Esempio n. 1
        }// TryToStop()

        // *********************************************
        // ****             Filled()                ****
        // *********************************************
        public bool Filled(FillEventArgs eventArg)
            bool isRepricingRequired = false;

            if (m_OrderEngine != null)
                // Update Fills table with leg fill.
                Fill newFill = null; //m_OrderEngine.Filled(eventArg);  // this is being depercated, in the meantime i am simply commenting out.

                // Prepare to write to fill database.
                string   attributeString = string.Empty;
                DateTime localTime       = StrategyHub.GetLocalTime();
                UV.Lib.DatabaseReaderWriters.Queries.FillsQuery query = new Lib.DatabaseReaderWriters.Queries.FillsQuery();

                // Pass the synthetic fill to the pricing engine.
                if (newFill != null)
                    // Take snapshot prior to filling strategy.
                    attributeString = m_PricingEngine.GetFillAttributeString();                                                    // get internal state of the pricing engine if it wants to send info with this fill.
                    query.AddItemToWrite(this.SqlId, -1, localTime, m_Services.User, attributeString, newFill.Qty, newFill.Price); // here -1 means "strategy fill"

                    // Inform the pricing engine for strategy fill.
                    m_PricingEngine.Filled(newFill);                                // pass the fill to the pricing engine.
                    m_PricingEngine.IsUpdateRequired = true;                        // mark as needing an update
                    isRepricingRequired = true;                                     // remember to call the strategy update method

                    // Take snapshot of the state after filling strategy.
                    attributeString = m_PricingEngine.GetFillAttributeString();                                                    // get internal state of the pricing engine if it wants to send info with this fill.
                    query.AddItemToWrite(this.SqlId, -1, localTime, m_Services.User, attributeString, newFill.Qty, newFill.Price); // here -1 means "strategy fill"
                    attributeString = string.Empty;                                                                                // if we have written the attribute, lets not write it again.
                // Write leg fill to database.
                int instrumentSqlId = 0;        // TODO: From eventArg.InstrumentName somehow determine the SQLID for this instrument.
                query.AddItemToWrite(SqlId, instrumentSqlId, localTime, m_Services.User, attributeString, eventArg.Fill.Qty, eventArg.Fill.Price);
            // Exit
        }// Filled()
Esempio n. 2

        // *****************************************************
        // ****         Process Synthetic Order()           ****
        // *****************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// Process fills from Strategy to PricingEngines.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="syntheticOrder"></param>
        /// <param name="newFills"></param>
        /// <returns>True if update required</returns>
        public override bool ProcessSyntheticOrder(SyntheticOrder syntheticOrder, List <Fill> newFills)
            if (newFills == null || newFills.Count == 0)

            // Collect all fills into work spaces.
            Log.BeginEntry(LogLevel.Major, "Quote.ProcessSynthOrder: {0}  Fills=", ParentStrategy.Name);
            foreach (Fill fill in newFills)
                int tradeSide = QTMath.MktSignToMktSide(fill.Qty);
                m_BuySellQty[tradeSide] += fill.Qty;                // this records the raw fills as they come in.
                Log.AppendEntry(" [{0}]", fill);
            int[] position = new int[2];                            // this will be updated during allocation of fills.
            base.m_Position.CopyTo(position, 0);
            Log.AppendEntry(". ");

            // Try to cancel fills with undistributed fills.
            // TODO: Cancel undistributed fills, if any.

