// Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (expand)
         timeOBJ.Value              += Time.deltaTime;          //update the timer
         sliderVal                   = timeOBJ.Value;           //set the slider to the time objects value
         lerpOBJ.Interprolant        = sliderVal / timeOBJ.Max; //set the interprolant to the sliders value
         throwableObjCollider.radius = lerpOBJ.Result;          //set the result to be the lerp result
         if (throwableObjCollider.radius >= 10f)
             throwableObjCollider.radius = .8f;
             expand = false;
         sliderVal = 0;
         timeOBJ   = new TimeOBJ
             Max   = 10,
             Value = sliderVal
         lerpOBJ = new LerpOBJ
             Beginning    = 0,
             Ending       = timeOBJ.Max,
             Interprolant = timeOBJ.Value //set the ending of the lerp object
        // Use this for initialization
        void Start()
            timeOBJ = new TimeOBJ
                Max   = 10,
                Value = sliderVal
            lerpOBJ = new LerpOBJ
                Beginning    = 0,
                Ending       = timeOBJ.Max,
                Interprolant = timeOBJ.Value //set the ending of the lerp object

            throwableObjCollider        = GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); //add a collider and store the reference
            throwableObjCollider.radius = lerpOBJ.Result;                  //set the radius of the sphere collider