Esempio n. 1
        /* ********************************************************* */
        //! Set Deep-Copy Cell

         * @param	cellMapOutput
         *      destination CellMap
         * @param	indexCellOutput
         *      destination index of cell
         * @param	cell
         *      source Cell
         * @retval	Return-Value
         *      true == Success<br>
         *      false == Failure (Error)
         * Set a deep-copy of "cell" in cell of �hindexCellOutput�h in CellMap.<br>
        public static bool CopyDeep(Library_SpriteStudio6.Data.CellMap cellMapOutput,
                                    int indexCellOutput,
                                    ref Library_SpriteStudio6.Data.CellMap.Cell cell
            return(Library_SpriteStudio6.Utility.Cell.CopyDeep(cellMapOutput, indexCellOutput, ref cell));
Esempio n. 2
    /* ********************************************************* */
    //! Deep-Copy TableCellMap

     * @param	indexStart
     *      Index of the first CellMap to copy<br>
     *      default: 0
     * @param	indexEnd
     *      Index of the last CellMap to copy<br>
     *      default: -1 (end of TableCellMap)
     * @param	flagInUse
     *      true == Currently in use TableMaterial<br>
     *      false == TableMaterial in original animation data
     * @retval	Return-Value
     *      New TableMaterial
     * Creates a deep-copy of specified range of TableCellMap.<br>
    public Library_SpriteStudio6.Data.CellMap[] TableCopyCellMapDeep(int indexStart = 0, int indexEnd = -1, bool flagInUse = true)
        Library_SpriteStudio6.Data.CellMap[] tableCellMap = TableGetCellMap(flagInUse);
        if (null == tableCellMap)

        if (false == IndexGetCellMapCopy(ref indexStart, ref indexEnd, tableCellMap))

        int countCellMap = (indexEnd - indexStart) + 1;

        Library_SpriteStudio6.Data.CellMap[] tableCellMapCopy = new Library_SpriteStudio6.Data.CellMap[countCellMap];
        if (null == tableCellMapCopy)

        for (int i = 0; i < countCellMap; i++)
            tableCellMapCopy[i] = Library_SpriteStudio6.Utility.Cell.MapCopyDeep(tableCellMap[i + indexStart]);
            if (null == tableCellMapCopy[i])
                tableCellMapCopy = null;

Esempio n. 3
    /* ********************************************************* */
    //! Set(Change) CellMap

     * @param	indexCellMap
     *      index of CellMap
     * @param	cellMap
     *      tNewly set CellMap<br>
     *      null == Revert to initial data
     * @retval	Return-Value
     *      true == Success<br>
     *      false == Failure (Error)
     * Change CellMap of Currently CellMap-table in use.<br>
     * <br>
     * Attention to the following, since this function doesn't check content of CellMap.<br>
     * <br>
     * - number of cells stored in "cellMap" is need to satisfy number of cells used in animation<br>
     * <br>
     * See also the notes on "TableSetCellMap".<br>
    public bool CellMapSet(int indexCellMap, Library_SpriteStudio6.Data.CellMap cellMap)
        if (null != cellMap)
        {               /* Revert */
            if (null == DataCellMap)

            if ((0 > indexCellMap) || (DataCellMap.TableCellMap.Length <= indexCellMap))

            cellMap = DataCellMap.TableCellMap[indexCellMap];

        if (null == TableCellMap)
        if ((0 > indexCellMap) || (TableCellMap.Length <= indexCellMap))

        TableCellMap[indexCellMap] = cellMap;
        Status |= FlagBitStatus.CHANGE_CELLMAP;

Esempio n. 4
        /* ********************************************************* */
        //! Deep-Copy Cells

         * @param	cellMapOutput
         *      destination CellMap
         * @param	indexCellOutput
         *      destination index of cell
         * @param	cellMap
         *      source CellMap
         * @param	indexCell
         *      source index of cell
         * @param	countCell
         *      Number of Cells to be copied
         * @retval	Return-Value
         *      true == Success<br>
         *      false == Failure (Error)
         * Deep-copy multiple Cells from source CellMap to destination CellMap.<br>
        public static bool CopyDeep(Library_SpriteStudio6.Data.CellMap cellMapOutput,
                                    int indexCellOutput,
                                    Library_SpriteStudio6.Data.CellMap cellMap,
                                    int indexCell,
                                    int countCell
            return(Library_SpriteStudio6.Utility.Cell.CopyDeep(cellMapOutput, indexCellOutput, cellMap, indexCell, countCell));
    /* ----------------------------------------------- MonoBehaviour-Functions */
    #region MonoBehaviour-Functions
    void Start()
        /* Initialize WorkArea */
        FlagPaddingZeroPrevious = !FlagPaddingZero;             /* Since this value can not be set with initializer... */

