Esempio n. 1
        public static void Run()
            double[][] input =
                new double[] { 0, 0 }, new double[] { 0, 1 },
                new double[] { 1, 0 }, new double[] { 1, 1 }

            double[][] output =
                new double[] { 0 }, new double[] { 1 },
                new double[] { 1 }, new double[] { 0 }
            var network = new ActivationNetwork(new SigmoidFunction(2), 2, 4, 1);
            var y       = network.Compute(new double[] { 1, 0 });
            var teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network);

            teacher.RunEpoch(input, output);
            var z = network.Compute(new double[] { 1, 0 });

            teacher.RunEpoch(input, output);
            teacher.RunEpoch(input, output);
            teacher.RunEpoch(input, output);
            teacher.RunEpoch(input, output);
            var badsf = network.Compute(new double[] { 1, 0 });
            var test2 = network.Compute(new double[] { 1, 1 });
        public void JacobianByChainRuleTest2()
            // Network with two hidden layers: 2-4-3-1

            double[][] input =
                new double[] { -1, -1 },
                new double[] { -1,  1 },
                new double[] {  1, -1 },
                new double[] {  1,  1 }

            double[][] output =
                new double[] { -1 },
                new double[] {  1 },
                new double[] {  1 },
                new double[] { -1 }

            Neuron.RandGenerator = new ThreadSafeRandom(0);

            ActivationNetwork network = new ActivationNetwork(
                new BipolarSigmoidFunction(2), 2, 4, 3, 1);

            var teacher1 = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network,
                                                          false, JacobianMethod.ByFiniteDifferences);

            var teacher2 = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network,
                                                          false, JacobianMethod.ByBackpropagation);

            // Set lambda to lambda max so no iterations are performed
            teacher1.LearningRate = 1e30f;
            teacher2.LearningRate = 1e30f;

            teacher1.RunEpoch(input, output);
            teacher2.RunEpoch(input, output);

            PrivateObject privateTeacher1 = new PrivateObject(teacher1);
            PrivateObject privateTeacher2 = new PrivateObject(teacher2);

            var jacobian1 = (float[][])privateTeacher1.GetField("jacobian");
            var jacobian2 = (float[][])privateTeacher2.GetField("jacobian");

            for (int i = 0; i < jacobian1.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < jacobian1[i].Length; j++)
                    double j1 = jacobian1[i][j];
                    double j2 = jacobian2[i][j];

                    Assert.AreEqual(j1, j2, 1e-4);

        public void RunEpochTest4()

            double[][] input =
                new double[] { 0, 0 },

            double[][] output =
                new double[] { 0 },

            Neuron.RandGenerator = new ThreadSafeRandom(0);
            ActivationNetwork network = new ActivationNetwork(
                new BipolarSigmoidFunction(2), 2, 1);

            var teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network,
                                                         true, JacobianMethod.ByBackpropagation);

            double error = 1.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                error = teacher.RunEpoch(input, output);

            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(network.Compute(input[i])[0], output[i][0], 0.1);
        public AdvancedNeuralNetwork(string[] inputFieldNames, string outputFieldName, int[] neuronsCount, double learningRate = 0.1, double sigmoidAlphaValue = 2, bool useRegularization = false, bool useNguyenWidrow = false, bool useSameWeights = false, JacobianMethod method = JacobianMethod.ByBackpropagation)
            this.neuronsCount      = neuronsCount;
            this.learningRate      = learningRate;
            this.useRegularization = useRegularization;
            this.useNguyenWidrow   = useNguyenWidrow;
            this.useSameWeights    = useSameWeights;
            this.method            = method;
            this.sigmoidAlphaValue = sigmoidAlphaValue;

            this.inputFieldNames = inputFieldNames;
            this.outputFieldName = outputFieldName;

            // create multi-layer neural network
            theNetwork = new ActivationNetwork(
                new BipolarSigmoidFunction(sigmoidAlphaValue), //Andere Function möglich???
                inputFieldNames.Length, neuronsCount);

            if (useNguyenWidrow)
                if (useSameWeights)
                    Accord.Math.Random.Generator.Seed = 0;

                NguyenWidrow initializer = new NguyenWidrow(theNetwork);

            // create teacher
            teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(theNetwork, useRegularization, method);

            // set learning rate and momentum
            teacher.LearningRate = learningRate;
Esempio n. 5
        public void JacobianByChainRuleTest4()
            // Network with no hidden layers: 3-1

            double[][] input =
                new double[] { -1, -1 },
                new double[] { -1,  1 },
                new double[] {  1, -1 },
                new double[] {  1,  1 }

            double[][] output =
                new double[] { -1 },
                new double[] {  1 },
                new double[] {  1 },
                new double[] { -1 }

            // Neuron.RandGenerator = new ThreadSafeRandom(0);
            Accord.Math.Random.Generator.Seed = 0;

            ActivationNetwork network = new ActivationNetwork(
                new BipolarSigmoidFunction(2), 2, 1);

            var teacher1 = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network,
                                                          false, JacobianMethod.ByFiniteDifferences);

            var teacher2 = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network,
                                                          false, JacobianMethod.ByBackpropagation);

            // Set lambda to lambda max so no iterations are performed
            teacher1.LearningRate = 1e30f;
            teacher2.LearningRate = 1e30f;

            teacher1.RunEpoch(input, output);
            teacher2.RunEpoch(input, output);

            var jacobian1 = teacher1.Jacobian;
            var jacobian2 = teacher2.Jacobian;

            for (int i = 0; i < jacobian1.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < jacobian1[i].Length; j++)
                    double j1 = jacobian1[i][j];
                    double j2 = jacobian2[i][j];

                    Assert.AreEqual(j1, j2, 1e-5);

Esempio n. 6
        public void Train(TrainingData data)
            var inputs  = data.Inputs.ToArray();
            var outputs = data.Outputs.ToArray();
            var teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network);

            teacher.RunEpoch(inputs, outputs);
Esempio n. 7
        private void Train()
            stopTraining = false;
            //var errorsList = new ArrayList();
            ISupervisedLearning teacher;

            if (selectedMethod == Methods.Backpropagation)
                teacher = new BackPropagationLearning(actNet)
                    LearningRate = double.Parse(txtbxLearningRate.Text),
                    Momentum     = double.Parse(txtbxMomentum.Text)
            else if (selectedMethod == Methods.LevenbergMarquardt)
                teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(actNet)
                    LearningRate = double.Parse(txtbxLearningRate.Text),
                throw new Exception("No method is selected");
            var iterations = epochs;
            int percentage;

            while (!stopTraining)
                var error = teacher.RunEpoch(input, target);
                if (stopTraining || (error <= errorLimit) || (iterations == 0))
                this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
                    percentage = (int)Math.Round((double)(100 * (epochs - iterations)) / epochs);
                    this.progbarTrainingProcess.Value = percentage;
                    this.lblTrainingProcess.Text      = "Training (" + percentage + " %" + ")";
                    chrtError.Series["Error"].Points.Add(new DataPoint(epochs - iterations, error));
            stopTraining = true;
            this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
                this.btnTrain.Text = "Train";
                this.progbarTrainingProcess.Value = 100;
                this.lblTrainingProcess.Text      = "Done (100 %)";

