public List<ScheduledRoutine> getRoutines() { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { return context.ScheduledRoutines.OrderBy(o => o.startTime).ToList(); } }
public List<scheduledItem> getScheduledItemsByDay(Int32 userID, DateTime day) { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { var ruleDate = Convert.ToDateTime(day).Date; var routines = from r in context.ScheduledRoutines orderby r.startTime where ( == userID && r.startTime.Day == day.Day) select new scheduledItem { itemName =, startTime = r.startTime, user = r.LimitBreaker, isExericse = false }; var exercises = from e in context.ScheduledExercises orderby e.startTime where ( == userID && e.startTime.Day == day.Day) select new scheduledItem { itemName =, startTime = e.startTime, user = e.LimitBreakers, isExericse = true }; var items = routines.Concat(exercises).ToList(); return items.ToList(); } }
//BIG F*****G ISSUE WITH THIS FUNCTION ON LINE 68!! This is a note for future reference. //The logic fault is that if you clear a LoggedExercise's refernece to an exercise and the exercise still exists, then wtf?! Solution: deleting an exercise is NOT allowed, only disabling public bool deleteExerciseByName(string name) { bool result = true; using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { try { var exercise = context.Exercises.Where(s => == name).FirstOrDefault(); exercise.LoggedExercise.Clear(); exercise.ScheduledExercises.Clear(); exercise.Routines.Clear(); exercise.ExerciseGoals.Clear(); var exp = context.ExerciseExps.Where(s => == name).FirstOrDefault(); if (exp != null) { context.ExerciseExps.DeleteObject(exp); } context.Exercises.DeleteObject(exercise); context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { result = false; } } return result; }
public Routine changeRoutineName(int routineID, string name) { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { Routine rc = new Routine(); try { Routine rtn = context.Routines.Where(x => == routineID).FirstOrDefault(); if (rtn != null && != name.Trim()) { = name.Trim(); context.Routines.ApplyCurrentValues(rtn); context.SaveChanges(); } rc = rtn; } catch (NullReferenceException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace); // write off the execeptions to my error.log file StreamWriter wrtr = new StreamWriter(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.Server.MapPath("~/assets/documents/" + @"\" + "error.log"), true); wrtr.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " | Error: " + e); wrtr.Close(); } return rc; } }
public List<Exercise> getExercises() { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { return context.Exercises.OrderBy(s =>; } }
public bool scheduleNewExercise(Int32 exerciseID, DateTime start, Int32 userID, bool notification) { bool rc = false; using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { LimitBreaker lb = context.LimitBreakers.Where(x => == userID).FirstOrDefault(); if (lb != null) { List<scheduledItem> scheduledItemsForThatDay = new List<scheduledItem>(); ScheduledExercise newScheduledExercise = new ScheduledExercise(); //This part is for validating if the exercise can be scheduled for a certain time /* scheduledItemsForThatDay = getScheduledItemsByDay(userID, start); foreach (var item in scheduledItemsForThatDay) { if (item != null && start.AddHours(-1) <= item.startTime && start.AddHours(1) >= item.startTime) { return false; } } */ Exercise exercise = context.Exercises.Where(e => == exerciseID).FirstOrDefault(); newScheduledExercise.Exercise = exercise; newScheduledExercise.startTime = start; newScheduledExercise.LimitBreakers = lb; newScheduledExercise.needEmailNotification = notification; context.ScheduledExercises.AddObject(newScheduledExercise); context.SaveChanges(); rc = true; } return rc; } }
public List<Exercise> getAllExercises() { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { return context.Exercises.OrderBy(o =>; } }
public bool createNewExercise(string exerciseName, string muscleGroups, string equipment, string videoLink, bool rep, bool weight, bool distance, bool time, bool enabled) { bool rc = false; using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { Exercise newExercise = new Exercise(); try { if ((context.Exercises.FirstOrDefault(exercise => == exerciseName).name == exerciseName)) rc = false; } catch (NullReferenceException e) { = exerciseName; newExercise.muscleGroups = muscleGroups; = equipment; newExercise.videoLink = videoLink; newExercise.rep = rep; newExercise.weight = weight; newExercise.distance = distance; newExercise.time = time; newExercise.enabled = enabled; context.Exercises.AddObject(newExercise); context.SaveChanges(); rc = true; } return rc; } }
