Esempio n. 1
        public static void SelectAndApplyPeak(string modifiedSequence, double?precursorMz, string resultsName, bool subsequent, double rt)
            bool         found         = false;
            var          skylineWindow = Program.MainWindow;
            var          doc           = skylineWindow.Document;
            IdentityPath identityPath  = null;
            var          libKeyToMatch = new PeptideLibraryKey(modifiedSequence, 0);

            foreach (PeptideGroupDocNode nodePepGroup in doc.MoleculeGroups)
                foreach (var nodePep in nodePepGroup.Peptides.Where(nodePep => LibKeyIndex.KeysMatch(libKeyToMatch, nodePep.ModifiedTarget.GetLibKey(Adduct.EMPTY))))
                    var nodeTranGroup = precursorMz.HasValue
                        ? nodePep.TransitionGroups.First(tranGroup => Math.Abs(tranGroup.PrecursorMz - precursorMz.Value) < 0.01)
                        : nodePep.TransitionGroups.First();
                    identityPath = new IdentityPath(nodePepGroup.Id, nodePep.Id, nodeTranGroup.Id);
                    IdentityPath path = identityPath;
                    skylineWindow.SelectedPath = path;
                    found = true;
                if (found)
            if (!found)
                Assert.Fail("Could not find peptide {0}", modifiedSequence);

            found = false;
            var chromatograms = doc.Settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms;

            foreach (var chromatogram in chromatograms.Where(chromSet => chromSet.Name.Equals(resultsName)))
                found = true;
                ChromatogramSet chromSet = chromatogram;
                skylineWindow.SelectedResultsIndex = chromatograms.IndexOf(chromSet);
                skylineWindow.ModifyDocument("change peak", document =>
                                             document.ChangePeak(identityPath, chromSet.Name, chromSet.MSDataFilePaths.First(), null, rt, UserSet.TRUE));
            if (!found)
                Assert.Fail("Could not find results {0}", resultsName);
Esempio n. 2
 public IEnumerable <DbSpectrum> GetSpectraByPeptide(MsDataFileUri file, LibKey libKey)
     foreach (var spectrum in GetSpectraByFile(file))
         if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spectrum.DocumentPeptide))
         var key = new PeptideLibraryKey(spectrum.DocumentPeptide,
         if (LibKeyIndex.KeysMatch(libKey.LibraryKey, key))
             yield return(spectrum);
Esempio n. 3
 protected override bool IsMatch(Target seqMod, PeptideDocNode nodePepMod, out TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup)
     foreach (TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroupChild in nodePepMod.Children)
         nodeGroup = nodeGroupChild;
         var calc = Settings.TryGetPrecursorCalc(nodeGroupChild.TransitionGroup.LabelType, nodePepMod.ExplicitMods);
         if (calc == null)
         var modSequence = calc.GetModifiedSequence(nodePepMod.Peptide.Target, false);
         // If this sequence matches the sequence of the library peptide, a match has been found.
         if (LibKeyIndex.KeysMatch(seqMod.GetLibKey(Adduct.EMPTY), modSequence.GetLibKey(Adduct.EMPTY)))
     nodeGroup = null;
Esempio n. 4
        protected override void DoTest()
            string skyFile = TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("");

            Program.ExtraRawFileSearchFolder = TestFilesDir.PersistentFilesDir; // So we don't have to reload the raw files, which have moved relative to skyd file
            RunUI(() => SkylineWindow.OpenFile(skyFile));

            var document = WaitForDocumentLoaded(240000);  // If it decides to remake chromatograms this can take awhile

            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(document, null, 1, 34, 38, 398);
            RunUI(() =>
                SkylineWindow.SaveDocument(TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("")); // Avoid "document changed since last edit" message
                document = SkylineWindow.DocumentUI;

            var curatedDTs  = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Prediction.IonMobilityPredictor.MeasuredMobilityIons;
            var measuredDTs = new List <IDictionary <LibKey, IonMobilityAndCCS> >();
            var precursors  = new LibKeyIndex(document.MoleculePrecursorPairs.Select(
                                                  p => p.NodePep.ModifiedTarget.GetLibKey(p.NodeGroup.PrecursorAdduct).LibraryKey));

            for (var pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++)
                // Verify ability to extract predictions from raw data
                var peptideSettingsDlg = ShowDialog <PeptideSettingsUI>(
                    () => SkylineWindow.ShowPeptideSettingsUI(PeptideSettingsUI.TABS.Prediction));