Esempio n. 8
        public void ConstructorTest()
            // Four training samples of the xor function

            // two inputs (x and y)
            double[][] input =
                new double[] { -1, -1 },
                new double[] { -1,  1 },
                new double[] {  1, -1 },
                new double[] {  1,  1 }

            // one output (z = x ^ y)
            double[][] output =
                new double[] { -1 },
                new double[] {  1 },
                new double[] {  1 },
                new double[] { -1 }

            // create multi-layer neural network
            ActivationNetwork network = new ActivationNetwork(
                new BipolarSigmoidFunction(2), // use a bipolar sigmoid activation function
                2,                             // two inputs
                3,                             // three hidden neurons
                1                              // one output neuron

            // create teacher
            LevenbergMarquardtLearning teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(
                network,                         // the neural network
                false,                           // whether or not to use Bayesian regularization
                JacobianMethod.ByBackpropagation // Jacobian calculation method

            // set learning rate and momentum
            teacher.LearningRate = 0.1f;

            // start the supervisioned learning
            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                double error = teacher.RunEpoch(input, output);

            // If we reached here, the constructor test has passed.
Esempio n. 9
        private static void network(double[][] inputs, int[] outputs)
            // Since we would like to learn binary outputs in the form
            // [-1,+1], we can use a bipolar sigmoid activation function
            IActivationFunction function = new BipolarSigmoidFunction();

            // In our problem, we have 2 inputs (x, y pairs), and we will
            // be creating a network with 5 hidden neurons and 1 output:
            var network = new ActivationNetwork(function,
                                                inputsCount: 2, neuronsCount: new[] { 5, 1 });

            // Create a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
            var teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network)
                UseRegularization = true

            // Because the network is expecting multiple outputs,
            // we have to convert our single variable into arrays
            var y = outputs.ToDouble().ToJagged();

            // Iterate until stop criteria is met
            double error = double.PositiveInfinity;
            double previous;

                previous = error;

                // Compute one learning iteration
                error = teacher.RunEpoch(inputs, y);
            } while (Math.Abs(previous - error) < 1e-10 * previous);

            // Classify the samples using the model
            int[] answers = inputs.Apply(network.Compute).GetColumn(0).Apply(System.Math.Sign);

            // Plot the results
            ScatterplotBox.Show("Expected results", inputs, outputs);
            ScatterplotBox.Show("Network results", inputs, answers)
Esempio n. 10
        public void LMBuild(List <train> datalist)
            double[][] inputs;
            double[][] outputs;
            double[][] matrix;

            GetData(out inputs, out outputs, out matrix, datalist);

            // create neural network
            network_lm = new ActivationNetwork(
                new BipolarSigmoidFunction(),
                9, // two inputs in the network
                3, // two neurons in the first layer
                1  //ont neuron in the second layer
            // Randomly initialize the network
            new NguyenWidrow(network_lm).Randomize();

            // create teacher
            teacher_lm = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network_lm);

            int times = 0;

            // loop
            while (times++ < 50)
                // run epoch of learning procedure
                double error = teacher_lm.RunEpoch(inputs, outputs);
                // check error value to see if we need to stop
                // ...

            // Checks if the network has learned

            /*  for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Length; i++)
             * {
             *    double[] answer = network.Compute(inputs[i]);
             *    log(answer[0].ToString()) ;
             *    // actual should be equal to expected
             * }*/
Esempio n. 11
        public void RunEpochTest1()

            double[][] input =
                new double[] { -1, -1 },
                new double[] { -1,  1 },
                new double[] {  1, -1 },
                new double[] {  1,  1 }

            double[][] output =
                new double[] { -1 },
                new double[] {  1 },
                new double[] {  1 },
                new double[] { -1 }

            Neuron.RandGenerator = new ThreadSafeRandom(0);

            ActivationNetwork network = new ActivationNetwork(
                new BipolarSigmoidFunction(2), 2, 2, 1);

            var teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network,
                                                         false, JacobianMethod.ByFiniteDifferences);

            double error = 1.0;

            while (error > 1e-5)
                error = teacher.RunEpoch(input, output);

            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(network.Compute(input[i])[0], output[i][0], 0.1);
        public void Learn()
            const int hiddenNeurons   = 5;
            var       numberOfInputs  = GetControllerOutputProperties().Length;
            var       numberOfClasses = Enum.GetNames(typeof(OutputClass)).Length;

            var outputs = Accord.Statistics.Tools.Expand(GetOutputs(), numberOfClasses, -1, 1);
            var inputs  = GetLearnInputs();

            var activationFunction = new BipolarSigmoidFunction(2);

            NeuralNetwork = new ActivationNetwork(activationFunction, numberOfInputs, hiddenNeurons, numberOfClasses);

            new NguyenWidrow(NeuralNetwork).Randomize();

            var teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(NeuralNetwork);

            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                teacher.RunEpoch(inputs, outputs);
Esempio n. 13
        public void RunEpochTest3()

            double[,] dataset = yinyang;

            double[][] input  = dataset.GetColumns(0, 1).ToArray();
            double[][] output = dataset.GetColumn(2).ToArray();

            Neuron.RandGenerator = new ThreadSafeRandom(0);

            ActivationNetwork network = new ActivationNetwork(
                new BipolarSigmoidFunction(2), 2, 5, 1);

            var teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network,
                                                         true, JacobianMethod.ByBackpropagation);


            double error = 1.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
                error = teacher.RunEpoch(input, output);

            double[][] actual = new double[output.Length][];

            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                actual[i] = network.Compute(input[i]);

            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(Math.Sign(output[i][0]), Math.Sign(actual[i][0]));
Esempio n. 14
        // Worker thread
        void SearchSolution()
            // number of learning samples
            int samples = data.GetLength(0);
            // data transformation factor
            double yFactor = 1.7 / chart.RangeY.Length;
            double yMin    = chart.RangeY.Min;
            double xFactor = 2.0 / chart.RangeX.Length;
            double xMin    = chart.RangeX.Min;

            // prepare learning data
            double[][] input  = new double[samples][];
            double[][] output = new double[samples][];

            for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++)
                input[i]  = new double[1];
                output[i] = new double[1];

                // set input
                input[i][0] = (data[i, 0] - xMin) * xFactor - 1.0;
                // set output
                output[i][0] = (data[i, 1] - yMin) * yFactor - 0.85;

            // create multi-layer neural network
            ActivationNetwork network = new ActivationNetwork(
                new BipolarSigmoidFunction(sigmoidAlphaValue),
                1, neuronsInFirstLayer, 1);

            if (useNguyenWidrow)
                NguyenWidrow initializer = new NguyenWidrow(network);