             * if ( m_UndistributedFills[0].Count + m_UndistributedFills[1].Count > 0)
             * {
             *  for (int tradeSide = 0; tradeSide < 2; ++tradeSide)
             *  {
             *      int otherSide = QTMath.MktSideToOtherSide(tradeSide);
             *      if (w_NewFills[tradeSide].Count > 0 && m_UndistributedFills[otherSide].Count > 0 )
             *      {
             *          Log.AppendEntry(" Canceling with undistributed fills: Not implemented!");
             *      }
             *  }
             * }

            // Prepare entry for database write.
            DateTime localTime = ParentStrategy.StrategyHub.GetLocalTime();

            UV.Lib.DatabaseReaderWriters.Queries.FillsQuery query = new Lib.DatabaseReaderWriters.Queries.FillsQuery();

            // -----------------------------------------------------
            // Pass: distribute fills to stops
            // -----------------------------------------------------
            for (int tradeSide = 0; tradeSide < 2; ++tradeSide)
                int exitingSide = QTMath.MktSideToActiveMktSide(tradeSide);
                if (w_NewFills[tradeSide].Count == 0 || base.m_FillQty[exitingSide].Count == 0)
                List <Quote> exitList = m_QuoteListRecycling.Get();      // get empty list.
                foreach (KeyValuePair <PricingEngine, int> kv in base.m_FillQty[exitingSide])
                    Quote quote;
                    if (m_Quotes[tradeSide].TryGetValue(kv.Key, out quote) && quote.Reason == QuoteReason.Stop && quote.Qty != 0)
                if (exitList.Count > 0)
                    Log.AppendEntry(" Distribute to {0} stop quoters:", exitList.Count);
                    DistributeFillsToQuoters(ref w_NewFills[tradeSide], ref exitList, ref query, ref w_DistributedFills, ref position);
                    Log.AppendEntry(". ");
            }//next tradeSide

            // -----------------------------------------------------
            // Pass: distribute fills to quoters who want them.
            // -----------------------------------------------------
            for (int tradeSide = 0; tradeSide < 2; ++tradeSide)
                if (w_NewFills[tradeSide].Count == 0)
                int          exitingSide = QTMath.MktSideToOtherSide(tradeSide);
                int          tradeSign   = QTMath.MktSideToMktSign(tradeSide);
                List <Quote> exitList    = m_QuoteListRecycling.Get();  // get empty lists for entry quotes.
                List <Quote> entryList   = m_QuoteListRecycling.Get();  // and for exit quoters...

                Log.AppendEntry(" Distribute to working quoters");
                List <int> iPriceKeys = new List <int>(m_QuotesByPrice[tradeSide].Keys);
                int        priceLevel = 0;
                while (w_NewFills[tradeSide].Count > 0 && priceLevel < iPriceKeys.Count)
                    // On each interation, update our "pos" so we know the remaining qty.
                    int allowedEntryQty = tradeSign * Math.Max(0, m_MaxPosition - Math.Abs(position[tradeSide]));

                    // Load entry/exit quoters for this price level.
                    Log.AppendEntry(" lvl={0}/{1}:", priceLevel, iPriceKeys.Count);
                    List <Quote> quotes = null;
                    if (m_QuotesByPrice[tradeSide].TryGetValue(iPriceKeys[priceLevel], out quotes))
                        foreach (Quote quote in quotes)
                            if (allowedEntryQty != 0 && quote.Reason == QuoteReason.Entry && quote.Qty != 0)
                            else if (base.m_FillQty[exitingSide].ContainsKey(quote.PricingEngine) && quote.Reason == QuoteReason.Exit && quote.Qty != 0)

                    if (exitList.Count > 0)
                        Log.AppendEntry(" Exits ({0}):", exitList.Count);
                        DistributeFillsToQuoters(ref w_NewFills[tradeSide], ref exitList, ref query, ref w_DistributedFills, ref position);
                    if (entryList.Count > 0)
                        entryList.Sort(this.QuoteComparerByEngineId);  // To better match our backtest, consider sorting entryList by engine names...
                        Log.AppendEntry(" Entries ({0}):", entryList.Count);
                        DistributeFillsToQuoters(ref w_NewFills[tradeSide], ref entryList, ref query, ref w_DistributedFills, ref position);
                }// next price level
                // Clean up.
                Log.AppendEntry(" Finished.");
                if (w_NewFills[tradeSide].Count > 0)
                    Log.AppendEntry(" {0} fills remaining.", w_NewFills[tradeSide].Count);
                    Log.AppendEntry(" No fills remain.");

