Esempio n. 1
            public override bool Equals(object obj)
                if (!(obj is LightProperties))

                LightProperties other = (LightProperties)obj;

                    (other.enabled == enabled &&
                     other.type == type &&
                     other.bounceIntensity == bounceIntensity &&
                     other.color == color &&
                     other.colorTemperature == colorTemperature &&
                     other.cookie == cookie &&
                     other.cookieSize == cookieSize &&
                     other.cullingMask == cullingMask &&
                     other.intensity == intensity &&
                     other.range == range &&
                     other.shadowBias == shadowBias &&
                     other.shadowCustomResolution == shadowCustomResolution &&
                     other.shadowNearPlane == shadowNearPlane &&
                     other.shadowNormalBias == shadowNormalBias &&
                     other.shadows == shadows &&
                     other.spotAngle == spotAngle);
Esempio n. 2
        public override void RecreateFromXml(LayerEditor parentLayer, XElement xml)
            base.RecreateFromXml(parentLayer, xml);

            ParentLayer = parentLayer;
            _properties = xml.CertainElement(@"LightProperties").DeserializedAs <LightProperties>( );
        /// <summary>
        /// Search which is the nearby light for the current object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The nearby light.</returns>
        private LightProperties SearchForNearbyLight()
            LightProperties nearbyLight  = null;
            float           maxIntensity = 0;

            Vector3 objectPosition = this.Matrices.World.Translation;

            if (this.renderManager != null)
                foreach (var light in this.renderManager.Lights)
                    if (light.IsLightEnabled && light.Intensity > 0)
                        float intensity = 0;

                        if (light is DirectionalLightProperties)
                            intensity = light.Intensity;
                            Vector3 lightPosition = Vector3.Zero;
                            float   lightRange    = 0;

                            if (light is PointLightProperties)
                                PointLightProperties pointLight = light as PointLightProperties;
                                lightPosition = pointLight.Position;
                                lightRange    = pointLight.LightRange;
                            else if (light is SpotLightProperties)
                                SpotLightProperties spotLight = light as SpotLightProperties;
                                lightPosition = spotLight.Position;
                                lightRange    = spotLight.LightRange;

                            float distance = (lightPosition - objectPosition).Length();

                            if (distance < lightRange)
                                intensity = light.Intensity * (1 - (distance / lightRange));

                        intensity *= light.Color.Luminance;

                        if (intensity > maxIntensity)
                            maxIntensity = intensity;
                            nearbyLight  = light;

Esempio n. 4
    public void onObjectLightChange(Color color)
        GameObject obj = Camera.main.GetComponent <Inspector>().selectedItem;

        obj.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = color;

        LightProperties cp = obj.GetComponent <LightProperties>();

        cp.objectColor = color;
Esempio n. 5
        private void CreateLightProperties(object light, bool externallySet)
            if (propertyGrid.InvokeRequired)
                var d = new ThreadSafePropertyGrid(CreateLightProperties);
                propertyGrid.Invoke(d, new object[] { light });
                LightProperties lightProperties = new LightProperties();
                var             lightNode       = ((Node)light).GetComponent <Light>();

                if (light != null)
                    lightProperties.Node     = lightNode;
                    lightProperties.Name     = lightNode.Node.Name;
                    lightProperties.Enabled  = lightNode.Enabled;
                    lightProperties.Position = lightNode.Node.Position;
                    lightProperties.Rotation = lightNode.Node.Rotation;
                    lightProperties.Scale    = lightNode.Node.Scale;

                    lightProperties.PulsarApplication = _mainApplication;
                    lightProperties.Scene             = _scene;

                    lightProperties.AspectRatio = lightNode.AspectRatio;
                    lightProperties.Brightness  = lightNode.Brightness;

                    lightProperties.Colour = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb((int)lightNode.Color.A, (int)lightNode.Color.R, (int)lightNode.Color.G, (int)lightNode.Color.B);