            // create teacher
            LevenbergMarquardtLearning teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network, useRegularization);

            // set learning rate and momentum
            teacher.LearningRate = learningRate;

            // iterations
            int iteration = 1;

            // solution array
            double[,] solution = new double[50, 2];
            double[] networkInput = new double[1];

            // calculate X values to be used with solution function
            for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++)
                solution[j, 0] = chart.RangeX.Min + (double)j * chart.RangeX.Length / 49;

            // loop
            while (!needToStop)
                // run epoch of learning procedure
                double error = teacher.RunEpoch(input, output) / samples;

                // calculate solution
                for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++)
                    networkInput[0] = (solution[j, 0] - xMin) * xFactor - 1.0;
                    solution[j, 1]  = (network.Compute(networkInput)[0] + 0.85) / yFactor + yMin;
                chart.UpdateDataSeries("solution", solution);
                // calculate error
                double learningError = 0.0;
                for (int j = 0, k = data.GetLength(0); j < k; j++)
                    networkInput[0] = input[j][0];
                    learningError  += Math.Abs(data[j, 1] - ((network.Compute(networkInput)[0] + 0.85) / yFactor + yMin));

                // set current iteration's info
                SetText(currentIterationBox, iteration.ToString());
                SetText(currentErrorBox, learningError.ToString("F3"));

                // increase current iteration

                // check if we need to stop
                if ((iterations != 0) && (iteration > iterations))

            // enable settings controls
Esempio n. 15
        static void TestAnn2()
            // Here we will be creating a neural network to process 3-valued input
            // vectors and classify them into 4-possible classes. We will be using
            // a single hidden layer with 5 hidden neurons to accomplish this task.
            int numberOfInputs  = 3;
            int numberOfClasses = 4;
            int hiddenNeurons   = 5;

            // Those are the input vectors and their expected class labels
            // that we expect our network to learn.
            double[][] input =
                new double[] { -1, -1, -1 }, // 0
                new double[] { -1,  1, -1 }, // 1
                new double[] {  1, -1, -1 }, // 1
                new double[] {  1,  1, -1 }, // 0
                new double[] { -1, -1,  1 }, // 2
                new double[] { -1,  1,  1 }, // 3
                new double[] {  1, -1,  1 }, // 3
                new double[] {  1,  1,  1 } // 2

            int[] labels = { 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 3, 3, 2 };

            // In order to perform multi-class classification, we have to select a
            // decision strategy in order to be able to interpret neural network
            // outputs as labels. For this, we will be expanding our 4 possible class
            // labels into 4-dimensional output vectors where one single dimension
            // corresponding to a label will contain the value +1 and -1 otherwise.

            double[][] outputs = Accord.Statistics.Tools.Expand(labels, numberOfClasses, -1, 1);

            // Next we can proceed to create our network
            var function = new BipolarSigmoidFunction(2);
            var network  = new ActivationNetwork(function, numberOfInputs, hiddenNeurons, numberOfClasses);

            // Heuristically randomize the network
            new NguyenWidrow(network).Randomize();

            // Create the learning algorithm
            var teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network);

            // Teach the network for 10 iterations:
            double error = Double.PositiveInfinity;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                error = teacher.RunEpoch(input, outputs);

            // At this point, the network should be able to
            // perfectly classify the training input points.

            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                int      answer;
                double[] output = network.Compute(input[i]);
                //double response = output.Max(out answer);

                int expected = labels[i];

                // at this point, the variables 'answer' and
                // 'expected' should contain the same value.
Esempio n. 16
        static void TestAnn()
            // initialize input and output values
            double[][] input =
                new double[] {  0.5,    0 }, new double[] { 0.2, 0.1 }, new double[] { 0.4, 0.5 }, new double[] { 0.3, 0.7 },
                new double[] { 0.75, 0.25 }, new double[] { 0.3, 0.1 }, new double[] { 0.2, 0.5 }, new double[] { 0.2, 0.6 }

            double[][] output = { new double[] { 0.5 }, new double[] { 0.3 }, new double[] { 0.9 }, new double[] {   1 },
                                  new double[] {   1 }, new double[] { 0.4 }, new double[] { 0.7 }, new double[] { 0.8 } };

            int[] numbers = new int[] { 3, 3, 2, 1 };

            // create neural network
            ActivationNetwork network = new ActivationNetwork(new SigmoidFunction(1), 2, numbers);
            //2  :  two inputs in the network
            // 2  : two neurons in the first layer
            // 1  : one neuron in the second layer

            // create teacher
            LevenbergMarquardtLearning teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network);

            bool needToStop = false;

            // loop
            while (!needToStop)
                // run epoch of learning procedure
                double error = teacher.RunEpoch(input, output);

                // check error value to see if we need to stop
                // ...
                if (error <= 0.001)
                    needToStop = true;

            Write(network.Output, "network.Output");
            int index = 0;

            foreach (Layer layr in network.Layers)
                index += 1;
                Write(layr.Output, string.Format("network.Layers> [{0}] <.Output", index));

            //Write(network.Layers[1].Output, "network.Layers[1].Output");
            //Write(network.Layers[1].Neurons[0].Weights, "network.Layers[1].Neurons[0].Weights");

            double[] testData = { 0.25, 0.25 };

            Write(network.Compute(testData), "testData");


            double[][] inputtest = { new double[] { 0.1, 0 }, new double[] { 0.1, 0.1 }, new double[] { 0.1, 0.2 }, new double[] { 0.2, 0.2 } };

            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                Write(network.Compute(inputtest[j]), "result of inputtest");
Esempio n. 17
        public void BlockHessianTest1()
            // Network with no hidden layers: 3-1


            double[][] input =
                new double[] { -1, -1 },
                new double[] { -1,  1 },
                new double[] {  1, -1 },
                new double[] {  1,  1 }

            double[][] output =
                new double[] { -1 },
                new double[] {  1 },
                new double[] {  1 },
                new double[] { -1 }

            Neuron.RandGenerator = new ThreadSafeRandom(0);

            ActivationNetwork network = new ActivationNetwork(
                new BipolarSigmoidFunction(2), 2, 1);

            var teacher1 = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network,
                                                          false, JacobianMethod.ByFiniteDifferences);

            var teacher2 = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network,
                                                          false, JacobianMethod.ByBackpropagation);

            teacher2.Blocks = 2;

            // Set lambda to lambda max so no iterations are performed
            teacher1.LearningRate = 1e30f;
            teacher2.LearningRate = 1e30f;

            teacher1.RunEpoch(input, output);
            teacher2.RunEpoch(input, output);

            var hessian1 = teacher1.Hessian;
            var hessian2 = teacher1.Hessian;

            for (int i = 0; i < hessian1.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < hessian1[i].Length; j++)
                    double j1 = hessian1[i][j];
                    double j2 = hessian2[i][j];

