Esempio n. 1
        public void MergePathsTest()
            var actual   = LatinComposition.MergePaths(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new int[] { 3, 4, 5 });
            var expected = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

        public void Compare_BaB_And_LC(int n, int maxRandomValue, int repeat, double possibilityOfNull)
            for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++)
                var weights = GenerateRandomGraph(n, maxRandomValue, possibilityOfNull);
                var lc      = new LatinComposition(weights).GetShortestHamiltonianCycle();
                var bb      = new BranchAndBound(weights).GetShortestHamiltonianCycle();
                if (lc == null && bb == null)
                //var s = "";
                //for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                //    var v = new string[n];
                //    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
                //    {
                //        v[k] = weights[j, k]?.ToString() ?? "-";
                //    }
                //    s += string.Join(" ", v) + "\n";
                //System.IO.File.WriteAllText("D:/1.txt", s);

                var lcDistance = AdjacencyMatrix.PathDistance(lc, weights);
                var bbDistance = AdjacencyMatrix.PathDistance(bb, weights);

                var msg = lcDistance == bbDistance ? "" : $"\nLC distance: {lcDistance};\nB&B distance: {bbDistance}\n" + ToString(weights);
                Assert.True(lcDistance == bbDistance, msg);
        public void Compare_BaB_And_LC1(int n, int maxRandomValue, int repeat)
            for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++)
                var weights = GenerateRandomFullGraph(n, maxRandomValue);
                var lc      = new LatinComposition(weights).GetShortestHamiltonianCycle();
                var bb      = new BranchAndBound(weights).GetShortestHamiltonianCycle();

                var lcDistance = AdjacencyMatrix.PathDistance(lc, weights);
                var bbDistance = AdjacencyMatrix.PathDistance(bb, weights);

                var msg = lcDistance == bbDistance ? "" : $"\nLC distance: {lcDistance};\nB&B distance: {bbDistance}\n" + ToString(weights);
                Assert.True(lcDistance == bbDistance, msg);
Esempio n. 4
        public void GetHamiltonianCyclesTest(int testNumber)
            var matrix        = AdjacencyMatrix.GetGraph(testNumber);
            var actualPaths   = new LatinComposition(matrix.Weights).GetAllHamiltorianCycles();
            var expectedPaths = matrix.AllPaths;

            // due to there can be not only one shortest path,
            // we compare distance between actual and expected shortest paths
            int[] actualShortestPath = GraphUtil.ShortestRoute(matrix.Weights, actualPaths);
            var   actualDistance     = AdjacencyMatrix.PathDistance(actualShortestPath, matrix.Weights);
            var   expectedDistance   = matrix.ShortestPathDistance;

            Assert.Equal(expectedDistance, actualDistance);
Esempio n. 5
        public void LC_Huge()
//            string s =
//- 1 1 1 -
//1 - 1 - 1
//1 1 - - 1
//1 - 1 - 1
//1 1 1 - -";
//            int?[,] m = Utils.GraphUtil.FromMatrixFormat(s);
//            new LatinComposition(m).GetAllHamiltorianCycles();
//            return;
            for (int i = 10; i <= 10; i++)
                var weights = Compare_LC_And_BaB.GenerateRandomFullGraph(n: i, maxRandomValue: 100);
                var bb      = new LatinComposition(weights).GetAllHamiltorianCycles();
Esempio n. 6
        public void SumTest()
            const int n = 8;
            var       a = new List <int[]> [n, n];

            GeneratePaths(a, 0, 1);
            GeneratePaths(a, 0, 7);
            GeneratePaths(a, 1, 0);
            GeneratePaths(a, 1, 2);
            GeneratePaths(a, 1, 3);
            GeneratePaths(a, 2, 3);
            GeneratePaths(a, 2, 5);
            GeneratePaths(a, 3, 2);
            GeneratePaths(a, 3, 4);
            GeneratePaths(a, 4, 2);
            GeneratePaths(a, 4, 6);
            GeneratePaths(a, 5, 0);
            GeneratePaths(a, 5, 1);
            GeneratePaths(a, 5, 4);
            GeneratePaths(a, 6, 5);
            GeneratePaths(a, 6, 7);
            GeneratePaths(a, 7, 0);
            GeneratePaths(a, 7, 1);
            GeneratePaths(a, 7, 2);
            GeneratePaths(a, 7, 3);

            var e = new List <int[]> [n, n];

            GeneratePaths(e, 0, 7, 1);
            GeneratePaths(e, 0, 1, 2);
            GeneratePaths(e, 0, 7, 2);
            GeneratePaths(e, 0, 1, 3);
            GeneratePaths(e, 0, 7, 3);
            GeneratePaths(e, 1, 3, 2);
            GeneratePaths(e, 1, 2, 3);
            GeneratePaths(e, 1, 3, 4);
            GeneratePaths(e, 1, 2, 5);
            GeneratePaths(e, 1, 0, 7);
            GeneratePaths(e, 2, 5, 0);
            GeneratePaths(e, 2, 5, 1);
            GeneratePaths(e, 2, 3, 4);
            GeneratePaths(e, 2, 5, 4);
            GeneratePaths(e, 3, 4, 2);
            GeneratePaths(e, 3, 2, 5);
            GeneratePaths(e, 3, 4, 6);
            GeneratePaths(e, 4, 2, 3);
            GeneratePaths(e, 4, 2, 5);
            GeneratePaths(e, 4, 6, 5);
            GeneratePaths(e, 4, 6, 7);
            GeneratePaths(e, 5, 1, 0);
            GeneratePaths(e, 5, 0, 1);
            GeneratePaths(e, 5, 1, 2);
            GeneratePaths(e, 5, 4, 2);
            GeneratePaths(e, 5, 1, 3);
            GeneratePaths(e, 5, 4, 6);
            GeneratePaths(e, 5, 0, 7);
            GeneratePaths(e, 6, 5, 0);
            GeneratePaths(e, 6, 7, 0);
            GeneratePaths(e, 6, 7, 1);
            GeneratePaths(e, 6, 5, 1);
            GeneratePaths(e, 6, 7, 2);
            GeneratePaths(e, 6, 7, 3);
            GeneratePaths(e, 6, 5, 4);
            GeneratePaths(e, 7, 1, 0);
            GeneratePaths(e, 7, 0, 1);
            GeneratePaths(e, 7, 1, 2);
            GeneratePaths(e, 7, 3, 2);
            GeneratePaths(e, 7, 1, 3);
            GeneratePaths(e, 7, 2, 3);
            GeneratePaths(e, 7, 3, 4);
            GeneratePaths(e, 7, 2, 5);

            var actual = LatinComposition.Sum(a, a, n);
            var en     = e.GetEnumerator();

            foreach (var item in actual)
                if (item == en.Current)
                var cur = (List <int[]>)en.Current;
                for (int i = 0; i < cur.Count; i++)
Esempio n. 7
        public void LC_0x0()
            var actual = new LatinComposition(new int?[0, 0]).GetShortestHamiltonianCycle();

Esempio n. 8
        public void LC_1x1()
            var cycle = new LatinComposition(new int?[1, 1]).GetShortestHamiltonianCycle();

            Assert.Single(cycle, 0);