Esempio n. 1
        private void HandleRedisExceptionAndResetMultiplexerIfNeeded(Context context, Exception exception)
            if (IsRedisConnectionException(exception))
                // Using double-checked locking approach to reset the connection multiplexer only once.
                // Checking for greater then or equals because another thread can increment _connectionErrorCount.
                if (Interlocked.Increment(ref _connectionErrorCount) >= _configuration.RedisConnectionErrorLimit)
                    lock (_resetConnectionsLock)
                        // The second read of _connectionErrorCount is a non-interlocked read, but it should be fine because it is happening under the lock.
                        var timeSinceLastReconnect = _clock.UtcNow.Subtract(_lastRedisReconnectDateTime);

                        if (_connectionErrorCount >= _configuration.RedisConnectionErrorLimit && timeSinceLastReconnect >= _configuration.MinReconnectInterval)
                            // This means that there is no successful operations happening, and all the errors that we're seeing are redis connectivity issues.
                            // This is, effectively, a work-around for the issue in StackExchange.Redis library (
                            _tracer.Warning(context, $"Reset redis connection to {DatabaseName} due to connectivity issues. ConnectionErrorCount={_connectionErrorCount}, RedisConnectionErrorLimit={_configuration.RedisConnectionErrorLimit}, ReconnectCount={_reconnectionCount}, LastReconnectDateTimeUtc={_lastRedisReconnectDateTime}.");


                            Interlocked.Exchange(ref _connectionErrorCount, 0);
                            _lastRedisReconnectDateTime = _clock.UtcNow;
                            Interlocked.Increment(ref _reconnectionCount);

                            // In some cases the service can't connect to redis and the only option is to shut down the service.
                            if (_reconnectionCount >= _configuration.RedisReconnectionLimitBeforeServiceRestart)
                                LifetimeManager.RequestTeardown(context, $"Requesting teardown because redis reconnection limit of {_configuration.RedisReconnectionLimitBeforeServiceRestart} is reached for {DatabaseName}.");
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a configuration object from preprocessed json and watches files for changes.
        /// When result config value changes, teardown will be requested.
        /// </summary>
        public static TResultConfig LoadAndWatchPreprocessedConfig <TConfig, TResultConfig>(
            OperationContext context,
            string configurationPath,
            HostParameters hostParameters,
            out string configHash,
            Func <TConfig, TResultConfig> extractConfig,
            Action <Context, string> requestTeardown = null,
            TimeSpan?pollingInterval = null)
            requestTeardown ??= (context, reason) => LifetimeManager.RequestTeardown(context, reason);
            pollingInterval ??= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);

            var config       = LoadPreprocessedConfig <TConfig>(configurationPath, out configHash, hostParameters);
            var resultConfig = extractConfig(config);

            var resultConfigString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(resultConfig);

                onChanged: () =>
                var newConfig             = LoadPreprocessedConfig <TConfig>(configurationPath, out _, hostParameters);
                var newResultConfig       = extractConfig(newConfig);
                var newResultConfigString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(resultConfig);
                if (newResultConfigString != resultConfigString)
                    resultConfigString = newResultConfigString;
                    requestTeardown(context, "Configuration changed: " + configurationPath);
                onError: ex =>
                requestTeardown(context, "Error: " + ex.ToString());
