Esempio n. 1
File: Api.cs Progetto: sursamra/Lean
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to download and save the data purchased through QuantConnect
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">Symbol of security of which data will be requested.</param>
        /// <param name="resolution">Resolution of data requested.</param>
        /// <param name="date">Date of the data requested.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="bool"/> indicating whether the data was successfully downloaded or not.</returns>

        public bool DownloadData(Symbol symbol, Resolution resolution, DateTime date)
            // Get a link to the data
            var link = ReadDataLink(symbol, resolution, date);

            // Make sure the link was successfully retrieved
            if (!link.Success)

            // Save csv in same folder heirarchy as Lean
            var path = Path.Combine(_dataFolder, LeanData.GenerateRelativeZipFilePath(symbol.Value, symbol.ID.SecurityType, symbol.ID.Market, date, resolution));

            // Make sure the directory exist before writing
            (new FileInfo(path)).Directory.Create();

            // Download and save the data
            var uri     = new Uri(link.DataLink);
            var client  = new RestClient(uri.Scheme + "://" + uri.Host);
            var request = new RestRequest(uri.PathAndQuery, Method.GET);

            // If the response is not a zip then it is not data, don't write it.
            var response = client.Execute(request);

            if (response.ContentType != "application/zip")
                var message = JObject.Parse(response.Content)["message"].Value <string>();
                Log.Error($"Api.DownloadData(): Failed to download zip for {symbol} {resolution} data for date {date}, Api response: {message}");

Esempio n. 2
File: Api.cs Progetto: mahf/Lean
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to download and save the data purchased through QuantConnect
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">Symbol of security of which data will be requested.</param>
        /// <param name="resolution">Resolution of data requested.</param>
        /// <param name="date">Date of the data requested.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="bool"/> indicating whether the data was successfully downloaded or not.</returns>

        public bool DownloadData(Symbol symbol, Resolution resolution, DateTime date)
            // Get a link to the data
            var link = ReadDataLink(symbol, resolution, date);

            // Make sure the link was successfully retrieved
            if (!link.Success)

            // Save csv in same folder heirarchy as Lean
            var path = Path.Combine(_dataFolder, LeanData.GenerateRelativeZipFilePath(symbol.Value, symbol.ID.SecurityType, symbol.ID.Market, date, resolution));

            // Make sure the directory exist before writing
            (new FileInfo(path)).Directory.Create();

            // Download and save the data
            var uri     = new Uri(link.DataLink);
            var client  = new RestClient(uri.Scheme + "://" + uri.Host);
            var request = new RestRequest(uri.PathAndQuery, Method.GET);


Esempio n. 3
        public bool DownloadData(Symbol symbol, Resolution resolution, DateTime date)
            string r        = "S5";
            string filename = "";

            switch (resolution)
            case Resolution.Minute:
                r        = "M1";
                filename = string.Format("{0}{1:D2}{2:D2}_{3}_minute_quote.csv", new object[] { date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, symbol.ID.Symbol });

            case Resolution.Second:
                r        = "S5";
                filename = string.Format("{0}{1:D2}{2:D2}_{3}_second_quote.csv", new object[] { date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, symbol.ID.Symbol });

            case Resolution.Tick:
                r        = "S5";
                filename = string.Format("{0}{1:D2}{2:D2}_{3}_tick_quote.csv", new object[] { date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, symbol.ID.Symbol });

            case Resolution.Hour:
                r        = "H1";
                filename = string.Format("{0}.csv", symbol.ID.Symbol);

            case Resolution.Daily:
                r        = "D";
                filename = string.Format("{0}.csv", symbol.ID.Symbol);
            RestClient client = new RestClient();
            var        auth   = "Bearer " + _token;

            client.Timeout = 120000;
            string   s      = string.Format("{0}_{1}", symbol.ID.Symbol.Substring(0, symbol.ID.Symbol.Length - 3), symbol.ID.Symbol.Substring(symbol.ID.Symbol.Length - 3));
            DateTime todate = date.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(1);
            string   url    = string.Format(_url, s, _price, ToUnixTimestamp(date.ToUniversalTime()), ToUnixTimestamp(todate), r);

            client.BaseUrl = new Uri(url);
            Log.Trace(string.Format("Downloading {0}", url));
            var request = new RestRequest();

            request.AddHeader("content-type", "application/json");
            request.AddHeader("Authorization", auth);
            IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
            string        json     = response.Content;