                    lightProperties.ColourFromTemperature = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb((int)lightNode.ColorFromTemperature.A, (int)lightNode.ColorFromTemperature.R, (int)lightNode.ColorFromTemperature.G, (int)lightNode.ColorFromTemperature.B);

                    lightProperties.EffectiveColour = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb((int)lightNode.EffectiveColor.A, (int)lightNode.EffectiveColor.R, (int)lightNode.EffectiveColor.G, (int)lightNode.EffectiveColor.B);

                    lightProperties.Temperature                = lightNode.Temperature;
                    lightProperties.UsePhysicalValues          = lightNode.UsePhysicalValues;
                    lightProperties.EffectiveSpecularIntensity = lightNode.EffectiveSpecularIntensity;
                    lightProperties.SpecularIntensity          = lightNode.SpecularIntensity;
                    lightProperties.FadeDistance               = lightNode.FadeDistance;
                    lightProperties.FieldOfView                = lightNode.Fov;
                    lightProperties.Length                 = lightNode.Length;
                    lightProperties.LightType              = lightNode.LightType;
                    lightProperties.PerVertex              = lightNode.PerVertex;
                    lightProperties.Radius                 = lightNode.Radius;
                    lightProperties.Range                  = lightNode.Range;
                    lightProperties.ShadowFadeDistance     = lightNode.ShadowFadeDistance;
                    lightProperties.ShadowIntensity        = lightNode.ShadowIntensity;
                    lightProperties.ShadowMaximumExtrusion = lightNode.ShadowMaxExtrusion;
                    lightProperties.ShadowNearFarRatio     = lightNode.ShadowNearFarRatio;
                    lightProperties.ShadowResolution       = lightNode.ShadowResolution;

                    propertyGrid.SelectedObject = lightProperties;
                    _currentPropertyNode        = lightProperties;
Esempio n. 6
        protected override ChangeType CalculateDeltaChanges()
            ChangeType      changeType    = ChangeType.None;
            LightProperties newProperties = new LightProperties(this.lightBroadcaster);

            if (newProperties != previousProperties)
                previousProperties = newProperties;
                changeType        |= ChangeType.Properties;

Esempio n. 7
    public virtual void Duplicate(ObjectProperties objectProperties)
        LightProperties prop = (LightProperties)objectProperties;

        this.intensity   = prop.intensity;
        this.range       = prop.range;
        this.nightOnly   = prop.nightOnly;
        this.lightColor  = prop.lightColor;
        this.objectColor = prop.objectColor;

        GetComponentInChildren <Light>().intensity = intensity;
        GetComponentInChildren <Light>().range     = range;
        GetComponentInChildren <Light>().color     = lightColor;
        transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = objectColor;
Esempio n. 8
        public void LightRefresh(string message)
            LightProperties lp = JsonUtility.FromJson <LightProperties>(message);

            switch (lp.lightType)
            case LightType.Spot:

            case LightType.Point:
Esempio n. 9
    public void mirror()
        //if (mirrorLight) {
        //lightProp = GetComponent<LightProperties>();
        //if (!(this is LightProperties)) lightProp = GetComponent<LightProperties>();
        lightProp = null;
        List<LightProperties> props = null;

        props = GetComponentsInChildren<LightProperties>().ToList();
        if (props.Count > 0) {
            foreach (var lightProperties in props) {
                if (lightProperties != this && lightProperties.mirrorLight == false) {
                    lightProp = lightProperties;

        if (lightProp == null) props = transform.parent.GetComponentsInChildren<LightProperties>().ToList();
        if (props.Count > 0) {
            foreach (var lightProperties in props) {
                if (lightProperties != this && lightProperties.mirrorLight == false) {
                    lightProp = lightProperties;

