private void GenerateVisio(string drawingOutputPath) { var pageWidth = 16.53543307086614; var pageHeight = 11.69291338582677; var left = 0.1; var processWidth = 1.5; var processHeight = 1.0; var processPaddingHorizontal = 0.4; var processPaddingVertical = 1.4; var maxProcessCountPerRow = 10; var activityPos = 1; var activityYPos = 0; var addToHorizontal = 1; var shapes = new List <VisioShape>(); // Clean up the template and remove the existing pages var templateXml = XDocument.Load("DrawingTemplate.vdx"); //VisioTemplate.CleanUpTemplate(templateXml); var template = new VisioTemplate(templateXml.ToString()); var document = new VisioDrawing(template); document.DocumentProperties.Creator = "Automation Studio"; document.DocumentProperties.TimeCreated = DateTime.Now; // Configure the page var runbooks = _backendContext.Runbooks; var runbooksList = new List <RunbookModelProxy>(); foreach (var runbook in runbooks) { runbooksList.Add((runbook.Tag as RunbookModelProxy)); } var languageContext = new LanguageContext(); foreach (var runbook in runbooks) { if (!(runbook.Tag as RunbookModelProxy).PublishedRunbookVersionID.HasValue) { continue; } var runbookProxy = (runbook.Tag as RunbookModelProxy); _statusManager.SetText("Generating visio drawing for " + runbookProxy.RunbookName); var viewModel = (runbook.Tag as RunbookModelProxy).GetViewModel <RunbookViewModel>(); var page = ConfigureVisioPage(viewModel.Runbook.RunbookName, pageWidth, pageHeight); document.Pages.Add(page); var publishedContent = viewModel.GetContent(RunbookType.Published, true); languageContext.Parse(publishedContent); var references = languageContext.GetReferences(runbooksList); if (references.Count == 0) { continue; } var totalRows = (double)(runbooksList.Count / maxProcessCountPerRow); if (runbooksList.Count <= maxProcessCountPerRow) { totalRows = 2.0; } var y = (pageHeight / totalRows) + (totalRows * ((processHeight + processPaddingVertical)) / totalRows); var x = (pageWidth / (maxProcessCountPerRow - 1)) + ((processWidth + processPaddingHorizontal) * activityPos); var ay = y - ((processHeight + processPaddingVertical) * activityYPos); // Add the current runbook as the start activity var processId = document.GetMasterMetaData("Process").ID; var visioActivity = new VisioShape(processId, x, ay, processWidth, processHeight); var charFormat = new VisioAutomation.VDX.Sections.Char(); charFormat.Size.Result = 12; visioActivity.CharFormats = new List <VisioAutomation.VDX.Sections.Char>(); visioActivity.CharFormats.Add(charFormat); visioActivity.Text.Add(runbookProxy.RunbookName); page.Shapes.Add(visioActivity); shapes.Add(visioActivity); activityPos += addToHorizontal; foreach (var reference in references) { x = (pageWidth / (maxProcessCountPerRow - 1)) + ((processWidth + processPaddingHorizontal) * activityPos); ay = y - ((processHeight + processPaddingVertical) * activityYPos); // Add all references processId = document.GetMasterMetaData("Process").ID; visioActivity = new VisioShape(processId, x, ay, processWidth, processHeight); visioActivity.CharFormats = new List <VisioAutomation.VDX.Sections.Char>(); visioActivity.CharFormats.Add(charFormat); visioActivity.Text.Add(reference.RunbookName); page.Shapes.Add(visioActivity); shapes.Add(visioActivity); /*//if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(activity.Description)) * { * int shapeID = visioActivity.ID; * * var callOut = new VisioShape(26, x + 0.3, ay + 1.0); * //callOut.Text.Add(activity.Description); * callOut.Geom = new VisioAutomation.VDX.Sections.Geom(); * * page.Shapes.Add(callOut); * }*/ activityPos++; if (activityPos >= maxProcessCountPerRow) { addToHorizontal = -1; activityPos += addToHorizontal; activityYPos++; } else { addToHorizontal = 1; activityPos += addToHorizontal; activityYPos++; } } // Add connectors between the activities for (int i = 0; i < shapes.Count; i++) { // We only add connectors up until the latest process object if ((i + 1) >= shapes.Count) { break; } VisioShape a1 = shapes[i]; VisioShape a2 = shapes[i + 1]; var line = VisioShape.CreateDynamicConnector(document); line.XForm1D.EndY.Result = 0; line.Line = new VisioLine(); line.Line.EndArrow.Result = 2; page.Shapes.Add(line); page.ConnectShapesViaConnector(line, a1, a2); } shapes.Clear(); languageContext.ClearCache(); } document.Save(drawingOutputPath); }