            // Save csv in same folder heirarchy as Lean
            var path = Path.Combine(_dataPath, LeanData.GenerateRelativeZipFilePath(symbol.Value, symbol.ID.SecurityType, symbol.ID.Market, date, resolution));

            // Make sure the directory exist before writing
            (new FileInfo(path)).Directory.Create();
            CreateZip(path, filename, JSonToCSV(date, json), json);
Esempio n. 4
        private void SaveMinuteOrSecondOrTick(
            List <Symbol> symbols,
            DateTime startTimeUtc,
            DateTime endTimeUtc,
            Symbol canonicalSymbol,
            IReadOnlyDictionary <Symbol, List <IGrouping <DateTime, BaseData> > > historyBySymbol)
            var date = startTimeUtc;

            while (date <= endTimeUtc)
                var zipFileName = Path.Combine(
                    LeanData.GenerateRelativeZipFilePath(canonicalSymbol, date, _resolution, _tickType));

                var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(zipFileName);
                if (!Directory.Exists(folder))

                if (File.Exists(zipFileName))

                using (var zip = new ZipFile(zipFileName))
                    foreach (var symbol in symbols)
                        var zipEntryName = LeanData.GenerateZipEntryName(symbol, date, _resolution, _tickType);

                        foreach (var group in historyBySymbol[symbol])
                            if (group.Key == date)
                                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                                foreach (var row in group)
                                    var line = LeanData.GenerateLine(row, _securityType, _resolution);
                                zip.AddEntry(zipEntryName, sb.ToString());

                    if (zip.Count > 0)

                date = date.AddDays(1);
Esempio n. 5
        public void ValidForexDataLinks(string ticker, string market, DateTime date, Resolution resolution, TickType tickType)
            var path = LeanData.GenerateRelativeZipFilePath(
                new Symbol(SecurityIdentifier.GenerateForex(ticker, market), ticker),
                date, resolution, tickType);
            var dataLink = ApiClient.ReadDataLink(path, TestOrganization);

Esempio n. 6
        public bool DownloadHourData(Symbol symbol, Resolution resolution, DateTime fromDate)
            string   r        = "S5";
            string   filename = "";
            string   s        = symbol.ID.Symbol.Insert(symbol.ID.Symbol.Length - 3, "_");
            DateTime toDate   = DateTime.UtcNow.RoundDown(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30));
            string   url      = null;

            r        = "H1";
            filename = string.Format("{0}.csv", symbol.ID.Symbol.ToLower());
            DateTime _d  = fromDate.ToUniversalTime();
            string   csv = "";

            while (_d < toDate)
                DateTime _end = _d.AddHours(5000) > toDate ? toDate : _d.AddHours(5000);
                url = string.Format(_url, s, _price, ToUnixTimestamp(_d), ToUnixTimestamp(_end), r);

                RestClient client = new RestClient();
                var        auth   = "Bearer " + _token;
                client.Timeout = 120000;

                client.BaseUrl = new Uri(url);
                Log.Trace(string.Format("Downloading {0}", url));
                var request = new RestRequest();
                request.AddHeader("content-type", "application/json");
                request.AddHeader("Authorization", auth);
                IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
                string        json     = response.Content;
                if (response.ErrorException == null)
                    var curcsv = resolution == Resolution.Daily || resolution == Resolution.Hour ? JSonToCSV(json) : JSonToCSV(fromDate, json);
                    if (curcsv != null && curcsv.Length > 0)
                        csv += curcsv;
                _d = _end;

            if (csv.Length > 0)
                // Save csv in same folder heirarchy as Lean
                var path = Path.Combine(_dataPath, LeanData.GenerateRelativeZipFilePath(symbol.Value, symbol.ID.SecurityType, symbol.ID.Market, fromDate, resolution));