        //if (lightProp == null) props = GetComponentsInParent<LightProperties>().ToList();
        //if (props.Count > 0) {
        //	foreach (var lightProperties in props) {
        //		if (lightProperties != this && lightProperties.mirrorLight == false) {
        //			lightProp = lightProperties;
        //			break;
        //		}
        //	}

        if (lightProp == null) {
            //mirrorLight = false;
            Debug.Log("failed to mirrorLight, no Light found", this);
        } else {
            //_color = lightProp._color;
            //randomDelay = lightProp._randomDelayRange;
Esempio n. 10
        public override void CreateInDesignMode(LayerEditor parentLayer, IEntityCreationProperties creationProperties)
            ParentLayer = parentLayer;

            _properties = new LightProperties
                Visible     = true,
                IsOn        = true,
                Range       = 100f,
                Color       = Color.White,
                FieldOfView = MathHelper.TwoPi,
                Intensity   = 1,
                ShadowType  = convertShadowType(ShadowType.Solid),
                Position    = MouseStatus.WorldPosition,
                TextureSize = 128
        private static LightProperties GetLightProperties(int index)
            for (var i = cachedLightProperties.Count; i <= index; i++)
                var properties = new LightProperties();
                var prefix     = "_Light" + (i + 1);

                properties.Direction = Shader.PropertyToID(prefix + "Direction");
                properties.Position  = Shader.PropertyToID(prefix + "Position");
                properties.Color     = Shader.PropertyToID(prefix + "Color");
                properties.Scatter   = Shader.PropertyToID(prefix + "Scatter");


Esempio n. 12
    void OnGUI()
        //set window title
        this.titleContent = new GUIContent("Rim Light Profile");

        profileName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(profileName);

        if (GUILayout.Button("Save Profile"))
            GameObject      rimLight     = GameObject.Find("Rim Light");
            float           rimIntensity = rimLight.GetComponent <Light>().intensity;
            Vector3         rimAngle     = new Vector3(rimLight.transform.localEulerAngles.x, rimLight.transform.localEulerAngles.y, rimLight.transform.localEulerAngles.z);
            Color           Colour       = rimLight.GetComponent <Light>().color;
            LightProperties rim          = new LightProperties();
            rim.Intensity = rimIntensity;
            rim.Angle     = rimAngle;
            rim.Colour    = Colour;
            string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(rim, true);

            string path = "Assets/Resources/Profiles/rimlight/" + profileName + ".json";

            //Write some text to the test.txt file
            StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(path, false);
        string[] rimProfileNames = new String[options.Length];

        for (int runs = 0; runs < options.Length; runs++)
            string[] profileSplit = options[runs].Split('\\');
            string   nameSplit    = profileSplit[profileSplit.Length - 1].Split('.')[0];
            rimProfileNames[runs] = nameSplit;
        index = EditorGUILayout.Popup(index, rimProfileNames);

        if (GUILayout.Button("Load Profile"))
            GameObject cam = GameObject.Find("CAM");
            Debug.Log("Profiles/rimlight" + rimProfileNames[index]);
            RimLight.createRimLight(cam, "Profiles/rimlight/" + rimProfileNames[index]);
Esempio n. 13
        public object SetExtendedProperties()
            LightProperties lightProperties = new LightProperties
                PulsarComponentClass = ComponentClass.Properties,
                PulsarComponentType  = ComponentType.LightProperties,
                Node        = _light,
                BaseEntity  = _baseEntity,
                AspectRatio = _light.AspectRatio,
                Brightness  = _light.Brightness,
                Colour      = _light.Color,
                EffectiveSpecularIntensity = _light.EffectiveSpecularIntensity,
                FadeDistance           = _light.FadeDistance,
                FieldOfView            = _light.Fov,
                Length                 = _light.Length,
                LightType              = _light.LightType,
                PerVertex              = _light.PerVertex,
                Radius                 = _light.Radius,
                Range                  = _light.Range,
                ShadowFadeDistance     = _light.ShadowFadeDistance,
                ShadowIntensity        = _light.ShadowIntensity,
                ShadowMaximumExtrusion = _light.ShadowMaxExtrusion,
                ShadowNearFarRatio     = _light.ShadowNearFarRatio,
                ShadowResolution       = _light.ShadowResolution,
                SpecularIntensity      = _light.SpecularIntensity,
                Temperature            = _light.Temperature,
                UsePhysicalValues      = _light.UsePhysicalValues

