Esempio n. 1
    // Overloaded behavior required to load a scene (through LevelManager) correctly
    void OnLevelWasLoaded()
        // Finish loading the level generation stuff
        LevelManager_Scenery[] SceneryElements = LevelGen.GetScenery();

        // All all content from level generator
        for(int i = 0; i < SceneryElements.Length; i++)
                SceneManager.AddMineral(SceneryElements[i].Pos, SceneryElements[i].Radius, SceneryElements[i].MineralCount);

        // Load the queue of enemy spawn timings and groups
        EnemyGroups = new Queue<LevelManager_SpawnGroup>(LevelGen.GetSpawnList());

        // Load the win state logic
        WinLogic = LevelGen.GetWinLogic();

        // All loaded!
        LevelLoaded = true;
Esempio n. 2
    // This function MUST be called once the level data, through the scene, has been loaded
    // It is essentially "MonoBehavior.OnLevelWasLoaded()"
    public void ParseScene()
        // Alloc our lists as needed
        SceneryList = new List<LevelManager_Scenery>();
        SpawnList = new Queue<LevelManager_SpawnGroup>();

        // For each new LevelEntity..
        UnityEngine.Object[] LevelEntities = GameObject.FindSceneObjectsOfType(typeof(LevelEntity));
        foreach(UnityEngine.Object _Entity in LevelEntities)
            // Cast over to LevelEntity type
            LevelEntity Entity = _Entity as LevelEntity;
            Vector2 EntityPos = new Vector2(Entity.transform.position.x, Entity.transform.position.y);

            // If mineral...
            if(Entity.EntityType == 0)
                // Change the depth of the mineral
                Entity.transform.position = new Vector3(Entity.transform.position.x, Entity.transform.position.y, Globals.MineralsDepth);

                // Create the internal mineral object
                LevelManager_Scenery Scenery = new LevelManager_Scenery();
                Scenery.IsMineral = true;
                Scenery.Pos = new Vector2(Entity.transform.position.x, Entity.transform.position.y);
                Scenery.Radius = (Entity.transform.localScale.x + Entity.transform.localScale.y) / 8.0f;
                Scenery.MineralCount = Entity.MineralCount;
            // If junk...
            else if(Entity.EntityType == 1)
                // Do nothing, let Unity3D manage our junk scenery
                Entity.transform.position = new Vector3(Entity.transform.position.x, Entity.transform.position.y, Globals.JunkDepth);
            // If enemy...
            else if(Entity.EntityType == 2)
                // Randomize the unit composition
                LevelManager_SpawnGroup Group = new LevelManager_SpawnGroup();
                Group.SpawnTime = Entity.EnemySpawnTime;
                Group.SpawnPos = EntityPos;
                Group.Class0Count = Entity.EnemyType0Count;
                Group.Class1Count = Entity.EnemyType1Count;
                Group.Class2Count = Entity.EnemyType2Count;

                // Add to queue
            // If text event...
            else if(Entity.EntityType == 3)
                // Todo...
            // If win condition...
            else if(Entity.EntityType == 4)
                // Check for duplicate...
                if(WinLogic != null)
                    Debug.LogError("Duplicate win-logic entity defined in same scene!");

                WinLogic = new LevelManager_WinningState();
                WinLogic.IfWinTime = Entity.IfWinTime;
                WinLogic.WinTime = Entity.WinTime;
                WinLogic.IfWinKillAll = Entity.IfWinKillAll;
                WinLogic.IfWinResources = Entity.IfWinResources;