        /* Get Animation Control Script-Component */
        GameObject gameObjectBase = GameObjectRoot;

        if (null == gameObjectBase)
            gameObjectBase = gameObject;
        /* MEMO: "Script_SpriteStudio6_Root.Parts.RootGet" is function for finding "Script_SpriteStudio6_Root" in GameObjects below.       */
        /*       (However, "Instance" is excluded. Find only "Highest-Root"-parts)                                                         */
        /*       You can find "shallowest hierarchy"-one from direct-children, but not guarantee the shallowest when deeper than children. */
        /*       Because wasteful to search every time access, recommend to cache.                                                         */
        ScriptRoot = Script_SpriteStudio6_Root.Parts.RootGet(gameObjectBase);
        if (null == ScriptRoot)
        {               /* Error */

        /* Animation Start */
        /* MEMO: Since animation without movement, no problem even if stops right after playing. */
        /*       (no problem even if does not stop too.)                                         */
        /*       However, stopped animation has less CPU load than continue playing.             */
        /* MEMO: Since useless to search animation-index every time, recommend to cache frequently used indexes. */
        int indexAnimation = ScriptRoot.IndexGetAnimation("Digit08");

        if (0 > indexAnimation)
        {               /* Animation not found */
        ScriptRoot.AnimationPlay(-1, indexAnimation, 1);

        /* Get Digit-Parts */
        /* MEMO: Get animation-parts for value's each digit. */
        /* MEMO: It is desirable that Animation's information are gotten after initialization of animation. */
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)Constant.DIGIT_MAX; i++)
            /* MEMO: Be careful. When part's name is not found, "-1" is assigned. */
            TableIDPartsDigit[i] = ScriptRoot.IDGetParts(TableNameParts[i]);

        /* Get Characters' Cell Index */
        /* MEMO: Get cell index of bitmap font. */
        Library_SpriteStudio6.Data.CellMap cellMap = ScriptRoot.CellMapGet(0);          /* Since only 1 texture, specifying direct-value. (Cut corners ...) */
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)KindCharacter.TERMINATOR; i++)
            TableIndexCell[i] = cellMap.IndexGetCell(TableNameCell[i]);

        /* Initialize Complete */
        FlagInitialized = true;
Esempio n. 6
    private InformationCellCharacter[,] CellInformationGet()
        int countFont = (int)Constant.FONT_MAX;
        int countCharacter = (int)KindCharacter.TERMINATOR;

        InformationCellCharacter[,] table = new InformationCellCharacter[countFont, countCharacter];
        if(null == table)

        /* MEMO: The CellMap name is the same as SSCE name in SpriteStudio6 project. */
        /*       Since there is only 1 SSCE in sample, 0 is always returned.         */
        int indexCellMap = ScriptRoot.IndexGetCellMap("BitmapFontNumeric_Complex");
        if(0 > indexCellMap)
        {	/* Not found */
            table = null;
        Library_SpriteStudio6.Data.CellMap cellMap = ScriptRoot.CellMapGet(indexCellMap);
        if(null == cellMap)
        {	/* Invalid index */
            table = null;

        int indexCell;
        for(int i=0; i<countFont; i++)
            for(int j=0; j<countCharacter; j++)
                table[i, j].CleanUp();

                /* MEMO: The cell's index stored in CellMap can be gotten from CellMap. */
                indexCell = cellMap.IndexGetCell(TableNameCell[i][j]);
                if((0 <= indexCell) || (cellMap.CountGetCell() > indexCell))
                {	/* Valid Cell-index */
                    table[i, j].IndexCell = indexCell;

                    /* MEMO: Cell's Information in CellMap can be get with TableCell[cell's index].        */
                    /*       Do not change the contents of TableCell without reason.                       */
                    /*       Excepting deep-copied or built-from-scratch, will overwrite master-data       */
                    /*        of ScriptableObject(Script_SpriteStudio6_DataCellMap) which stores CellMaps. */
                    table[i, j].SizeCell.x = cellMap.TableCell[indexCell].Rectangle.width;
                    table[i, j].SizeCell.y = cellMap.TableCell[indexCell].Rectangle.height;


Esempio n. 7
        /* ********************************************************* */
        //! Shallow-Copy CellMap

         * @param	cellMap
         *      original CellMap
         * @retval	Return-Value
         *      New CellMap
         * Creates deep-copy of specified CellMap.<br>
        public static Library_SpriteStudio6.Data.CellMap MapCopyDeep(Library_SpriteStudio6.Data.CellMap cellMap)