            if (_baseEntity != null && _baseEntity.ComponentProperties != null)

 public Light(Vector3D position, LightProperties properties) :
     _Properties = properties;
Esempio n. 15
    internal void OnValidate()
        // For editor use

        if (debugLogness) Debug.Log("Validate Object: " + hasSetup, this);
        if (hasSetup) {
            if (!mirrorLight) lightProp = null;
            if (mirrorLight && lightProp == null) mirror();

            if (timeOfDayManager != null) {
                if (lastSentTime != time && time != 0 ) { // TODO hack, we want manual alteration of the time slider to cause an update, but for exampple 'AgentProperties' causes an 'OnValidate' to be called as part of it's setup


                    lastSentTime = time;
                timeOfDayManager.AmIadded(this); // This checks even if timeOfDayManager is not null, does it also have a reference to me, as its possible it got orphaned/forgotten by it

            } else {
                Debug.Log("timeOfDayManager null, new object, run Manager first, running all of them now", this);
                FindObjectsOfType<TimeOfDayManager>().ToList().ForEach(o => o.Setup());
            if (timeOfDayManager == null) Debug.LogWarning("no timeOfDayManager wants me!", this);
Esempio n. 16
    public Room(RoomProperties rp, LightProperties lp)
        // If the first room

        if (rp.roomIndex == 0)
            gameObj = Instantiate(rp.rObject, rp.offset, rp.orientation) as GameObject;
        else // All other rooms
            gameObj = Instantiate(rp.rObject, rp.parentTransform) as GameObject;
            gameObj.transform.localPosition = rp.offset;
            gameObj.transform.localRotation = rp.orientation;
            gameObj.transform.localScale    = rp.scale;
        // Give the gameObj the Room tag.
        gameObj.tag = rp.tag;
        if (gameObj.tag == "FIRST ROOM")
            wayPoints = new GameObject[9];
            // If the first room, add more waypoints.
        else if (gameObj.tag == "ROOM")// for end rooms that only need 1 waypoint
            wayPoints = new GameObject[3];
        else if (gameObj.tag == "END ROOM")
            wayPoints = new GameObject[1];
        gameObj.AddComponent <MeshCollider>();
        if (gameObj.tag == "END ROOM") // Check if this is the last level of rooms.
            BoxCollider bC = gameObj.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
            bC.isTrigger = true;
      = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 150f);
            bC.size      = new Vector3(300, 300, 50);
            wayPoints[0] = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
            wayPoints[0].transform.parent = gameObj.transform;
            wayPoints[0].name             = "Final Waypoint";
            wayPoints[0].tag = "WAYPOINT";
            wayPoints[0].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f);
            wayPoints[0].transform.localScale    = new Vector3(150f, 50, 150f);
            for (int i = 0; i < wayPoints.Length; i++)
                wayPoints[i] = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
                wayPoints[i].transform.parent = gameObj.transform;
                wayPoints[i].name             = "Waypoint" + i.ToString();
                wayPoints[i].tag = "WAYPOINT";
            wayPoints[0].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0.7f, 0f);
            wayPoints[0].transform.localScale    = new Vector3(0.15f, 0.05f, 0.15f);
            wayPoints[1].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0.33f, 1.2f, 0f);
            wayPoints[1].transform.localScale    = new Vector3(0.15f, 0.05f, 0.15f);
            wayPoints[2].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-0.33f, 1.2f, 0f);
            wayPoints[2].transform.localScale    = new Vector3(0.15f, 0.05f, 0.15f);
        // Adjust the extra waypoints positions for the first room.
        if (rp.roomIndex == 0)
            // Right hand side tunnel waypoints.
            wayPoints[3].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-1.145f, 1.665f, 0.08f);
            wayPoints[3].transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(105f, -45f, -60f);
            wayPoints[4].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-1.84f, 2.06f, 0.325f);
            wayPoints[4].transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(105f, -45f, -60f);
            wayPoints[5].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-2.05f, 2.18f, 0.352f);
            // Left hand side tunnel waypoints.
            wayPoints[6].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0.75f, 1.43f, 0f);
            wayPoints[7].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(1.04f, 1.6f, -0.047f);
            wayPoints[7].transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(103f, -115f, -130f);
            wayPoints[8].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(1.77f, 2.03f, -0.305f);
            wayPoints[8].transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(103f, -115f, -130f);
            foreach (GameObject wayP in wayPoints)
                wayP.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.15f, 0.05f, 0.15f);
        leftSphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
        leftSphere.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = lp.lightMat;
        rightSphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
        rightSphere.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = lp.lightMat;
        // Setup transforms and coords
        leftSphere.transform.parent        = gameObj.transform;
        leftSphere.transform.localPosition = lp.lightLeftOffset;
        lightLeft      = leftSphere.AddComponent <Light>(); = "Left Light";