public ExerciseExp getExerciseExpByExerciseName(string name) { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { return context.ExerciseExps.Where(s => == name).FirstOrDefault(); } }
public Exercise getExerciseById(int ID) { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { return context.Exercises.Where(e => == ID).FirstOrDefault(); } }
public bool addNewExerciseGoal(int weight, double distance, int time, int reps, string userName, string exerciseName) { bool rc = false; using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { try { ExerciseGoal newExerciseGoal = new ExerciseGoal(); Exercise exercise = context.Exercises.Where(s => == exerciseName).FirstOrDefault(); LimitBreaker user = context.LimitBreakers.Where(s => s.username == userName).FirstOrDefault(); newExerciseGoal.LimitBreaker = user; newExerciseGoal.Exercise = exercise; newExerciseGoal.weight = weight; newExerciseGoal.distance = distance; newExerciseGoal.time = time; newExerciseGoal.reps = reps; context.ExerciseGoals.AddObject(newExerciseGoal); context.SaveChanges(); rc = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace); } } return rc; }
public LevelFormula getLevelFormulaValues() { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { return context.LevelFormulas.FirstOrDefault(); } }
public bool modifyExerciseExpByName(string exerciseName, double baseExp, double weightMod, double repMod, double distanceMod, double timeMod) { bool rc = false; using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { try { ExerciseExp exerciseExp = context.ExerciseExps.Where(s => == exerciseName).FirstOrDefault(); exerciseExp.baseExperience = baseExp; exerciseExp.weightModifier = weightMod; exerciseExp.repModifier = repMod; exerciseExp.distanceModifier = distanceMod; exerciseExp.timeModifier = timeMod; context.SaveChanges(); rc = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace); } } return rc; }
//temp user for testing public List<LimitBreaker> getUsers() { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { return context.LimitBreakers.OrderBy(o =>; } }
public ExperienceAtrophy getExperienceAtrophy() { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { return context.ExperienceAtrophies.FirstOrDefault(); } }
public bool deleteExerciseById(int id) { bool result = true; using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { try { var exercise = context.Exercises.Where(s => == id).FirstOrDefault(); //var exp = context.ExerciseExps.Where(s => == id).FirstOrDefault(); // Make it so it only works when there is a related ExerciseExp //context.ExerciseExps.DeleteObject(exp); exercise.LoggedExercise.Clear(); exercise.ScheduledExercises.Clear(); //ExerciseGoal doesn't have a navigation property context.Exercises.DeleteObject(exercise); context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { result = false; } } return result; }
public bool createNewExerciseExp(string exerciseName, double baseExp, double weightMod, double repMod, double distanceMod, double timeMod) { bool rc = false; using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { try { ExerciseExp newExerciseExp = new ExerciseExp(); Exercise exercise = context.Exercises.Where(s => == exerciseName).FirstOrDefault(); newExerciseExp.Exercise = exercise; newExerciseExp.baseExperience = baseExp; newExerciseExp.weightModifier = weightMod; newExerciseExp.repModifier = repMod; newExerciseExp.distanceModifier = distanceMod; newExerciseExp.timeModifier = timeMod; context.ExerciseExps.AddObject(newExerciseExp); context.SaveChanges(); rc = true; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace); } } return rc; }
public Exercise getExercise(string exerciseName) { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { return context.Exercises.FirstOrDefault(exercise => == exerciseName); } }
public ExerciseGoal getExerciseGoalByExerciseNameAndUserName(string name, string userName) { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { return context.ExerciseGoals.Where(s => == name && s.LimitBreaker.username == userName).FirstOrDefault(); } }
public Int32 getExerciseID(String name) { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { return context.Exercises.Where(x => == name).Select(x =>; } }
public SetAttributes createSet(Int32 rep, Int32 time, Int32 weight, Double distance, Int64 logID) { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { LoggedExercise existingLog = context.LoggedExercises.Where(log => == logID).FirstOrDefault(); if (existingLog != null) { SetAttributes set; set = new SetAttributes(); set.reps = rep; set.time = time; set.weight = weight; set.distance = distance; set.timeLogged = DateTime.Now; set.LoggedExercise = existingLog; context.SetAttributes.AddObject(set); context.SaveChanges(); return set; } else { return null; } } }