            // -----------------------------------------------------
            // Start emergency processing!
            // -----------------------------------------------------
            if (w_NewFills[0].Count > 0 || w_NewFills[1].Count > 0)
                Log.AppendEntry(" Process unwanted fills!");
                ProcessUnwantedFills(ref w_NewFills, ref w_DistributedFills);

            Log.EndEntry();                                             // end logging for us now, before we call other methods.
            // -----------------------------------------------------
            // Distribute these fills now.
            // -----------------------------------------------------
            if (query != null && query.Count != 0)
                ParentStrategy.StrategyHub.RequestDatabaseWrite(query); // submit all the queries
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Quote, List <Fill> > kv in w_DistributedFills)
                int    fillQty   = 0;
                double fillPrice = 0;
                foreach (Fill fill in kv.Value)
                    fillQty  += fill.Qty;
                    fillPrice = fill.Price;                             // TODO: this should be ave fill price
                int tradeSide = QTMath.MktSignToMktSide(fillQty);
                int exitSide  = QTMath.MktSideToOtherSide(tradeSide);
                if (fillQty == 0)
                // Update our position counting.
                int openPos = 0;
                if (base.m_FillQty[exitSide].TryGetValue(kv.Key.PricingEngine, out openPos))
                {   // This is an exit (since this PricingEngine has open position on other side of mkt).
                    openPos += fillQty;

                    // update quoter's graph
                    if (m_IsGraphEnabled)
                        if (exitSide == 0)
                        {   // exit long position.
                            m_GraphEngine.AddPoint(m_GraphID, "Long Exit", fillPrice);
                            m_GraphEngine.AddText(m_GraphID, string.Format("{0}", kv.Key.PricingEngine.EngineName), fillPrice + m_TextOffsetTicks * m_QuoteTickSize);
                        {   // exit short position.
                            m_GraphEngine.AddPoint(m_GraphID, "Short Exit", fillPrice);
                            m_GraphEngine.AddText(m_GraphID, string.Format("{0}", kv.Key.PricingEngine.EngineName), fillPrice - m_TextOffsetTicks * m_QuoteTickSize);

                    // Update real position table.
                    if (openPos * fillQty <= 0)
                        base.m_FillQty[exitSide].Remove(kv.Key.PricingEngine);// complete exit, possibly a side flip
                    if (openPos != 0)
                    {   // There is a new position (on other side of mkt).
                        int posSide = QTMath.MktSignToMktSide(openPos);
                        base.m_FillQty[posSide][kv.Key.PricingEngine] = openPos;
                {   // This is an entry!
                    if (m_IsGraphEnabled)
                        if (tradeSide == 0)
                            m_GraphEngine.AddPoint(m_GraphID, "Long Entry", fillPrice);
                            m_GraphEngine.AddText(m_GraphID, string.Format("{0}", kv.Key.PricingEngine.EngineName), fillPrice - m_TextOffsetTicks * m_QuoteTickSize);
                            m_GraphEngine.AddPoint(m_GraphID, "Short Entry", fillPrice);
                            m_GraphEngine.AddText(m_GraphID, string.Format("{0}", kv.Key.PricingEngine.EngineName), fillPrice + m_TextOffsetTicks * m_QuoteTickSize);
                    // Update real position table.
                    if (base.m_FillQty[tradeSide].ContainsKey(kv.Key.PricingEngine))
                        base.m_FillQty[tradeSide][kv.Key.PricingEngine] += fillQty;  // add to this engines position.
                        base.m_FillQty[tradeSide].Add(kv.Key.PricingEngine, fillQty); // store this engines position.
                // Trigger the pricing engine filled event!
                foreach (Fill fill in kv.Value)
            }// next filled Quote.
            // Update total sum
            Log.BeginEntry(LogLevel.Major, "Quote.ProcessSynthOrder {0} Summary: ", ParentStrategy.Name);
            for (int tradeSide = 0; tradeSide < 2; tradeSide++)
                // Add up the current position.
                int pos = 0;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <PricingEngine, int> kv in base.m_FillQty[tradeSide])
                    pos += kv.Value;
                base.m_Position[tradeSide] = pos;