                // Simulate user picking Edit Current from the Drift Time Predictor combo control
                var driftTimePredictorDlg = ShowDialog <EditDriftTimePredictorDlg>(peptideSettingsDlg.EditDriftTimePredictor);
                RunUI(() =>
                    driftTimePredictorDlg.OkDialog(true); // Force overwrite if a named predictor already exists
                RunUI(() =>

                document = SkylineWindow.Document;
                var count = 0;
                foreach (var key in curatedDTs.Keys)
                    if (precursors.ItemsMatching(key.LibraryKey, true).Any())
                        Assert.AreNotEqual(curatedDTs[key].IonMobility.Mobility, measuredDTs[pass][key].IonMobility.Mobility, "measured drift time should differ somewhat for " + key);
                    Assert.AreEqual(curatedDTs[key].IonMobility.Mobility.Value, measuredDTs[pass][key].IonMobility.Mobility.Value, 1.0, "measured drift time differs too much for " + key);
                    Assert.AreEqual(curatedDTs[key].HighEnergyIonMobilityValueOffset, measuredDTs[pass][key].HighEnergyIonMobilityValueOffset, 2.0, "measured drift time high energy offset differs too much for " + key);
                Assert.AreEqual(document.MoleculeTransitionGroupCount, count, "did not find drift times for all precursors"); // Expect to find a value for each precursor

                if (pass == 1)

                // Verify that we select based on strongest results by removing the training set and relying on the other noisier set
                RunDlg <ManageResultsDlg>(SkylineWindow.ManageResults, dlg =>
                    var chromatograms         = document.Settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms;
                    var chromTraining         = chromatograms[0];
                    var chroms                = new[] { chromTraining };
                    dlg.SelectedChromatograms = chroms; // Passing this chromatograms[0] results in the other set being deleted - compiler problem?

                document = WaitForDocumentChange(document);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, document.Settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms.Count);
            // Results should be slightly different without the training set of chromatograms to contain a potentially stronger peak
            var ccount   = 0;
            var noChange = new List <LibKey>();

            foreach (var key in measuredDTs[0].Keys)
                if (precursors.ItemsMatching(key, true).Any())
                    if (measuredDTs[0][key].GetHighEnergyDriftTimeMsec().Value == measuredDTs[1][key].GetHighEnergyDriftTimeMsec().Value)
                Assert.AreEqual(measuredDTs[0][key].IonMobility.Mobility.Value, measuredDTs[1][key].IonMobility.Mobility.Value, 1.0, "averaged measured drift time differs for " + key);
                Assert.AreEqual(measuredDTs[0][key].HighEnergyIonMobilityValueOffset, measuredDTs[1][key].HighEnergyIonMobilityValueOffset, 2.0, "averaged measured drift time high energy offset differs for " + key);
                Assert.AreEqual(measuredDTs[0][key].CollisionalCrossSectionSqA.Value, measuredDTs[1][key].CollisionalCrossSectionSqA.Value, 1.0, "averaged measured CCS differs for " + key);
            Assert.AreEqual(document.MoleculeTransitionGroupCount, ccount, "did not find drift times for all precursors"); // Expect to find a value for each precursor
            Assert.IsTrue(noChange.Count < ccount / 2, "expected most values to shift a little without the nice clean training data");

            // And finally verify ability to reimport with altered drift filter (would formerly fail on an erroneous Assume)

            // Simulate user picking Edit Current from the Drift Time Predictor combo control, and messing with all the measured drift time values
            var peptideSettingsDlg2 = ShowDialog <PeptideSettingsUI>(
                () => SkylineWindow.ShowPeptideSettingsUI(PeptideSettingsUI.TABS.Prediction));
            var driftTimePredictorDlg2 = ShowDialog <EditDriftTimePredictorDlg>(peptideSettingsDlg2.EditDriftTimePredictor);

            RunUI(() =>
                var oldPredictor = driftTimePredictorDlg2.Predictor;
                var dict         = new Dictionary <LibKey, IonMobilityAndCCS>();
                foreach (var entry in oldPredictor.MeasuredMobilityIons)
                    dict.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value.ChangeIonMobilityValue(entry.Value.IonMobility.ChangeIonMobility(entry.Value.IonMobility.Mobility ?? 0 + .5)));
                driftTimePredictorDlg2.Predictor = oldPredictor.ChangeMeasuredMobilityIons(dict).ChangeName("test") as IonMobilityPredictor;
                driftTimePredictorDlg2.OkDialog(true); // Force overwrite if a named predictor already exists
            RunUI(() =>
            var docChangedDriftTimePredictor = WaitForDocumentChange(document);

