Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks that the property returned by reflector matches the property returned by standard reflection.
        /// </summary>
        public void GetProperty()
            LightHouse.Core.Elite.Reflecting.Reflector reflector = new LightHouse.Core.Elite.Reflecting.Reflector();

            PropertyInfo propertyInfo = reflector.GetProperty(typeof(Project), "Name");
            PropertyInfo runtimePropertyInfo = typeof(Project).GetRuntimeProperty("Name");

            Assert.True(propertyInfo.Name == runtimePropertyInfo.Name);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks that the properties returned by reflector contain all the runtime properties of the type.
        /// </summary>
        public void GetProperties()
            LightHouse.Core.Elite.Reflecting.Reflector reflector = new LightHouse.Core.Elite.Reflecting.Reflector();

            IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> properties = reflector.GetProperties(typeof(Project));

            foreach(PropertyInfo propertyInfo in typeof(Project).GetRuntimeProperties())
                Assert.True(properties.Where(x => x.Name == propertyInfo.Name).Count() == 1);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks that the fields returned by reflector contain all the runtime fields of the type.
        /// </summary>
        public void GetFields()
            LightHouse.Core.Elite.Reflecting.Reflector reflector = new LightHouse.Core.Elite.Reflecting.Reflector();

            IEnumerable<FieldInfo> fields = reflector.GetFields(typeof(Project));

            foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in typeof(Project).GetRuntimeFields())
                Assert.True(fields.Where(x => x.Name == fieldInfo.Name).Count() == 1);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks that the property can be retrieved correctly by it's PropertyInfo using the reflector.
        /// </summary>
        public void GetPropertyValueByPropertyInfo()
            LightHouse.Core.Elite.Reflecting.Reflector reflector = new LightHouse.Core.Elite.Reflecting.Reflector();

            Project project = new Project()
                Name = new Localization.LocalString("LightHouse")

            PropertyInfo propertyInfo = reflector.GetProperty(typeof(Project), "Name");
            LocalString name = (LocalString)reflector.GetPropertyValue(propertyInfo, project);

            Assert.True(name.GetContent() == "LightHouse");

            propertyInfo = null;
            Object empty = reflector.GetPropertyValue(propertyInfo, project);

            Assert.True(empty == null);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks that the property can be retrieved correctly by it's name using the reflector.
        /// </summary>
        public void GetPropertyValueByString()
            LightHouse.Core.Elite.Reflecting.Reflector reflector = new LightHouse.Core.Elite.Reflecting.Reflector();

            Project project = new Project()
                Name = new Localization.LocalString("LightHouse")

            LocalString name = (LocalString)reflector.GetPropertyValue("Name", project);

            Assert.True(name.GetContent() == "LightHouse");
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks that the property can be setted correctly by it's name using the reflector.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetPropertyValueByString()
            LightHouse.Core.Elite.Reflecting.Reflector reflector = new LightHouse.Core.Elite.Reflecting.Reflector();

            Project project = new Project();

            reflector.SetPropertyValue("Name", project, new Localization.LocalString("LightHouse"));

            Assert.True(project.Name.GetContent() == "LightHouse");
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks that the property can be setted correctly by it's PropertyInfo using the reflector.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetPropertyValueByPropertyInfo()
            LightHouse.Core.Elite.Reflecting.Reflector reflector = new LightHouse.Core.Elite.Reflecting.Reflector();

            Project project = new Project();

            PropertyInfo propertyInfo = reflector.GetProperty(typeof(Project), "Name");
            reflector.SetPropertyValue(propertyInfo, project, new LocalString("LightHouse"));

            Assert.True(project.Name.GetContent() == "LightHouse");

            propertyInfo = null;
            reflector.SetPropertyValue(propertyInfo, project, new LocalString("LightHouse"));