                // Make sure the directory exist before writing
                (new FileInfo(path)).Directory.Create();
                CreateZip(path, filename, csv);
        public void DecomposesAccordingToLeanDataFileGeneration(Arguments args)
            var sourceString = LeanData.GenerateRelativeZipFilePath(args.Symbol, args.Date, args.Resolution, args.TickType);
            var decomposed   = LeanDataPathComponents.Parse(sourceString);

            var expectedFileName = LeanData.GenerateZipFileName(args.Symbol, args.Date, args.Resolution, args.TickType);

            Assert.AreEqual(args.Symbol, decomposed.Symbol);
            Assert.AreEqual(args.Date, decomposed.Date);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedFileName, decomposed.Filename);
            Assert.AreEqual(args.Symbol.ID.SecurityType, decomposed.SecurityType);
            Assert.AreEqual(args.Symbol.ID.Market, decomposed.Market);
            Assert.AreEqual(args.TickType, decomposed.TickType);
            Assert.AreEqual(args.Market, decomposed.Market);
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to download and save the data purchased through QuantConnect
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">Symbol of security of which data will be requested.</param>
        /// <param name="resolution">Resolution of data requested.</param>
        /// <param name="date">Date of the data requested.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="bool"/> indicating whether the data was successfully downloaded or not.</returns>

        public bool DownloadData(Symbol symbol, Resolution resolution, DateTime date)
            // Get a link to the data
            var link = ReadDataLink(symbol, resolution, date);

            // Make sure the link was successfully retrieved
            if (!link.Success)

            // Save csv in same folder heirarchy as Lean
            var path = Path.Combine(_dataFolder, LeanData.GenerateRelativeZipFilePath(symbol.Value, symbol.ID.SecurityType, symbol.ID.Market, date, resolution));

            // Make sure the directory exist before writing
            (new FileInfo(path)).Directory.Create();

            // Download and save the data
            var uri     = new Uri(link.DataLink);
            var client  = new RestClient(uri.Scheme + "://" + uri.Host);
            var request = new RestRequest(uri.PathAndQuery, Method.GET);

            // MAke a request for the data at the link
            var response = client.Execute(request);

            // If the response is JSON it doesn't contain any data, try and extract the message and write it
            if (response.ContentType.ToLowerInvariant() == "application/json")
                    var contentObj = JObject.Parse(response.Content);
                    var message    = contentObj["message"].Value <string>();
                    Log.Error($"Api.DownloadData(): Failed to download zip for {symbol} {resolution} data for date {date}, Api response: {message}");
                    Log.Error($"Api.DownloadData(): Failed to download zip for {symbol} {resolution} data for date {date}. Api response could not be parsed.");


            // Any other case save the content to given path
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the <see cref="TextWriter"/> that writes data to csv files
        /// </summary>
        private Writer CreateTextWriter(BaseData data)
            var entry        = LeanData.GenerateZipEntryName(data.Symbol, data.Time.Date, _resolution, _tickType);
            var relativePath = LeanData.GenerateRelativeZipFilePath(data.Symbol, data.Time.Date, _resolution, _tickType)
                               .Replace(".zip", string.Empty);
            var path      = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(_dataDirectory, relativePath), entry);
            var directory = new FileInfo(path).Directory.FullName;

            if (!Directory.Exists(directory))
                // lock before checking again
                lock (DirectoryCreateSync) if (!Directory.Exists(directory))

            return(new Writer(path, new StreamWriter(path)));
Esempio n. 10
        public void GenerateRelativeZipFilePath(LeanDataTestParameters parameters)
            var relativePath = LeanData.GenerateRelativeZipFilePath(parameters.Symbol, parameters.Date, parameters.Resolution, parameters.TickType);

