northLine = new LineCoord(boundingBox.startX, boundingBox.startY, boundingBox.endX, boundingBox.startY);

            okReturn = FindALine(b, northLine, 0, 1, askCount, askThreshold);
            if (okReturn == 1)
                DrawLine(b, northLine, targetColor);

            LineCoord eastLine = new LineCoord(boundingBox.endX, boundingBox.startY, boundingBox.endX, boundingBox.endY);

            okReturn = FindALine(b, eastLine, -1, 0, askCount, askThreshold);
            if (okReturn == 1)
                DrawLine(b, eastLine, targetColor);

            LineCoord westLine = new LineCoord(boundingBox.startX, boundingBox.startY, boundingBox.startX, boundingBox.endY);

            okReturn = FindALine(b, westLine, +1, 0, askCount, askThreshold);
            if (okReturn == 1)
                DrawLine(b, westLine, targetColor);

            boundingBox.startX = westLine.startX;
            boundingBox.startY = northLine.startY;
            boundingBox.endX   = eastLine.endX;
            boundingBox.endY   = southLine.endY;
Esempio n. 6
        private void AddHistogram(int[] histogram, Bitmap b, LineCoord region, int t, Bitmap annotate)
            Color thePixel;

            for (int y = region.startY; y <= region.endY; y++)
                for (int x = region.startX; x <= region.endX; x++)
                    thePixel = b.GetPixel(x, y);
                    int intensity = thePixel.G + thePixel.B;
                    //b.SetPixel(x, y, Color.Cyan);
                    if (intensity >= t)
                        annotate.SetPixel(x, y, Color.Violet);
Esempio n. 7
        void JustDrawBoundingBox(Bitmap b, LineCoord boundingBox, Color targetColor)
            // SOUTH LINE: At bottom of page.  Has maximumY.  Delta Y is negative (move it up)
            LineCoord southLine = new LineCoord(boundingBox.startX, boundingBox.endY, boundingBox.endX, boundingBox.endY);

            // DrawLine(n, southLine);
            DrawLine(b, southLine, targetColor);

            // NORTH LINE: At top of page.  Has minimum .  Delta Y is positive (move it down)
            LineCoord northLine = new LineCoord(boundingBox.startX, boundingBox.startY, boundingBox.endX, boundingBox.startY);

            DrawLine(b, northLine, targetColor);

            LineCoord eastLine = new LineCoord(boundingBox.endX, boundingBox.startY, boundingBox.endX, boundingBox.endY);

            DrawLine(b, eastLine, targetColor);

            LineCoord westLine = new LineCoord(boundingBox.startX, boundingBox.startY, boundingBox.startX, boundingBox.endY);

            DrawLine(b, westLine, targetColor);
Esempio n. 8
        public void TestLineCoordObject()
            int      x = 1920, y = 1080;
            double   fX = 200, fy = 200;
            Label    lab_Cur           = new Label();
            Label    label_Y           = new Label();
            Label    label_X           = new Label();
            Chart    graphic           = new Chart();
            CheckBox checkBoxLineCoord = new CheckBox();

            checkBoxLineCoord.Checked = true;
            LineCoord Test = new LineCoord(x, y, fX, fy, lab_Cur, label_Y, label_X, ref graphic);

            Assert.AreEqual(true, Test.Svoistvo_label_X.Visible);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Test.Svoistvo_label_Y.Visible);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Test.Svoistvo_lab_Cur.Visible);
            checkBoxLineCoord.Checked = false;
            Assert.AreEqual(false, Test.Svoistvo_label_X.Visible);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, Test.Svoistvo_label_Y.Visible);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, Test.Svoistvo_lab_Cur.Visible);
Esempio n. 9
        // Takes input as a line (startX, startY) to (endX, endY).  It moves the line up/down/left/right until there are at least
        // requireCount pixels on the line with intensity at or exceeding requireThreshold.  Returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.
        private int FindALine(Bitmap b, LineCoord line, int incrementX, int incrementY, int requireCount, int requireThreshold)
            int maximumX = b.Width - 1;
            int maximumY = b.Height - 1;