            // Reimport data for a replicate - without the fix this will throw
            RunDlg <ManageResultsDlg>(SkylineWindow.ManageResults, dlg =>
                var chromatograms         = docChangedDriftTimePredictor.Settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms;
                dlg.SelectedChromatograms = new[] { chromatograms[0] };

            WaitForDocumentChangeLoaded(docChangedDriftTimePredictor, WAIT_TIME * 2);
Esempio n. 5
        public static OptimizationDb ConvertFromOldFormat(string path, IProgressMonitor loadMonitor, ProgressStatus status, SrmDocument document)
            // Try to open assuming old format (Id, PeptideModSeq, Charge, Mz, Value, Type)
            var precursors    = new Dictionary <Target, HashSet <int> >();    // PeptideModSeq -> charges
            var optimizations = new List <Tuple <DbOptimization, double> >(); // DbOptimization, product m/z
            int maxCharge     = 1;

            using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(@"Data Source = " + path))
                using (SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(connection))
                    command.CommandText = @"SELECT PeptideModSeq, Charge, Mz, Value, Type FROM OptimizationLibrary";
                    using (SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var type             = (OptimizationType)reader[@"Type"];
                            var modifiedSequence = new Target(reader[@"PeptideModSeq"].ToString());
                            var charge           = (int)reader[@"Charge"];
                            var productMz        = (double)reader[@"Mz"];
                            var value            = (double)reader[@"Value"];
                            optimizations.Add(new Tuple <DbOptimization, double>(new DbOptimization(type, modifiedSequence, Adduct.FromChargeProtonated(charge), string.Empty, Adduct.EMPTY, value), productMz));

                            if (!precursors.ContainsKey(modifiedSequence))
                                precursors[modifiedSequence] = new HashSet <int>();
                            if (charge > maxCharge)
                                maxCharge = charge;
            var peptideList = (from precursor in precursors
                               from charge in precursor.Value
                               select string.Format(@"{0}{1}", precursor.Key, Transition.GetChargeIndicator(Adduct.FromChargeProtonated(charge)))

            var newDoc = new SrmDocument(document != null ? document.Settings : SrmSettingsList.GetDefault());

            newDoc = newDoc.ChangeSettings(newDoc.Settings
                                           .ChangePeptideLibraries(libs => libs.ChangePick(PeptidePick.filter))
                                           .ChangeTransitionFilter(filter =>
                                                                   filter.ChangeFragmentRangeFirstName(@"ion 1")
                                                                   .ChangeFragmentRangeLastName(@"last ion")
                                                                   .ChangePeptideProductCharges(Enumerable.Range(1, maxCharge).Select(Adduct.FromChargeProtonated).ToList()) // TODO(bspratt) negative charge peptides
                                                                   .ChangePeptideIonTypes(new [] { IonType.y, IonType.b }))                                                  // TODO(bspratt) generalize to molecules?
                                           .ChangeTransitionLibraries(libs => libs.ChangePick(TransitionLibraryPick.none))
            var matcher = new ModificationMatcher();

            matcher.CreateMatches(newDoc.Settings, peptideList, Settings.Default.StaticModList, Settings.Default.HeavyModList);
            FastaImporter importer = new FastaImporter(newDoc, matcher);
            // ReSharper disable LocalizableElement
            string text = string.Format(">>{0}\r\n{1}", newDoc.GetPeptideGroupId(true), TextUtil.LineSeparate(peptideList));
            // ReSharper restore LocalizableElement
            PeptideGroupDocNode imported = importer.Import(new StringReader(text), null, Helpers.CountLinesInString(text)).First();

            int optimizationsUpdated = 0;