            Assert.AreEqual(parameters.ExpectedRelativeZipFilePath, relativePath);
Esempio n. 11
        private void SaveDailyOrHour(
            List <Symbol> symbols,
            Symbol canonicalSymbol,
            IReadOnlyDictionary <Symbol, List <BaseData> > historyBySymbol)
            var zipFileName = Path.Combine(
                LeanData.GenerateRelativeZipFilePath(canonicalSymbol, DateTime.MinValue, _resolution, _tickType));

            var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(zipFileName);

            if (!Directory.Exists(folder))

            using (var zip = new ZipFile(zipFileName))
                foreach (var symbol in symbols)
                    // Load new data rows into a SortedDictionary for easy merge/update
                    var newRows = new SortedDictionary <DateTime, string>(historyBySymbol[symbol]
                                                                          .ToDictionary(x => x.Time, x => LeanData.GenerateLine(x, _securityType, _resolution)));

                    var rows = new SortedDictionary <DateTime, string>();

                    var zipEntryName = LeanData.GenerateZipEntryName(symbol, DateTime.MinValue, _resolution, _tickType);

                    if (zip.ContainsEntry(zipEntryName))
                        // If file exists, we load existing data and perform merge
                        using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                                string line;
                                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                                    var time = Parse.DateTimeExact(line.Substring(0, DateFormat.TwelveCharacter.Length), DateFormat.TwelveCharacter);
                                    rows[time] = line;

                        foreach (var kvp in newRows)
                            rows[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
                        // No existing file, just use the new data
                        rows = newRows;

                    // Loop through the SortedDictionary and write to zip entry
                    var sb = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (var kvp in rows)
                        // Build the line and append it to the file

                    // Write the zip entry
                    if (sb.Length > 0)
                        if (zip.ContainsEntry(zipEntryName))

                        zip.AddEntry(zipEntryName, sb.ToString());

                if (zip.Count > 0)
Esempio n. 12
        private void ConvertMinuteFuturesData(Symbol canonical, TickType tickType, Resolution outputResolution, Resolution inputResolution = Resolution.Minute)
            var timeSpans = new Dictionary <Resolution, TimeSpan>()
                { Resolution.Daily, TimeSpan.FromHours(24) },
                { Resolution.Hour, TimeSpan.FromHours(1) },

            var timeSpan = timeSpans[outputResolution];

            var tickTypeConsolidatorMap = new Dictionary <TickType, Func <IDataConsolidator> >()
                { TickType.Quote, () => new QuoteBarConsolidator(timeSpan) },
                { TickType.OpenInterest, () => new OpenInterestConsolidator(timeSpan) },
                { TickType.Trade, () => new TradeBarConsolidator(timeSpan) }

            var consolidators = new Dictionary <string, IDataConsolidator>();
            var configs       = new Dictionary <string, SubscriptionDataConfig>();
            var outputFiles   = new Dictionary <string, StringBuilder>();
            var futures       = new Dictionary <string, Symbol>();

            var date = _fromDate;

            while (date <= _toDate)
                var futureChain = LoadFutureChain(canonical, date, tickType, inputResolution);

                foreach (var future in futureChain)
                    if (!futures.ContainsKey(future.Value))
                        futures[future.Value] = future;
                        var config = new SubscriptionDataConfig(LeanData.GetDataType(outputResolution, tickType),
                                                                future, inputResolution, TimeZones.NewYork, TimeZones.NewYork,
                                                                false, false, false, false, tickType);
                        configs[future.Value] = config;

                        consolidators[future.Value] = tickTypeConsolidatorMap[tickType].Invoke();

                        var sb = new StringBuilder();
                        outputFiles[future.Value] = sb;

                        consolidators[future.Value].DataConsolidated += (sender, bar) =>
                            sb.Append(LeanData.GenerateLine(bar, SecurityType.Future, outputResolution) + Environment.NewLine);

                    var leanDataReader = new LeanDataReader(configs[future.Value], future, inputResolution, date, _dataDirectory);

                    var consolidator = consolidators[future.Value];

                    foreach (var bar in leanDataReader.Parse())
                date = date.AddDays(1);