                    Assert.AreEqual(j1, j2, 1e-4);



            var gradient1 = teacher1.Gradient;
            var gradient2 = teacher2.Gradient;

            for (int i = 0; i < gradient1.Length; i++)
                double j1 = gradient1[i];
                double j2 = gradient2[i];

                Assert.AreEqual(j1, j2, 1e-5);

Esempio n. 18
        public void JacobianByChainRuleTest()
            // Network with one hidden layer: 2-2-1

            double[][] input =
                new double[] { -1, -1 },
                new double[] { -1,  1 },
                new double[] {  1, -1 },
                new double[] {  1,  1 }

            double[][] output =
                new double[] { -1 },
                new double[] {  1 },
                new double[] {  1 },
                new double[] { -1 }

            Neuron.RandGenerator = new ThreadSafeRandom(0);

            ActivationNetwork network = new ActivationNetwork(
                new BipolarSigmoidFunction(2), 2, 2, 1);

            var teacher1 = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network,
                                                          false, JacobianMethod.ByFiniteDifferences);

            var teacher2 = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network,
                                                          false, JacobianMethod.ByBackpropagation);

            // Set lambda to lambda max so no iterations are performed
            teacher1.LearningRate = 1e30f;
            teacher2.LearningRate = 1e30f;

            teacher1.RunEpoch(input, output);
            teacher2.RunEpoch(input, output);

            PrivateObject privateTeacher1 = new PrivateObject(teacher1);
            PrivateObject privateTeacher2 = new PrivateObject(teacher2);

            var jacobian1 = (float[][])privateTeacher1.GetField("jacobian");
            var jacobian2 = (float[][])privateTeacher2.GetField("jacobian");

            Assert.AreEqual(jacobian1[0][0], -0.47895513745387097, 1e-6);
            Assert.AreEqual(jacobian1[0][1], -0.05863886707282373, 1e-6);
            Assert.AreEqual(jacobian1[0][2], 0.057751100929897485, 1e-6);
            Assert.AreEqual(jacobian1[0][3], 0.0015185010717608583, 1e-6);

            Assert.AreEqual(jacobian1[7][0], -0.185400783651892, 1e-6);
            Assert.AreEqual(jacobian1[7][1], 0.025575161626462877, 1e-6);
            Assert.AreEqual(jacobian1[7][2], 0.070494677797224889, 1e-6);
            Assert.AreEqual(jacobian1[7][3], 0.037740463822781616, 1e-6);

            Assert.AreEqual(jacobian2[0][0], -0.4789595904719437, 1e-6);
            Assert.AreEqual(jacobian2[0][1], -0.058636153936941729, 1e-6);
            Assert.AreEqual(jacobian2[0][2], 0.057748435491340212, 1e-6);
            Assert.AreEqual(jacobian2[0][3], 0.0015184453425611988, 1e-6);

            Assert.AreEqual(jacobian2[7][0], -0.1854008206574258, 1e-6);
            Assert.AreEqual(jacobian2[7][1], 0.025575150379247645, 1e-6);
            Assert.AreEqual(jacobian2[7][2], 0.070494269423259301, 1e-6);
            Assert.AreEqual(jacobian2[7][3], 0.037740117733922635, 1e-6);

            for (int i = 0; i < jacobian1.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < jacobian1[i].Length; j++)
                    double j1 = jacobian1[i][j];
                    double j2 = jacobian2[i][j];

                    Assert.AreEqual(j1, j2, 1e-4);

Esempio n. 19
        // Worker thread
        void SearchSolution( )
            // initialize input and output values
            double[][] input  = null;
            double[][] output = null;

            if (sigmoidType == 0)
                // unipolar data
                input = new double[4][] {
                    new double[] { 0, 0 },
                    new double[] { 0, 1 },
                    new double[] { 1, 0 },
                    new double[] { 1, 1 }
                output = new double[4][] {
                    new double[] { 0 },
                    new double[] { 1 },
                    new double[] { 1 },
                    new double[] { 0 }
                // bipolar data
                input = new double[4][] {
                    new double[] { -1, -1 },
                    new double[] { -1, 1 },
                    new double[] { 1, -1 },
                    new double[] { 1, 1 }
                output = new double[4][] {
                    new double[] { -1 },
                    new double[] { 1 },
                    new double[] { 1 },
                    new double[] { -1 }

            // create neural network
            ActivationNetwork network = new ActivationNetwork(
                (sigmoidType == 0) ?
                (IActivationFunction) new SigmoidFunction(sigmoidAlphaValue) :
                (IActivationFunction) new BipolarSigmoidFunction(sigmoidAlphaValue),
                2, 2, 1);

            // create teacher
            LevenbergMarquardtLearning teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network);

            // set learning rate
            teacher.LearningRate = learningRate;

            // iterations
            int iteration = 0;

            // statistic files
            StreamWriter errorsFile = null;

                // check if we need to save statistics to files
                if (saveStatisticsToFiles)
                    // open files
                    errorsFile = File.CreateText("errors.csv");

                // erros list
                ArrayList errorsList = new ArrayList( );

                // loop
                while (!needToStop)
                    // run epoch of learning procedure
                    double error = teacher.RunEpoch(input, output);

                    // save current error
                    if (errorsFile != null)

                    // show current iteration & error
                    SetText(currentIterationBox, iteration.ToString( ));
                    SetText(currentErrorBox, error.ToString( ));

                    // check if we need to stop
                    if (error <= learningErrorLimit)

                // show error's dynamics
                double[,] errors = new double[errorsList.Count, 2];

                for (int i = 0, n = errorsList.Count; i < n; i++)
                    errors[i, 0] = i;
                    errors[i, 1] = (double)errorsList[i];

                errorChart.RangeX = new Range(0, errorsList.Count - 1);
                errorChart.UpdateDataSeries("error", errors);
            catch (IOException)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed writing file", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                // close files
                if (errorsFile != null)
                    errorsFile.Close( );

            // enable settings controls
Esempio n. 20
        public void JacobianByChainRuleTest_MultipleOutput()
            // Network with no hidden layers: 3-4

            int numberOfInputs  = 3;
            int numberOfClasses = 4;

            double[][] input =
                new double[] { -1, -1, -1 }, // 0
                new double[] { -1,  1, -1 }, // 1
                new double[] {  1, -1, -1 }, // 1
                new double[] {  1,  1, -1 }, // 0
                new double[] { -1, -1,  1 }, // 2
                new double[] { -1,  1,  1 }, // 3
                new double[] {  1, -1,  1 }, // 3
                new double[] {  1,  1,  1 }  // 2

            int[] labels =

            double[][] output = Accord.Statistics.Tools
                                .Expand(labels, numberOfClasses, -1, 1);

            // Neuron.RandGenerator = new ThreadSafeRandom(0);
            Accord.Math.Random.Generator.Seed = 0;

