Esempio n. 1
        public TableAdjustment EditPhoneCall(LatticeData <PhoneHistory, PhoneHistoryRow> latticeData, PhoneHistoryRow phoneCallRow)
            PhoneHistory phoneCall = null;

            if (phoneCallRow.Id == 0)
                phoneCall = new PhoneHistory();
                phoneCall = _context.PhoneHistories.FirstOrDefault(history => history.Id == phoneCallRow.Id);

            phoneCall.PhoneNumberId = phoneCallRow.PhoneNumberId;
            phoneCall.PhoneDate     = phoneCallRow.PhoneDate;
            phoneCall.Duration      = phoneCallRow.Duration;
            phoneCall.Caller        = phoneCallRow.Caller;
            phoneCall.CallerCity    = phoneCallRow.CallerCity;
            phoneCall.Callee        = phoneCallRow.Callee;
            phoneCall.CalleeCity    = phoneCallRow.CalleeCity;

            phoneCallRow.Id = phoneCall.Id;

            phoneCallRow.PhoneNumber = _context.PhoneNumbers
                                       .Where(number => number.Id == phoneCallRow.PhoneNumberId).Select(number => number.Number)

            return(latticeData.Adjust(wrapper => wrapper
//                .Message(LatticeMessage.AtsUser("success", "Editing", "Person saved!"))
Esempio n. 2
        public TableAdjustment EditStaton(LatticeData <Station, Station> latticeData, Station stationRow)
            Station station = _context.Stations
                              .FirstOrDefault(x => x.StationId == stationRow.StationId);

            if (station == null)
                station = new Station()
                    StationId = stationRow.StationId

                station.StationName = stationRow.StationName;
            catch (Exception e)
                return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                          .Message(LatticeMessage.User("failure", "Editing", $"Save exception: {e.Message}"))

            stationRow.StationId = station.StationId;
            return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                      .Message(LatticeMessage.User("success", "Editing", "Station saved"))
Esempio n. 3
        private TableAdjustment EditOrCreate(LatticeData <TodoListEntry, TodoListEntry> latticeData)
            var           data         = GetData();
            var           confirmation = latticeData.CommandConfirmation <TodoListEntryCreateEditViewModel>();
            TodoListEntry entry        = null;

            if (confirmation.Id == null)
                entry = new TodoListEntry()
                    Date = DateTime.Now,
                    Icon = confirmation.Icon,
                    Id   = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Text = confirmation.Text

                return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                          .Message(LatticeMessage.User("success", "Created", "New ToDo entry created"))));

            entry      = data.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == confirmation.Id);
            entry.Date = DateTime.Now;
            entry.Text = confirmation.Text;
            entry.Icon = confirmation.Icon;
            return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                      .Message(LatticeMessage.User("success", "Updated", "ToDo entry updated"))));
Esempio n. 4
        private void CreateLatticeData()
            LatticeData l = new LatticeData(1);

            l.Layout.ToolPosition = 60;
            l.Rows                   = 10;
            l.Columns                = 10;
            l.Layout.RepeatX         = 10;
            l.Layout.RepeatY         = 10;
            l.Layout.Width           = 30;
            l.Layout.Height          = 30;
            l.Layout.Clip            = true;
            l.Layout.ClipRange.Start = 50;
            l.Layout.ClipRange.End   = 200;
            l.PropertyChanged       += l_PropertyChanged;
            l.Add(new Line2D(0, 0, 5, 0));
            l.Add(new Line2D(0, 5, 5, 5));
            l.Add(new Line2D(0, 0, 0, 5));
            l.Add(new Line2D(5, 0, 5, 5));
            l.Add(new Line2D(0, 0, 5, 5));
            l.Add(new Line2D(5, 0, 0, 5));
            l.LineChanged += l_LineChanged;
            l.LineRemoved += l_LineChanged;
Esempio n. 5
        public TableAdjustment EditAts(LatticeData <Ats, AtsRow> latticeData, AtsRow atsRow)
            Ats currentATS = null;

            if (atsRow.Id == 0)
                currentATS = new Ats();
                currentATS = _context.AtsStations.FirstOrDefault(ats => ats.Id == atsRow.Id);

            currentATS.CityAtsAttributesId          = atsRow.CityAtsAttributesId;
            currentATS.DepartmentalAtsAttributesId  = atsRow.DepartmentalAtsAttributesId;
            currentATS.InstitutionalAtsAttributesId = atsRow.InstitutionalAtsAttributesId;
            currentATS.AtsType = atsRow.AtsType;


            atsRow.Id = currentATS.Id;

