// Use this for initialization void Start() { targetSlot = GameManager.Instance.gameBoard.GetSlot(command.x, command.y); crosshairs.SetColor(crossHairColor, 0.75f); transform.position = new Vector3(0, 100, 0); transform.localScale = new Vector3(15, 15, 15); transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(15, 90, 0); lerperTransform = GetComponent <LerpTransform>(); lerperTransform.SetTransform(targetSlot.transform, 1f); }
protected void Update() { if (EntityView != null) { if (attackText != null) { if (EntityView.GetAttack() > 0) { attackText.text = EntityView.GetAttack().ToString(); attackIcon.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { attackIcon.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } if (healthText != null) { healthText.text = EntityView.GetHealth().ToString(); } if (shieldIcon != null) { if (EntityView.GetMaxShields() > 0) { shieldIcon.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { shieldIcon.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } if (ownerTint != null) { if (IsFriendly) { ownerTint.SetColor(friendlyColor, 0.5f); } else { ownerTint.SetColor(enemyColor, 0.5f); } } if (shieldText != null) { shieldText.text = EntityView.GetShields().ToString(); } if (shields != null) { shields.Strength = EntityView.GetShields(); } } }
void Start() { shields1.SetColor(Color.clear, 0); shields2.SetColor(Color.clear, 0); _flashRenderer = shieldFlash.GetComponent <Renderer>(); if (shieldPeakValue < 1) { shieldPeakValue = 1; } timer = 9999; }
override protected void Start() { base.Start(); glowTint.SetColor(Color.black, 0); }
void Update() { // If there's a selected entity and this is a valid slot for the entity to play on, light up: bool isSelectionFocus = false; bool isValidTarget = false; bool isValidDiscard = false; Color glowColor = neutralIdle; Color strokeColor = neutralStroke; if (UIManager.Instance.Selected) { isValidTarget = CommandManager.Instance.IsValidPlay(UIManager.Instance.Selected, this); isValidDiscard = CommandManager.Instance.IsValidDiscard(UIManager.Instance.Selected, this); if (UIManager.Instance.SlotTarget == this) { isSelectionFocus = true; } } if (isValidDiscard) { strokeColor = discardStroke; if (isSelectionFocus) { glowColor = discardFocus; } else { glowColor = discardValid; } } else if (Unit && Unit.IsFriendly) { strokeColor = friendlyStroke; if (isSelectionFocus) { glowColor = friendlyFocus; } else if (isValidTarget) { glowColor = friendlyValid; } else { glowColor = friendlyIdle; } } else if (Unit && Unit.IsEnemy) { strokeColor = enemyStroke; if (isSelectionFocus) { glowColor = enemyFocus; } else if (isValidTarget) { glowColor = enemyValid; } else { glowColor = enemyIdle; } } else { if (isSelectionFocus) { glowColor = neutralFocus; } else if (isValidTarget) { glowColor = neutralValid; } else { glowColor = neutralIdle; } } if (!UIManager.Instance.Selected && Unit != null && Unit.HasValidActions) { Color c = Color.Lerp(glowColor, actionsRemaining, UIManager.Instance.PingPong); glowLerp.SetColor(c, 0f); strokeLerp.SetColor(strokeColor, 0f); } else { glowLerp.SetColor(glowColor, duration); strokeLerp.SetColor(strokeColor, duration); } if (GameManager.Instance.gameBoard.showCoordinates) { debugText.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { debugText.gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
void Start() { glowLerp.SetColor(Color.clear, 0); debugText.text = (x + "," + y); }
void Start() { boardTint.SetColor(Color.clear, 0); }