public override void ViewDidLoad()

            // Initializing the License Plate module.
            CGRect frame = UIScreen.MainScreen.ApplicationFrame;

            frame = new CGRect(frame.X,
                               frame.Y + NavigationController.NavigationBar.Frame.Size.Height,
                               frame.Height - NavigationController.NavigationBar.Frame.Size.Height);

            _scanView = new AnylineLicensePlateModuleView(frame);

            // important: set up the scanView with the license key BEFORE calling CopyTrainedData, else it will fail!

            // We tell the module to bootstrap itself with the license key and delegate. The delegate will later get called
            // by the module once we start receiving results.
            _error   = null;
            _success = _scanView.SetupWithLicenseKey(_licenseKey, Self, out _error);
            // SetupWithLicenseKey:delegate:error returns true if everything went fine. In the case something wrong
            // we have to check the error object for the error message.
            if (!_success)
                // Something went wrong. The error object contains the error description
                (Alert = new UIAlertView("Error", _error.DebugDescription, (IUIAlertViewDelegate)null, "OK", null)).Show();

            // We stop scanning manually
            _scanView.CancelOnResult = false;

            // After setup is complete we add the module to the view of this view controller

             * The following view will present the scanned values. Here we start listening for taps
             * to later dismiss the view.
            _resultView = new LicensePlateResultOverlayView(new CGRect(0, 0, View.Frame.Width, View.Frame.Height), UIImage.FromBundle(@"drawable/license_plate_background.png"));
            _resultView.AddGestureRecognizer(new UITapGestureRecognizer(this, new ObjCRuntime.Selector("ViewTapSelector:")));

            _resultView.Center = View.Center;
            _resultView.Alpha  = 0;

            _resultView.Result.Center    = new CGPoint(View.Center.X, View.Center.Y);
            _resultView.Result.Font      = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(27);
            _resultView.Result.TextColor = UIColor.Black;

            _resultView.Country.Center    = new CGPoint(View.Center.X - 136, View.Center.Y + 13);
            _resultView.Country.Font      = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(16);
            _resultView.Country.TextColor = UIColor.White;

        new void Dispose()
            //un-register any event handlers here, if you have any

            //we have to erase the scan view so that there are no dependencies for the viewcontroller left.

            //remove result view
            _resultView = null;

            //we have to erase the scan view so that there are no dependencies for the viewcontroller left.
            _scanView = null;

