private string convertLectureItemToString(LectureItem item) { return($"{item.StudyGroup};" + $"{item.Semester};" + $"{item.Title};" + $"{item.Lecturer};" + $"{item.Place};" + $"{item.Start};" + $"{item.End}"); }
public IActionResult getLectureFeed([FromQuery] string studentNumber = "", [FromQuery] string hash = "") { long userID = 0; LectureItem[] lectures = new LectureItem[0]; UserItem userItem = userDB.getUserByName(studentNumber); if (userItem != null) { userID = userItem.UserID; lectures = lectureService.getLectures(userID); } return(Ok(lectures)); }
public LectureItem[] getSemesterLectures(string studyGroup, SemesterItem semesterItem) { List <LectureItem> lectures = new List <LectureItem>(); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filepath)) { string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { LectureItem item = convertStringToLectureItem(line); if (item.Start >= semesterItem.Start && item.StudyGroup == studyGroup && item.Start <= semesterItem.End) { lectures.Add(item); } } } lectures = sortLectures(lectures); return(lectures.ToArray()); }
public static List <LectureItem> readExcel() { List <LectureItem> items = new List <LectureItem>(); Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog(); dlg.DefaultExt = ".xls"; dlg.Filter = "Excel Files|*.xls;*.xlsx;*.xlsm"; if (dlg.ShowDialog() != true) { return(null); } onFileSelected?.Invoke(dlg.FileName); string[,] data = LoadExcel(dlg.FileName); for (int row = 0; row < data.GetLength(0); row++) { string[] rowArray = new string[data.GetLength(1)]; for (int col = 0; col < data.GetLength(1); col++) { rowArray[col] = data[row, col]; } LectureItem item = null; try { item = ProcessRow(row + 1, rowArray); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } if (item != null) { items.Add(item); } } return(items); }
public LectureItem[] getLecturesByLecturer(string lecturer, DateTime startTime, DateTime endDate) { List <LectureItem> lectures = new List <LectureItem>(); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filepath)) { string currentLine; while ((currentLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { LectureItem item = convertStringToLectureItem(currentLine); if (item.Start >= startTime && item.Lecturer == lecturer) { lectures.Add(item); } } } lectures = sortLectures(lectures); lectures = lectures.Where(x => x.Start <= endDate).ToList(); return(lectures.ToArray()); }
public LectureItem[] getLectures(long userID) { LectureItem[] lectures = new LectureItem[0]; UserItem userItem = userDB.getUserItem(userID); if (userItem != null) { if (userItem.UserType.Name == "Student") { string studyGroup = userItem.StudyGroup.ShortName; SemesterItem currentSemester = semesterDB.getCurrentSemesterByStudyGroup(studyGroup); if (currentSemester == null) { //Create pseudo-semester currentSemester = new SemesterItem { Start = getFirstOfMonth(), End = getFirstOfMonth().AddMonths(3), StudyGroup = studyGroup }; } lectures = timetableDB.getSemesterLectures(studyGroup, currentSemester); } else if (userItem.UserType.Name == "Dozent") { //ToDo: get dozID string dozID = "Prof. Penzel"; DateTime startDate = getFirstOfMonth(); DateTime endDate = startDate.AddMonths(3); lectures = timetableDB.getLecturesByLecturer(dozID, startDate, endDate); } } return(lectures); }
private LectureItem[] getTimeTable(string value, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, int typ) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnectionTimeTable(); try { using (sqlConnection) { //DateTime endTime = new DateTime(); endTime = Convert.ToDateTime(endTime);//DateTime.Now; DateTime StartHourLessons = new DateTime(); DateTime EndHourLessons = new DateTime(); DateTime LessonsDay = new DateTime(); LectureItem SQLItem = new LectureItem(); List <LectureItem> list = new List <LectureItem>(); //SELECT[Unterricht].[Tag], [Unterricht].Stunde,[Unterricht].OrtsID,[Unterricht].DozentID,[Unterricht].NutzungsID,[Unterricht].Bemerkung,[Stunde].Anfang,[Stunde].Ende,[Zuhoerer].SGID FROM[Unterricht] //LEFT JOIN[Stunde] ON[Unterricht].Stunde = [Stunde].Stunde //LEFT JOIN[Zuhoerer] ON[Unterricht].Tag = [Zuhoerer].Tag AND[Unterricht].Stunde = [Zuhoerer].Stunde AND[Unterricht].OrtsID = [Zuhoerer].OrtsID //WHERE[Zuhoerer].Tag BETWEEN '2017-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2019-01-01 00:00:00' AND[SGID]='WI16-1' ORDER BY[Zuhoerer].SGID, [Unterricht].Tag, [Stunde].Stunde string SQLWhere = ""; if (typ == 1) { SQLWhere = " AND[DozentID] = '" + value + "' "; } else { SQLWhere = " AND[SGID]= '" + value + "' "; } string SQL = "SELECT[Unterricht].[Tag], [Unterricht].Stunde,[Unterricht].OrtsID,[Unterricht].DozentID,[Unterricht].NutzungsID,[Unterricht].Bemerkung,[Stunde].Anfang,[Stunde].Ende,[Zuhoerer].SGID FROM[Unterricht] " + "LEFT JOIN[Stunde] ON[Unterricht].Stunde = [Stunde].Stunde " + "LEFT JOIN[Zuhoerer] ON[Unterricht].Tag = [Zuhoerer].Tag AND[Unterricht].Stunde = [Zuhoerer].Stunde AND[Unterricht].OrtsID = [Zuhoerer].OrtsID " + "WHERE[Zuhoerer].Tag BETWEEN '" + startTime + "' AND '" + endTime + "' " + SQLWhere + " ORDER BY[Zuhoerer].SGID, [Unterricht].Tag, [Stunde].Stunde"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { if (myReader["Anfang"].ToString() != "") { StartHourLessons = Convert.ToDateTime(myReader["Anfang"]); } else { StartHourLessons = Convert.ToDateTime("01.01.2000 00:00"); } if (myReader["Ende"].ToString() != "") { EndHourLessons = Convert.ToDateTime(myReader["Ende"]); } else { EndHourLessons = Convert.ToDateTime("01.01.2000 00:00"); } LessonsDay = Convert.ToDateTime(myReader["Tag"]); SQLItem.Start = Convert.ToDateTime(LessonsDay.Date + StartHourLessons.TimeOfDay); SQLItem.End = Convert.ToDateTime(LessonsDay.Date + EndHourLessons.TimeOfDay);; SQLItem.Lecturer = myReader["DozentID"].ToString(); SQLItem.Place = myReader["OrtsID"].ToString(); SQLItem.StudyGroup = myReader["SGID"].ToString(); SQLItem.Title = myReader["NutzungsID"].ToString(); //Bemerkungsfeld feld noch list.Add(SQLItem); SQLItem = new LectureItem(); } sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(list.ToArray()); } } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } }