Esempio n. 1
    /* Unload currently loaded model.
     * May be safely called even when instance is already unloaded.
     * LoadInstance() calls this automatically at the beginning.
     * After calling this, remember to call RefreshUserInterface at some point.
    private void UnloadInstance()
        if (layersLoaded != null)
            foreach (LayerLoaded l in layersLoaded.Values)
            layersLoaded          = null;
            ColorMap.LayersLoaded = null;

        if (layersButtons != null)
            foreach (PressableButtonHoloLens2 button in layersButtons.Values)
                // remove from ButtonsClickReceiver.interactables
                button.GetComponent <Interactable>().IsEnabled = false;
            layersButtons = null;

        if (instanceTransformation != null)
            instanceBundle         = null;
            instanceTransformation = null;
            rotationBoxRig         = null;
            instanceIsPreview      = false; // value does not matter, but for security better to set it to something well-defined

        InstanceLoaded = false;
        directionalIndicator.DirectionalTarget = InstanceParent;
Esempio n. 2
    /* Load new model.
     * newInstanceBundleName is a bundle name known to the ModelsCollection bundle.
     * No layer is initially loaded -- you usually want to call
     * LoadLayer immediately after this.
     * After calling this, remember to call RefreshUserInterface at some point.
    private void LoadInstance(string newInstanceBundleName, bool newIsPreview)
        if (instanceBundle != null)
            Debug.Log("LoadInstance - currentInstanceName: " + instanceBundle.Name + ", newInstanceName: " + newInstanceBundleName);
            if (instanceIsPreview != newIsPreview && instanceBundle.Layers.All(l => l.DataType == DataType.Volumetric))
                Debug.Log("LoadInstance - preview accepted!");
                instanceIsPreview = newIsPreview;


        InstanceLoaded = true;
        instanceBundle = ModelsCollection.Singleton.BundleLoad(newInstanceBundleName);
        // Load Volumetric Data
        if (instanceBundle.Layers.All(x => x.GetComponent <ModelLayer>().DataType == DataType.Volumetric))
            instanceBundle.VolumetricMaterial = DefaultVolumetricMaterial;
        instanceIsPreview     = newIsPreview;
        layersLoaded          = new LayersLoaded();
        ColorMap.LayersLoaded = layersLoaded;

        rotationBoxRig = Instantiate <GameObject>(RotationBoxRigTemplate, InstanceParent.transform);

        instanceTransformation = new GameObject("InstanceTransformation");
        instanceTransformation.transform.parent = rotationBoxRig.transform;

        Vector3 boundsSize =;
        float   scale      = 1f;

        if (instanceBundle.Bounds.HasValue)
            Bounds b = instanceBundle.Bounds.Value;
            boundsSize = b.size;
            float maxSize = Mathf.Max(new float[] { boundsSize.x, boundsSize.y, boundsSize.z });
            if (maxSize > Mathf.Epsilon)
                scale = instanceMaxSize / maxSize;
            instanceTransformation.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale);
            instanceTransformation.transform.localPosition = * scale + instanceMove;

            //FIXME: this is a hack on instance not rotating properly if we move plate
            instanceTransformation.transform.localRotation = new Quaternion(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);

        // set proper BoxCollider bounds
        BoxCollider rotationBoxCollider = rotationBoxRig.GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); = instanceMove;
        rotationBoxCollider.size   = boundsSize * scale;
        // Disable the component, to not prevent mouse clicking on buttons.
        // It will be taken into account to calculate bbox in BoundingBoxRig anyway,
        // since inside BoundingBox.GetColliderBoundsPoints it looks at all GetComponentsInChildren<Collider>() .

        // reset animation speed slider to value 1
        animationSpeed = 1f;
        SliderAnimationSpeed.GetComponent <PinchSlider>().SliderValue = animationSpeed / SliderSpeedFactor;

        // reset transparency to false
        Transparent = false;

        // add buttons to toggle layers
        layersButtons = new Dictionary <ModelLayer, PressableButtonHoloLens2>();
        int buttonIndex = 0;

        foreach (ModelLayer layer in instanceBundle.Layers)
            // add button to scene
            GameObject buttonGameObject = Instantiate <GameObject>(ButtonLayerTemplate, LayerSubmenu.transform);
            buttonGameObject.transform.localPosition =
                buttonGameObject.transform.localPosition + new Vector3(0f, 0f, buttonLayerHeight * buttonIndex);

            // configure button text
            PressableButtonHoloLens2 button = buttonGameObject.GetComponent <PressableButtonHoloLens2>();
            if (button == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("Missing component PressableButtonHoloLens2 in ButtonLayerTemplate");
            button.GetComponent <ButtonConfigHelper>().MainLabelText = layer.Caption;
            button.GetComponent <Interactable>().OnClick.AddListener(() => Click(buttonGameObject));

            // update layersButtons dictionary
            layersButtons[layer] = button;
        directionalIndicator.DirectionalTarget = instanceTransformation.transform;