            ActivationNetwork network = new ActivationNetwork(
                new BipolarSigmoidFunction(2), numberOfInputs, numberOfClasses);

            var teacher1 = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network,
                                                          false, JacobianMethod.ByFiniteDifferences);

            var teacher2 = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network,
                                                          false, JacobianMethod.ByBackpropagation);

            // Set lambda to lambda max so no iterations are performed
            teacher1.LearningRate = 1e30f;
            teacher2.LearningRate = 1e30f;

            teacher1.RunEpoch(input, output);
            teacher2.RunEpoch(input, output);

            var jacobian1 = teacher1.Jacobian;
            var jacobian2 = teacher2.Jacobian;

            for (int i = 0; i < jacobian1.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < jacobian1[i].Length; j++)
                    double j1 = jacobian1[i][j];
                    double j2 = jacobian2[i][j];

                    Assert.AreEqual(j1, j2, 1e-3);

Esempio n. 21
        public void ZeroLambdaTest()
            Accord.Math.Random.Generator.Seed = 0;
            double[,] data = null;

            // open selected file
            using (TextReader stream = new StringReader(Properties.Resources.ZeroLambda))
                using (CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(stream, false))
                    data = reader.ToTable().ToMatrix(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // number of learning samples
            int samples = data.GetLength(0);

            var ranges = data.GetRange(dimension: 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, ranges.Length);

            var rangeX = ranges[0];
            var rangeY = ranges[1];

            // data transformation factor
            double yFactor = 1.7 / rangeY.Length;
            double yMin    = rangeY.Min;
            double xFactor = 2.0 / rangeX.Length;
            double xMin    = rangeX.Min;

            // prepare learning data
            double[][] input  = new double[samples][];
            double[][] output = new double[samples][];

            for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++)
                input[i]  = new double[1];
                output[i] = new double[1];

                input[i][0]  = (data[i, 0] - xMin) * xFactor - 1.0;  // set input
                output[i][0] = (data[i, 1] - yMin) * yFactor - 0.85; // set output

            // Neuron.RandGenerator = new ThreadSafeRandom(0);
            Accord.Math.Random.Generator.Seed = 0;

            // create multi-layer neural network
            var network = new ActivationNetwork(
                new BipolarSigmoidFunction(5),
                1, 12, 1);

            // create teacher
            var teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network, true);

#if MONO
            teacher.ParallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1;
            teacher.LearningRate = 1;

            // iterations
            int iteration  = 1;
            int iterations = 2000;

            // solution array
            double[,] solution = new double[samples, 2];
            double[] networkInput = new double[1];

            bool needToStop = false;

            double learningError = 0;

            // loop
            while (!needToStop)
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, teacher.LearningRate);

                // run epoch of learning procedure
                double error = teacher.RunEpoch(input, output) / samples;

                // calculate solution
                for (int j = 0; j < samples; j++)
                    networkInput[0] = (solution[j, 0] - xMin) * xFactor - 1.0;
                    solution[j, 1]  = (network.Compute(networkInput)[0] + 0.85) / yFactor + yMin;

                // calculate error
                learningError = 0.0;
                for (int j = 0; j < samples; j++)
                    networkInput[0] = input[j][0];
                    learningError  += Math.Abs(data[j, 1] - ((network.Compute(networkInput)[0] + 0.85) / yFactor + yMin));

                // increase current iteration

                // check if we need to stop
                if ((iterations != 0) && (iteration > iterations))

            Assert.IsTrue(learningError < 0.13);
Esempio n. 22
        public void SearchSolution()
            int length = tmp.Count;

            double[][] inputs;
            double[][] outputs;
            double[][] matrix;

            GetData(out inputs, out outputs, out matrix, tmp);

            // create multi-layer neural network
            this.ann = new ActivationNetwork(new BipolarSigmoidFunction(sigmoidAlphaValue),
                                             9, neuronsInFirstLayer, 1);

            if (useNguyenWidrow)
                if (useSameWeights)
                    Accord.Math.Random.Generator.Seed = 1;

                NguyenWidrow initializer = new NguyenWidrow(ann);

            // create teacher
            LevenbergMarquardtLearning teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(ann, useRegularization);

            // set learning rate and momentum
            teacher.LearningRate = learningRate;

            // iterations
            iteration = 1;

            var ranges = matrix.GetRange(0);

            double[][] map = Matrix.Mesh(ranges[0], 200, ranges[1], 200);

            //  var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            // loop
            while (true)
                // run epoch of learning procedure
                error = teacher.RunEpoch(inputs, outputs) / length;

                var result = map.Apply(ann.Compute).GetColumn(0).Apply(Math.Sign);

                var graph = map.ToMatrix().InsertColumn(result.ToDouble());

                // increase current iteration

                //elapsed = sw.Elapsed;

                // updateStatus();

                // check if we need to stop
                if ((iterations != 0) && (iteration > iterations))

            ANN_END = true;
            //   sw.Stop();
Esempio n. 23
        //Machine Learning

        void IDataminingDatabase.doMachineLearning(string[] inputFields, string outcomeField, string instrument, string savePath)
            string name = "ANN";

            double learningRate      = 0.1;
            double sigmoidAlphaValue = 2;
            int    iterations        = 100;

            bool useRegularization = false;
            bool useNguyenWidrow   = false;
            bool useSameWeights    = false;

            progress.setProgress(name, "Creating ANN...");

            // create multi-layer neural network
            ActivationNetwork ann = new ActivationNetwork(
                new BipolarSigmoidFunction(sigmoidAlphaValue),
                inputFields.Length, 20, 2); //How many neuros ???? Standart is 1

            if (useNguyenWidrow)
                progress.setProgress(name, "Creating NguyenWidrow...");

                if (useSameWeights)
                    Accord.Math.Random.Generator.Seed = 0;

                NguyenWidrow initializer = new NguyenWidrow(ann);

            progress.setProgress(name, "Creating LevenbergMarquardtLearning...");

            // create teacher
            LevenbergMarquardtLearning teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(ann, useRegularization); //, JacobianMethod.ByBackpropagation

            // set learning rate and momentum
            teacher.LearningRate = learningRate;

            IMongoQuery fieldsExistQuery = Query.And(Query.Exists(outcomeField + "_buy"), Query.Exists(outcomeField + "_sell"));

            foreach (string inputField in inputFields)
                fieldsExistQuery = Query.And(fieldsExistQuery, Query.Exists(inputField));

            progress.setProgress(name, "Importing...");

            // Load Data
            long start = database.getFirstTimestamp();
            long end   = database.getLastTimestamp();

            var collection = mongodb.getDB().GetCollection("prices");
            var docs       = collection.FindAs <BsonDocument>(Query.And(fieldsExistQuery, Query.EQ("instrument", instrument), Query.LT("timestamp", end), Query.GTE("timestamp", start))).SetSortOrder(SortBy.Ascending("timestamp"));

            long resultCount = docs.Count();

            //Press into Array from
            progress.setProgress(name, "Casting to array...");

            double[][] inputs  = new double[resultCount][]; // [inputFields.Length]
            double[][] outputs = new double[resultCount][]; // [2]

            int row = 0;

            foreach (var doc in docs)
                outputs[row] = new double[] { doc[outcomeField + "_buy"].AsInt32, doc[outcomeField + "_sell"].AsInt32 };

                double[] inputRow = new double[inputFields.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < inputFields.Length; i++)
                    double value = doc[inputFields[i]].AsDouble;
                    if (double.IsInfinity(value) || double.IsNegativeInfinity(value) || double.IsNaN(value))
                        throw new Exception("Invalid value!");
                        inputRow[i] = value;

                inputs[row] = inputRow;

                //Check these! :) ???