            return(latticeData.Adjust(wrapper => wrapper
//                .Message(LatticeMessage.AtsUser("success", "Editing", "Person saved!"))
Esempio n. 6
        public TableAdjustment EditTrains(LatticeData <Train, Train> latticeData, Train trainRow)
            Train train = _context.Trains
                          .FirstOrDefault(x => x.TrainId == trainRow.TrainId);

            if (train == null)
                train = new Train()
                    TrainId = trainRow.TrainId

            catch (Exception e)
                return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                          .Message(LatticeMessage.User("failure", "Editing", $"Save exception: {e.Message}"))

            trainRow.TrainId = train.TrainId;
            return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                      .Message(LatticeMessage.User("success", "Editing", "Train saved"))
Esempio n. 7
        public TableAdjustment EditRoute(LatticeData <Route, Route> latticeData, Route routeRow)
            Route route = _context.Routes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RouteId == routeRow.RouteId);

            if (route == null)
                route = new Route()
                    RouteId = routeRow.RouteId
                route = _context.Routes
                        .FirstOrDefault(x => x.RouteId == routeRow.RouteId);

                route.RouteName = routeRow.RouteName;
            catch (Exception e)
                return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                          .Message(LatticeMessage.User("failure", "Editing", $"Save exception: {e.Message}"))
            routeRow.RouteId = route.RouteId;
            return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                      .Message(LatticeMessage.User("success", "Editing", "Route saved"))
        public TableAdjustment EditQueue(LatticeData <PhoneInstallationQueue, PhoneInstallationQueueRow> latticeData, PhoneInstallationQueueRow queueRow)
            PhoneInstallationQueue currentQueue = null;

            if (queueRow.Id == 0)
                currentQueue = new PhoneInstallationQueue();
                currentQueue = _context.PhoneInstallationQueues.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == queueRow.Id);

            currentQueue.AtsUserId = queueRow.UserId;

            queueRow.Id = currentQueue.Id;

            queueRow.UserName = _context.AtsUsers
                                .Where(user => user.Id == queueRow.UserId)
                                .Select(user => user.Person.Name)

            queueRow.UserSurname = _context.AtsUsers
                                   .Where(user => user.Id == queueRow.UserId)
                                   .Select(user => user.Person.Surname)

            return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
//                .Message(LatticeMessage.AtsUser("success", "Editing", "Person saved!"))
Esempio n. 9
        public TableAdjustment EditPerson(LatticeData <UserAccounting, UserAccountingRow> latticeData, UserAccountingRow userBillRow)
            UserAccounting currentUserBill = null;

            if (userBillRow.Id == 0)
                currentUserBill = new UserAccounting();
                currentUserBill = _context.UserAccountings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userBillRow.Id);

            currentUserBill.AtsUserId = userBillRow.UserId;
            currentUserBill.Total     = userBillRow.Total;

            userBillRow.Id = currentUserBill.Id;

            userBillRow.UserName = _context.AtsUsers
                                   .Where(user => user.Id == userBillRow.UserId)
                                   .Select(user => user.Person.Name)

            userBillRow.UserSurname = _context.AtsUsers
                                      .Where(user => user.Id == userBillRow.UserId)
                                      .Select(user => user.Person.Surname)

            return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
//                .Message(LatticeMessage.AtsUser("success", "Editing", "Person saved!"))
Esempio n. 10
        public TableAdjustment EditAddress(LatticeData <Address, AddressRow> latticeData, AddressRow addressRow)
            Address currentAddress = null;

            if (addressRow.Id == 0)
                currentAddress = new Address();
                currentAddress = _context.Addresses.FirstOrDefault(address => address.Id == addressRow.Id);

            currentAddress.FlatNumber  = addressRow.FlatNumber;
            currentAddress.HouseNumber = addressRow.HouseNumber;
            currentAddress.Index       = addressRow.Index;
            currentAddress.Locality    = addressRow.Locality;
            currentAddress.Street      = addressRow.Street;

            addressRow.Id = currentAddress.Id;

            return(latticeData.Adjust(wrapper => wrapper
//                .Message(LatticeMessage.AtsUser("success", "Editing", "Person saved!"))
Esempio n. 11
//        public TableAdjustment UpdateRow(LatticeData<Person, PersonRow> latticeData)
//        {
//            return latticeData.Adjust(x => x.Build());
//        }

        public TableAdjustment EditPerson(LatticeData <Person, PersonRow> latticeData, PersonRow personRow)
            Person currentPerson = null;