            myTraceFile.WriteLine("Start FindALine");
            while ((line.startX >= 0) && (line.startY >= 0) && (line.startX <= maximumX) && (line.startY <= maximumY))
                int myCount = CountIntensityGreaterThan(b, line, requireThreshold);
                if (myCount >= requireCount)
                    myTraceFile.WriteLine($"FindALine: Found line, coordinates={line.startX},{line.startY}  to {line.endX},{line.endY}");
                line.startX += incrementX;
                line.startY += incrementY;
                line.endX   += incrementX;
                line.endY   += incrementY;

            myTraceFile.WriteLine("Unable to find line meeting requirments");
            // We went out of bounds - did not find target
Esempio n. 10
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            // We need a new copy to annotate!!
            Bitmap annotatedFrame = new Bitmap(originalFrame);

            // Save original image to a disk file

            // Save the annotated image to a disk file

            int frameMaximumX = originalFrame.Width - 1;
            int frameMaxmiumY = originalFrame.Height - 1;

            // Draw outer bounding box
            LineCoord outerBound = new LineCoord(20, 20, frameMaximumX - 50, frameMaxmiumY - 50);

            FindDrawBoundingBox(annotatedFrame, outerBound, Color.Green, 450, 20);

            // Draw new bounding box
            JustDrawBoundingBox(annotatedFrame, outerBound, Color.Blue);

            // Draw middle bounding box
            LineCoord middleBound = new LineCoord(outerBound.startX + 80, outerBound.startY + 60, outerBound.endX - 80, outerBound.endY - 70);

            JustDrawBoundingBox(annotatedFrame, middleBound, Color.Brown);

            // Find inner bounding box
            LineCoord innerBound = new LineCoord(middleBound.startX, middleBound.startY, middleBound.endX, middleBound.endY);

            FindDrawBoundingBox(annotatedFrame, innerBound, Color.Yellow, 600, 25);

            pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
            pictureBox1.Image    = (Image)annotatedFrame;

            // Calculate intensity histogram of pixels between outerBound and innerBound
            int maxIntensity = 256 * 3;
            int threshold    = 260;

            int[] myHistogram = new int[maxIntensity + 1];

            LineCoord northBox = new LineCoord(middleBound.startX + 10, middleBound.startY + 10, middleBound.endX - 3, innerBound.startY - 3);
            LineCoord southBox = new LineCoord(middleBound.startX + 3, innerBound.endY + 3, middleBound.endX - 10, middleBound.endY - 10);

            LineCoord westBox = new LineCoord(middleBound.startX + 3, innerBound.startY + 3, innerBound.startX - 10, innerBound.endY - 10);

            LineCoord eastBox = new LineCoord(innerBound.endX + 3, innerBound.startY + 3, middleBound.endX - 3, innerBound.endY - 3);

            AddHistogram(myHistogram, originalFrame, northBox, threshold, annotatedFrame);
            AddHistogram(myHistogram, originalFrame, southBox, threshold, annotatedFrame);
            //AddHistogram(myHistogram, originalFrame, eastBox, threshold, annotatedFrame);
            //AddHistogram(myHistogram, originalFrame, westBox, threshold, annotatedFrame);

            // Count values greater than 438
            int runningTotal = 0;

            for (int h = threshold; h <= maxIntensity; h++)
                runningTotal += myHistogram[h];

            convolveResult.Text = $"{runningTotal}";
            progressBar1.Style  = System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBarStyle.Continuous;
            if (runningTotal < 50)
                progressBar1.ForeColor = Color.Green;
                progressBar1.Value     = 100;

            if (runningTotal < 450)
                progressBar1.ForeColor = Color.Yellow;
                progressBar1.Value     = 50;

            progressBar1.ForeColor = Color.Red;
            progressBar1.Value     = 10;

            // How many?
            // ModifyProgressBarColor.SetState(progressBar1, 2);

            // Define four rectangular areas

            // Draw vertical and horizontal lines to box in the image.
            // NET puts the origin in the UPPER LEFT CORNER.
            // NET uses Cartesian coordinates in I quadrante
            // (0,0) is lower left.