        rightSphere.transform.parent        = gameObj.transform;
        rightSphere.transform.localPosition = lp.lightRightOffset;
        lightRight      = rightSphere.AddComponent <Light>(); = "Right Light";

        lightLeft.transform.parent  = leftSphere.transform;
        lightRight.transform.parent = rightSphere.transform;

        lightLeft.color     = new Color(lp.lightConfig.leftLightColour.x, lp.lightConfig.leftLightColour.y, lp.lightConfig.leftLightColour.z);
        lightLeft.intensity = lp.lightConfig.leftLightIntensity;

        lightRight.color     = new Color(lp.lightConfig.rightLightColour.x, lp.lightConfig.rightLightColour.y, lp.lightConfig.rightLightColour.z);
        lightRight.intensity = lp.lightConfig.rightLightIntensity;
Esempio n. 17
 public LightEditor( )
     _properties = new LightProperties(  );
     _drawing    = ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IDrawing>( );
        // ------------------------------------------------
        // Конструкторы.
        // ------------------------------------------------

        public Light(LightProperties properties) :
Esempio n. 19
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     light     = GetComponentInChildren <Light>();
     lightProp = GetComponent <LightProperties>();
     worldData = Camera.main.GetComponent <WorldData>();
 public Light(double x, double y, double z, LightProperties properties) :
     base(x, y, z)
     _Properties = properties;
 public Light(Light light) : base(light)
     _Properties = light._Properties;
Esempio n. 22
    public LightProperties lightProp;     // gets wiped each setup

    public void mirror()
        //if (mirrorLight) {
        //lightProp = GetComponent<LightProperties>();
        //if (!(this is LightProperties)) lightProp = GetComponent<LightProperties>();
        lightProp = null;
        List <LightProperties> props = null;

        props = GetComponentsInChildren <LightProperties>().ToList();
        if (props.Count > 0)
            foreach (var lightProperties in props)
                if (lightProperties != this && lightProperties.mirrorLight == false)
                    lightProp = lightProperties;

        if (lightProp == null)
            props = transform.parent.GetComponentsInChildren <LightProperties>().ToList();
        if (props.Count > 0)
            foreach (var lightProperties in props)
                if (lightProperties != this && lightProperties.mirrorLight == false)
                    lightProp = lightProperties;

        //if (lightProp == null) props = GetComponentsInParent<LightProperties>().ToList();
        //if (props.Count > 0) {
        //	foreach (var lightProperties in props) {
        //		if (lightProperties != this && lightProperties.mirrorLight == false) {
        //			lightProp = lightProperties;
        //			break;
        //		}
        //	}

        if (lightProp == null)
            //mirrorLight = false;
            Debug.Log("failed to mirrorLight, no Light found", this);
            //_color = lightProp._color;
            //randomDelay = lightProp._randomDelayRange;