            if (personRow.Id == 0)
                currentPerson = new Person();
                currentPerson = _context.Persons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == personRow.Id);

            currentPerson.Age        = personRow.Age;
            currentPerson.Gender     = personRow.Gender;
            currentPerson.Name       = personRow.Name;
            currentPerson.Surname    = personRow.Surname;
            currentPerson.Middlename = personRow.Middlename;

            personRow.Id = currentPerson.Id;

            return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
//                .Message(LatticeMessage.AtsUser("success", "Editing", "Person saved!"))
Esempio n. 12
        public TableAdjustment EditTrainsStaffMember(LatticeData <Employee, EmployeeRow> latticeData,
                                                     EmployeeRow employeeRow)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(employeeRow.UserId))
                return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                          .Message(LatticeMessage.User("failure", "Editing", "Can not create create new employee from here"))

            Employee employee = _context.Employees
                                .FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == employeeRow.UserId);

            if (employee == null)
                return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                          .Message(LatticeMessage.User("failure", "Editing", "Can not find employee"))

            employee.TrainId = employeeRow.TrainId;
            return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                      .Message(LatticeMessage.User("success", "Editing", "Employee saved"))
        public void Run(LatticeData data)
            List<Tile> tiles = new List<Tile>();

            foreach (var grid in data.Duplicates)
                foreach (var tile in grid.Tiles)
                    Trace.TraceInformation("Checking for " + tile.FullPath);
                    if (!Directory.Exists(tile.FullPath))

                        if (tile.Group != null)
                            // TODO This should generate an event that causes a remove event in the AcqMonitor that checks if it removes from lattice (similar to add tile event in AcquisitionMonitor).
                        } else
                            Trace.TraceWarning("Duplicate tile entry is missing container.");

            // TODO remove per above.
            if (tiles.Count > 0)
Esempio n. 14
        public ToolPath CreateToolPath(PathData pd, double inc)
            ToolPath    tp;
            LatticeData l = pd as LatticeData;

            tp = new ToolPath(); //.BarrelOutline((int)(1 / inc)));
Esempio n. 15
        public CharactorData(char charactor, int pointSize, int color, LatticeData shapeData)
            this._charactor = charactor;

            this.ShapeData = shapeData;
            this.PointSize = pointSize;
            this.Color     = color;
Esempio n. 16
        public ShapeCollection CreatePaths(PathData p, double increment)
            ShapeCollection pc = new ShapeCollection();

            if (p == null || !(p is LatticeData))
            ld = p as LatticeData;

            rowHeight = ld.Layout.Height / (ld.Rows - 1);
            colWidth  = ld.Layout.Width / (ld.Columns - 1);
            //Shape s = MkPath(0, 0, increment);
            //if (s != null)
            //    pc.AddShape(s);
            if ((ld.Layout.RepeatX == 0) && (ld.Layout.RepeatY == 0))
                pc.AddShape(MkPath(0, 0, increment));
            else if ((ld.Layout.RepeatX == 0) && (ld.Layout.RepeatY > 0))
                for (int indy = -ld.Layout.RepeatY; indy < ld.Layout.RepeatY; indy++)
                    Shape s = MkPath(0, indy, increment);
                    if (s != null)
            else if ((ld.Layout.RepeatX > 0) && (ld.Layout.RepeatY == 0))
                for (int indx = -ld.Layout.RepeatX; indx < ld.Layout.RepeatX; indx++)
                    Shape s = MkPath(indx, 0, increment);
                    if (s != null)
                for (int indy = -ld.Layout.RepeatY; indy < ld.Layout.RepeatY; indy++)
                    for (int indx = -ld.Layout.RepeatX; indx < ld.Layout.RepeatX; indx++)
                        Shape s = MkPath(indx, indy, increment);
                        if (s != null)
Esempio n. 17
        private void Remove_Line_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            LatticeData ld = (viewModel.CurrentPathData as LatticeData);

            if (ld == null)
Esempio n. 18
 public ViewModel()
     NeedsInitialising  = true;
     LastBazleyPattern  = new BazelyChuck();
     LastRossPattern    = new RossData();
     LastWheelsPattern  = new WheelsData();
     LastBarrelPattern  = new Barrel();
     LastLatticePattern = new LatticeData();
     LastBraidPattern   = new BraidData();
Esempio n. 19
        public TableAdjustment EditRoutePoint(LatticeData <RoutePoint, RoutePointRow> latticeData,
                                              RoutePointRow routePointRow, int routeId)
            RoutePoint routePoint;

            if (routePointRow.RouteId == 0)
                routePoint = new RoutePoint
                    RouteId      = routeId,
                    StationOrder = _context.RoutePoints.Where(x => x.RouteId == routeId)
                                   .Select(x => x.StationOrder)
                                   .Max() + 1
                routePoint = _context.RoutePoints
                             .FirstOrDefault(x => x.RouteId == routePointRow.RouteId &&
                                             x.StationOrder == routePointRow.StationOrder);