                // Write some logging.
                Log.AppendEntry(" {0}-side:", QTMath.MktSideToLongString(tradeSide));
                Log.AppendEntry(" Pos={0:+0;-0;0}", base.m_Position[tradeSide]);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <PricingEngine, int> kv in base.m_FillQty[tradeSide])
                    Log.AppendEntry(" [{1:+0;-0;0} {0}]", kv.Key.EngineName, kv.Value);
                Log.AppendEntry(" TotalQty={0}", m_BuySellQty[tradeSide]);
                // Log undistributed fills too.
                if (m_UndistributedFills[tradeSide].Count > 0)
                    Log.AppendEntry(" Undistributed {0}-fills:", QTMath.MktSideToLongString(tradeSide));
                    foreach (Fill fill in m_UndistributedFills[tradeSide])
                        Log.AppendEntry(" {0}", fill);
            }// next tradeSide
            Log.AppendEntry(" |MaxPos|={0}.", m_MaxPosition);

            // Clean up work spaces
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Quote, List <Fill> > kv in w_DistributedFills)
            w_DistributedFills.Clear();                                 // Quoters and their fills to distribute.

        }// ProcessSyntheticOrder()
Esempio n. 3

        #region no Properties
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Properties                          ****
        // *****************************************************************

        #region Public Methods
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Public Methods                      ****
        // *****************************************************************
        // *****************************************
        // ****         UpdateQuotes            ****
        // *****************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// Called regularly by the StrategyHub after it has allowed PricingEngines to update
        /// and possibly change their quotes.  This method checks for quote changes, and
        /// sends them to the OrderEngine.
        /// Whenever the QuoteEngine's parameters are changed (and it would affect how we quote)
        /// we should call this method fith forceUpdate=true!
        /// <param name="forceUpdate">set to to force updating each side of quotes, as is done after fills.</param>
        /// </summary>
        public override void UpdateQuotes(bool forceUpdate = false)
            if (m_IsQuoteEnabled == false)
            {   // TODO: We could check to exit undistributed fills.
            ValidateQuoteTables();                              // Check whether QuoteTickSize has changed.

            if (ValidatePosition() == false)
                this.IsQuoteEnabled = false;

            DateTime     now              = ParentStrategy.StrategyHub.GetLocalTime();
            List <Fill>  fauxFills        = null;
            List <Quote> fauxQuotesFilled = null;

            // Update graph
            if (m_IsGraphEnabled && m_FirstPriceEngine != null)
                double bid = m_FirstPriceEngine.ImpliedMarket.Price[0][0];
                double ask = m_FirstPriceEngine.ImpliedMarket.Price[1][0];
                m_GraphEngine.AddPoint(m_GraphID, "Bid", bid);
                m_GraphEngine.AddPoint(m_GraphID, "Ask", ask);

            for (int tradeSide = 0; tradeSide < 2; tradeSide++)
                if (m_IsQuoteSideUpdateRequired[tradeSide] == false && forceUpdate == false)

                // Collect most aggressive non-zero quoters
                int          tradeSign      = QTMath.MktSideToMktSign(tradeSide);
                int          exitSide       = QTMath.MktSideToOtherSide(tradeSide);
                bool         isEntryAllowed = tradeSign * base.m_Position[tradeSide] < m_MaxPosition; // true if new entries allowed.
                int          rawIPrice      = 0;
                int          realEntryQty   = 0;
                int          realExitQty    = 0;
                List <Quote> simQuotes      = m_QuoteListRecycling.Get();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <Quote> > kv in m_QuotesByPrice[tradeSide])
                    foreach (Quote quote in kv.Value)
                        int qty;
                        if (isEntryAllowed && quote.Reason == QuoteReason.Entry)
                            realEntryQty += quote.Qty;          // collect real entry quote size
                        else if (base.m_FillQty[exitSide].TryGetValue(quote.PricingEngine, out qty) && qty != 0)
                            realExitQty += quote.Qty;           // collect real exit quantity
                        else if (quote.Qty != 0)
                            simQuotes.Add(quote);               // collect other quotes, which will be simulated filled.
                    rawIPrice = -tradeSign * kv.Key;            // price at this level
                    if (realEntryQty != 0 || realExitQty != 0)
                        break;                                  // stop, once we have found non-empty quote stop.