            // Teach the ANN
            for (int iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; iteration++)
                progress.setProgress(name, "Teaching... " + iteration + " of " + iterations);
                double error = teacher.RunEpoch(inputs, outputs);

                if (savePath != null)

            //Compute Error
            progress.setProgress(name, "Calculating error...");

            int successes = 0;
            int fails     = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Length; i++)
                var realOutput = outputs[i];

                double[] calculated = ann.Compute(inputs[i]);
                if (calculated[0] == 0 || calculated[0] == realOutput[0])

                if (calculated[0] == 1 && realOutput[0] == 0)

                if (calculated[1] == 0 || calculated[1] == realOutput[1])

                if (calculated[1] == 1 && realOutput[1] == 0)

            double successRate = (double)successes / (inputs.Length * 2);
            double failRate    = (double)fails / (inputs.Length * 2);

            progress.setProgress(name, "Finished with successRate of " + successRate + " failRate of " + failRate);
Esempio n. 24
        // Worker thread
        void SearchSolution()
            // number of learning samples
            int samples = sourceMatrix.GetLength(0);

            // prepare learning data
            double[][] inputs  = sourceMatrix.Submatrix(null, 0, 1).ToArray();
            double[][] outputs = sourceMatrix.GetColumn(2).Transpose().ToArray();

            // create multi-layer neural network
            ann = new ActivationNetwork(
                new BipolarSigmoidFunction(sigmoidAlphaValue),
                2, neuronsInFirstLayer, 1);

            if (useNguyenWidrow)
                if (useSameWeights)

                NguyenWidrow initializer = new NguyenWidrow(ann);

            // create teacher
            LevenbergMarquardtLearning teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(ann, useRegularization);

            // set learning rate and momentum
            teacher.LearningRate = learningRate;

            // iterations
            iteration = 1;

            var ranges = Matrix.Range(sourceMatrix);

            double[][] map = Matrix.Mesh(ranges[0], ranges[1], 0.05, 0.05);
            var        sw  = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            // loop
            while (!needToStop)
                // run epoch of learning procedure
                error = teacher.RunEpoch(inputs, outputs) / samples;

                var result = map.Apply(ann.Compute).GetColumn(0).Apply(Math.Sign);

                var graph = map.ToMatrix().InsertColumn(result.ToDouble());

                CreateScatterplot(zedGraphControl2, graph);

                // increase current iteration

                elapsed = sw.Elapsed;


                // check if we need to stop
                if ((iterations != 0) && (iteration > iterations))


            // enable settings controls
Esempio n. 25
 public NeuralNetworkController()
     network = new ActivationNetwork(new SigmoidFunction(), 5, 4, 3);
     teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network);
Esempio n. 26
        // Worker thread
        void SearchSolution()
            // number of learning samples
            int samples = data.GetLength(0);

            // prepare learning data
            DoubleRange unit = new DoubleRange(-1, 1);

            double[][] input  = data.GetColumn(0).Scale(fromRange: xRange, toRange: unit).ToArray();
            double[][] output = data.GetColumn(1).Scale(fromRange: yRange, toRange: unit).ToArray();

            // create multi-layer neural network
            ActivationNetwork network = new ActivationNetwork(
                new BipolarSigmoidFunction(sigmoidAlphaValue),
                1, neuronsInFirstLayer, 1);

            if (useNguyenWidrow)
                new NguyenWidrow(network).Randomize();

            // create teacher
            var teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network, useRegularization);

            // set learning rate and momentum
            teacher.LearningRate = learningRate;

            // iterations
            int iteration = 1;

            // solution array
            double[,] solution = new double[samples, 2];

            // loop
            while (!needToStop)
                // run epoch of learning procedure
                double error = teacher.RunEpoch(input, output) / samples;

                // calculate solution
                for (int j = 0; j < samples; j++)
                    double x = input[j][0];
                    double y = network.Compute(new[] { x })[0];
                    solution[j, 0] = x.Scale(fromRange: unit, toRange: xRange);
                    solution[j, 1] = y.Scale(fromRange: unit, toRange: yRange);

                chart.UpdateDataSeries("solution", solution);

                // calculate error
                double learningError = 0.0;
                for (int j = 0; j < samples; j++)
                    double x        = input[j][0];
                    double expected = data[j, 1];
                    double actual   = network.Compute(new[] { x })[0];
                    learningError += Math.Abs(expected - actual);

                // set current iteration's info
                SetText(currentIterationBox, iteration.ToString());
                SetText(currentErrorBox, learningError.ToString("F3"));

                // increase current iteration

                // check if we need to stop
                if ((iterations != 0) && (iteration > iterations))

            // enable settings controls
Esempio n. 27
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // sample input
            double[][] inputs =
                new double[] { 0, 0 },
                new double[] { 1, 0 },
                new double[] { 0, 1 },
                new double[] { 1, 1 },

            // sample binary output
            int[] outputs =

            // sample binary output for Neural Network
            double[][] nnOutputs =
                new double[] { 1, 0 },
                new double[] { 0, 1 },
                new double[] { 0, 1 },
                new double[] { 1, 0 },

            // sample multinomial output
            int[] multiOutputs =

            // 1. Binary Logistic Regression
            var learner = new IterativeReweightedLeastSquares <LogisticRegression>()
                MaxIterations = 100
            var model = learner.Learn(inputs, outputs);

            var preds = model.Decide(inputs);

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n*Binary Logistic Regression Predictions: {0}", String.Join(", ", preds));

            // 2. Multinomial Logistic Regression
            var learner2 = new MultinomialLogisticLearning <GradientDescent>()
                MiniBatchSize = 4
            var model2 = learner2.Learn(inputs, multiOutputs);

            var preds2 = model2.Decide(inputs);

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n*Multinomial Logistic Regression Predictions: {0}", String.Join(", ", preds2));

            // 3. Binary Naive Bayes Classifier
            var learner3 = new NaiveBayesLearning <NormalDistribution>();
            var model3   = learner3.Learn(inputs, outputs);

            var preds3 = model2.Decide(inputs);

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n*Binary Naive Bayes Predictions: {0}", String.Join(", ", preds3));

            // 4. RandomForest
            var learner4 = new RandomForestLearning()
                NumberOfTrees = 3,