            Station station = _context.Stations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.StationName == routePointRow.StationName);

            if (station == null)
                return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                          .Message(LatticeMessage.User("failure", "Editing",
                                                                       $"There is no station with name {routePointRow.StationName}"))

            if (_context.RoutePoints.Any(x => x.RouteId == routeId &&
                                         x.StationOrder != routePoint.StationOrder &&
                                         x.Station.StationId == station.StationId))
                return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                          .Message(LatticeMessage.User("failure", "Editing",
                                                                       $"The route already has station {station.StationName}"))

            routePoint.Station = station;

            return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                      .Message(LatticeMessage.User("success", "Editing", "Route saved"))
Esempio n. 20
        public TableAdjustment RemoveRole(LatticeData <Employee, EmployeeRow> latticeData)
            var comandModel = latticeData.CommandConfirmation <TargetRoleCommandViewModel>();
            var subj        = latticeData.CommandSubject();
            var employee    = _context.Employees.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == subj.UserId);

            _userManager.RemoveFromRole(employee.UserId, comandModel.TargetRole);
            return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                      .Message(LatticeMessage.User("success", "Remove", "Role was removed"))
Esempio n. 21
        public TableAdjustment RemoveTrip(LatticeData <Trip, TripRow> latticeData)
            var subj = latticeData.CommandSubject();
            var trip = _context.Trips.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TripId == subj.TripId);

            return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                      .Message(LatticeMessage.User("success", "Remove", "Trip removed"))
Esempio n. 22
        private void Add_Line_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            LatticeData ld = (viewModel.CurrentPathData as LatticeData);

            if (ld == null)
            Line2D l = new Line2D(new Point(0, 0), new Point(ld.Columns - 1, ld.Rows - 1));

Esempio n. 23
        public TableAdjustment RemoveRoute(LatticeData <Route, RouteRow> latticeData)
            var subj  = latticeData.CommandSubject();
            var route = _context.Routes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RouteId == subj.RouteId);

            return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                      .Message(LatticeMessage.User("success", "Remove", "Route removed"))
Esempio n. 24
        public TableAdjustment RemoveStation(LatticeData <Station, Station> latticeData)
            var subj    = latticeData.CommandSubject();
            var station = _context.Stations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.StationId == subj.StationId);

            return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                      .Message(LatticeMessage.User("success", "Remove", "Station removed"))
Esempio n. 25
        public TableAdjustment RemoveTripPoint(LatticeData <TripPoint, TripPoint> latticeData)
            var subj      = latticeData.CommandSubject();
            var tripPoint = _context.TripPoints
                            .FirstOrDefault(x => x.TripId == subj.TripId && x.StationOrder == subj.StationOrder);

            return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                      .Message(LatticeMessage.User("success", "Remove", "RoutePoint removed"))
Esempio n. 26
        public TableAdjustment RemoveEmployee(LatticeData <Employee, EmployeeRow> latticeData)
            var subj     = latticeData.CommandSubject();
            var employee = _context.Employees.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == subj.UserId);

            //_context.Employees.Remove(employee); удаляеться из за зависимости от usera
            // _context.SaveChanges();
            return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
                                      .Message(LatticeMessage.User("success", "Remove", "Employee removed"))
Esempio n. 27
        public ShapeCollection CreatePaths(PathData p, double increment)
            ShapeCollection pc = new ShapeCollection();

            if (p == null || !(p is LatticeData))
            ld          = p as LatticeData;
            repeatAngle = 360.0 / ld.Layout.RepeatX;
            colAngle    = (repeatAngle - ld.Layout.Margin) / (ld.Columns - 1);

            rowHeight = ld.Layout.Height / (ld.Rows - 1);
            colWidth  = ld.Layout.Width / (ld.Columns - 1);
            origin    = new Point(ld.Layout.ToolPosition, 0);

            if ((ld.Layout.RepeatX == 0) && (ld.Layout.RepeatY == 0))
                pc.AddShape(MkPath(0, 0, increment));
            else if ((ld.Layout.RepeatX == 0) && (ld.Layout.RepeatY > 0))
                for (int indy = -ld.Layout.RepeatY; indy < ld.Layout.RepeatY; indy++)
                    pc.AddShape(MkPath(0, indy, increment));
            else if ((ld.Layout.RepeatX > 0) && (ld.Layout.RepeatY == 0))
                for (int indx = -ld.Layout.RepeatX; indx < ld.Layout.RepeatX; indx++)
                    pc.AddShape(MkPath(indx, 0, increment));
                for (int indy = -ld.Layout.RepeatY; indy < ld.Layout.RepeatY; indy++)
                    for (int indx = -ld.Layout.RepeatX; indx < ld.Layout.RepeatX; indx++)
                        pc.AddShape(MkPath(indx, indy, increment));