                // Send real quotes.
                int  tradeId;
                bool isRealQuoteSent = false;
                int  realTotalQty    = realExitQty + realEntryQty;
                if (realTotalQty != 0)
                {                                                                                              // There is some non-zero (REAL) quantity to quote.
                    // Constrain REAL quotes inside max position allowed: s*qty <= MaxPos - s*Pos
                    int quoteQtyAllowed = Math.Max(0, m_MaxPosition - tradeSign * base.m_Position[tradeSide]); //always positive
                    realTotalQty = tradeSign * Math.Min(quoteQtyAllowed, Math.Abs(realTotalQty));
                    if (realTotalQty != 0)
                    {   // We want to quote a real qty.
                        int orderQty = realTotalQty + m_BuySellQty[tradeSide];
                        tradeId         = ParentStrategy.m_OrderEngine.Quote(tradeSide, rawIPrice * m_QuoteTickSize, orderQty, string.Empty);
                        isRealQuoteSent = true;
                        if (m_IsGraphEnabled)
                            m_GraphEngine.AddPoint(m_GraphID, QTMath.MktSideToLongString(tradeSide), rawIPrice * m_QuoteTickSize);
                if (!isRealQuoteSent)
                {   // If in the above, we have not sent a real order, send a zero quote.
                    int orderQty = m_BuySellQty[tradeSide];
                    tradeId = ParentStrategy.m_OrderEngine.Quote(tradeSide, rawIPrice * m_QuoteTickSize, orderQty, string.Empty);
                    if (m_IsGraphEnabled)
                        m_GraphEngine.AddPoint(m_GraphID, QTMath.MktSideToLongString(tradeSide), double.NaN);

                // Simulate quoting.
                if (simQuotes.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Quote quote in simQuotes)
                        Fill fill;
                        if (quote.Qty != 0 && FillModels.FillModel.TryFill(quote, out fill))
                            if (fauxQuotesFilled == null)
                            {   // Only make these tables when we need them!
                                fauxQuotesFilled = m_QuoteListRecycling.Get();
                                fauxFills        = m_FillListRecycling.Get();
                            fill.LocalTime    = now;
                            fill.ExchangeTime = now;

                m_IsQuoteSideUpdateRequired[tradeSide] = false;
            }//next side

            // Report simulated fills.
            if (fauxFills != null && fauxFills.Count > 0)
                Log.BeginEntry(LogLevel.Minor, "Quote Simulating fills: ");
                for (int i = 0; i < fauxFills.Count; ++i)
                    Fill  fill  = fauxFills[i];
                    Quote quote = fauxQuotesFilled[i];
                    Log.AppendEntry("[{0} filled {1}] ", quote.PricingEngine.EngineName, fill);
                UV.Lib.DatabaseReaderWriters.Queries.FillsQuery query = new Lib.DatabaseReaderWriters.Queries.FillsQuery();
                // Process sim fills.
                for (int i = 0; i < fauxFills.Count; ++i)
                    Fill  fill  = fauxFills[i];
                    Quote quote = fauxQuotesFilled[i];
                    quote.Qty -= fill.Qty;

                    string msgStr = quote.FillAttribution();
                    query.AddItemToWrite(ParentStrategy.SqlId, -1, now, m_FauxUser, quote.PricingEngine.EngineName, msgStr, fill.Qty, fill.Price);
                if (query != null)