Esempio n. 1
        public Int32 ScriptMain([In] object[] ScriptParameters, [In] Int32 DefaultReturnCode)
            int CurrentLatency = (int)ScriptParameters[0];

            if (FirstRun)
                FirstRun = false;
                Database.ACR_SetPersistentInt(GetModule(), "ACR_HEALTHMONITOR_STATUS", (int)HealthStatus);
                Database.ACR_SetPersistentInt(GetModule(), "ACR_HEALTHMONITOR_VAULT_STATUS", (int)VaultStatus);

                LatencyMeasurements.AddRange(new int[LATENCY_MEASUREMENTS_TO_RECORD]);

            // Record the current latency measurement value.  If we have a full
            // set of history, the process this batch of historical data.

            if (MeasurementIndex == LATENCY_MEASUREMENTS_TO_RECORD)
                MeasurementIndex = 0;

            // WriteTimestampedLogEntry(String.Format("LatencyMeasurements[{0}] = {1}", MeasurementIndex, CurrentLatency));

            // Consider measurement failures as high latency.  Usually these
            // are due to the measurement timing out entirely (2000ms+) anyway.

            if (CurrentLatency == -1)
                CurrentLatency = LATENCY_HIGH_VALUE;

            LatencyMeasurements[MeasurementIndex++] = CurrentLatency;

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called when we have a batch of latency measurements
        /// available.  Its purpose is to determine the current server health
        /// status, schedule a database update, and perform adjustment actions
        /// as necessary.
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessMeasuredLatency()
            LATENCY_HEALTH_STATUS NewStatus;
            VAULT_HEALTH_STATUS   NewVaultStatus;
            int  MedianLatency;
            int  VaultLatency;
            uint ModuleObject = GetModule();

            // Find the median latency for the past several measurements and
            // set the health status of the server based on that.


            MedianLatency = LatencyMeasurements[LATENCY_MEASUREMENTS_TO_RECORD / 2];

            if (MedianLatency < LATENCY_LOW_VALUE)
                NewStatus = LATENCY_HEALTH_STATUS.Healthy;
            else if (MedianLatency < LATENCY_HIGH_VALUE)
                NewStatus = LATENCY_HEALTH_STATUS.Warning;
                NewStatus = LATENCY_HEALTH_STATUS.Unhealthy;

            SetGlobalInt("ACR_SERVER_LATENCY_MEDIAN", MedianLatency);

            VaultLatency = GetGlobalInt("ACR_VAULT_LATENCY");

            if (VaultLatency == -1)
                VaultLatency = VAULT_LATENCY_HIGH_VALUE;

            if (VaultLatency < VAULT_LATENCY_HIGH_VALUE)
                NewVaultStatus = VAULT_HEALTH_STATUS.Healthy;
                NewVaultStatus = VAULT_HEALTH_STATUS.Unhealthy;

            // Log a message and update the database if the health status has
            // changed.

            if (HealthStatus != NewStatus)
                WriteTimestampedLogEntry(String.Format("ACR_HealthMonitor.ProcessMeasuredLatency(): Server health status is now {0} (median latency {1})", NewStatus, MedianLatency));
                Database.ACR_SetPersistentInt(ModuleObject, "ACR_HEALTHMONITOR_STATUS", (int)NewStatus);

                HealthStatus = NewStatus;

                // Attempt to record some useful data about what is happening
                // on the server when we transition to the unhealthy state.

                if (HealthStatus == LATENCY_HEALTH_STATUS.Unhealthy)

            if (VaultStatus != NewVaultStatus)
                WriteTimestampedLogEntry(String.Format("ACR_HealthMonitor.ProcessMeasuredLatency(): Vault connection health status is now {0} (latency {1})", NewVaultStatus, VaultLatency));
                Database.ACR_SetPersistentInt(ModuleObject, "ACR_HEALTHMONITOR_VAULT_STATUS", (int)NewVaultStatus);

                VaultStatus = NewVaultStatus;

            // If backoff for the GameObjUpdate time is enabled, then try and
            // adjust module performance.

            if (GetLocalInt(ModuleObject, "ACR_HEALTHMONITOR_GAMEOBJUPDATE_BACKOFF") != FALSE)
                int  GameObjUpdateTime = SystemInfo.GetGameObjUpdateTime(this);
                bool SetTime           = false;
                uint Now = (uint)Environment.TickCount;

                switch (HealthStatus)
                case LATENCY_HEALTH_STATUS.Healthy:
                    // If we are healthy, then keep adjusting the update
                    // time downwards until we hit the default value.  This
                    // trades performance for responsiveness.

                    if (GameObjUpdateTime != SystemInfo.DEFAULT_GAMEOBJUPDATE_TIME)
                        if (GameObjUpdateAdjustDelay == 0)
                            LastLatencyAdjustTick    = Now;
                            GameObjUpdateAdjustDelay = LatencyAdjustHysteresis.GetNextDelayTime();

                            WriteTimestampedLogEntry(String.Format("ACR_HealthMonitor.ProcessMeasuredLatency(): Queued downwards GameObjUpdateTime adjustment in {0} milliseconds (current update time value is {0})...", GameObjUpdateAdjustDelay, GameObjUpdateTime));

                case LATENCY_HEALTH_STATUS.Warning:
                    // Don't take any action if we are in the warning
                    // state; instead, keep the current update time where
                    // it is right now, to help avoid thrashing.


                case LATENCY_HEALTH_STATUS.Unhealthy:
                    // If we are unhealthy, then keep adjusting the update
                    // time upwards until we hit the maximum value.  This
                    // trades responsiveness for performance.

                    if (GameObjUpdateTime != SystemInfo.MAX_RECOMMENDED_GAMEOBJUPDATE_TIME)
                        SetTime            = true;
                        GameObjUpdateTime += GAMEOBJUPDATE_ADJUSTMENT;

                if (GameObjUpdateAdjustDelay != 0 &&
                    (Now - LastLatencyAdjustTick) >= GameObjUpdateAdjustDelay &&
                    GameObjUpdateTime != SystemInfo.DEFAULT_GAMEOBJUPDATE_TIME &&
                    HealthStatus == LATENCY_HEALTH_STATUS.Healthy)
                    // We have passed the required minimum time for a downwards
                    // latency adjustment, effect it now.

                    SetTime                  = true;
                    GameObjUpdateTime       -= GAMEOBJUPDATE_ADJUSTMENT;
                    GameObjUpdateAdjustDelay = 0;

                if (SetTime)
                    WriteTimestampedLogEntry(String.Format("ACR_HealthMonitor.ProcessMeasuredLatency(): Adjusting GameObjUpdateTime to {0}...", GameObjUpdateTime));
                    SystemInfo.SetGameObjUpdateTime(this, GameObjUpdateTime);