            foreach (PeptideDocNode nodePep in imported.Children)
                foreach (var nodeGroup in nodePep.TransitionGroups)
                    var charge        = nodeGroup.PrecursorAdduct;
                    var libKeyToMatch = newDoc.Settings.GetSourceTarget(nodePep).GetLibKey(charge).LibraryKey;
                    foreach (var nodeTran in nodeGroup.Transitions)
                        double productMz = nodeTran.Mz;
                        foreach (var optimization in optimizations.Where(opt =>
                                                                         string.IsNullOrEmpty(opt.Item1.FragmentIon) &&
                                                                         opt.Item1.ProductAdduct.IsEmpty &&
                                                                         Math.Abs(opt.Item2 - productMz) < 0.00001))
                            var optLibKey = optimization.Item1.Target.GetLibKey(optimization.Item1.Adduct).LibraryKey;
                            if (!LibKeyIndex.KeysMatch(optLibKey, libKeyToMatch))
                            optimization.Item1.FragmentIon   = nodeTran.FragmentIonName;
                            optimization.Item1.ProductAdduct = nodeTran.Transition.Adduct;

            if (optimizations.Count > optimizationsUpdated)
                throw new OptimizationsOpeningException(string.Format(Resources.OptimizationDb_ConvertFromOldFormat_Failed_to_convert__0__optimizations_to_new_format_,
                                                                      optimizations.Count - optimizationsUpdated));

            using (var fs = new FileSaver(path))
                OptimizationDb db = CreateOptimizationDb(fs.SafeName);
                db.UpdateOptimizations(optimizations.Select(opt => opt.Item1).ToArray(), new DbOptimization[0]);

                if (loadMonitor != null)
                return(GetOptimizationDb(fs.RealName, null, null));
Esempio n. 6
        protected override void DoTest()
            // IsPauseForScreenShots = true; // For a quick demo when you need it
            string skyFile = TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("");

            Program.ExtraRawFileSearchFolder = TestFilesDir.PersistentFilesDir; // So we don't have to reload the raw files, which have moved relative to skyd file
            RunUI(() => SkylineWindow.OpenFile(skyFile));

            var document = WaitForDocumentLoaded(240000);  // If it decides to remake chromatograms this can take awhile

            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(document, null, 1, 34, 38, 398);
            RunUI(() =>
                SkylineWindow.SaveDocument(TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("")); // Avoid "document changed since last edit" message
                document = SkylineWindow.DocumentUI;
            List <ValidatingIonMobilityPrecursor> curatedDTs = null;
            var measuredDTs = new List <List <ValidatingIonMobilityPrecursor> >();
            var precursors  = new LibKeyIndex(document.MoleculePrecursorPairs.Select(
                                                  p => p.NodePep.ModifiedTarget.GetLibKey(p.NodeGroup.PrecursorAdduct).LibraryKey));

            PauseForScreenShot(@"Legacy ion mobility values loaded, placed in .imsdb database file"); // For a quick demo when you need it
            for (var pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++)
                // Verify ability to extract predictions from raw data
                var transitionSettingsDlg = ShowDialog <TransitionSettingsUI>(
                    () => SkylineWindow.ShowTransitionSettingsUI(TransitionSettingsUI.TABS.IonMobility));
                PauseForScreenShot("new Transition Settings tab"); // For a quick demo when you need it
                // Simulate user picking Edit Current from the Ion Mobility Library combo control
                var ionMobilityLibraryDlg = ShowDialog <EditIonMobilityLibraryDlg>(transitionSettingsDlg.IonMobilityControl.EditIonMobilityLibrary);
                PauseForScreenShot("next, we'll update values with 'Use Results' button"); // For a quick demo when you need it
                RunUI(() =>
                    if (curatedDTs == null)
                        curatedDTs = ionMobilityLibraryDlg.LibraryMobilitiesFlat.ToList();
                PauseForScreenShot("values updated");// For a quick demo when you need it
                RunUI(() =>
                RunUI(() =>

                document = SkylineWindow.Document;
                var count = 0;
                for (var n = 0; n < curatedDTs.Count; n++)
                    var cdt         = curatedDTs[n];
                    var key         = cdt.Precursor;
                    var indexM      = measuredDTs[pass].FindIndex(m => m.Precursor.Equals(key));
                    var measured    = measuredDTs[pass][indexM];
                    var measuredDT  = measured.IonMobility;
                    var measuredHEO = measured.HighEnergyIonMobilityOffset;
                    if (precursors.ItemsMatching(key, true).Any())
                        AssertEx.AreNotEqual(cdt.IonMobility, measuredDT, "measured drift time should differ somewhat for " + measured.Precursor);