            //for (int indx = 0; indx < ld.Layout.RepeatX; indx++)
            //    pc.AddShape(MkPath(indx,increment));
Esempio n. 28
        public TableAdjustment RemoveSelected(LatticeData <CityAtsAttributes, CityATSAttributesRow> latticeData)
            var selectedRows          = latticeData.Selection().ToArray();
            var selectedAttributesIds = selectedRows.Select(x => x.Id);

            var ids = string.Join(",", selectedAttributesIds);

            _context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand($"DELETE FROM CityAtsAttributes WHERE Id IN ({ids})");

            return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
//                .Message(LatticeMessage.AtsUser("success", "Remove", $"{selectedRows.Length} orders removed!"))
Esempio n. 29
        public TableAdjustment RemoveSelected(LatticeData <Address, AddressRow> latticeData)
            var selectedRows       = latticeData.Selection().ToArray();
            var selectedAddressIds = selectedRows.Select(row => row.Id);

            var ids = string.Join(",", selectedAddressIds);

            _context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand($"DELETE FROM Addresses WHERE Id IN ({ids})");

            return(latticeData.Adjust(wrapper => wrapper
//                .Message(LatticeMessage.AtsUser("success", "Remove", $"{selectedRows.Length} orders removed!"))
Esempio n. 30
 private void PatternChoices_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
     if (PatternChoices.SelectedValue != null)
         LatticeData bc = (LatticeData)PatternChoices.SelectedValue;
         viewModel.CurrentPathData = bc;
         LatticeDisplay.Lattice    = bc;
         if (Bigdisplay.IsOpen)
             PopupDisplay.Lattice = bc;
Esempio n. 31
        public TableAdjustment Remove(LatticeData <CityAtsAttributes, CityATSAttributesRow> latticeData)
            var confirmationData = latticeData.CommandConfirmation <RemovalConfirmationViewModel>();

            var subj = latticeData.CommandSubject();
            var cityATSAttributes = _context.CityAtsAttributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == subj.Id);


            return(latticeData.Adjust(x => x
//                .Message(LatticeMessage.AtsUser("success", "Remove", $"Order removed because of {confirmationData.Cause}"))
        public AcquisitionMonitor()
            Location = "";
            Status = MonitorStatus.Idle;
            ExpectedChannelCount = 2;
            Days = new List<TileDay>();
            Lattice = new LatticeData();
            Lattice.PropertyChanged += (sender, eventArgs) =>

            ZIndexZValueMap = new Dictionary<int, double>();

            Lattice.DuplicateCollectionChanged += (s, e) =>
                TileChangedMonitorContext ctx = new TileChangedMonitorContext(null, TileStateChangeAction.Duplicate);
                ctx.MonitorId = Id;
                RaiseTileDataChanged(new TileChangedEventArgs(ctx));
        public void TestDuplicateGrouping()
            string relativePath1 = @"2016-06-28\00";
            string relativePath2 = @"2016-07-29\01";

            LatticeData data = new LatticeData();

            data.AddTile(CreateTile(relativePath1, @"\00003", 20, 20, 20));
            data.AddTile(CreateTile(relativePath1, @"\00004", 21, 20, 20));
            data.AddTile(CreateTile(relativePath1, @"\00005", 22, 20, 20));

            data.AddTile(CreateTile(relativePath2, @"\00112", 20, 20, 20));
            data.AddTile(CreateTile(relativePath2, @"\00113", 21, 20, 20));
            data.AddTile(CreateTile(relativePath2, @"\00114", 22, 20, 20));
            data.AddTile(CreateTile(relativePath2, @"\00115", 23, 20, 20));

            data.AddTile(CreateTile(relativePath2, @"\00123", 21, 20, 20));
            data.AddTile(CreateTile(relativePath2, @"\00124", 22, 20, 20));
            data.AddTile(CreateTile(relativePath2, @"\00125", 23, 20, 20));

            var dg = data.DuplicatesAsRanges;