                CoverageRatio = 0.9,

                SampleRatio = 0.9
            var model4 = learner4.Learn(inputs, outputs);

            var preds4 = model4.Decide(inputs);

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n*Binary RandomForest Classifier Predictions: {0}", String.Join(", ", preds4));

            // 5. SVM
            var learner5 = new SequentialMinimalOptimization <Gaussian>();
            var model5   = learner.Learn(inputs, outputs);

            var preds5 = model5.Decide(inputs);

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n*Binary SVM Predictions: {0}", String.Join(", ", preds5));

            // 6. Neural Network
            var network = new ActivationNetwork(
                new BipolarSigmoidFunction(2),

            var teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network);

            Console.WriteLine("\n-- Training Neural Network");
            int    numEpoch = 3;
            double error    = Double.PositiveInfinity;

            for (int i = 0; i < numEpoch; i++)
                error = teacher.RunEpoch(inputs, nnOutputs);
                Console.WriteLine("* Epoch {0} - error: {1:0.0000}", i + 1, error);

            double[][] nnPreds = inputs.Select(
                x => network.Compute(x)

            int[] preds6 = nnPreds.Select(
                x => x.ToList().IndexOf(x.Max())

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n*Binary Neural Network Predictions: {0}", String.Join(", ", preds6));

        public void Train(Policy[] policies)
            // Feature retrieving

            foreach (Policy policy in policies)
                foreach (string ruleName in policy.RuleNames)
                    string[] queries = _queriesRetriever.RetrieveQueriesFor(policy.Name, ruleName);

                    string[] rawContents = _contentRetriever.RetrieveContents(queries);

                    string[] rawContentsContext = _contextRetriever.RetrieveContentContext(rawContents);

                    string[] preprocessedContents = _preprocessor.PreprocessContents(rawContentsContext);

                    CountedWord[] interactionsWords = _wordsRetriever.RetrieveWords(preprocessedContents);

                    string[] wordList = _wordListManager.Get(policy.Name, ruleName);

                    if (wordList == null)
                        wordList = _wordListRetriever.RetrieveWordList(interactionsWords);
                        _wordListManager.Save(policy.Name, ruleName, wordList);

                    double[][] inputs  = _featuresRetriever.RetrieveFeatures(interactionsWords, wordList);
                    double[]   outputs = _labelsRetriever.RetrieveRuleLabes(policy.Name, ruleName);

                    ActivationNetwork network = _nnManager.Get(policy.Name, ruleName);

                    // Create a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
                    var teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network)
                        UseRegularization = true

                    // Because the network is expecting multiple outputs,
                    // we have to convert our single variable into arrays

                    //We should make sure outputs are [0...1]
                    double[][] y = outputs.ToJagged();

                    // Iterate until stop criteria is met
                    double error = double.PositiveInfinity;
                    double previous;

                    Dictionary <int, double> epochError = new Dictionary <int, double>();

                    int currentEpoch = 1;

                        previous = error;

                        // Compute one learning iteration
                        error = teacher.RunEpoch(inputs, y);
                        epochError.Add(currentEpoch++, error);
                    } while (Math.Abs(previous - error) > 0.001);

                    _nnManager.Save(network, policy.Name, ruleName);

                    // Classify the samples using the model
                    double[] decimalAnswers = inputs.Apply(network.Compute).GetColumn(0); // can be used as probability.
Esempio n. 29
        private static void BuildNNModel(double[][] trainInput, int[] trainOutput, double[][] testInput, int[] testOutput)
            double[][] outputs = Accord.Math.Jagged.OneHot(trainOutput);

            var function = new BipolarSigmoidFunction(2);
            var network  = new ActivationNetwork(
                new BipolarSigmoidFunction(2),

            var teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(network);

            Console.WriteLine("\n-- Training Neural Network");
            int    numEpoch = 10;
            double error    = Double.PositiveInfinity;

            for (int i = 0; i < numEpoch; i++)
                error = teacher.RunEpoch(trainInput, outputs);
                Console.WriteLine("* Epoch {0} - error: {1:0.0000}", i + 1, error);

            List <int> inSamplePredsList = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < trainInput.Length; i++)
                double[] output = network.Compute(trainInput[i]);
                int      pred   = output.ToList().IndexOf(output.Max());

            List <int> outSamplePredsList = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < testInput.Length; i++)
                double[] output = network.Compute(testInput[i]);
                int      pred   = output.ToList().IndexOf(output.Max());

            int[] inSamplePreds  = inSamplePredsList.ToArray();
            int[] outSamplePreds = outSamplePredsList.ToArray();

            // Accuracy
            double inSampleAccuracy  = 1 - new ZeroOneLoss(trainOutput).Loss(inSamplePreds);
            double outSampleAccuracy = 1 - new ZeroOneLoss(testOutput).Loss(outSamplePreds);

            Console.WriteLine("* In-Sample Accuracy: {0:0.0000}", inSampleAccuracy);
            Console.WriteLine("* Out-of-Sample Accuracy: {0:0.0000}", outSampleAccuracy);

            // Build confusion matrix
            int[][] confMatrix = BuildConfusionMatrix(
                testOutput, outSamplePreds, 10
                confMatrix.Select(x => String.Join(",", x))

            // Precision Recall
            DrawROCCurve(testOutput, outSamplePreds, 10, "NN");
            public void Learn()
                    //if (object.Equals(networkStruct, null)) { networkStruct = GetLayersStruct(LayersStruct); }

                    if (Equals(networkStruct, null))

                    if (ANN_InputsCount == -1 | ANN_OuputsCount == -1)

                    if (Equals(ActiveFunction_Params, null))
                        throw new Exception("No activation function parameterss are specified !!!");
                    if (ActiveFunction_Params.Length < 1)
                        throw new Exception("No activation function parameterss are specified !!!");

                    if (Equals(LearningAlgorithm_Params, null))
                        throw new Exception("No learning algorithm parameters are specified !!!");

                    // create neural network
                    // Network = new ActivationNetwork(new SigmoidFunction(1),mInputsCount, networkStruct);
                    //Network = new ActivationNetwork(new BipolarSigmoidFunction(2), mInputsCount, networkStruct);
                    //2  :  two inputs in the network
                    // 2  : two neurons in the first layer
                    // 1  : one neuron in the second layer

                    switch (ActivationFunction)
                    case ActivationFunctionEnum.LinearFunction:

                        Network = new ActivationNetwork(new LinearFunction(ActiveFunction_Params[0]), ANN_InputsCount, networkStruct);

                    case ActivationFunctionEnum.SigmoidFunction:
                        Network = new ActivationNetwork(new SigmoidFunction(ActiveFunction_Params[0]), ANN_InputsCount, networkStruct);

                    case ActivationFunctionEnum.BipolarSigmoidFunction:
                        Network = new ActivationNetwork(new BipolarSigmoidFunction(ActiveFunction_Params[0]), ANN_InputsCount, networkStruct);

