Esempio n. 1
    private void CreateLineInLeaderboard(LeaderboardLine lineObject)
        GameObject line = Instantiate(LineInLeaderboard) as GameObject; // create the line

        line.transform.SetParent(LinesInTheLeaderboard.transform);      // set the line as the child of lines
        line.transform.position = nextPosition;                         // set the position of the line
        line.SetActive(true);                                           // ensure the line is shown and is not hiding
        nextPosition.y = nextPosition.y - 30;                           // set the position of the next line 30 below the line just made

        // change the text of each column in the line
        // Child 0 - Position
        // Child 1 - Name
        // Child 2 - Score
        // get the text component for each column in this line
        TMP_Text position = line.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <TMP_Text>();
        TMP_Text name     = line.transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <TMP_Text>();
        TMP_Text score    = line.transform.GetChild(2).GetComponent <TMP_Text>();

        // get the position of this object on the leaderboard - keep in mind this list should be sorted when this is called
        int pos = nextIntPositionOnLeaderboard;

        // increment the next position so that the next line will be a position below the current
        string positionString = ""; // initialize a string to set the position as

        switch (pos)                // use a switch case to determine whether the current position needs a 'st','nd','rd' or 'th' at the end of its position number
        case 1: positionString = "1st"; break;

        case 2: positionString = "2nd"; break;

        case 3: positionString = "3rd"; break;

        case 4: positionString = "4th"; break;

        case 5: positionString = "5th"; break;

        case 6: positionString = "6th"; break;

        case 7: positionString = "7th"; break;

        case 8: positionString = "8th"; break;

        case 9: positionString = "9th"; break;

        case 10: positionString = "10th"; break;
        position.text = positionString;  // set the position text from the positionString
        name.text     =; // set the name text from the name stored in the line object
        int scoreInt = lineObject.score; // set the score text from the score in the line object

        score.text = "" + scoreInt;      // set the score text as the score - i added a blank string as a quick way in making a string
        // store the current line in the playerprefs
        // eg for the first item called in this function ie. nextIntPositionOnLeaderboard = 1 at the beginning of the functio
        // "leaderboardItem"+pos = "leaderboardItem1"
        // lets say = "Cian" and the score achieved was 100
        // Under the key "leaderboadItem1" the value "Cian,100" was set, this will be saved when PlayerPrefs.Save() is called
        PlayerPrefs.SetString("leaderboardItem" + pos, + "," + scoreInt);
Esempio n. 2
    public void CheckScore(string name, int score)
        // create new object
        LeaderboardLine newLine = new LeaderboardLine(name, score);
        // create blank list
        List <LeaderboardLine> lines = new List <LeaderboardLine>();
        // Debug.Log(lines.Count);

        bool toBeAddedToList = false;                                                                        // new name and score not to be added to the list by default

        for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++)                                                                         // loop from 1 to 10
            string temp = "leaderboardItem" + i;                                                             // string to load PlayerPref with
            string str = PlayerPrefs.GetString(temp);                                                        // load leaderboard item 1 to 10
            if (str.Length > 0)                                                                              // if the value that gets taken from the player prefs is not a blank string
                string[]        attributes = str.Split(',');                                                 // split using the ',' delimiter
                LeaderboardLine l          = new LeaderboardLine(attributes[0], Int32.Parse(attributes[1])); // use the two attributes - name and score - to create a new LeaderboardLine object
                lines.Add(l);                                                                                // add the line to the list
                if (Int32.Parse(attributes[1]) < score)                                                      // if the new objects score is greater
                {                                                                                            // it is to be added to the list
                    toBeAddedToList = true;
                // string with length 0 found - therefore a blank line in the list - the new line can be placed here
                toBeAddedToList = true;
        if (toBeAddedToList)         // if the line is to be added to the list
            lines = SortList(lines); // sort the list of lines
            if (lines.Count < 10)    // if there is space on the list of 10 lines
                lines.Add(newLine);  // add the newLine to the list
            else if (lines.Count == 10)
                // if there is no space on the list of Lines, remove the last line
                // add new line
        leaderboardLines = lines;
Esempio n. 3
 private void LoadList()
     for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++)
         string str = PlayerPrefs.GetString("leaderboardItem" + i); // returns name,score
         if (str.Length > 0)
             string[]        attributes = str.Split(',');
             LeaderboardLine l          = new LeaderboardLine(attributes[0], Int32.Parse(attributes[1]));
Esempio n. 4
 private List <LeaderboardLine> SortList(List <LeaderboardLine> list)
     //sorting the list by its score from best to worse ie. largest to smallest
     for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
     {                                            // loop from starting line
         for (int j = i + 1; j < list.Count; j++) // loop from the line after the starting line
             // if the current j score is greater that the current i score then we have to swap i and j to move j up the list because it has a better score
             if (list[j].score > list[i].score)
                 // we have to swap i and j
                 LeaderboardLine l = list[j]; // temporarily store j
                 list[j] = list[i];           // put i in the position of j
                 list[i] = l;                 // put the stored j in the position of i