            //write all results
            foreach (var consolidator in consolidators.Values)

            var zip     = LeanData.GenerateRelativeZipFilePath(canonical, _fromDate, outputResolution, tickType);
            var zipPath = Path.Combine(_dataDirectory, zip);
            var fi      = new FileInfo(zipPath);

            if (!fi.Directory.Exists)

            foreach (var future in futures.Values)
                var zipEntry = LeanData.GenerateZipEntryName(future, _fromDate, outputResolution, tickType);
                var sb       = outputFiles[future.Value];

                //Uncomment to write zip files
                //QuantConnect.Compression.ZipCreateAppendData(zipPath, zipEntry, sb.ToString());

                Assert.IsTrue(sb.Length > 0);
Esempio n. 13
        public bool DownloadData(Symbol symbol, Resolution resolution, DateTime date)
            var simpleDate = date.Date;

            if (resolution == Resolution.Hour)
                return(DownloadHourData(symbol, resolution, simpleDate));

            string   r        = "S5";
            string   filename = "";
            string   s        = symbol.ID.Symbol.Insert(symbol.ID.Symbol.Length - 3, "_");
            DateTime todate   = simpleDate.AddDays(1d).Date;
            string   url      = null;

            switch (resolution)
            case Resolution.Minute:
                r        = "M1";
                filename = string.Format("{0}{1:D2}{2:D2}_{3}_minute_quote.csv", new object[] { simpleDate.Year, simpleDate.Month, simpleDate.Day, symbol.ID.Symbol });
                url      = string.Format(_url, s, _price, ToUnixTimestamp(simpleDate), ToUnixTimestamp(todate), r);


            case Resolution.Second:
                r        = "S5";
                filename = string.Format("{0}{1:D2}{2:D2}_{3}_second_quote.csv", new object[] { simpleDate.Year, simpleDate.Month, simpleDate.Day, symbol.ID.Symbol });
                url      = string.Format(_url, s, _price, ToUnixTimestamp(simpleDate), ToUnixTimestamp(todate), r);

            case Resolution.Tick:
                r        = "S5";
                filename = string.Format("{0}{1:D2}{2:D2}_{3}_tick_quote.csv", new object[] { simpleDate.Year, simpleDate.Month, simpleDate.Day, symbol.ID.Symbol });
                url      = string.Format(_url, s, _price, ToUnixTimestamp(simpleDate), ToUnixTimestamp(todate), r);

            case Resolution.Hour:
                r        = "H1";
                filename = string.Format("{0}.csv", symbol.ID.Symbol);
                DateTime _d = new DateTime(2004, 1, 1).ToUniversalTime();
                url = string.Format(_url, s, _price, ToUnixTimestamp(_d), ToUnixTimestamp(DateTime.UtcNow), r);

            case Resolution.Daily:
                r        = "D";
                filename = string.Format("{0}.csv", symbol.ID.Symbol);
                DateTime _d = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-5000).ToUniversalTime();
                url = string.Format(_url, s, _price, ToUnixTimestamp(_d), ToUnixTimestamp(DateTime.UtcNow), r);

            RestClient client = new RestClient();
            var        auth   = "Bearer " + _token;

            client.Timeout = 120000;

            client.BaseUrl = new Uri(url);
            Log.Trace(string.Format("Downloading {0}", url));
            var request = new RestRequest();

            request.AddHeader("content-type", "application/json");
            request.AddHeader("Authorization", auth);
            IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
            string        json     = response.Content;

            if (response.ErrorException == null)
                // Save csv in same folder heirarchy as Lean
                var path = Path.Combine(_dataPath, LeanData.GenerateRelativeZipFilePath(symbol.Value, symbol.ID.SecurityType, symbol.ID.Market, simpleDate, resolution));

                // Make sure the directory exist before writing
                (new FileInfo(path)).Directory.Create();
                var csv = resolution == Resolution.Daily || resolution == Resolution.Hour ? JSonToCSV(json) : JSonToCSV(simpleDate, json);
                if (csv == null || csv.Length < 1)
                CreateZip(path, filename, csv, json);
            Log.Trace(string.Format("Error downloading {0}", response.ErrorException));