                        Network = new ActivationNetwork(new SigmoidFunction(ActiveFunction_Params[0]), ANN_InputsCount, networkStruct);

                    // create teacher
                    ISupervisedLearning teacher = null;
                    //LevenbergMarquardtLearning teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(Network);
                    //BackPropagationLearning teacher = new BackPropagationLearning(Network);
                    // EvolutionaryLearning teacher = new EvolutionaryLearning(Network, 25);

                    switch (LearningAlgorithm)
                    case LearningAlgorithmEnum.BackPropagationLearning:
                        if (LearningAlgorithm_Params.Length < 2)
                            throw new Exception("No activation function parameterss are specified !!!");

                        teacher = new BackPropagationLearning(Network);
                        var teacherBP = (BackPropagationLearning)teacher;
                        teacherBP.LearningRate = LearningAlgorithm_Params[0];
                        teacherBP.Momentum     = LearningAlgorithm_Params[1];
                        teacher = teacherBP;

                    case LearningAlgorithmEnum.LevenbergMarquardtLearning:
                        if (LearningAlgorithm_Params.Length < 2)
                            throw new Exception("No activation function parameterss are specified !!!");
                        teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(Network);
                        var teacherLM = (LevenbergMarquardtLearning)teacher;
                        teacherLM.LearningRate      = LearningAlgorithm_Params[0];
                        teacherLM.Adjustment        = LearningAlgorithm_Params[1];
                        teacherLM.UseRegularization = false;

                        teacher = teacherLM;

                    case LearningAlgorithmEnum.BayesianLevenbergMarquardtLearning:
                        throw new NotImplementedException("The implementation is not finished yet.");

                        if (LearningAlgorithm_Params.Length < 4)
                            throw new Exception("No activation function parameterss are specified !!!");

                        teacher = new LevenbergMarquardtLearning(Network);
                        var teacherBLM = (LevenbergMarquardtLearning)teacher;
                        teacherBLM.UseRegularization = true;
                        teacherBLM.LearningRate      = LearningAlgorithm_Params[0];
                        teacherBLM.Adjustment        = LearningAlgorithm_Params[1];
                        teacherBLM.Alpha             = LearningAlgorithm_Params[2];
                        teacherBLM.Beta = LearningAlgorithm_Params[3];
                        teacher         = teacherBLM;

                    case LearningAlgorithmEnum.EvolutionaryLearningGA:
                        if (LearningAlgorithm_Params.Length < 1)
                            throw new Exception("No activation function parameterss are specified !!!");

                        teacher = new EvolutionaryLearning(Network, (int)LearningAlgorithm_Params[0]);
                        var teacherEGA = (EvolutionaryLearning)teacher;


                    case LearningAlgorithmEnum.RGA_Learning:
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                        // teacher = new RGA_Learning(Network, EOA_PopulationSize, RGA_MutationPhrequency);

                    case LearningAlgorithmEnum.GSA_Learning:
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                        // teacher = new GSA_Learning(Network, EOA_PopulationSize, MaxIteration, GSA_Go, GSA_Alpha);

                    case LearningAlgorithmEnum.GWO_Learning:
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                        // teacher = new GWO_Learning(Network, EOA_PopulationSize, MaxIteration, GWO_Version, IGWO_uParameter);

                    case LearningAlgorithmEnum.HPSOGWO_Learning:
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                        //teacher = new HPSOGWO_Learning(Network, EOA_PopulationSize, MaxIteration, HPSOGWO_C1, HPSOGWO_C2, HPSOGWO_C3);

                    case LearningAlgorithmEnum.mHPSOGWO_Learning:
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                        //teacher = new HPSOGWO_Learning(Network, EOA_PopulationSize, MaxIteration, HPSOGWO_C1, HPSOGWO_C2, HPSOGWO_C3);

                    case LearningAlgorithmEnum.PSOGSA_Learning:
                        if (Equals(LearningAlgorithm_Params, null))
                            throw new Exception("No activation function parameterss are specified!!!");
                        if (LearningAlgorithm_Params.Length < 6)
                            throw new Exception("No activation function parameterss are specified!!!");

                        teacher = new PSOGSA_Learning(Network, (int)LearningAlgorithm_Params[0], (int)LearningAlgorithm_Params[1], (int)LearningAlgorithm_Params[2], (int)LearningAlgorithm_Params[3], (int)LearningAlgorithm_Params[4], (int)LearningAlgorithm_Params[5]);

                    bool needToStop = false;
                    IterationCounter = 0;
                    double error = double.NaN;

                    // loop
                    while (!needToStop)
                        // run epoch of learning procedure
                        error = teacher.RunEpoch(mTraining_Inputs, mTraining_Outputs);

                        IterationCounter += 1;

                        // check error value to see if we need to stop
                        // ...

                        if (error <= mTeachingError || IterationCounter >= MaxIteration)
                            needToStop = true;

                    FinalTeachingErr = error;
                    switch (LearningAlgorithm)
                    case LearningAlgorithmEnum.GSA_Learning:
                        throw new NotImplementedException();

                        //GSA_Learning gsaL = (GSA_Learning)teacher;
                        //this.BestChart = gsaL.Best_Chart;
                        //this.BestWeights = gsaL.BestSolution;

                        //Set best weights parameters to the network:

                    case LearningAlgorithmEnum.HPSOGWO_Learning:
                        throw new NotImplementedException();

                        //HPSOGWO_Learning hpgwoL = (HPSOGWO_Learning)teacher;
                        //this.BestChart = hpgwoL.Best_Chart;
                        //this.BestWeights = hpgwoL.BestSolution;

                        //Set best weights parameters to the network:

                    case LearningAlgorithmEnum.mHPSOGWO_Learning:
                        throw new NotImplementedException();

                        //HPSOGWO_Learning hpsgwoL = (HPSOGWO_Learning)teacher;
                        //this.BestChart = hpsgwoL.Best_Chart;
                        //this.BestWeights = hpsgwoL.BestSolution;

                        //Set best weights parameters to the network:

                    case LearningAlgorithmEnum.GWO_Learning:
                        throw new NotImplementedException();

                        //GWO_Learning gwoL = (GWO_Learning)teacher;
                        //this.BestChart = gwoL.Best_Chart;
                        //this.BestWeights = gwoL.BestSolution;

                        //Set best weights parameters to the network:

                    case LearningAlgorithmEnum.RGA_Learning:
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                        //RGA_Learning rgaL = (RGA_Learning)teacher;
                        //this.BestChart = rgaL.Best_Chart;
                        //this.BestWeights = rgaL.BestSolution;

                        //Set best weights parameters to the network:

                    case LearningAlgorithmEnum.PSOGSA_Learning:
                        PSOGSA_Learning psogsaL = (PSOGSA_Learning)teacher;
                        BestChart   = psogsaL.Best_Chart;
                        BestWeights = psogsaL.BestSolution;

                        //Set best weights parameters to the network:
                catch (Exception ex)
                { throw ex; }