// neil - create logged exercise with a routine public LoggedExercise createLoggedExercise(Int32 userID, Int32 exerciseID, Int32 routineID) { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { Exercise exercise = context.Exercises.Where(e => == exerciseID).FirstOrDefault(); LimitBreaker limitBreaker = context.LimitBreakers.Where(l => == userID).FirstOrDefault(); Routine routine = context.Routines.Where(r => == routineID).FirstOrDefault(); if (exercise != null && limitBreaker != null && routine != null) { LoggedExercise log; log = new LoggedExercise(); log.timeLogged = DateTime.Now; log.Exercise = exercise; log.LimitBreaker = limitBreaker; log.Routine = routine; context.LoggedExercises.AddObject(log); context.SaveChanges(); return log; } else { return null; } } }
// Return a list of routines public ICollection<Routine> viewRoutines() { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { ICollection<Routine> rc = context.Routines.ToList(); return rc; } }
// Return a single routine object based on routine ID parameter public Routine getRoutine(int routineID) { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { Routine rc = context.Routines.Where(x => == routineID).FirstOrDefault(); return rc; } }
public LimitBreaker getUser(int userID) { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { context.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = false; return context.LimitBreakers.FirstOrDefault(x => == userID); } }
//if top3 is true it only returns the top 3 users public List<LeaderBoardItem> getLeaderBoardValues(int orderBy, bool top3) { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { List<LimitBreaker> lbSet; List<LeaderBoardItem> leaderBoardItemSet = new List<LeaderBoardItem>(); switch (orderBy) { //order by level then experience case 1: lbSet = context.LimitBreakers.OrderByDescending(l => l.Statistics.level).ThenByDescending(l => l.Statistics.experience).ThenBy(l => l.username).ToList(); break; //order by number of achieved goals case 2: lbSet = context.LimitBreakers.OrderByDescending(l => l.ExerciseGoals.Where(g => g.achieved == true).Count()).ThenBy(l => l.username).ToList(); break; //order by number of logged exercises case 3: lbSet = context.LimitBreakers.OrderByDescending(l => l.LoggedExercises.Count()).ThenBy(l => l.username).ToList(); break; default: lbSet = context.LimitBreakers.OrderByDescending(l => l.Statistics.level).ThenByDescending(l => l.Statistics.experience).ThenBy(l => l.username).ToList(); break; } int i = 1; if (!top3) { foreach (LimitBreaker lb in lbSet) { context.LoadProperty(lb, "ExerciseGoals"); context.LoadProperty(lb, "Statistics"); context.LoadProperty(lb, "LoggedExercises"); leaderBoardItemSet.Add(new LeaderBoardItem(i, lb.username, lb.Statistics.level, Convert.ToInt32(lb.Statistics.experience), lb.ExerciseGoals.Where(g => g.achieved == true).Count(), lb.LoggedExercises.Count())); i++; } } else { foreach (LimitBreaker lb in lbSet) { context.LoadProperty(lb, "ExerciseGoals"); context.LoadProperty(lb, "Statistics"); context.LoadProperty(lb, "LoggedExercises"); leaderBoardItemSet.Add(new LeaderBoardItem(i, lb.username, lb.Statistics.level, Convert.ToInt32(lb.Statistics.experience), lb.ExerciseGoals.Where(g => g.achieved == true).Count(), lb.LoggedExercises.Count())); i++; } } return leaderBoardItemSet; } }
public bool achieveGoal(ExerciseGoal eg, int reps, int time, int weight, double distance) { bool achieved = false; if (reps >= eg.reps && time >= eg.time && weight >= eg.weight && distance >= eg.distance) { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { ExerciseGoal saveGoal = context.ExerciseGoals.Where(s => ==; saveGoal.achieved = true; context.SaveChanges(); achieved = true; } } return achieved; }
public bool disableExerciseByName(string name) { bool result = true; using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { try { Exercise exercise = context.Exercises.Where(s => == name).FirstOrDefault(); exercise.enabled = false; context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { result = false; } return result; } }
public bool enableExerciseById(int id) { bool result = true; using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { try { Exercise exercise = context.Exercises.Where(s => == id).FirstOrDefault(); exercise.enabled = true; context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { result = false; } return result; } }
public bool deleteExerciseGoalByExerciseNameAndUserName(string userName, string exerciseName) { bool rc = false; try { using (var context = new Layer2Container()) { ExerciseGoal eg = context.ExerciseGoals.Where(s => == exerciseName && s.LimitBreaker.username == userName).FirstOrDefault(); context.ExerciseGoals.DeleteObject(eg); context.SaveChanges(); rc = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace); } return rc; }