                    AssertEx.AreEqual(cdt.IonMobility, measuredDT, 1.0, "measured drift time differs too much for " + key);
                    AssertEx.AreEqual(cdt.HighEnergyIonMobilityOffset, measuredHEO, 2.0, "measured drift time high energy offset differs too much for " + key);
                AssertEx.AreEqual(document.MoleculeTransitionGroupCount, count, "did not find drift times for all precursors"); // Expect to find a value for each precursor

                if (pass == 1)

                // Verify that we select based on strongest results by removing the training set and relying on the other noisier set
                RunDlg <ManageResultsDlg>(SkylineWindow.ManageResults, dlg =>
                    var chromatograms         = document.Settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms;
                    var chromTraining         = chromatograms[0];
                    var chroms                = new[] { chromTraining };
                    dlg.SelectedChromatograms = chroms; // Passing this chromatograms[0] results in the other set being deleted - compiler problem?

                document = WaitForDocumentChange(document);
                AssertEx.AreEqual(1, document.Settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms.Count);
            // Results should be slightly different without the training set of chromatograms to contain a potentially stronger peak
            var ccount   = 0;
            var noChange = new List <LibKey>();

            for (var n = 0; n < measuredDTs[0].Count; n++)
                var validatingIonMobilityPeptide0 = measuredDTs[0][n];
                var validatingIonMobilityPeptide1 = measuredDTs[1][n];
                var key = measuredDTs[0][n].Precursor;
                if (precursors.ItemsMatching(key, true).Any())
                    if (validatingIonMobilityPeptide0.HighEnergyIonMobilityOffset == validatingIonMobilityPeptide1.HighEnergyIonMobilityOffset)
                AssertEx.AreEqual(validatingIonMobilityPeptide0.IonMobility, validatingIonMobilityPeptide1.IonMobility, 1.0, "averaged measured drift time differs for " + key);
                AssertEx.AreEqual(validatingIonMobilityPeptide0.HighEnergyIonMobilityOffset, validatingIonMobilityPeptide1.HighEnergyIonMobilityOffset, 2.0, "averaged measured drift time high energy offset differs for " + key);
                AssertEx.AreEqual(validatingIonMobilityPeptide0.CollisionalCrossSectionSqA, validatingIonMobilityPeptide1.CollisionalCrossSectionSqA, 1.0, "averaged measured CCS differs for " + key);
            AssertEx.AreEqual(document.MoleculeTransitionGroupCount, ccount, "did not find drift times for all precursors"); // Expect to find a value for each precursor
            AssertEx.IsTrue(noChange.Count < ccount / 2, "expected most values to shift a little without the nice clean training data");

            // And finally verify ability to reimport with altered drift filter (would formerly fail on an erroneous Assume)

            // Simulate user picking Edit Current from the Ion Mobility Library combo control, and messing with all the measured drift time values
            var transitionSettingsDlg2 = ShowDialog <TransitionSettingsUI>(
                () => SkylineWindow.ShowTransitionSettingsUI(TransitionSettingsUI.TABS.Prediction));
            var editIonMobilityLibraryDlg = ShowDialog <EditIonMobilityLibraryDlg>(transitionSettingsDlg2.IonMobilityControl.EditIonMobilityLibrary);

            RunUI(() =>
                var revised = new List <ValidatingIonMobilityPrecursor>();
                foreach (var item in editIonMobilityLibraryDlg.LibraryMobilitiesFlat)
                    var im  = item.IonMobility;
                    var heo = item.HighEnergyIonMobilityOffset;
                    revised.Add(new ValidatingIonMobilityPrecursor(item.Precursor,
                                                                   IonMobilityAndCCS.GetIonMobilityAndCCS(IonMobilityValue.GetIonMobilityValue(im * 1.02, item.IonMobilityUnits),
                                                                                                          item.CollisionalCrossSectionSqA * 1.02, heo * 1.02)));
                editIonMobilityLibraryDlg.LibraryMobilitiesFlat = revised;
            RunUI(() =>
            var docChangedDriftTimePredictor = WaitForDocumentChange(document);

            // Reimport data for a replicate - without the fix this will throw
            RunDlg <ManageResultsDlg>(SkylineWindow.ManageResults, dlg =>
                var chromatograms         = docChangedDriftTimePredictor.Settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms;
                dlg.SelectedChromatograms = new[] { chromatograms[0] };

            WaitForDocumentChangeLoaded(docChangedDriftTimePredictor, WAIT_TIME * 2);